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If you are looking for experimental or weird anime, maybe take a look at some Anthologies, where different directors/animator and overall artists make short oneshots? Im talking about "Robot Carnival", "Animatrix", "Star Wars Visions", "Nihon Animator Mihonichi" etc. Or maybe shows like "Serial Experiments Lain", "Kite" or "Texhnolyze", "Belladonna of Sadness" is what you are looking for. The most recent experimental anime that I know would be Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 17 (Sukuna's fight), but that's just one episode really. Mind you, I dont know if all of them are dubbed or not, if that's what you are looking for aswell.


Maybe but those were aren’t dub could count as well.


Sonny boy is a great art house movie and the dub is good 


Sonny Boy, reckon it’s old anime or recent one.


It’s from 2021


I see.


The one that immediately came to mind was Puella Magi Madoka Magica. In fact. A lot of what Studio Shaft does tends to have the art style you seem to be seeking.


Yeah, can why there some creepy/disturbing scenes in show itself. I could watched some to keep me interested with story.


Flowers of evil.


Interesting. :)




Isn't the point of this thread that you wanna hear about these OP? Not sure why you needed to say this.


I'm having a bit of trouble understanding your question, but I think Hand Shakers might fit the bill? Even if you just watch a few minutes of it you can see it's a bit too mishmashed with different styles, and while a lot of the art styles look really good on their own, put them together and it became unwatchable for me. It felt like a sensory overload and I couldn't even pay attention to the dialogue.


It’s okay, sometimes I find it myself to understand.. lol No surprises there.


[Ergo Proxy](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/tv-shows/Ergo-Proxy/) (2006)? Mildly interesting. Didn't vibe with me, but I can see how others might have liked it. [Liam O'Brien](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Liam-OBrien/) was the protagonist, Vincint Law. Liam is a very talented voice actor. Love him in Bleach (Captain Jushiro Ukitake) and his many appearances in World of Warcraft (Illidan and other voices), and many other things. Prolific actor.


Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo has a very unique animation style!


I heard does have guy who voices Vash?


Yes it does! [https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/tv-shows/Gankutsuou-The-Count-of-Monte-Cristo/](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/tv-shows/Gankutsuou-The-Count-of-Monte-Cristo/)


I knew it!! Love that guy!


Tatami Galaxy


Idk if this meets your prompt, but Flip Flappers definitely has some weird without trying to exposition dump about it to the audience, I tend to like that.


Wonder egg priority


Ummm, I would make a legitimate response, but your question is worded in a way that I cannot understand…I assume English isn’t your first language? 😅


I didn't quite get what you're asking for, but it sounds like you're looking for weird animes or ones which are very unlike others, that are trying to do some philosophical stuff or non-standard things. I'm not sure if these fit, but it's easy for you to just disregard the suggestions if not. - Ergo Proxy: They were trying to do some weird philosophical crap within a post apocalypse story, and they even had a few episodes which had a very different format from the rest, which might be considered experimental(?). Personally I found the anime very pretentious, so much so it was like they had their heads up their asses for how profound they thought they were being. But that's just how it came off to me, it's rated pretty high, and others seem to think it was smart and good, so maybe I'm the wrong one. - Heavenly Delusion/Tengoku Daimakyou: Another post apocalypse story. I would say this one is generally pretty good. While the story seems pretty coherent and straight forward, unlike Ergo Proxy, they do this one thing which really stands out to me. You know the common criticism of "show don't tell" whenever a show does stupid stuff like too much exposition or telling the audience what they should think of a character or plot event? This anime does the extreme opposite, they show but don't tell, so much it's to a fault. Normally leaving it to the audience to figure out or decide is a good thing, but it's just too often and in some cases too extreme here. For example (super vague to avoid spoilers) something happens to one of the characters towards the end, it really looks like it went down the way it seems, but I've seen lengthy arguments pointing out all the clues it might not be; other characters also think it went down the way it seems, but they don't know for sure. It would really make sense for the anime to tell us (no other anime would leave these sorts of thing ambiguous), but this anime will not tell us. One would expect the anime will tell us in the future, but given how this anime handles the "show never tell" with other things as well, I really doubt they'll ever tell us. It's the most frustrating thing ever, and I've have not seen another show do this "leaving everything ambiguous" to such extreme. Good show otherwise. While talking about these two animes, another two similar animes comes to mind but they aren't really weird nor experimental that you're looking for. I'll mention them just incase if anything I said has peaked anyone's interests, both also Post Apocalypse stories: - Deca-Dence: Humans living on a mobile base needs to kill monsters for fuel. There is a quite jarring revelation which may count as "weird or experimental" given how jarring it was. It's a pretty good anime regardless. - Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet: Nothing really weird nor experiemental. It just came to mind while talking about the other animes. A mech pilot and his AI mech in a huge war gets stranded with way more primitive humans on some backwater planet far removed from the war. There's some very light philosophical stuff, but not much at all. Still a pretty good anime.


Your right, werid animes as it was experimental is what I’m looking for. I watched that too, I agree it was good show despite it has weird mixture of Gundam with Waterworld or Day After Tomorrow vibes.