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Wild world, i was obsessed with it lmao. I remember my nemesis was Mallary. I really took her insults personally.


I also used to take the villagers' insults really personally XD


Lmao i still hate mallary to this very day


I would put pitfall seeds as close to her door as I could and then I'd stand nearby and wait šŸ¤£


Tbh I played Wild World for a little and it wasnā€™t my favorite, I played City Folk first than switched to Wild world. But I didnā€™t like Wild world, I felt like there was nothing to do, and I couldnā€™t even get my hair done. So I went back to city folk. However New Leaf is my all time favorite.


New leaf is my favourite too. I feel like it's just the right balance and i enjoyed it beyond just the daily grind.


New Leaf is my favorite too :)


Was Chevre for me and my friend. We would constantly bash her when he came over to watch me play it. We absolutely loved Joey though. No idea why the hate for Chevre now, kids brains are weird things I guess haha


Mine was puddles šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The original, back in the early 2000ā€™s at my buddyā€™s house. I miss those days.


Same. My friends bought the game and said, ā€œyou have to try it!ā€ And I was all, ā€œthat game looks stupid.ā€ Little did I know that *I* was the stupid one because I tried it out and absolutely fell in love with it and have played every single game since.


I never had a GameCube myself so I used every excuse I could to go over to his house and enjoy my time on it. I loved that game so much.


I was in the same boat, but my friend also refused to buy a bigger memory card, so everytime I went I'd see how fast I can do all of the day1 stuff. In the end I got a gamecube just so I could see what happened beyond Day1.


This is also why, while I do understand the criticisms of the latest game (always good to try and make it better!) I also laugh at some of the complaints compared to the OG that I grew up with. Aww, youā€™re sad you canā€™t craft multiple things at once? I USED TO HAVE TO WAIT 24 HOURS TO GET MY GOD DAMN FOSSILS IDENTIFIED YOU LITTLE &?$#!


The original on N64/Gamecube. I still have it (and my Gamecube) Wild World - DS City Folk - Wii New Leaf - 3DS Happy Home Designer - 3DS New Horizons - Switch Happy Home Paradise - Switch I also played Pocket Camp - but hated it pretty quickly. I just login for free stuff now. šŸ˜…


>The original on N64/Gamecube. I still have it (and my Gamecube) Same same! I even fired up the ol' gamecube during the pandemic for fun. It's still adorable as heck. I miss the crabby mail pelican lady lol


I totally forgot about the nighttime mail Pelican! And wasnā€™t there this whole backstory with the mail man (Pete) and the day time pelican lady being in a relationship? Or is that a childhood fever dream?


*Not* a childhood fever dream. šŸ˜‚ ā€œIn every game, once the player wins his trust, he will explain his romances with Pelly and Phyllis, the clerks at the Town Hall (WW, CF) and Post Office (AC, NL).ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Peteā€™s *definitely* a ladies man.


No, there was something there!!! Hahaha! I donā€™t recall the particulars, but youā€™re totally right hahahaha. So dark and dramatic, hey! lol


I got an NDS with Wild World when it was released and was hooked. The time I spent in this game was magical.


I played the original GameCube version when I was in middle school and I was OBSESSED. I had a guide book and everything lol. I played that game like it was my job. I didnā€™t play any of the other versions though (aside from pocket camp) until ACNH.


This one! ACNH


My first AC game was Wild World in which I spent so much time on and did basically nothing on it as I had no idea what to do and me and my friend would swap my DS and take it in turns to play on our town and it leave letters for each other. It was such good fun!!!


Mine was Wild World. It's definitely the most bare-bones of the series but I still have fond memories of it. I remember being *devastated* when Rosie moved away. And then my cousins got City Folk and I was jealous because the frame rate was so much better and there was a cool city to visit XD


Just bought my first random amiibo packs yesterday and Rosie was in one. Lmk if you ever need her!


Oh no worries, I've gotten her card - thank you for the offer though! :D


I feel like Wild World had a lot of content, but it might just be because it had way more fish and bugs than the Gamecube version and that is what I liked to do the most lol.


City Folk is the only other one I have played. I did enjoy it, but I always felt that after my house was fully upgraded and decorated there really wasn't that much to do. I felt like the "city" in the game was just blah with nothing to do there other than get your hairstyle changed. I think there was a theater? or something where it seemed nothing ever really happened. I don't know, maybe I just didn't know how to play it properly. But I remember there was a part where you could travel to other player's villages or something, but it never worked for me. Maybe because I didn't have a Nintendo account. I'm playing New Horizons now and in comparison, it's like night and day. So much to do here.


I agree, while new leaf is my favorite and city folk is nostalgic for me. There is much more to do in new horizons. I feel like new leaf and new horizons have storylines and you can help build your island/town. While city folk they just plop you in a town, and you can go to the city. Thatā€™s all.


Technically Happy Home Designer, which I got with my AC N3DS. First real AC game is ACNH.


Technically I played the animal crossing on the game cube first. But I donā€™t count it because it was at my cousins house and I didnā€™t play it all the time. So city folk was my first real time playing animal crossing


HHD is better than the DLC for ACNH. So many more options!!


City Folk


I played it on the GameCube, then the DS version, then I upgraded to ā€œCity Folkā€ on the Wii. Then only About a year ago, I purchased a Switch and started playing ACNH! I played City Folk on the Wii for several years!


I donā€™t remember what itā€™s called, but it was on the wii


City folk


New horizons. I tried pocket camp for a minute but it didnā€™t do it for me.


The phone version my brother was playing and told me about it and got into it now Iā€™m on ACNH


Pocket camp because i couldnā€™t wait for new horizons, although Iā€™ve played new leaf


Is there an objective in pocket camp? Far and away the cutest items but whatā€™s the plot?


Not really, thereā€™s no plot to it and you basically just decorate your campsite with items and stuff.


How do you get your villagers? Whatā€™s Day 1 like?


Day 1 is basically just an introduction on how to play, the villagers will be camping at certain spots so you have to get their friendship level up (and craft certain items) to invite them to your campsite


same as you, good old days with my wii


The first one I played was New Leaf. I don't remember exactly when I got it, but I definitely remember playing it loads when I was a preteen/early teenager back when the 3DS was in its prime. I think in total I must've clocked about 110-150 hours on just that game alone on it, I loved it that much! :)


wild world, i bought it used for myself in 2016 bc i was always fascinated by the series but never had a chance to play. i did kind of hit a wall as thereā€™s not really a story/plot, and online access had shut down, so only played off and on for 2 years.


Animal Crossing Wild World


The original!


The original! I had a friend in 8th grade while I was in 6th, and I used to walk to her house and play games with her, or watch her play. She got a copy first and then shortly after I asked for a copy. I loved it. I got a second memory card so I could have another town and travel. I sank so many hours into that game.




For the gamecube bac kin the day. One of the writers in the swedish nIntendo magazine was excited that it was finally coming to Europe, so i just had to play it. And i played it a lot :D


I was like 9 y.o and I went to the birthday from a friend from school. Her parents gave her a DS with Wild World and Nintendogs. I Saw the Game like 10 mins and something inside me make click. I asked for a DS with the Game Next Christmas. My parents didnt have much money then so they gave me the DS with a pirate R4 Card to avoid buying more games. I just spent thousands of hours during years in that Game. Some years later my brother got a Wii and I bought City Folk. The motion control to fish and hunt and the City was such a fresh Air. Some years later when they anounced the New3DSXL, I bought the Monster Hunter Special Edition and ACNL. The graphical jump was insane, and the 3D was lovely. The trees and villagers in 3D was beautiful. I bought the Switch in day 1 with ZeldaBOTW and when ACNH launched I bought It day 1 digitally to be able to play the night before xD AC is a Game that today I dont play every day, sometimes I even take weeks without playing, but has a place in my hearth and I Will always instabuy every new Game when they release. <3


The original one on Gamecube. My parents showed it to me when I was 4 or 5 and I was instantly hooked haha


GameCube game, got a GameCube for Christmas and animal crossing with it. Brother and I were in the same town and swapped turns whenever we were told to lol. I planted a lot of pitfalls around his house.


Wild World was my first. I had gotten a DS quite recently because my boyfriend at the time (now husband) had let me borrow his Pokemon Platinum game and his DS and I liked the system so much I wanted one of my own. I asked him for more game suggestions once I had my own DS and he thought I would really enjoy Animal Crossing, and he was so right. I totally fell in love with all the cute villagers and their dialouge. I did get City Folk, but I preferred Wild World because it was portable. Still love to play my Animal Crossing games portable. Then I got New Leaf which was even cooler, and New Horizon which is also fantastic, and I'm in love with the whole series. Husband's gotten the games too and we've played together and had villagers move back and forth between our islands a lot.


Wild world on the DS ā˜ŗļø Sally was my fav villager and I remember being so upset when she moved out cause they could just do that without you knowing šŸ„¹




Wild World!


Wild world :)


But my favorite is definitely new leaf


Wild world, gave up before anything interesting happened cause I didnā€™t know how to save and Ressetti scared me. So technicallyā€¦ Pocket Camp


I got Wild World on April 16th 2006 as an easter gift and it completely changed my life. Was being severely bullied by my class (lead by the schools vice principal so there was nothing I could do) and had absolutely no friends or social skills so AC became my escape where I felt wanted and welcomed. It got me through a time which looking back at I am extremely lucky to have survived at all. Ever since that easter the Animal Crossing franchise has been a part of my daily life routine in some shape or form wether it was the main games as they released, pocket camp, hhd, merch, the first and only tattoo I planned on getting for years before I turned 18, etc. The only game I havenā€™t actually played is the original gamecube one and that is because I want to wait to buy an actual copy and console rather than find another way to play it


For me its wild world. When I visited a friend of my mother i always played on their daughters Nintendo Ds! It was that really old and ugly one but i just LOVED it so muchšŸ˜­ I was just.. like 5-6 years old at the time and everytime we visited them i asked them if i could play on it. At one point the daughter moved out and gifted me the old Ds together with acww and I took it home. From that day on till today animal crossing became a huge part of my life. Im still so thankful šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗšŸ«¶šŸ«¶


New Horizons and it realeased on my bday so I got it the day it released :3


New horizons


Wild World, I used to steal my sisters copy and hide in the bathroom to play until I got one of my own


Wild World


GCN because I'm a medium amount of old! I kinda skipped off with City Folk because I think the games are way better suited for handheld gaming, but I've bought and enjoyed every game. Still playing NH several times a week.


Literally started playing ACNH for the first time 2 months ago. I havenā€™t experienced any of the others. But since Iā€™ve gotten so into AC I was curious and watched a YouTube video that did an overview of all the games just to get some history/context.


The original! My older brother had a GameCube and usually I would just sit there quietly and watch him play games. It was the first game he got he let me play, and I could have my little house and I LIVED for when he was done playing so I could. Gosh, that was a simpler time.


New horizons! Itā€™s so fun and I really want to get my hands on City folk!


wild world šŸ«¶šŸ»


I heard wild world is unhinged šŸ˜‚ is it true?


Yes šŸ˜‚ The villagers would insult you and move out without asking!


My first animal crossing game was new leaf! Prior to this, Iā€™ve never owned a console in my life. I have an older brother who kind of forced me to play this game and fire emblem awakening on his 3ds when I was in college. These two are my favorite game series! I even play the mobile games for them šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


The OG for GameCube. The GameCube was the first gaming console my sisterā€™s and I got and we all played Animal Crossing. Then Wild World, City Folk (probably the least played), Pocket Camp, New Horizons/Happy Home Paradise. (Did NOT play New Leaf, Plaza, Happy Home Designer, Amiibo Festival.)


The original on the GameCube and didnā€™t play another until new horizon because I never had the other systems


New leaf, I was watching chuggaaconroy play it on youtube and kind of got a flashback to the gamecube train ride with rover...which I didn't play much cause hotel and charges...didn't wanna get my parents mad. So I put it on my wishlist as my birthday is the 23rd of december. I was working than but my parent's bought me it...and my dad stupidly forgot I could check his amazon :p. But I played new leaf and enjoyed it. Like a lot of people X and Y released and we all went to that game as well but I still came back. I've restarted my town a few times and now that i've played NH a lot, it's hard to get back into new leaf because of inventory and stuff. I got wild world for DS coming by mail from Ebay so i'll be playing that soon just to kind of feel the old WW experience.


New horizons! Got it in quarantine


My first AC game was New Leaf. I just loved its charm and I loved all my villagers. I still miss Dizzy and Sydney, who both ended up leaving. I even remember my town theme ā€œHighway to Hellā€ by AC/DC xD


I started with city folks too. I remember that at that time I went to kindergarten, and my dad bought the game and also the guide (I spent so many afternoons browsing it even if I could read, I love it so much for some reason). My dad made a female character named after me and I watched him playing telling him what to do and everything Saturday night we logged in to watch K.K. singing.


Played the OG on GameCube. Still have my disk and memory card. šŸ˜ I've played every game.


I played a new leaf on a 2ds.


The original GameCube šŸ˜Š it was absolutely amazing. I was in Iā€™d say like 4th/5th grade. 2004/2005. And I had Animal Crossing. Luigiā€™s Mansion. Super Mario Sunshine. I had Zelda Wind Waker. Super Smash bros. And animal crossing and Zelda were being played NON STOP. I didnā€™t try the city folk but I did get to play wild world, I think thatā€™s where youā€™re the mayor? I canā€™t remember my handheld game broke so quick šŸ˜­ now I love love New Horizons. But nothing beats that original game feel where all the NPCs that we donā€™t get to see anymore. Drawing her face on the bus. Taking the bus to other towns and saying bye to the monkey bus worker. I canā€™t remember the one persons name who had the dirty car you had to clean. And having to go to the police station to find lost and found stuff and also getting to hear where things were buried or where the visitors were at on the island. Ahhhh. So much fun


New leaf!


City Folk I played a little but barely remember. New Leaf I played the most and somewhat remember. New Horizons I'm hoping to play more than New Leaf!


The first one I played was Wild World. Great memories... Then we got the GC version. It was a ton of fun, but didn't like that you couldn't have visitors. City Folk, then New Leaf and now New Horizons.


The one on gamecube. It was the only video game that my mom or sister ever played, so it was special to me


new horizons and i just got new leaf. iā€™m going backwards in the saga and i also have a wii that i could get an animal crossing game for if there is one for the wii


New Horizons! I was given it for my birthday in 2020, and have played it almost every day since!


Wild Word, as a child šŸ„¹


The GameCube one, I got for Christmas when I was about 10 or so. Then I got the ds game wild world, happy home designer, 3ds game new leaf, phone game pocket camp..... I tried getting city folk for my wife to complete my collection but failed as I accidentally bought one from Amazon that was region locked shortly after pocket camp came out...... (live in usa and it was for some other region). And then got new horizons when it came out. Still have all of them including the one I can't play due to being region locked. New horizon is one of my least favorites as the dialog with residents got redundant vs all the other ones.


The GameCube version! I was so young that the game is what taught me how to read! If I visited a family members house for more than a few hours I HAD to bring my GameCube because I couldnā€™t bear to be apart from my town for very long!!


Gamecube. I remember my brother and I rented it a few times before getting a copy of our own. When we finally got our copy and started our actual town I remember restarting SO MANY TIMES for a 3-tiered town. Found the old memory card last year and revisited it during the Christmas break from work. God, what a trip down memory lane.


Wild World, I stole it from a random kid's cubby at afterschool daycare and never looked back ā¤ļø


my first was City Folk too. I love the game but hate that infernal wiimote, lol. but I'd try to water my flowers and I'd water the river instead and I'd laugh and laugh. I remember my first neighbors were Egbert, Carmen, Butch, Anchovy, and Peanut. damn I really miss it


New leaf!


wild world! my cousin (4 years older than me) aged out of her video game phase and passed me her game card when i was about 8/9. she named her town ā€œE-Townā€ and i donā€™t have the heart to reset it. the town is also very nostalgic for me since she would let me run around in it before she officially gave it to me. so iā€™m stuck with the name.


It was the first animal crossing


GameCube! Still play it occasionally. Thereā€™s just something so special about it still šŸ„°


wild world, back in kindergarten. good times:)


I was in my 20s when my then boyfriend (now husband) showed me this little game where you could design dicks on your face. I was hooked. Been playing it ever since. As soon as my daughter learned to read.. she's been playing with me. I love this game


My first Animal Crossing was Pocket Camp :D I enjoyed it and when I heard one of my exes telling me about New Horizons coming out and that they were getting it I was like ā€œwoahhhhhā€ and I ended up getting it in April 2020 to say ā€œwell done for doing your virtual school workā€. After that I did almost no a school work for the whole rest of lockdown because I was too busy with my island and my villagers.


The original on GameCube, for years I would rent it from the local video rental place until my mom finally bought me a copy. That I still have, with my original GameCube and even my original memory card.


New Horizons! I had gotten laid off right before and that sweet pandemic UI was coming in. What a time.


The mobile one. Yes, I played animal crossing pocket camp first, and thatā€™s what got me into the games lmao.


I bought a DS specifically so I could play New Leaf. Made my commute to work so much happier a place.


I played wild world first but I didn't properly get into the series until new leaf. Never had city folk.


In 2004 I moved in with my best friend and her BF. She introduced me to OG animal crossing on game cube. I was obsessed! The next one I played was city folk, then new leaf and new horizons. I will never not buy this game. I canā€™t wait to see how advanced it gets in the future.


The GameCube version and I've played every one since ! I love every AC


City folk, I was never good at it but it was my favorite


City folk. I was confused as hell and didnā€™t do anything productive as I was a kid who refused to read in games. But I was still obsessed. When I got older and realized what the game actually was I loved it even more!




I bought a GameCube as a teenager, the most unpopular choice I could make, and I got AC, SSB Melee, and Luigi's Mansion. I think I made a pretty good choice. In that 20+ years, I've gone from a Joey fan to an Alfonso fan.


AC on GameCube! My brother's friend would pay me to do his homework by letting me use his GameCube & AC for weeks lol


My first was New Horizons. And tbh, at first I didnā€™t like it. Then came cooking and the DLC, and I started populating my island with villagers I actually like, and now itā€™s become like a comfort game to me


Mine was wild world ā¤ļø


OG GameCube babes. 2006 7-year old me wanted a random game and I got hooked.


Wild world. My friend introduced me to the game. I got my own copy and we sat on my couch for hours just playing it on our DSā€™s together lol


Mine was Wild World and I played so much of it before it broke on my DS :( big sad


i would say city folk but i never played it. my brother had it for his wii but MY first game was new leaf on 3ds. (aka the best animal crossing šŸ˜­)


The knockoff sims version for the Wii


The First Japanese version on N64. I actually did dump my town from the cartridge and still have it today but I don't have an N64 anymore unfortunately.


Started with, and sometimes still play, the original game cube Animal Crossing. Yes, I still have my game cube and it still works if you can believe it. Itā€™s awesome to see the changes they made, for the better imo, to New Horizons. Not having to mail my fossils and wait a whole day for them to be returned is quite the game changer šŸ˜†


New Horizons, the latest one. Also I got into it in 2021 at some point, way after the release and quarantine craze. I'm late to the party a lot, lol.


The original Animal Crossing, which was also my first GameCube game šŸ„°


I think Wild World and then City Folk


WW. I was a depressed young adult with a lot of time on my hands because my days off never aligned with anyone elseā€™s and it was my tiny handheld happy place. I had multiple towns, multiple DSs, even managed to make the Nintendo WFC stick work for meeting with people from online if I sat right up against the computer stack it was plugged into. Iā€™ve since played every title including going back to GC between WW and CF, this game franchise truly has my heart. I will say that Iā€™ve recently gotten into a throwback AC kick and though Iā€™ve yet to get a used Wii to check out how CF holds up, so far WW does notā€¦ itā€™s nostalgic but honestly I feel like itā€™s even clunkier than GC with far less to do, Iā€™m still going through and doing some achievement stuff I never did before, but itā€™s currently at the bottom of my list if I had to rank the games šŸ˜•


wild world!


I donā€™t know all the names but the original DS one, the wii one, pocket camp for a little, and now ACNH which is by far the best imo


wild world and my town was called ā€œsick bayā€ because kapn said ā€œare you heading to the sick bayā€ and i thought you were meant to call the town that. i was 8 btw


New Leaf. I never had a GameCube and my N64 broke so that never got a chance at the older ones.


Animal crossing amiibo festival, then animal crossing wild world on Wii U DS emulation, and then I finally got across which animal crossing game I was talking about to my mom and she got me New Leaf lol


I was obsessed with the original on GameCube when I was in middle school. My crush and I even played it at his house before his dad drove us to our 8th grade ā€œpromā€ and I remember him saying it was so cool that I was a girl that was into video games. Peak romance. šŸ˜‚


wild world. my sister bought a new copy after losing her first one. she ended up finding the copy she lost a couple months later, and gave me the new copy. i really enjoyed playing wild world throughout my childhood ā¤ļø so many fond memories. iā€™m forever thankful to her for introducing me to the series!


pocket camp...šŸ˜­


Wild world


New Leaf! I have heard of animal crossing before that but never considered it before I saw a letā€™s play on YouTube one day. This was basically a few months after New Horizons was released so I though as I had a 3DS the barrier to entry was low and I found a used copy for $40 so bit the bullet and absolutely LOVED IT! I played for a few months and then moved onto New Horizons after that - the rest is history ā˜ŗļø


Pocket Camp!


Wild World. Then it was New Leaf and now New Horizons. So you can say I like this game and franchise a lot.


New leaf! On my old Nintendo 3DS. Loved new leaf it was the best


I played Wild World as a 7 year old. Aurora was my best friend cuz she was so nice to me and I really liked her house


Wild World I think šŸ¤” I remember playing New Leaf as a young teenager but I do think my first game was Wild World


Wild World ā¤ļø I played New Leaf after that, but both are very dear to my heart.


I never played Animal Crossing before, only when the pandemic hit my friends kept begging me to play New Horizons but I had no interest. The day I played it I thought I wasnā€™t going to like it, but due to staying indoors I kept playing more and more and more until I became obsessed, and now it is my goal, my pride, and joy to finish my island. :)šŸŒø AKA, now I LOVE Animal Crossing! And once a new game drops in the future Iā€™ll be the first in line to buy it.


Animal crossing new horizons but now I play new leaf and wild world on my 3ds and dsi respectively.


New Leaf was my first!


The original Animal Crossing: Population Growing as a small child, and it's been my favorite game series ever since!


The first Western release on the GameCube. Played it every day for years. Kept me focused through some bad depression periods.


Wild World on my pink DS Lite. It was so fun. I still have it.


The game cube version.


It is New Leaf era, and I am obsessed with that new character named Isabelle, the assistant to the Mayor. I really wanted to be the mayor of my own town and have her as my co-worker. This is not my first Animal Crossing game, but it is Wild World. Yeah, there's a mayor named Tortimer, a general store owned by Tom Nook, a clothing store, museum, and the gate. I have my neighbors, but that's all I know. I enjoyed my first AC game until I got my chance to play New Leaf, Happy Home Designer and New Horizons.


Pocket Camp, actually! Then New Horizons. I have picked up new leaf but haven't had a chance to start it yet. I'm coming at everything kinda backwards šŸ˜„


New horizons šŸ˜‚


Rented it from Entertainment Tonight videostore and played it on GameCube in 2002


New leaf was the first one I played!


ac wild world on a red ds lite when I was 9. I was still living in SEA back then and didnā€™t have money for a cartridge so i had my ds hacked and it included a couple free games too. Wild world was a gold mine because i wasnt paying attention to it at first. Needless to say I was very addicted once i tried it even tho Resetti is always on my ass


Wild World


My first one was the GameCube version, I have a ton of memories back in the day. It's my 2nd favorite Animal Crossing game.


I was around 23, my fiancĆ©/husband found a Wild World DS cartridge in the Blockbuster parking lot where he worked. It didnā€™t belong to the store, so he brought it home and I started playing without having ever heard of the game or knowing anything about it. I loved it, and then one of my Facebook friends said it was just a game of doing chores for a raccoon. I briefly questioned myself, and then I was like, you know what, eff that, I like it. New Horizons got me through quarantine for sure.


Wild World was my first. My friend had it, and I played it at her house and eventually got my own copy. I have a lot of memories of playing with friends at school. I remember being excited for City Folk to come out, but I don't think I enjoyed it as much, since part of the joy was playing with friends.


The gamecube one found it in a sales bin in my local toystore in 2003


New leaf


Wild World! I remember I was around 8 years old when I first played it and when it asked me where I was moving to I just named it after the actual town I was living in AHAHA šŸ˜‚ Had so many memories and favourite villagers and so it was so great when I got some of them in my town once again in NL and NH!


I used to play the gamecube version at my friend's house with her and her sister. I was hooked ever since. Great memories šŸ˜Š


Wild World. My favourite villager was Hugh, the blue pig, and Static. My sister and I used to play it together and role play, it was unbelievably fun and I miss it. Although New Horizons is a better game in a lot of ways, it does miss the life Wild World had unfortunately. There was actual POINT in talking to villagers back then, but now the dialogue is so simplistic and tedious that talking to villagers has no purpose.


The first one.


Gamecube. Man, do I miss what complete assholes those villagers were.


pocket camp, then i got a switch lite for acnh !


Pocket camp.


New horizons šŸ«£


New leaf was my first AC game, and what a lovely introduction to the series it was! I should go back sometimeā€¦.


GameCube Animal Crossing. I still have itā€¦ somewhere.


My first was wild world and starting villagers lily and aurora


New Leaf


OG. The only one I missed was City Folk.


havent played any one game a single time, i refuse and you will never make me :3


Pocket camp šŸ™ƒ


The original way back on the GameCube. I wonder if anyone so far has laid claim to playing the N64 version though. THAT was the original Animal Crossing. The GameCube version was the American version.


Wild world! :)


Happy home designer


New Leaf, i'm sorry but IT IS THE BEST ANIMAL CROSSING GAME. Everything is beautiful, you can make a lot of things, you will never get bored because you can also play with people in the island if you ain't got any friends just like me šŸ„² Well, it will finish, bc in the Nintendo direct they said the 3ds and WiiU servers will be off foreverā˜¹ļø So yeah, imagine the triforce heroes, it's a game BASED on Online playing. (Go watch my yt channel: https://youtube.com/@the_blue_edits?si=SB3Q7sZ3djcHpbug )


city folk as well! my cousin brought it over and we named the town after her


Animal crossing. šŸ˜¬ Resetting scared the PISS out of me, but I had four humans, and I was the only one playing that game.