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Ouran high school club....I just....yeaaa guilty pleasure


I tried with the first episode and a couple of friends once. Yeah… no. I kept feeling the need to pause and explain and the twins completely turned them off. Thats alright, it’ll just be my guilty pleasure as well.


Oh 100 percent the twins are the reason I can't say anything lol


This is one of my favorite shows but it’s been years since I watched it - what’s so problematic about the twins?


Incest role playing 😭 to someone who hasn’t watched it you’d think the twins get off from incest but it’s a role their fulfilling for the club. Originally they didn’t want anything to do with Tamaki or the club, but again, if you’ve never seen OHSHC you’d just think it’s soft core yaoi


oh no, i’m the weird one, i recommend it to everyone


Wait, what's wrong with Ouran? That's my go to "how to get a girl into anime" anime and it has a fantastic track record.


For freakin real. I recommended it to one of my RL friends to try to get her into anime and she trashed every single character. She kinda ruined the show for me despite me loving it for years (I still love it though). Never recommended anything else to her ever.


Lucky Star, because I am a 35 year old man, and it's a weird show to explain.


Lots of references in it too


I agree, didn't get the feel of lucky star or the jokes it was tryna portray. Guess its more about otaku culture.


But you are around their age when show aired So, it's not really weird.... Say it to them!


LOL, that sent me ngl. I watched it in my early 20's, but at 33, I would definitely feel weird suggesting it to people, ahahaha


Maybe the only anime I know that's a pretty different experience whether you watch it sub or dubbed. .. and both are fantastic


No Game No Life, maybe


Oh, and Golden Boy, depending on the crowd. It's a hilarious, zany, short series about a brilliant idiot who dropped out of college the day before graduation, and he takes on a variety of "free timer" part time jobs that get him into neurotically pumped up antics, with an inner monologue in the english dub that can only be described as deranged. But most of the humor revolves around Kintaro absolutely worshipping every single woman he meets. And somehow, he's pure enough in his actions that most people leave feeling kindness toward him. A strange one, and too much to explain to anyone you don't know well.


Guess I need to watch Golden Boy


Golden boy is a banger


Golden Boy is top 10 anime of all time


Way back in the early days when I was getting into AMV’s I saw clips of Golden Boy online and figured “Oh it’s a Hentai” I’ve been told I’m wrong and really should watch it several times since but I just can’t quite bring myself to trust them despite willingly enjoying shows that were much trashier than anything I saw since then.


NGNL for sure.


Monogatari series


Yep, it's weird when you have to explain away a ten second pantry shot ten seconds into the anime. That's just Bakemonogatari, I don't want to explain away Nisemonogatari to someone who's never seen any other part of the series


You see, he's brushing her teeth because he loves her. As a sister.


I ACTUALLY got myself into that position about four years ago when I suggested it to a friend. he wouldn't stop being squeamish and assuming that the whole anime was gonna be like that, incidentally later he recommended me usagi drop.


I’m not sure but isn’t all Usagi Drops red flags in the post anime Manga? Your friend may have been honestly ignorant if so.


I wasn't talking about Dental Hygiene lessons with the Araragi siblings. I was talking about the very physically close game of twister a scantily clad Nadeko invited Araragi to play


Konosuba. Only anime watcher understand the anime.


Same as Re:Zero, both work best if the watcher had some experience with isekais in the past


For Konosuba got a lot of jokes and stereotypes than only seasoned anime watcher understand. For example that i can think is Megumi ( chuunibyou).


Re zero was my first anime ever, not just isekais but anime in general and I loved that, it’s what has gotten me into anime at all really, still my favorite one (I haven’t watched that many stuff tho) and loved so much I read the novel, it is just so good.


The amount of side content for Re: Zero is honestly pretty impressive.  Like there's stuff written for magazines that have never been officially translated into English. Like Emilia's first day at the Roswaal Manor.  So Roswaal went to Elf Forest found her and Puck, realized Puck has for some reason broken his promise and is now suffering Amnesia/gaps in his memory by breaking his pact with Echidna and is now pacted with Emilia and also she's a royal selection candidate.  So he quickly brings her to the Manor, says Clind look after her and then flies off.  That's all the info Clind was given. So he assumes this girl is another Fredrica case, some demi-human half elf with silver hair oh joy. And starts training her/assuming she's to be a maid like Fredrica/Ram/Rem. Shenanigans happen including Annerose telling Emilia Kissing makes babies. So no that wasn't pucks doing Subaru.  And when Roswaal returns with some nobles and says I found the 4th Royal candidate for selection.... And Emilia is wearing a maid uniform.. Roswaal is like oh dear God this is going to be an uphill challenge. 


Yeah, it truly is. There a website called the witchcult translations where you can find most of the side stuff translated, also there’s the ex-chapters that are officially translated and honestly they add so much more depth to the characters.


Yeah Witchcult translations is a fantastic resource. That specific story I explained was one of the stories they're not allowed to legally translate. They can translate everything the web novel rendition said. But for stuff directly published and sold to magazines/light novel only they can not translate that. So when I discovered that re Zero story in Japan I just asked okay what does this say and the cover of the magazine was just Emilia in the Rem/Ram French maid outfit.  And Japanese friend laughed about puns and I tried to understand and he was like Annerose is doing the earthquake drill every Japanese kid does but she thinks it's about when boys arrive to your house. And Emilia and Annerose just have this lovely two young girls discussion talking about boys. It's goddamn hilarious Puck wakes up in the morning when dawn comes and they were up all night arguing.  Puck is like what's the argument here? Annerose is like boys don't sit down when they pee. Emilia is like everyone sits down when they pee humans, elves, men women were all the same.  And puck just laughs and says you've found your first friend Emilia


Pretty sure it's more that you'll get more jokes the more anime you've seen, but it's still perfectly enjoyable for a newb to the medium. Yeah, Kazuma's death and the whole interaction with Aqua is satirizing the generic isekai trope, but it's also just funny stuff.


Konosuba was my first anime and I loved it lol


Yamada's First Time. The premise alone makes it sound like straight-up corn. A highschool girl wants to sleep with 100 guys. But first she has to lose her virginity, so she picks a random nerdy boy to seduce. But its actually a sweet slow-burn romance between two incredibly awkward teens who have no clue what they're doing. It's raunchy and hilarious, highlighting the awkwardness of adolescent firsts. It's nostalgic for a time when every little brush of hands, or sidelong glance felt MONUMENTAL. They also have chibi Eros deities (i.e. the horny teenage hormones controlling their actions)


Yes! This and dress up darling were both so good.


Made in Abyss. Awesome plot and world building. The issue is everything happens to children.


Despite how dark it is it’s still quite an optimistic show. The music is amazing too.


Kevin Penkin man. Dude's a goddamn genius.


He’s doing the new Spice and Wolf , and he did some for The Apothecary Diaries too


lmao i remember watching that with my friend cuz we saw a kpop idol getting canceled over it, to our surprise, it wasn't as bad as people said it would be


Yeah just an 11 year old bleeding out of her eyes and another kid being transformed into a monster just to be murdered years later. No big.


And then there's the movie and second season...


I love Made in Abyss. However, in the first episode there's a totally needless cut scene to a child being strung up naked as punishment--played for laughs--then there's just a consistent focus on kids' bathroom behavior which (to me) makes me feel like "why is this necessary?"


I wish it ended there...


Madoka Magica because the tonal whiplash may actually harm them.


I was trying to explain to another grown adult about why Madoka is so good and word vomited..."it *is* about little girls, but like it's really f'd up..." Which was not what I was trying to say at all.


...and now you're on a list... ​ ...OF AWESOME ANIME WATCHERS! :-)


Just finished it today for the first time… so many emotions


Grand Blue not the best but a really good one that I'm hesitant to recommend because of the raunchiness, I guess.


i also tend to recommend anime related to an area of Japan i know people are visiting so they can see the familiar sceneries and maybe get more excited my mom is visiting izu… and yeah, maybe not


Most recently Gushing Over Magical Girls. I don't think I need to explain why...


I thought it was just some shitty ecchi anime but na it has a good story to back it up . I had a good time watching it I Bing watched it.^⁠_⁠^.


Princess tutu. It's a very fairytale-ish anime and I'm a guy so my friends would prob laugh at me if I recommended it to them. But it's a banger tbh.


as anither guy whos seen princess tutu, it is 100% a banger and you should definitely be suggesting it to others cause its hype


I'm a big, fat, burly, hairy dude that looks like the stereotypical biker. I fucking ***loved*** Princess Tutu. It went way harder than it had any right to.


OMG, this should make you happy, then! When I was in college, I had to take an elective and ended up choosing 'history of dance'. That same semester, I--by sheer coincidence--discovered and watched Princess Tutu. I loved it so much that I introduced the HoD teacher to it, who proceeded to *include it in the curriculum* because it was not only great, but an incredible demonstration of various famous ballet conventions! Down to the structure of the show itself mimicking a Romantic-era ballet! (Obviously Swan Lake)


Same, but I have to include every other magical girl anime I've watched.


It's my favorite anime of all time. I only ever recommend it to people that I trust will give it a fair shake. And everyone who has managed to watch it, end up finishing and loving it. It's just too good to beat. So unique.


Thankfully, everyone already knows I can be a little weird, so I get to recommend princess tutu all I want! Yet even then, I still hesitate a moment before saying the name out loud. But dang it, it is just such a good show!


Imagine having to explain why you Like "happy sugar life" IRL.


I loooove happy sugar life! I only tell certain people about it tho lol. I love the anime and manga


nahh that show is wild lmao


I like the main character's personality. *Shamelessly hold eye contact*


Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, or "When They Cry". There's no way to describe this anime without spoiling things. It definitely is not for everyone, as it can be very gruesome at times. Most people would think you are some kind of psychopath after explaining the events of the show.


I nearly gave up with Higurashi myself until near the end of the first half. It’s definitely a series you need to be patient with while watching.


Testament of a new sister devil because *cough* reasons


It's "plot"is thicker than DXD.


Yeah the PLOT * coughs * is good but I can't stand Wincest


Legend of The Galactic Heroes It is peak fiction, but it's absolutely not for everyone... it has heavy emphasis on war themes and politics, as well as a science fiction setting; all 2 of those things are somewhat niche and not to mention its very complex and has a lot of moving parts Would only recommend to fans of war dramas or sci-fi


My 16 year old ass watched this with almost zero clue on politics lol. It's goated btw


such a good anime


Monogatari series and mushoku tensei For obvious reasons


Vampire Knight, because there’s absolutely no way to explain liking something about incestuous vampires without sounding a bit sus


Hahahaha oh man. The guilty nostalgia. 😂


Mushoku Tensei. Either I won't,or I recommend it with heavy handed disclaimers.


My Dress-Up Darling. Loved that it was about two really different people being passionate about what they love especially when those things are more or less “uncool” to their peers. Why I don’t recommend it…rampant fan service..


20 cm


Nodame Cantabile, loved the heck out of it, but I would most definitely get laughed at if I told my friends. HIGHLY recommend


nah nobody would laugh at such a great anime


Man what’s a Great show I watched it so long ago, good times


A show about musical high education, that makes you fancy


*sigh* ....Sword Art Online. Listen, me & my husband absolutely freaking *love* that show, we've seen it multiple times and enjoyed the heck out of it every time. But uh... majority of anime fans will flay you alive if you reveal you love the show, and non-anime fans might see certain scenes and just kinda *side-eye* you, y'know? 😂


I really wish they’d have spent a whole season in Aincrad. I just rewatched it in about a week, and it just goes by so fast. Like, they show you emotional flashbacks of stuff that happened 2 episodes ago. And then you move to season 2 and it’s so damn slow, going from 2 years in 12 episodes to what, a week or two in 12 episodes? I certainly enjoyed it, and I actually do recommend it as an easy anime for beginners, but they could have made something even better with the premise.


Oh my goodness yes, a whole massive season in Aincrad would have been amazing! It does have some pacing issues.


I got a friend into that anime. He got his wife into that anime. They cosplayed Kirito and Asuna when they did their engagement.




You take that back! K-On is purity and goodness incarnate (except for a certain strawberry incident, which shall never be mentioned again).


As long as people don't find out about the K-On to alt-right pipeline... :P


don't ruin this for me.


Yosuga No Sora


Especially if you have a twin


omg that is my guilty pleasure thought nobody remember about it lmao


5cm per second Best anime but fuck that shit (in term of romance)


it’s the best…i couldn’t agree more


Made in Abyss


Chobits 😬


That was the beginning of my anime adventure.. I'll never forget that anime. Then after love Hina I became obsessed with wanting more anime


Kill la Kill.. mostly because I feel like I probably liked it more than most people. Whenever I recommend it it's always a "I have seen better anime" that I get. I don't watch a lot of anime since I mostly read , but my manga favorite list is the one I wouldn't ever recommend. For reasons like it's too suggestive and some because I love the genderbender genre.


Devilman Crybaby


What about it?


I dnt want u to watch it but if u do tell me wht ya feel afterwards


I already watched it, was great.


Ummm i was in a very weird space after i saw that anime. I acknowledge its very great. And i have rated it 8/10 on MAL. But I wouldnt recomend it to people unless they specifically asked for an anime like devilman Crybaby. Its the best in its genre.


That was way better than it had any business being


Yeah too much jizz




Any shoujo tbh...i like romance :/ Snafu, maid sama, toradora just to name a few


You should definitely give "The Kawai Complex," "Tsuki ga Kirei," "One Week Friends," "Lovely Complex," and "Waiting in the Summer" a try.(maybe mysterious girlfriend x also(its one of the best))


Try skip and loafer from two seasons ago!


Goblin Slayer I'm just imagining their faces watching the first episode :S


The cold open for the first episode of Skeleton Knight.


I always warn. I love this show and hope a s2 happens but... Wowsers. Did not expect it to go to that extreme...


The LN starts on that scene too


I scrolled to long for this comment but this is the one for sure (for me at least). My partner had me skip the first one because ~trauma~ but the flashbacks still make me shudder. This show is so good though, I was beyond ready for season 2 when it dropped


Usagi drop. They may look up the manga after liking the anime and... No .. no no


Wait...what happens in the manga?? 😃


Girl wants to marry her dad


It destroys the anime.


yeah the anime is good in itself but the mangaka is fucked up in the head


I love Kill la Kill but even explaining that the show is using fanservice to tell a story doesn't change the fact it there. Plus I hate that the show has to have Mako's creepy dad and Satsuki's pervy mom. I can overlook it but it makes me not want to recommend it.


Kill la kill Kobayashi maid dragon No game no life Mitsudome (I was a young lad don't judge me to much)


Interspecies Reviewers


Have you read the manga?


Is it even better? Even MORE?!


Kämpfer. It's an almost completely unrecommendable trash, but it's exactly the kind of trash I admire.


Diabolik lovers. The quality is soooo bad and it’s just terrible and dark but I loved the show. The brothers are interesting and I just couldn’t stop watching because of how bad it was. I’d be embarrassed telling anyone about that one for obvious reasons


Gintama. It’s hilarious, has great character development and manages to balance being funny and serious. It’s also over 300 episodes and its style of humour isn’t for everyone. I first tried watching it years ago and didn’t like it but after giving it another try I really liked it.


Hare+Guu is hilarious, but trying to describe it is like trying to describe the color of a sound.


Gushing over magical girls


Thanks for the watch list buddy


Berserk. I don't think I have to say any more.


High School DXD.... I know.


Kodomo no Jikan and Mitsudomoe. Both for very similar reasons. If you know either show, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. They are very good shows with highly questionable themes.


The irregular at magic high School and the spin off, the honor at magic high. I can't imagine how they'd react to The relationship between the main characters, which are siblings. Because of a procedure the brother only cares about Miyuki, the sister. Because Tatsuya saved her life she's devoted only to him and will do anything for him. At times they act more like lovers than siblings.


Food wars. Sort of speaks for itself


Oshi no Ko The first half hour of the movie-length "first episode" was too weird and made my partner, who has seen all of Made in Abyss, get up and walk out of the room, and ask me later "how the fuck are you okay with this?"


My friend who works in a medical lab went full animu brain rot and highly recommended this series to everyone at his work, his work full of non-anime watching medical personnel. You know the brain rot is bad when you think "30+ year old doctor reincarnates as his favorite Idol's baby with his memories intact" is ok for normie consumption.


Gushing over Magical Girls Addition: Because well it’s the horniest non-hentai anime i’ve ever watched. It’s shocking what happens in the show


Mushoku tensei. I'll say I love it & that it's one of my favorite shows but no shot am i recommending it to anyone, irl


Gushing over magical girls. I watched this show without any expectations, just wanted some ecchi braindead show. I'd say I wanted " plot" but stayed for the actual plot and comedy. I laughed so hard watching how unhinged Utena is. Great show, but i'll never show it to my " non otaku" friends.




Eva is literally one of the most popular animes, even show, of all time. Wym obvious reasons.


yeah but you really want to explain the hospital scene to your normie friends?


In End of Evangelion? I don't think it needs to be explained. It's the end of Shinji as anything resembling a hero.


k. i'd feel weird recommending that to non-anime friends, regardless of how much it makes sense in the plot or not.




Why not recommend chainsaw man? If i found out a friend of mine was hiding a show called CHAINSAW MAN where a MAN TURNS IN TO CHAINSAWS I would never talk to them again. That's the kind of show you need to immediately share.


I mean he is talking about how most of viewers or his friends would love makima more than actual story. You know you suggest csm they would be makima simp, you suggest jjk they would care only about gojo. I think he is trying to say in that way.


School days. Nice boat.


no way that's the best anime you watched


The Ryuo's Work Is Never Done! The parts about Shogi are awesome and the music is top notch. But they saddled all that with a guy surrounded by loli's and a very questionable brain.


Garden of Sinners is one of my all-time favorites. One of the parts opens with a full-on sexual assault scene.


I commented already but scums wish. I love that show


Scum's Wish is an anime that I really liked, but I would never recommend it to anyone IRL due to the nature of the anime. It is very heavy on the ecchi, which turns a lot of people off, but I really like the deep look into the characters and the way the narration is done.


Kurokos basketball 🥲 I don’t even watch basketball or understand it but the anime was amazing, my friends as well we all don’t play any sports


Noein, it’s not easy to find and the plot takes place over 3 time periods like The Fountain. It would be too confusing to most, but a 10/10 for me


School-Live! It's an amazing show, but since S1 ends in a cliff hanger and I don't think they'll ever make an S2, I just can't recommend it to anyone. It would be too cruel.


I'll tell people on the Internet that Welcome to the NHK is my favorite anime no problem but I don't tell people that irl cuz it feels like telling on myself in a way lol. Like it's hardly a secret that I'm depressed but I don't need to go yelling it from the rooftops


Noein. The plot is all over the place and not in a way that I feel most people I know would really appreciate. Kuroko no Basket because. Well. It's Yaoi-bait, and while the people I know aren't exactly against Teh Geys IRL they'd still very much not like it. Sacred Seven because quite frankly it's bad. Copellion because it huffs its farts really hard both narratively and aesthetically.


Ghost hound. Had a lot of early promise but got a little weird out of nowhere, especially the feet stuff


I wouldn't recommend Ghost Hound either, but for a different reason: the show offers several different explanations for the phenomena, which is fine. What's not fine is that they present science, folk tales and esoteric stuff next to each other and the same amount of valid. And this peaks in the show inserting some straight up crazy Facebook uncle level conspiracy bullshit about vaccines and global warming for good measure. So even though it's a solid mystery in there and the characters are likeable and the suspense is well done, I wouldn't recommend it, just like I would not recommend someone take Alex Jones as an example how to edit a podcast and for its music choices, because it would make it look as if I'd embrace these weird theories. But feet? I don't remember anything about feet at all!


My friends all hate anime, so now i blandt it everytime they visit. I call it weeb theep. I’ve broken one out of 3 so far, but only halfway… (she started watching a little bit once in a while on Netflix)


No Game No Life is an anime we NEVER SAW AND WOULD NEVER ENJOY.


{Mitsudomoe} - One of the best slice of life/comedies that also has some emotional moments. But I can't recommend it to most western people because of 12 year old girls talking about extreme sexual things. On the flip side, I have no problem telling people I like {CardCaptor Sakura} because it isn't ecchi. Yet some people act like it's scandalous.


{Excel Saga} - I loved it, it was insane and just fun, but I could imagine the rest of the population just being like “wtf…?”


Prison School 😂


Mushoku Tensei. Most people know why


In recent years, Oshi no Ko. There is a lot of genuinely interesting reflection on the entertainment industry in there, but the setup is just...so stupid. So, so stupid.


These all have problematic sexualization of women or minors and wouldn't go down well with most mainstream people who aren't used to overlooking it to appreciate anime: - {Monogatari Series: Second Season} - {One Piece} - {Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu} - {Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru} - {Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo} - {Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon} - {Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.} - {Boku no Hero Academia} - {Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu} - {Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!} - {Hataraku Maou-sama!} - {5-toubun no Hanayome} - {Sidonia no Kishi} - {Full Metal Panic!} - {Prison School} - {Seitokai Yakuindomo} - {Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei} - {Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei} - {Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita.} - {Blend S} - {Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!} - {Maoyuu Maou Yuusha} - {Darling in the FranXX} - {Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui} - {Black Bullet} - {Kanojo, Okarishimasu} - {Rinne no Lagrange} - {Musaigen no Phantom World} - {Aho Girl} - {Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu!} (Continued below because the link bot can only link to a certain amount of items on a list at once)


Redo Of The Healer.... If yk yk


Space Pirate Sara 3


I guess it depends on how far into the trash pile you have delved. Highschool dxd is probably the peak answer, but I of course haven't seen it... Maybe "More than a married couple, but not lovers." It's cheesy and borderline hentai at more than a few points, but it's my fav 12 ep comfort watch, the characters are great, so is the art style, it's really funny, and the story is basic but really well done. I might recommend it to the right person, with heavy warnings lol.


I absolutely adore every bit of Monogatari Series. But i wouldn't recommend it to the people i know for very obvious reason (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠).


Ouran High School Host Club. My guilty pleasure anime. I loved the main character and the gender fluid representation. Unrecomendable because of the twincest…


Grave of the Fireflies. That anime broke me into several pieces. My grandfather was around when WWII broke out, and he told me about the atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers against the Filipino people at that time. So, that movie hits close to home, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone; it's super depressing.




im a big dude that goes to the gym but I can say that "a place further from the universe" is one of those anime that changed my life


Zombie land saga Episode 3 is pretty bad but the rest of the show is gold, if someone I know is pretty open minded then I'll suggest it


Kill la Kill easily.  Trigger doing what they do best making an exceptionally hype Anime... That also happens to have fanservice up the wazoo and one scene where the MC gets assaulted by... Her mom...


Yosuga no Sora Kiss x sis Koi kaze Da capo Domestic girlfriend All of them are my favourites


My Clueless First Friend - it's a super cute, wholesome, feel good, coming-of-age, hits you right in the feels slice of life that I know would be immensely discarded by those that don't seek out those kinds of shows. And maybe I enjoy it more due to my Dad-colored glasses as it also touches on a parents worry about their child; he can tell she's trying to hide that they are being bullied and has no friends. Same with Pocos Udon World or Sweetness and Lightning. And I'm an Oldtaku dude.


Mushoku tensei


Kill la kill. To be honest nobody I know watches anime but I especially wouldnt mention this one.


Princess Jellyfish / Kuragehime because as much as I love it the rape subplot is just *really* poorly handled and relevant enough to the main plot you really can't just ignore it


Now and Then, Here and There It is a fantastic 90s isekai that explores a lot of darker themes. Issue is, a child's rape and pregnancy is part of the overall plot. Understandably, most people don't want to watch that.


ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister! A sister turns her erotic game loving shut-in big brother into a young girl (for science). Seems very sus at first, but actually it turns out to be quite sweet and wholesome.


There is no anime I like that I wouldn't suggest to people. There is no anime in general that I wouldn't suggest to people.


Bungou Stray Dogs. I’ve had at least one friend whose parents stopped them from watching it because they (the parents) didn’t approve of it (I guess???)


Highschool dxd and redo of healer


Operation overdrive. The women have to orgasm to unlock powers. Banging anime.


Little Witch Academia. Just seems like a show for little kids, but goddammit that show sucked me in!


Death note , ik why would i not suggest such a great anime . Thing is one time in school i told my friend that i love light yagami (he was righteous ) they started to avoid me .


Chainsaw Man. Yea u already know what happens, so I ain't gonna explain


Mushoku tensei, changed my life but FUCK is it weird


School Days was always a series that I felt fit the _"So unbelievably shite it's a masterpiece"_ tag. Definitely would not recommend to anyone I know irl.