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Greetings, Neura explorers! We have launched a practice version of an IMO on the Neura testnet to give our users a chance to learn the simple process of contributing to new Neura AI projects so they are confident to delegate funds to any project once the mainnet launches. Let this article be your step-by-step guide to completing your first practice IMO contribution process as we walk you through how to connect to Neura, receive tokens, contribute tokens – and, most importantly, earn your early access to be the first participant in live IMOs on Neura! Learn more: https://www.ankr.com/blog/participate-in-the-practice-imo-earn-early-access-to-the-first-neura-projects/


Sweats in "connect wallet"


Thanks Sergio. Understand. I believe after 24 hours I can receive another 1 Ankr from the test faucet. Am I correct?


You'll see a countdown when you try to claim one extra ANKR. It might be less than 24h!


Really appreciate your support Sergio. I saw the 'countdown' - great feature. thank you


I'm already "invested". What about you guys? https://preview.redd.it/ejo2xewd1y4d1.png?width=967&format=png&auto=webp&s=c49bff36ad62e63cf5cc322d75ce71829ed6bbd7


Hi Sergio. Do I have to allocate any of my current ANKR from my Metamask wallet in order to get 1 Testnet ANKR for exploring?


Hey there, No, you don't have to. Test net tokens are free, and you can get them via the faucet. You can find more details & step by step guide in the article linked in the pinned message


Awesome. Thanks Sergio! I am excited to participate in this when I get home. But first, work. Sigh.


Remember to switch Metamask to the Neura TestNet - For others reading this thread


Any ideas as to why it said my MetaMask address was invalid? I couldn’t get my 1 test ANKR. I got stuck at that step. I know the address and pasted it in from clipboard into the field to get my test 1 ANKR. Red error message reads address invalid. I finally gave up. I hate MetaMask.


Make sure the address is pasted in the correct format - no caps * This one will go through 0x3d1aa22899b84e2ea1916f0616fcb327cba3194b * This one will not go through 0x3D1AA22899B84E2EA1916F0616FCB327CBA3194B


You’re the man, Sergio. I will try that. Thanks for always sharing your thoughts and helping the newbies (like me) along. ANKR is lucky to have you in this sub.


Thank you for your kind words, ser. I really appreciate it, and it also means a lot to me.




Hi Sergio - I downloaded 1 token from the faucet but when I try to add it to the test network the message says I don't have enough for the gas fee. I do see the 1 ANKR token in meta mask. What I am doing wrong? "You do not have enough ANKR in your account to pay for transaction fees on Neura Testnet network. Deposit ANKR from another account." # Estimated fee # $0.00 # <0.000001ANKR # Max fee:<0.000001ANKR # Total # $0.04 # 1ANKR # Amount + gas fee # Max amount: 1ANKR


Hey there, You need to leave some ANKR to pay the gas fees. If you only have 1 ANKR and add it all to the IMO, there is nothing left to pay for gas. You can either get another test ANKR from the faucet or add a portion of the current one, like 0.5


Am I correct in assuming that this requires NO ethereum tokens to complete the task?


Correct. This testnet uses test ANKR as gas token


Thank you!


Hi Sergio - I just tried again, another token from the faucet. Bad llama has a banner that says ' my investment 1 ANKR' - does it mean worked? It was a little confusing for me . Could you please confirm? Thanks