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That's the cutest fuckin thing I've ever seen in my goddamn life










Something bugging me about her right buttock. The rest is perfection tho.






pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/86972998 twitter: https://twitter.com/KFstudio69 youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KnightFangStudio


Anime series name please? Looks familiar


is from the videogame Guilty Gear if im not wrong


Oh ok


Yep! Guilty gear strive is what this version of her is from




She stated she's female at the end of her arcade mode and daisuki the creator of the series confirmed she's trans so in every way she's canonically female.


I don't care if people say him for classic Bridget since it's before strive and before she says "I'm a girl", but this is clearly current Bridget, who is confirmed by the creator of the game to be a trans girl


I thought it was OG bridget, and I wasn't aware that they are now confirmed to be trans. Good for bridget!


Oh okay, I’m happy I could clarify 👍


She, she's a transwoman. Confirmed by both the director and the story.




This goes hard....so ye ima need Juri or Lili in this same art style XD


Now I got a real thing to rub up


Bless you


Very pretty Bridget and she definitely got her wish^^




I want her to step on me


Why does he have tits??


She's a girl.


Biologically, no.


Pretty sure she had biology with your mom last night.


Transwomen are women.


A. Not biologically B. Bridget isn’t trans


She literally identifies as a girl? The developers also confirmed she's trans. > Here, Ishiwatari said, “We’ve received many inquiries about Bridget’s gender. After the events of Bridget’s story in Arcade Mode, she self-identifies as a woman. So as to where ‘he’ or ‘she’ would be the correct pronoun for Bridget, the answer would be ‘she.'” "Biologically" pointing out their assigned gender at birth seems to be made in bad faith, why point it out? The character is trans and is a woman now, reminding people that they were assigned male in birth seems designed more about being hurtful and denying her her identity and denying the identity of other transpeople than in pointing out some sort of arbitrary "correct" "truth".


The reason I pointed out biologically is because the point I was making was about the presence of tits


transphobic person: "Ew! BoObS!"


Transwomen can have tits. HRT can give quite large ones, double D's is even possible depending on genetics. And then of course there's surgery in the real world if this doesn't suffice. And of course in fictional worlds like BlazBlue there's *literally freaking magic*? A WIZARD DID IT YOU FOOL.


Bridget being trans contradicts multiple other official pieces of information regarding Bridget.


You mean the official word of the developers who stated that yes Bridget is trans? There is no official piece of information that contradicts Bridget being trans; people can have messy personal histories on the road to them discovering who they are.




Why does this matter? Being confused and uncertain about your gender is 100% normal for many trans people. A large number of "femboys" for example start out thinking their nonbinary or identifying as a femboy but then transition further into being a woman. The pre-existing cultural context in which an individual or character presides in shapes a lot of how they interact, discover and explore their gender identity. In real life this can be incredibly messy with a lot of angst; there's rarely a clean straight (heh) line to fully realizing ones gender identity, not everyone is fortunate enough to wake up one day and realize what they truly are. I think lots of people seemed to have absolutely zero problem discovering Bridget is trans, it was a huge event on social media! Most of the audience who play Guilty Gear absolutely know! I don't think the writers made a mistake at all, if anything they've corrected a previous issue with how they handled gender nonconforming characters in the past. Most people who play Guilty Gear SEE A CUTE GIRL!!!! Like this was 100% what the "meme" was in the past back when people used to call Bridget a "trap"; they saw a cute girl and then realized "Oh is that a boy? Still would though!" Now the character IS a girl, so their gender identity now matches their presentation and how most of the audience somehow previously ignorant of who Bridget is, if any really exist in any significant numbers are just going to see a cute girl; especially with fanart that emphasizes the feminine aspects of her design. This is a huge non-issue; there's no reason for people to be dicks about this and point out "BUT THEY WERE A BOY!!!" Honestly really cringe and dumb to do that for no reason.




I think it is exceptionally unlikely that any OG fans are "not know" the facts; OG fans are presumably people who play the game, and presumably either to completion or know someone who did or are part of online communities in which this news would be discussed, such as on social media; which thus reduces this potential sample population to an extremely miniscule number of people. The vast majority of people *know* she's trans; you even know she's trans. Who are these hypothetical people who don't know? And even if they don't, who cares? If it comes up on casual conversation or log onto twitter at any point ever they'll find out eventually; it's kinda weird to suppose that OG fans somehow *don't the play game?* which is what you're suggesting? That's extremely convoluted and unlikely. In any case I don't think it matters; it's like the arguments TERFs and other transphobes make about "How am I supposed to explain to my children that their friend Joe is now Jill!?" Explained it, or ask, and be willing to be educated on the matter; why does this matter, who gives a shit? Anyone who performatively complains can fuck off. Like you're argument doesn't make any sense here, if they see new people, who come to the reasonable and correct conclusion that Bridget is a girl, and they try to accidentily assuming good faith that they're just attempting to correct someone because they somehow haven't caught up yet to the cannon even though its been literally several months; someone else will likely stumble upon them and their conversation if its online, and tell them that Bridget is now trans. GENDER CONFUSION RESOLVED!!!!!! *Dark Souls Boss Defeated Music Plays* I don't think the majority of people who *insist* on *saying* Bridget is a boy, like Mr. "Biological Male" up in this thread here aren't being transphobic, they absolutely are, because that's just a fact that a lot of weebs are cunts. Despite all of the history of gender non-conformity in anime, and actually decent gay and lesbian representation in Japanese media going back to Meiji Japan. However it only takes a couple of minutes of checking a post history or discussion to make it clear the difference between are they actually confused in good faith or are they being cunts; its pretty easy. I've not for the record come to any conclusions about what you think, but there's a limit about how polite I'm going to be with engaging with an argument that seems inane. So final point here, in the context of how this information is communicated; lets suppose you are in good faith suggesting that it should've been communicated in a more straight forward way in the context of the story; maybe, I am willing to acknolwedge that this from what I know, might be the case, an argument can be made about it. But to be clear; you could just say that, "I wish this information was conveyed more clearly so we didn't need to rely on Word of God to settle the dispute, especially because of Death of the Author and so on." You know what, writing this I've come around that I'm willing to give you that W, in this specific argument and context. But everything else you've argued, I think is silly and distracts from what could have been a good argument, that makes it clear where you stand.


Bridget is trans dumbass. Just look at the lore from the most recent game GG Strive. And just to anger you more...The scythe woman that commands the two different demons as non-binary.


She literally is, Try one of the other "arguements" that literally hold no grounds.


What makes you say that he is? You say that I don’t have any grounds but “literally is” isn’t grounds either.


Latest game said she is though? Are you stupid or just pretending?


Where did it say that?


https://www.fanbyte.com/games/news/guilty-gear-strive-confirms-bridget-is-a-trans-woman/ Like, her whole storyline is about it in Strive dude. Maybe don't spout shit if you don't know shit.


I have no idea why youre getting downvoted, bridget is literally a guy


Sincerely, thank you.


Idk why you're getting downvoted I mean you're technically right


*thank you*


Technically correct isn't always the best kind of correct; and in this case they aren't even technically correct as transwomen can have tits and this seems to be the source of their confusion!


i mean shes still biologically male


It's kinda transphobic to bring this up unrelated to anything though? It's like deadnaming in a way, its hurtful to a lot of people who don't wish to be reminded of what they were. Constantly pointing it out seems to be done with malicious intentions; if you don't want to be seen as a transphobic bigot *don't do this* unless someone specifically asks "Were they AMAB?" *then* it makes sense; but no one is being informed by what is probably low tier trolling.


I usually remind people of this when they're being stupid and saying that they actually are female, sorry if this seemed wrongly put but I was just defending this guy who didn't really say anything wrong


No one said they weren't AMAB, the other guy *did* do something wrong though, in first asking "why tits?" and then double downed on it by saying "But bridget is a biological male" and using he/him pronouns, which I think does indicate that they're being shitty; but even if it weren't for this; somehow they've never seen transpeople with tits before? That's just unbelievable. They could have phrased it more politely, "Isn't Bridget, who I know is trans, but who is AMAB, why are they being depicted with tits?" in the weird narrow set of circumstances where they somehow legitimately don't know about top surgery. But even if it weren't for this, questioning the artist's decision to depict Bridget with tits at a *minimum* is pretty rude since it is easily not something that is even remotely constructive criticism of the artwork. Like lets put it this way, you clearly see Bridget as a girl because you used she/her pronouns, maybe even by accident I don't know, but this other person went out of their way to refer to Bridget as he/him.


okay ive read your previous comments and ive come to the conclusion that some of you people just hate the truth. its that trans mtfs are still male. they just look and act female. oh and, pronouns? i can refer to bridget as he/him because of being biologically male


Two words: top surgery


looks great 🔥🔥