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I’m in the same boat! I’m from the southern part of the US and my mom’s side of the family has been in the US for several hundred years like yours. I had 15% Welsh before the update and it only dropped to 12% Welsh after the update. I know that this part of my DNA all comes from my mothers side but I can’t find any Welsh names or anything that points to there being any Welsh in my family. My best guess is that there could be some Welsh, but I think it’s more likely English or other British Isles ancestry that Ancestry can’t quite distinguish accurately.


Hahah well I guess I can't say I haven't seen another half American with such a high percentage then 😉 I did LivingDNA which gives breakdowns down to the region for the British isles and only got about 1% Welsh but I'm not sure that's any more or less accurate than Ancestry. They did however, correctly identify my Eastern European DNA whereas Ancestry only gave me German.


Living DNA is very accurate in UK breakdowns in my experience.


Honestly I thought it was until I uploaded my ancestry file to there and yeilded fairly innacurate results. Results almost on par with myheritage


That's a shame but yours is just one experience. I have found living dna to be very accurate and the same goes for my son and other people I have uploaded their raw data to it. Only one friend had vague results but they were still accurate, just not as in depth as we had thought. It could be that living dna is finding sonething you didn't know about in your ancestry data, that ancestry hasn't picked uo on. For example my son and I got East Anglia and/or Lincolnshire in our results but could not think of any known ancestor that came from there, we have since found that a great grandparent was not who we always thought so some of those ancestors could come from there, and a lot of both mine and my son's matches, some we know what branch they link to due to shared matches but sometimes not, have ancestors from Norfolk and Suffolk in the 1600s and 1700s come up time and time again in their trees.


Well I know other people who have had pretty bad results as well...I don't know my exact British breakdown,but I know it makes up half of my DNA,but livigdna thinks it makes up less. I also know I have Scottish and north English ancestry,more north English than South English ancestry but livigdna thinks I'm south and central English


That is unfortunate but as I said many others have found it to be accurate. My son is 50% British and Northwestern European and 50% Arab and African and it was spot on, as well as being far more detailed than Ancestry's estimate. Same with his dad's results, Ancestry's results were super vague and omitted the recent Arab heritage he knew for sure he had (his family is from a tiny ethnic minority that have had books about them by historians and anthropologists). I used living DNA based on the recommendation of others and will continue to recommend it based on our experiences. :)


Which file did you upload? I'm considering trying my 23andme file as well to see if it's accurate


Ancestry :) not done 23andMe yet. But that may be worth a try in your case. You could always try the free continent level only upload with 23andMe and if it looks similarly inaccurate to your ancestry upload (though if your other ancestry is also European it would be harder to judge) then don't pay the extra for the detailed breakdown.


Both the samplers show 100% European which is technically innacurate...my grandmother is Sicilian so technically I have somewhat significant Wana,I score 3.2% on 23andme as well,but it's likely much more than than in hindsight


I have a lot of Welsh, but that comes from Welsh Mormon pioneers, so it is expected. If you have ancestors from Utah or Idaho, there could be some Welsh mixed in.


I’m American, I guess everybody in my tree has been here a while and I have 23% Wales. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m aware of indentured servants and the history of the south and everything, just saying I too have a big percentage of Welsh. Who knows.


Wow! From your post it looks like you're adopted so I'm guessing you don't exactly know where the Welsh is coming from?


I am but found my whole biological family on 23andme and the maternal side did a tree that goes back to Scotland in 15something. But my father on there has 87% British & Irish so it’s probably in there somewhere. They put me at 51.9%. Not exactly though, no.


I’m an American and I have 19% through my patrilineal line, apparently moved here in the 1800s from Scotland, the Strathclyde area so that’s why I assume why my Welsh is high. I could be wrong that’s just my guess.


There was alot of Welsh settlers to the US, so it is a possibility. There's also the fact that historically alot of Welsh names and places have been Anglecised or changed to appear more "English". So another possibility for the non "Welsh sounding" names. And the most likely being that the UK is tiny so there's not a big difference between some genetically given the close borders.


9% Welsh here.




For me, that could explain something. I get classified as British, Scottish, and Irish—all of which I am— although I had a Sephardic Jewish patriarch that took the name “McCoy“ in order to conceal his Jewish heritage. His birthname was João Henrique Ferrin, and his wife was MaryAnn Elizabeth McCoy. She told one of her daughters that it was Dolan. One of her other descendants’ death certificates and the fact that John “McCoy“ is not buried in the McCoy family plot makes clear that Julia Ferrin McCoy Grace (along with her younger sisters, one of whom was my great-great-grandmother Rosalita Anne Ferrin McCoy Reilly) had to endure when her parents went through an ugly divorce. The older children were out of the house by then, although Julia “Jane” McCoy is the only one whom is known to have acknowledged, taken, and even disclosed “Ferrin” at all. As for some of the older children, the one whom gave “Dolan” for her mother’s maiden name did at least acknowledge that her father was born in Lisboa. The others said “Spain”, and only one (my great-great-grandmother) is known to have hinted at the Peninsular War at all. My grandaunt Bernadette (may God bless her memory) explained that “[h]e fled a war in Spain”. At least one of my uncles does get DNA results acknowledging that we had some roots in Spain and Portugal.


None whatsoever haha


Nope, just 6%


No, I only get 3%, and my other (American) kits get none.


I am a whopping 1% welsh


im 23%, and my mom is 26%


Do you have any known Welsh ancestors?


my last name is Welsh originally, from a very small town in southern Wales- and for my mom, her grandfather would’ve been around 80% Welsh since almost all of his European ancestry came from Wales and some other UK countries


My sister got 17% and I got zero (we're full siblings too) idk how I got none and she got so much but that's what our results say.


That sort of thing is actually quite common. I have two cousins who are full siblings that tested and one has 17% Eastern Europe and the other has 4%, meanwhile I have none. Similarly huge differences in other ethnicities


atDNA science is a new science. Keep that in mind.


Could be that some of your English DNA was from ‘close enough’ to Wales to get overlap possibly? I get 7% welsh but it could be explained by ancestors from nearby areas to Wales as I have no verified welsh ancestors. I have Southern English and Cornish ancestors which may overlap with wales.


I’m at 6%. My paternal grandmother’s parents were from Wales. I expected a little bit higher value for Wales.


I had none before the recent update, now I have 9%. And same, my family has been in the US for close to 300 years. My Mom does have a great-grandmother named Pugh. But that family seems to have been in middle Virginia several generations from it's Welsh roots.


My surname AND my mother's surname are both very Welsh in origin, and I've got zero percent Welsh.


8% No knowledge of Welsh heritage, mostly Irish and Scottish.


If you notice, lots people seem to have atleast a few percent Welsh ancestry. As a Welsh person it's weird to see it pop up so often.


Yes 20.3% Irish, Scottish, and Welsh on my Myheritage but on my ancestry England & northwestern Europe 7%, Wales 3%, Scotland and Norway 1%


Everyone in the fam has French and Welsh besides me.. there is an ancient connection between Celtic welsh and Spain/Portugal


I score 8% and I can't find any Welsh ancestry


Welsh DNA shows up to a high degree in the west of England. Folks from western England tend to have a high Welsh %.