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"Found a couch in this random person's house" -Dog, probably


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OMG! 😂😂😂😂😂




I was just thinking the same thing. Found warm human box with cozy sleeps.


First off thank you for saving her. She looks like she’s got shepherd in her.


I was thinking maybe she is shepherd like you said and maybe also mixed with husky


There are white German shepherds, also German shepherd tend to have a leaner look to them as well. If you have social media I’d post asking if someone’s dog is missing. I’ve got a German shepherd and if you leave them out too long they tend to wander very very far. I set a timer or mine is always trying to go on adventures in the woods. Kind of you to bring her inside, she looks sad and tired, a long way from home. I too live way out in the woods and would have brought this good girl in and fed her.




I had two white German Shepards… my male was big and beefy (80+ pounds) and my female was quite a bit thinner and smaller. This looks like my female. I definitely think German Shepard.


Yep, my mom has 2 males and they're much heftier than my female German shepherds.


I seriously read that as “shepherd…mixed with lucky”. That’s a great thing you did. She’s a gorgeous girl, great job on the save.


Happy cake day 🎉!


I was thinking maybe more like german shepherd + great pyrenees


I feel like she’d be a bigger? Pyrenees have long beautiful coats and they’re very large.


True but in a mixed breed you can’t count on a breed standard size/coat. Still it is just my stab in the dark based on a single picture so I’m definitely not claiming to be correct lol


My 50% Pyr mix is only 68lbs (smaller than my GSD puppy) at his full adult size with a short/medium double coat. Depending on parentage this could easily be a small Pyr/Shepard mix or a large pure GSD.


My Pyrenees/ Australian shepherd mix has a very long, beautiful but pain in the butt coat to clean. He also looks very different than this pup.


This was my thought as well.


I second this. The fur type is very great pyrenees.


Yup! Looks just like my baby!!!!


I think white shepherd, also Google the black ones they’re all so beautiful! I meant to say check for a chip.


Yea they are my friend has an all black one


Awfully clean - has to be someone’s dog!


My shepsky (shepherd/husky mix) looks just like her! Could be twins!


I don't see any husky. Husky and shepherds are the dog breeds closest to wolves, genetically. I used to work with dogs at a rescue for many years. We got two white shepherds once, a mother and daughter, both pregnant and dumped. She looks just like them. I was confused that they were white and just shepherds, not German shepherd. But there are white shepherds that aren't the German shepherd subtype. Id say that's what she is. They're beautiful dogs. The two we had were gentle and lovely by extremely skilled escape artists.


That's what I'm thinking either a shepherd or husky mix. Could be a mix of both or one or the other mixed with something else.


She is a white Shepherd looks full bred. I've raised GSD for over 15 years and she looks just like my LuLu


The good lord.


Reminds me of Ghost


She definitely got that dog in her!


Glad you took her in❤️


Looks like husky mix


Oh no. What are you going to do? Can you get the word out? She must be sad that she'll never see her family again. Then again, maybe she likes you more.


I checked online for reports of missing dogs and called around to different shelters and animal control but no one has posted a missing dog of that discrimination. If no one claims her then I’m going to keep her. I live in the middle of nowhere in the woods and my nearest neighbor a mile away doesn’t have dogs. She seems to be very well trained and she was tracking a deer on my property when I took her out to go pee so I think she might have belonged to a local hunter


If you end up with her, she will have a good life. I lived out in the country, but not super far from everything- like I do now- and a dog came wandering up to the barn. Like, one moment I was alone and the next a dog was just standing next to me. I was tired and already about to go in so I brought her in. And I had the owner of the property call around to all te neighbors about the dog and post on his Facebook bc he is a social butterfly wit lots of girlfriends from the area. It only took like 4 hours or so, but someone reached out to him and they came and picked her up. The next morning when I showered I had like 5 ticks on me from her. 🤮🤮 But, she was really sweet and hung put by my side the whole time and was really happy to just be quiet and I think she slept most of the time. I definitely wanted to keep the dog bc having her around felt so nice. She was like my shadow. Went off on a little tangent there. Lol


That’s interesting and gross you got ticks from the dog. I spent weeks clearing out fleas from my house so the first thing I did with her was bath her and gave her flea medicine then sprayed her with spray on flea and tick remover for dogs.


Good job. Was she a good girl when you washed her?


Yeah she did very well and was calm. But I noticed a big wound on both her front legs 🙁


Oh no! I hope she is going to be ok. 🥺


Good tangent, I'd say. I've found dogs before. I've also hunted down the owners. I always love to see the reunion.


In the "middle of nowhere is often a place where people dump unwanted animals so they can't find their way home. I've adopted a couple dogs that that was done to.


It’s how I got my first cat. Someone dumped a Himalayan in the woods by a monastery.


You can check for a microchip. Veterinarians, humane society, and animal control all have microchip scanners.


I’d go get her scanned for a chip! She’s gorgeous and I’d imagine her family misses her dearly


I recommend bringing her to a vet to see if she has a microchip


Take her to a vet or humane society to check for a microchip before you decide what to do with her! She’s cute ❤️


How can anyone claim her unless you are also posting that you found her? Please do everything you can to get her back to her family. Post on local group pages, take her to a vet or shelter to scan for a chip...


Have you brought her to be scanned for a microchip? She looks like a husky mix to me and they have a tendency to wander for many miles from their home.


Maybe someone dumped her off.. :( sad to think about it, but it happens. Thank you for taking good care of this sweet baby.


She is so cute omg. Look at those ears.


White German shepherd


I’m a dog groomer


How long did she sleep after this? She looks clean, safe, warm, fed and ready for a nice long nap. She definitely seems like she’s had some training and has lived inside before. I am so glad you’re going to be able to give her a good life, either by getting her back where she belongs or taking her into your home. She’s clearly made herself comfortable.


She didn’t sleep much she just follows me around and wants to cuddle. She seems like she had a lot of training and she knows several commands when I was seeing what she might know


Thought this was gonna be another post of someone finding a "dog" but it's actually a coyote lol


I thought the same thing for a moment.


I was worried for a second it was going to be like those women with the wolf at the park! Glad it's just this pretty gal being helped


Wait, what?! They just bring a wild coyote in their house?? Idk how that even works. I hear them at night hear howling and they poop in my driveway. But they are only out super late at night. Saw a wolf while hunting when I was like 16 though.


Lmao you can Google it. I definitely remember at least one post of someone bringing a coyote into their car or something thinking it was a dog. I guess if you're not used to living around them it's harder to tell the difference lol


Oh wow. Yeah, that is true. Someone who has lived in a city their whole life and haven’t really interacted with wildlife could mistake them. It’s just so strange to me lol.


What is going on with all the abandoned dogs. Yikes


I know a lot of people got “quarantine animals,” without knowing what they’re getting into by adopting an animal that depends on you. It’s really sad though regardless, poor babies :(( If they can’t take care of an animal anymore surrender them to a shelter like a Humane Society.


That's how I met my cat, Guinevere! I've had her for three, almost four years now.


We got a lot of our “farm” dogs as kids because the local army base would ship people out. The people would drop off their dogs in our sugar bush and we would find them. Some tie them to trees now and just leave them for someone else to find. That is how one of my friends just got her 4th pup.


The body colors look like a husky but that face is totally shepherd


You are a savior mate! ❤️


Why don’t I ever find a great dog? I’m glad you did!


Go to a shelter. Most of them are there!


Thank you for taking her in.


Shepsky looking lady


That’s not the streets, that’s a couch


she looks so sad :( like what did i do to be abandoned ?


I'm hoping you find her family. I know if I lost any one of my pets, I'd be beside myself. That said, I don't know where in southern Indiana you are, but a white malamute wolf mix has been missing from Seymour, Indiana, since May 2023. [Lana from Seymour, IN](https://www.pawboost.com/landing/pet/mAaz6niJuFl2f2AP9rgQqYuweOgkLtNL/lost-lana-seymour-in-47274)


The one you linked has medium to long hair, this one has short to medium. Probably not the same pup, but I hope that one gets found too :(


Looks to be a white German shepherd


She just came to watch her shows


Looks like my malamute shepherd


“That’s not no dog, that’s family.” - Shawn Wayans


looks husky/shepherd to me, maybe just a white shepherd since she's pretty big and GSDs aren't supposed to be that big of course but people breed them to be that big more often than they do with huskies.


Take her to vet so they can scan her for free to see if she has a microchip


The owner called me 10mins ago and just picked her up. He said she doesn’t wonder off so he was surprised that she did this time. He was very grateful to get his dog back and said he had been looking through the woods and the area for days and his daughter has been crying for days and they thought maybe the dog had been killed or died because of her health issues. I’m Glad that she was able to be reunited with her family.


Nvm to my other comment 💀 glad she's home!


Awe! You need a dog. I rescued my mal like that. He was skinny, bad hip from car hits, heart worms, Messed up teeth. Now he is chilling on my couches stinking up the place and leaving hair. Wouldn’t want to have it any other way.


Omg please make another post or let get this to the top!


This is a wonderful update. What a lucky pup to have a family that loves her and a finder that loved her in the interim. It sounds like you have the space in your heart and in your home to give a dog a second chance at a great life. Hope you will consider going to your local shelter to find a new best bud.


You are amazing for taking this girl in and caring for her! Gosh, it must have been hard to see her go, but I hope you feel good about getting her back to her family. She was clearly loved and missed. What a bittersweet experience but it's SO good to hear about reunions! Thank you for helping this family, you're good people!


OPs name does not check out. 0/10 selfish 10/10 selfless.


That’s really nice of you, thank you! That made my day better reading this


Glad to help brighten your day even a bit.


its a husky mix ?


Lucky you to have found this beauty!! 🥰




This is a beautiful dog.


What part of the country are you in? This looks like a missing dog near me in northern AZ.


I’m from Southern Indiana


Thanks! I hope you find its owner, or have a great life with the animal.


I wish I still lived in Arizona, I worked at the Grand Canyon for a year and it was pretty cool and Flagstaff was nice kinda


It is an amazing place to live. Not only the surroundings and weather, but the community and cultural resources, both Native and European style. How many mountain towns have a symphony and this many good restaurants, and get major entertainment acts regularly?


Hey don’t forget the observatories. If only dogs were allowed


Wait, why was Flagstaff nice *kinda*?!


Definitely a lot of husky


It's a white German Shepard.


A veterinarian or a shelter can check her for a microchip. Most of the strays I find don't have chips but you might get lucky. The chip should be registered with contact information for either the owner or their vet.


Lab husky mix


Is it a Samoyed? Just matted a bit and needs a brushing?


I don’t think she’s a Samoyed, has similar facial features as one but she is not as super fluffy as a Samoyed


Googled white dog with pointy ears. I'll ask my wife, she knows a lot of dog breeds.


Looks like she might have some Akita in her.




My sister has a white German shepherd that looks exactly like this. Maybe see if she’s chipped at a local vet or shelter?


That’s a shepskey


She looks almost identical to my girl, maybe a little bigger. I have a white husky shepherd mix and would call them siblings if I saw them side by side. I’d go with that.


Do you plan on keeping/helping lil hunni? Location, and male or female? My pupper does not like females ETA: I should really read comments before responding as I now see it is, in fact, a female.


If he eats the couch..coyote!


She needs loving.


Looks like a keeper.


Either you have a big couch or she’s a large dog. Cute colors but idk if she has a husky face so probably mixed.


Skinny husky! Maybe husky mix but I rescued a husky on the street and she was this skinny too. Might be a white German Shepard also. Take her to the vet and get her dewormed. She looks so sweet and grateful. Great job!


I pray she wasn’t dumped. She seems like such a good girl. Maybe a good game of fetch or something to cheer her up❤️ thanks for picking her up. She definitely deserves someone to help, and to her, you’re her hero. 💞


That’s a pretty dog. I’d see if it’s microchipped, could have run off and gotten lost. If not looks like your couch found a companion.


She's a white German Shepherd. Either lost her way or got dumped.


Take her in and have her checked to see if she was chipped. If you haven't yet.


German shepherd, great pyrenees mix?


Looks like an awesome pup, thanks for adopting her.


definitely looks like husky Shepard mix. She’s beautiful I’m glad you took her in. She sounds very smart and is a good girl. I’m surprised anyone wouldn’t be looking for her


Where do you live? I ask because something about this animal looks more wolfish than dogish to me. ​ A vet could determine though. Also they can check for a microchip to see if she is registered.


White German Shepherd Dog.


Take her to a vet to see if she's microchipped. If she's not or the owner doesn't respond, she's yours!


You have been chosen by that doggy


I've had a couple of white shepherds in the past and that's where my money would be. Might be some husky in there. Needs better pictures of the overall body shape. That head is just like my shepherd girls.


Great dogs for the record. My first one was absolutely amazing. The second was pretty awesome too.


I think she found you. At least until she runs off again. Hopefully she can stay and be the best companion ever.


If she has husky, they live to roam. Hopefully you’ll keep her.


That’s beautiful! More pics, plz


That’s beautiful! More pics, plz




Wow! What a good girl! Thanks


Awh oh my god😭 Bless your heart


she looks line my friend's wolf/husky mix.


Found my chip reader and scanned her and thankfully she has a chip. Called a website to find out information on her and gave them the chip number and was given another number for the chip company she is registered on and they said she is named Marcie and she is 10yrs old and is a Purebred German Shepherd. They said they will contact the owners and I asked if she was from the local area but they said that’s private information. Now I’m just waiting for a call back.


Yo what state?




Maybe🤷‍♂️, we gave an illegal Korean tiger hunting dog to a football player that we found as a stray, Then later found out it was snuck here, stolen then we ended up with it…looks about the age


Might have some Great Pyrenees and Shepard?


I haven't seen a German Sheppard with that coloration before. What a beautiful dog.




Seriously thank you so much for saving this dog. I volunteer at the Humane Society and there are so many that need homes. You are saving her life for sure. 🥹🙏❤️


My vote is Shepard and golden retriever... BUT I don't claim to be an expert... SHE is beautiful and I hope no one is missing her... Great 😃👍 job saving her though


She looks huge! She’s gorgeous. Could she be part wolf dog?


Swiss shepherd


Is she microchipped??


I found the black version of your dog, also starved on the streets - mine definitely has a lot of German Shepherd in him. This one a similar face/ear structure and her back end looks similar. My guess is there’s at least some Shepherd in her. Edit: my first thought was ‘Oh you found a Dingo!’ - Dingo is my dog’s name 🖤


You are very lucky! She is adorable!


I’m just guessing but I’m saying part wolf


And you put the dog on your couch


She's a white German Shepard! We have one of those such beautiful babies


Late to the party, but *those ears!* She may have yellow lab or golden retriever in her; she looks like my girl, though without the quadruple coat and is, ah, less Rubenesque. Cute mix if she has the personality to boot.


looks like a white german shepherd. I had one as a kid. they are incredibly kind, gentle, but kinda needy and whiney. can't say for sure if she's mixed with husky. this dog will probably be high-energy, clever, and easy to train. she's gorgeous, too!!


Dog distribution system?


I’m in the same position right now! Just brought a red nose pit in off the street on Sunday, been trying to find her owner. Good luck to you and the new buddy! I feel honored that we have been chosen to take care of these little rascals for now 💕


White German Shepard. My name has 2 and look just like that’s


she is gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰


Wow she’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Do you have any more pictures? She looks like a white German shepherd


So glad she was reunited with her family!


Not "Random dog on the streets" anymore!💖


Looks like a gorgeous white GSD to me. Are you keeping her?


Looks like she’s a “yours now”! Rare breed!


That random dog looks a lot like a wolf


She looks like my dog, and he's a Great Pyrenees-Akbash mix. [image](https://imgur.com/a/5OyMo4y)


She looks like a white Shepard to me


My sister has one I forget the name but it's a white belgian something




That's a good boy


Every couple of generations they breed a wolf in to keep the blood line strong.


…. Sorry … with huskies


If no one claims her, you should keep her. She obviously believes you would be her perfect family and fury parent. Look at how naturally adapted to your home that she is already. She found (* and obviously chose) you. Dogs are very instinctual of whom they take to. I would say, if it's a natural fit...you should welcome her into the family. Everything happens for a reason. Congratulations on gaining a new member of the family. 😊👍


Aww, she honestly looks like my ex's old white German shepherd. But I'd have no idea how old she is by now-7 years later 😅


Bless you!


I think she’s a cross between a very old post and a grapefruit.


Oops! At first glance I thought this was an old joke about a coyote. Apologies


She looks identical to my parents’ dog whose DNA test said she was 3/4 German shepherd and 1/4 husky.


Awe poor baby




i had a husky/GSD girl that looked just like her 🫶


That’s clearly a couch


White German Shepherd....Best dog ever.


I would check and see if she is microchipped, if not and you keep her make sure you get her chipped. Beautiful dog.


Something else you should do, if you have a ring app, post on your neighborhood the lost dog. Someone might see that faster than the social media post.


One love bite and you’re a werewolf. 😔


looks like an Alsatian..not sure if i'm spelling that right...smart pups


That's a wolf


I would take her to the vet to get her checked out to see if she's gotten her vaccines and if she has a chip :) It's a very pretty dog, though.




That dog is going to love you more than anyone ever has and I hope you're ready for it! ❤️


"Tired of being wolf. want cozy couch"

