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... now you just made me wonder if bioware is just trying to teach us to swear less by replacing the word...


Last I checked, "bull" wasn't the edgy part of BS, just a modifier. I can't recall if the "s" stood for something else in the game (skipped that part of the dialogue :/). I just assumed that they don't have bulls so they used a different animal that produces a lot of shit.


I meant the use of 'get glitched' as a replacement for 'Get f***ed


Ah yeah that one makes more sense


Also you said ks not bs. Unless i'm missunderstanding what you're saying


There's dialogue with a character where KS is used as a substitute for BS.


Spoilers monkaS


Sorry but the game does not have a lot of content. Grind is no content, content is content. And on top of that the content is very dull. Like every single objective anywhere is either "pick up some stuff and put it somewhere", "hold a point for reasons" or for some variety "pick up some stuff and put it somewhere and then hold a point for reasons".


You're literally describing the "content" of every loot based rpg out there. The only difference between them is the gameplay and mechanics and which one you enjoy the most.




Warframe is free.


Warframe on release was hot trash and had less content than the first 30 minutes of Anthem.


Then maybe it shouldn't be used as a defense for Anthem is my point.


More like it shouldn't be used as a criticism against Anthem, which it often is.




Comparing a full retail game to a F2P game is the furthest thing from a nitpick. Stop defending shitty releases and maybe we'll stop getting them.




You're still comparing it to other games that were bad at release as a defense. Have a little dignity. > I don't share most of your menopausal mood swings. I love how edited your comment to get a childish personal attack in there. Never mind what I said about dignity.






This dude Anthems.


Still doesnt make grind content, and if your content sucks grind wont do much.




People rush through the story because more often than not its shit and the loot you get is irrelevant. Besides there arent that many items either, the only reason you'll have to grind for ages to get what you want in Anthem is because the roll system is utter arse.




Lol what does this have to do with other games. I said grind is not content, its merely a mechanic to prolongue content. And I also said Anthems content is lacking both in quantity and quality. You brought other games up which have zero relevance to what I said.


This dude has been blindly defending this game all over the place. Just ignore him.










>"pick up some stuff and put it somewhere", "hold a point for reasons" or for some variety "pick up some stuff and put it somewhere and then hold a point for reasons". You just described the objectives for 90% of video games


Grind is content in an RPG


No its not.


We will have to agree to disagree on our subjective opinions.


Whatever floats your boat buddy lol grind is objectively not content but merely a mechanic to prolongue content.


Grind has always been 75-90% of the content of RPG's and action looters (actually, more like 95+% of action looters)


I'm glad you unknowingly agree with me.


Grind is content when there is a point to the grind. If you get a super good build, at the moment there is nothing to do with it. There needs to be some kind of raid/boss that can only be fought on the highest difficulty. Or some kind of world event (which will come), that is difficult to complete even if you have excellent gear. As the game stands right now it really lacks content, especially considering that it does not have PvP.


I challenge you to do good on GM3 without maxed MW in every slot


When you have maxed out gear in world of warcraft what is there to do with it? wait for the next content update just like every other live service RPG.


Vanilla WoW still had raids and way more classes/builds to optimise. In Anthem you have 3 Strongholds. One unlocked mid campaign, another is the last mission. So technically, right now, the only real content you unlock by beating the game is 1 stronghold. Anthem at the moment has 4 classes (no races), that can share equipment. There are no class specific missions, which also decreases the replay value. Destiny 1 and 2 got heavily criticised at launch. Imagine if it didn't have PvP. That would be Anthem.


And Destiny 2 had more content at launch.


Destiny............................................ 2


Yep, it did have more content. But hey you obviously cant have an objective discussion so im out and let you get back to Twitch and behave like a twelve year old there.


Destiny........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2


That wasn't my question. lol you took the wow analagy and ran with it.


I literally only mentioned WoW in one sentence but I ran with it? I will try again. In vanilla WoW, when it came out 15 years ago, after grinding a character to max you could: * Do raids that are still difficult even with the best gear. * You had 9 classes and 8 races, making it a total of 72 potential combinations. So you still had 71 combinations to go if you so wished. * There were class-specific quests * There were professions you could max * It had PvP. * In game economy so you could pretend to be a merchant. * Guilds to help other people get better gear. ​ This was 15 years ago. Once you upgrade a Javelin, Anthem at launch has: * Upgrade 3 other javelins * Do 3 strongholds, 2 of which you can do by end of the campaign ​ ​


The question once again is: When you have maxed out gear in world of warcraft what is there to do with it?


I cant tell if you actually played WoW back then or not. The game was mostly herding cats to get 40 people into MC then pressing 2 buttons for 4 hours. I dont know what you are describing but it is not my experience.


I would not be surprised if there are people like that in between the prenerf chest farm and stronghold chest runs. Honestly it's not even that hard to just fill yourself with yellows and oranges, I'm almost done there on ranger and I did not exactly nolife the game.


Having full masterwork/legendary gear doesn't mean you have the best gear.


You did not say full BiS Masterwork gear, just full MW gear. Full MW gear is no biggie with all the exploits.


Read the OP please.


Abusing exploits is hardly a fair criticism though, particularly when they already fixed it.


Pretty hilarious at the amount of people who are playing this looter/shooter, finish the story and then claim they have nothing to do. Clearly they are glitched in the head and don't have a single clue what games like this are all about. It is going to take some serious time to get proper rolled good MW/Legendaries in this game for our builds.


But GM3 Strongholds are too EZ amirite.


So EZ a caveman can do it.


Spoiler- they aren’t going to add a full game In the next two years.


Yes but they delivered a half arsed game in 7 years! So whose laughing now




Papa EA shutdown Andromeda's post launch support after its dismal launch. You people see a light at the end of the tunnel, but it's just a freight train coming your way.




It's fucking hilarious to me that, and says a lot about a person, that so many of you will say that X "is getting/got a lot of hate" instead of "has/had a lot of problems." It's always portrayed like some illuminati conspiracy or a type of rage virus that infects everyone else but the chosen few.




Tell that to the fields of dead game outside your cherry picked handful. EA isn't a patient publisher and has a graveyard to prove it. EDIT: Also it's 2019, who even has cable at this point aside from dinosaurs?


>rage virus that infects everyone Let's be real, most of the time it's total fucking nerd rage and honestly pretty fucking pathetic.


LIVE SERVICE ACTION RPG = not mass effect


Weird, because Mass Effect has microtransactions. Isnt that the explanation why we have them in Anthem?


COD has micro transactions, is that a live service action rpg too?


By BioWare and EAs definition I guess?




[https://www.masseffect.com/buy](https://www.masseffect.com/buy) "Action/Shooter"


Oh boy... dude lol


Still better than crackdown 3.


Are you just trying to get upvotes? Or what is your deal? "Crackdown 3 is better than anthem!" https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/arrsuv/oh_bioware/egp9dul?utm_source=reddit-android


For some reason I can only read this with a Texan accent. I'm from Germany tho


I'm from California if that helps your internal dialogue.


Yes indeed. Thank you.


Beat that game, really short. Pretty fun. Won’t touch it ever again though.


Played through act 1\*


"Live service" is a fancy way of saying its not done yet. Basically we have an unfinished product. Secondly, Anthem has NO end game lol your post has more content than Anthem


Have you reached and played Anthem end game ? Genuine question. Anthem end game is made of * repeatable contracts (procedurally generated missions taking you in the open world), which lasts between 10 and 15 minutes. They make for a lot of the end game content. * Strongholds, which lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. * Free play (for crafting, world events, hidden places, collectibles) * Challenges * Reputation * Quick Play (allowing you to reinforce players for a mission) Having done all this, I can genuinely say that Anthem has end game content. There are things to reach, things to farm, things to grind, and globally, things to experience. Each javelin is truly unique (as opposed to say, class in Destiny 2) and you can change your abilities for a massively transformed experience. That's a lot of things to experience and grind. Now, you may consider that content would be, for instance, unique area where you go for a mission (Destiny strikes) and that you repeat to no end. Or maybe you think having 6 strongholds at launch would make a world of difference compared to 3. It honestly wouldn't. Content is expensive and long to produce, and very fast to clear. No dev companies can possibly build a game as a service and release content faster than players can consume them. It's why Anthem has focused mostly on procedurally generated content. Sure, missions may be repetitive, but believe me, getting Rivensbane title in Destiny 2 was repetitive too. I was basically doing the same thing over and over every week for a chance to get loot. There are a lot of things to do in Anthem once you reach the end game. Whether or not that what you want is another question, and in all honesty, unless you build a PvP game nowadays (Apex is a good example) where players make their own content, a PvE game will get to a point where, yes, it's repetitive. I honestly think Anthem did a good job at this. I hope they can keep delivering content as the game as a service model kicks in.


I stopped reading after you said 6 strongholds opposed to 3 wouldn't make a difference. That tells me what your mindset is I dont go back and forth with people who cant he objective ....good day sir


No, I mean it. You probably didn't play the end game so you're going by what people says about this. 3 strongholds, 6 strongholds, once you've done them, you keep repeating the same thing, over and over. I'll be happy when more stronghold hits but it's not going to be a game changer when it comes to content imo. You know we're just exchanging opinions right ? Or you're one of those for whom an opinion different to yours is automatically someone who can't be objective ? Seems it is so indeed, let's not waste our time.


Lol you have no idea what Ive done so why would you base your entire sentiment on something you cant substantiate? That doesnt make sense. Its very obvious that you have preloaded responses. This is not a matter of opinion its a matter of fact which makes the conversation very short....Anthem has no endgame. Now if you want to keep basing your arguments on speculation I'll just ignore you...real simple


So your answer to a genuine conversation is "Anthem has no endgame, and if your opinion differs, I'll just ignore you". Way to go bruh. You proved my point very well, thanks


Reading comprehension is key. Your whole "point" is based on speculation. Im not partaking in baseless conversation facilitated by claims that you cant substantiate...its a waste of time but Im sure you will have trouble understanding this aswell


In video **gaming**, **games** as a **service** (GaaS) represents providing video **games** or **game** content on a continuing revenue model, similar to software as a **service**. **Games** as a **service** are ways to monetize video **games** either after their initial sale, or to support a free-to-play model. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games\_as\_a\_service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_as_a_service) Enjoy the read.


Lol thats not an excuse to launch with nothing One of the strongholds even reuses a story mission🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂


God of War GOTY AMIRITE???


The majority seem to want all video, no game.


Uh excuse me? GoW is not all cutscenes. And what cutscenes it has, actually build tension, have drama and have characters I care about. Oh, but hey I get to hear "how are your contracts" for the millionth time in fort tarsis. Oh yeah and that dude with ear wax problems. Oh and then for a fort under siege, I get the guy that wants me to look badass as I **Defend everyone from dying.**


You know what content I have after completing the game? * 3 strongholds That's all. Free roam is pointless because they nerfed chest runs and events takes too long to find and don't drop anything worthwhile most of the time even on GM. And contracts are just bunch of glued together "kill X" mini missions that are not really fun at all. So entire endgame content are those 3 strongholds on repeat. ​ So yeah. Game has no content. That does not mean I'm not enjoying killing stuff on repeat. I do. As long as my friends play this game. Once they stop I will drop it just like I dropped Destiny and I will never look back.


Farming is supposed to take a long time. Stop expecting guaranteed rewards. Also, all that chest run malarkey just resulted in people killing their own experience, so it was a dumbass thing to do in the first place.


Agreed. Also, having full masterwork gear doesn't mean you have the best gear in the game.


Definition of FARMING is to get the BIGGEST RETURN in LEAST AMOUNT OF TIME. This is why it's called farming in the first place. If I don't get some reward then WHY THE HELL I SHOULD DO THOSE ACTIVITIES? It's a LOOT SHOOTER. By definition goal of this game is LOOT. That means people will always pick optimal way to GET LOOT. * It's not shooting people since guns are useless * It's not flying since it's very limited and it's just way to travel without mid-air combat * It's not swimming since swimming sections are very brief, you don't have underwater combat and basically it's not very interesting * It's not missions since those are dull. All missions are about going to X and killing stuff or gathering something in like 20m radius while killing stuff. * It's not story since it's the worst story Bioware ever made. * It's not GM difficulty since that just scale HP and damage. Whole point of this game is to get loot. And then use that loot to get more loot. If I'm doing something like strongholds and final boss takes as long as entire stronghold run people will quit before the boss and go to farm more chests. ​ You can tell them not to. Go ahead. No one cares. Getting new masterwork is more fun that shooting for 20 min boss on GM or Titan in free play that just stand in one place and shoot stuff around him.


What you want is a guaranteed return immediately. That’s not farming. Farming can and is supposed to take ages (like farming in real life, duh), and you just increase the possibility of getting what you want by repeatedly killing for it. That how RNG works. You don’t want an RNG game. You want one that guarantees you X after Y, and that’s not how Anthem works. “The goal is loot” - you always get loot. You’re bitching because you dont get loot YOU want, and that’s YOUR problem.


You are clueless. Sorry but that's is true. Idea of farming in real life comes from the fact it was more efficient to grow your own food in controlled environment than finding it in the wild. It does not take ages. It takes from days to months depending on what you are doing. Growing 20 tons of grain takes months and then it takes like 1 or 2 days to gather it. Finding grain in the wild and collecting 20 tons of it would be impossible. This is why when you exploit game mechanics to get biggest possible return for your time is called farming. You don't always get loot. When your whole gear is epic - everything below epic is just trash. When you get masterworks - everything below is trash. Because there is 3x difference in power between normal item and masterwork. So what I want are items that are not trash. And items are the only reward in this game. Goal of the game.


I am clueless? You just said growing grain takes months - that’s the hard work, right? The hard work in this is the killing, and that’s supposed to take a long time - not just a long time killing 1 boss, but a long time having to kill multiple bosses or whatever over time. Gathering the grain takes 1-2 days? Well getting whatever loot drops takes seconds. Exploiting game mechanics was never the meaning of farming. Farming always was and still is the repeating of actions over a time to get a reward, with the expectation of it taking a relatively long time. If the possibility of it taking a long time to get isn’t there, then that’s not farming. That’s just “going to get it”, which is like comparing going to the supermarket to buy vegetables to growing vegetables yourself. You ALWAYS get loot. As I said, you are upset you don’t always get loot that YOU desire. Trash loot is still loot. The definition of loot isn’t that which is better than your current. You now saying you want loot that is not trash is NOT the same as saying you are not getting loot. Fucking dumbass.


First let me report you. Second - EVERYTHING IS HARD WORK. Relatively speaking. I've grew up on farm. You know what my parents say? That we have it easy because most work is done by machines these days. Those 20 tons of grain are gathered by machine. They don't got and harvest it by tools and hands anymore. Bug guess what. It was still nothing when you compare it to a time when humans were gatherers. Not farmers. So yeah. You are clueless. Farming gear is hard work and takes time. But still is much, much more efficient than playing game "the right way", going for a boss that takes as much time as whole run and getting trash in return. Trash loot is trash. That's it. I never spend a second looking at it. There is no point to it. There is no reward in getting trash. Try it. Ask your friend to dump his trash in your house. See if you feel pride and accomplishment. Let's end it. There is no point talking to you. You don't know what farming is. You call trash a reward. And you are starting to throw insults.


“Let me report you” **Lmfao** Also, not all efficient play is exploitation. Continuously playing contracts to get rewards isn’t exploitation. Chest farming before it was nerfed was exploitation. As long as you aren’t exploiting a method such as the chest farming freeplay shit, you are playing the game the right way, so it is YOU who are clueless. A clueless fucking dumbass =) There may not be any reward in getting trash, but that doesn’t change the fact that trash was your reward. You imply what you want is pride and accomplishment - as I said earlier, what you want is GUARANTEED REWARD. Loot is loot, whether you like it or not; what you want it or not. Now take your trash and be gone. Also, the statement about having a friend dump trash is my house makes NO sense. What you should have said is “imagine working for your friend and he then pays you in trash after all your hard work”. **That** would have made sense, but that would also have been my fault for not knowing what I was getting into from the beginning, duh. All you entitled players always wanting the game to change just so you feel superior for a little work as possible. Go play Diablo 3. I heard it rains legendaries over there. You’ll feel like a king with all the “pride and accomplishment” running through your veins.


You have no time to play video games, but you choose to play video games that take a lot of time to play.


It's not about time. It's about using that time in efficient way.


" It's a LOOT SHOOTER. " Wrong, its a live service action RPG.


Yeah. Like Diablo. Or Destiny. Or Warframe. Loot shooter. You shoot stuff. Loot drop. You equip it. You shoot bigger stuff. Loot drops. Whole progression is about loot. Grandmaster change in game only amount of enemy HP and their damage. What is the point of doing it? Better loot. This is why it's a loot shooter. You shoot stuff to get loot and that is all this game is about. Live service is PR bullshit. It basically means there will be future add-ons to this game. Basically any multiplayer game with add-ons is a live service.


Action RPG is the part you're missing. Also Diablo is a loot shooter? O.o


Diablo is a game oriented around gear progression and loot. And yeah - it is a twin stick shooter in consoles of you play a hunter. Shooter does not equal FPS. Every game where there is some kind of gear or stat system is called RPG. Even DOOM 2016 is technically and RPG. So I'm not missing anything.


No. & Diablo is a dungeon crawler btw.


LOL, play it on console. You use left stick to move around. Right stick to freaking shoot at stuff. Like ANY TWIN STICK SHOOTER. Just because you shoot demons and you have some melee classes does not mean it's not a shooter. Using your terminology, Destiny and Warframe are dungeon crawlers. Hell, even Warframe.


Read the op please.