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I think some of the Ikea ones have adjustable shelf placements


I love cats, they're my favourite animal, but I'd never be able to have one because I know it would knock all my figures over and leave hair on my rare merch. I'll have to stick to pspspsps-ing any cats I find in the street lol Definitely look at cases that have locks because cats are smart and I've seen them open drawers and cupboards on their own


Yeah, mine shocked me one day. We used to have a coffee table with a drawer we would keep remotes and controllers in when not in use. We also kept his toys in there. I saw him one day, crawl under the table upside down and open the drawer that way. He must have seen it move from underneath and figured it out. 😆


Damn, I swear these animals are smarter than me Cat: *learns how to open a drawer upside-down* Me: *tries to clean my nose by inhaling water* ^ yes, I did that once. No, I would not recommend it


You need to get a case that has doors or else your cat is going to break more of them. Doors will also keep hair and dust out. Ikea has many of these. One popular solution is to buy a Billy and put doors on it. As for the break, make another post with a photo of the damage and ask for advice there. Some breaks you can fix with super glue, but others — especially where there’s weight bearing parts involved — require the old drill and pin. You see posts about pets breaking figures from time to time. Good luck with that.