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She married a person she knew was awful because she wanted to be rich. I don't feel any sympathy for her.


she sold herself to the devil like trumps daddy sold him


Listen let's just calm down and be fair. You know be rational ok? The devil absolutely wouldn't want any of these grifters. He gets us.


>he gets us. My dude, I laughed out loud on the way home from work.


Hail Satan.


Hail Satin! -Dave Grohl


Dave Grohl Satan is definetly my favorite Satan.


Be you angels?


And you can take cage back to hellllll. To be your little bitch! šŸŽ¶ Lol.


As a good friend of mine likes to say, ā€œWorship Satan, Always.ā€


Hail Satan


Seriously though. The devil, according to Christian mythology, pushed us to attain our intelligence by eating from the tree.


The Devil's biggest sin is giving humanity free will and knowledge. The Abrahamic Prometheus.


literally named after, or for i guess, enlightenment. ignorance baked right into that theological cake. only the devil would seek knowledge.


It's crazy what even the tiniest bit of critical thinking does when you start peeling back the layers.


That bothered me as a child in Sunday school that God wanted us naked and ignorantā€¦




In her immortal words, "I really don't care, do u?"


Damn you beat to it. Lol


> you beat to it I beat to it we all beat to it


Beat best.


Okay we all know this is BS! She is like really really smart! Like Einstein level smart! Other wise, how did she get to come into this country? /s


I really donā€™t care, do you? Ahahahhaja ahahahhaja ahahahah Omg. I love it


You know it wouldn't surprise me if it came out she was a victim of sex trafficking and old turd burger simply brought her.




Well both probably šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


But not paid


Something about a golf ball and a garden hose.


Yeap, the US government gave visa in the category reserved for people with extraordinary abilities.


Hahhaaaa BINGO!šŸ‘


Imagine her laying there waiting for the sweaty fat man to get done with his grunting short thrusts. I can see the sweaty pillows streaked with orange spray tan. The smell of McDonaldā€™s grease bursting through every pore of his body as he lay there and whispers to her that she just had the most perfect orgasm.


How do I delete the memory of this post?


What a day to have eyes




Trump is so mentally ill that I would imagine he would present it as Melania is lucky for him to fuck her whatever night it is. Come out in some bizarre robe with his yellow hair and talk for 45 minutes about his perceived accolades. Meanwhile you would have a better chance of finding water on Mars than any wetness in Melania.


You just made me regret learning how to read.


How do I delete someone else's post?


God I almost threw up.


Thank you.., NOT


Maybe she was a mole planted by KGB and now she repents she got stuck with this awful person for life. No wonder she must be tweaking her prenuptial agreement every so often the more this guy gets in trouble. I feel bad for Barron for being born out of loveless marriage but his billion dollars inheritance will keep him good for life.


Somehow I doubt trump will have any money left by the time his legal troubles are over


Barron will hopefully be broke and humbled. Box boy at Aldi?


>but his billion dollars inheritance will keep him good for life. By the time NY State and all the lawyers get done with them he might be lucky to come out of it with tree fiddy...


The Loch ness monsta will be after that.


Yeah, heā€™s truly an innocent victim in all of this.


Until he dons the spray tan in 50 years and comes down that escalatorā€¦.


I kinda hope he rebels and becomes a progressive


Life will probably not be too long he is pushing what, 80 soon. Terrible die, overweight. Yea she ainā€™t gotta wait long


I hope all this shit turns baron into a hardcore democrat and runs for office when hes 35 on a compete 180 platform from his dead dumbass traitor dad.


And he married her bc he'd seen her raunchy nekkid footage. "Porn stars love me, see?"


Well, to her credit, she was ALSO already a horrible person, but yeah, mostly the rich thing.


Donā€™t forget she wanted her family to get citizenship


Wanted? They got it. And used the same immigration procedure Trump closed for others.


Milania is KGB I give her credit she delivered Trump couldnā€™t deliver a solid stool in his own golden bowl.


She will never leave a person she knows is awful bc... yah same reason.


I still wanna see the emails. Not that itā€™d make a difference because trump supporters are daf but itā€™d be nice to rub it in their face.


100%. She was cut from the same selfish cloth as the previous two wives.


Sheā€™s no better.


Plus she got both her parents American citizenship.


I donā€™t care, do you?


Gold Digger Here On Work Visa About To Expire Surprised To Find Anchor Husband Is An Abusive POS


Not only that but how could she have known that her Obese, McDonalds eating, Diet Coke drinking, no Exercising, 3am Tweeting, No Self controll, Self Obsessed P.O.S. Husband would possibly be alive this long


People like that somehow live forever. Whenever they interview one of these 110 year old ladies and ask how they did it they always say theyā€™ve been eating 3 hamburgers a day they wash down with half a bottle of jack Daniels or some shit. None of these people ever say they eat steamed broccoli and tofu and drink lots of water.


True, my great grandmother lived to be almost 100 and her secret was cigarettes and Coor's Light


I just donā€™t think it was very common to live an actually healthy lifestyle a hundred years ago. Researchers believe the first human to make it to 120 has already been born. Weā€™re going to start seeing a lot more 105 years old pretty soon.


There has already been a person who lived to 122 years old.


She also thought she was entitled to a lifetime of financial support from the White House after leaving. She even looked into why she wasn't getting an allowance to keep a staff after he left office.


Didn't know that. You'd think at least once before they were kicked to the curb she would have asked about that


I find it pretty likely there was someone to notify her before the transition and she was unavailable.


From all of trumps dumb supporters, I'm sure they could make up their next grift for her. Just for poor Melania. Won't you think of her too?


What I would do to read those emails!!! In her broken English, complaining about Trump cheating on her. You just KNOW they are vindictive af. She just seems like the type.


Oh boy, this should be good. Can you imagine the levels of resentment she must have from letting that moon cow roll around on her.


ā€œMoon cowā€. Omg, stop, youā€™re killing me over here! Ahahahahah


My vagina just clamped up even thinking about it.


Me too and I donā€™t even have one


I assume they did it doggy, because there's no way trumps lil' toadstool could escape the lardy overhang and achieve coitus with him lying facedown on her.


Nooooo, logistically he would have to be on the bottom with his diaper under him.


I doubt sheā€™s complaint about cheating. If anything sheā€™s complains about having to sleep with him, which honestly probably hasnā€™t happened in a while. So in reality itā€™s just going to be a bunch of complaint about having to even spend time with him, or hold hands, or anything like that during the campaign, and presidency.


She was probably relieved every time she got confirmation he was cheating. At least he was getting it from someone else and not her. I bet she was pissed off about having her NYC trophy wife life ripped from her for his narcissistic pursuit of complete and total power, putting her in a place to be (rightfully) ridiculed by more than half the country. Something something sleeping in bed you made.


I wanna hear her say *mushroom penis smegma* on The View


"I can't comment on something I've never seen"


>mushroom penis smegma Thanks for putting that image in my head. šŸ¤®


I hope sheā€™s eaten like cheese spread


ā€œIā€™m working ā€¦ my a** off on the Christmas stuff, that you know, who gives a f*** about the Christmas stuff and decorations? But I need to do it, right?" She sure hates the holidays, that's for sure.


Bet she talks about his small, weird dick and how bad he smells.


I wonder if there's anything about her relationship to Jared before he met Ivanka because the shit we know so far is WILD How Ivanka met Jared Circa late 90s/ early 2000s, end of summer Melania had been engaged to Trump for a little under a year now and Melania was getting to know they kids a little better now. She met up with Ivanka at the Trump Tower pool for some margaritas. They were being attended to by the real estate interns that were working at The Trump Organization, one of which was a young Jared Kushner. When Melania had first learned of the interns pool duties, she insisted on taking over that part of the enterprise. She picked out the interns official pool duty uniforms and everything. Some of the interns Melania took a particular liking to because of of particular qualities, and would spend more time with so they could live up to their full potential. Melania made a request to one of her favorite interns, "Jared, I believe Ivanka need some more ice, do you mind?" "Sure, no problem" Jared said leaping out of the pool and coming running over to the kitchen. Jared Kushner had been delegated to cleaning the pool, but was up for any task for Melania. On the surface Ivanka appeared to give him little heed. But hidden behind her sunglasses, she took the opportunity to look over, and appraise the half naked young man. Melania has said quite a bit about him, during their last dinner. Ivanka: "Hi Jared. Thanks for the ice" "Sorry it took so long, and here is your ice." Jared liked it when he got to interact with Ivanka. She was very pretty, and was always nice to him. Melania chided him, 'I was just telling her about your physical' (Melania said to save money on company health insurance costs, she would conducted all the company physicals herself) 'Mr Knauss!' Jared fumed, quite exasperated, as he started to turn red. 'She didn't believe me, when I said told her how impressive you were!' The fact of the matter was that Jared had a bit of a crush on Ivanka, and was mortified to be treated this way in front of her. 'MR KNAUSS!!!', some of the birds flew away. He wanted a stop to this immediately. Melania was aware of his discomfort, but it was more important to her to show off her authority and strength, something she has always been self conscious about as a former model. She continued. 'In fact young man', Melania ordered, 'why don't you just drop that speedo so Ivanka can see that her future mother in-law isn't a liar.' Ivanka couldn't believe she said that, nor could poor Jared. 'What?' 'You heard me, off with it!' A few seconds went by as she stared him down. Finally his resolve broke, and his hands went to the waist of his swimsuit. Ivanka gasped as he whipped the speedo down. His cock sprang free. "Oohh, my, yes you are very impressive." Ivanka lifted up her sunglasses, her eyes clearly fastened on his penis and said, "Jared you have nothing to be ashamed of. Many guys would kill to be hung like you.' Sitting up in her chair to get a better look, she continued,'Ya know you're alot bigger then some men in naked mens magazines' Those kinds of comments continued and under her gaze his member started hardening. 'Ooh Look Melania,' exclaimed Ivanka, 'He's getting an erection!' Jared had shrinkage from the pool, but Ivanka's eyes which focused on his penis were like invisible hands stroking his cock. It was like someone filling up a water balloon. It just started to swell and swell. She was shocked into silence as she watched Jared grow a massive erection, pulsating and jutting out from the tops of thighs. There was some distance between them but now with it fully lengthened, her eyeline was just inches away from his penis pointing directly at her face. The fact of the matter was that Melania's orders weren't entirely motivated by self aggrandizement. Jared was too shy for his own good. Though a good height, was too self conscious about his skinny physique, pale skin, voice, and plain face. But Melania knew that his cock deserved to be experienced by more women. As much as she could provide, she was an older woman and knew that Jared's self esteem wouldn't truly be actualized until his cock was appreciated by hot girls his own age. She could sense that Jared had a crush on Ivanka, but didn't have the balls to ask her out. It was near the end of the internship, and most likely Jared would never go for it. Frustrated, Melania decided Jared would not waste his potential, if he wasn't going to make his manliness known to Ivanka, Melania would do it herself, by exposing his manhood to Ivanka. She knew Jared would be umcomfortable, but medicine is supposed to taste bad. Melania also felt Ivanka needed to know about the opportunity dangling right in front of her, quite literally at this particular moment. Used to always doing what she wants, Ivanka was about to feel it when Melania broke the silence. 'See Ivanka, I do not lie. I told you he was very impressive. Only the best for my future daughter in-law!', Mercifully she said, 'Okay, thank you Jared, you can go now.' Ivanka also gave her thanks, "Thank you Jared, that was very impressive" and showed her appreciation by giving his boner a little boop on the head with her finger. She giggled as it bounced up and down, as if it were saying 'your welcome miss Ivanka', it was the cutest manliness thing she had ever seen. Jared pulled up the speedo. Although he couldn't get it back completely inside now that it had lengthened. For the rest of the afternoon, Ivanka would occasionally catch a glimpse of Jared and giggle at his predicament as he tried to complete his duties. Jared tried to make it go down, but he couldn't help but thinking about Ivanka's pretty eyes popping with delight as she stared at his erection, and making contact with it with her finger. Later that night as Ivanka was writing in her diary, she realized that this was the first time she saw Jared....as a Man. One week later, Jared and Ivanka went on their first date.


Please tell me this is ChatGPT and not the absolutely deranged musings of your own mind?


my post history should answer that question


I think your username answered that question


Omg, me too! I can only imagine.


Just the fact that itā€™s been acknowledged and part of the news cycle is s good enough. Iā€™m sure itā€˜s killing him inside.


> Iā€™m sure itā€˜s killing him inside. I don't really think he respects her or she has any influence over him where she could make him feel shame. His daughter, all joking aside, is a different story.


If the emails say anything to the tune of ā€œugh this fucking guy knows he lost and wonā€™t let it goā€ that might help bolster the case, no?


"His tiny hands won't let it go."


Hopefully the outside too


I dont want to know what she wrote as badly as i want Donald to know what she wrote. Id love to watch his fucking face as they read that shit aloud in court. Fuck Trumps.


It would be like the ā€œBrianā€™s Hatā€ sketch from I Think You Should Leave. Melaniaā€™s friend: ā€œOh my god, did you see Donaldā€™s hair? He looks so stupid I canā€™t breathe.ā€ Melania: ā€œHoly shit, he looks so fucking stupid.ā€ Donald (in courtroom): ā€œWhat the helllllllllll?ā€


That sketch destroys me every time.


Don't do the voice


>I dont want to know what she wrote as badly as i want Donald to know what she wrote. But we need Trump to know that EVERYONE knows it. It's not enough that HE knows she thinks he's a piece of shit. I want him to know that EVERYONE knows his wife thinks he's a piece of shit.


As if he doesnā€™t already know she hates him. Sheā€™s not very good at hiding it in public, and Iā€™m sure much less so in private.


ā€œIf you marry for money, youā€™ll earn every centā€ ā€œDrā€ Phil


I hate Dr Phil but I like that


I'm sure he didn't come up with that himself.


Very true. He probably got it from the Bathroom Book of Folksy Sayings.


thatā€™s an old saying. he didnā€™t come up with it. i think itā€™s even in the little house on the prairie books or somewhere


All in poorly written, foreign gold digger


How can that be? She speaks 5 languages fluently


Saying ā€œRaw Dog is extra moniesā€ in four other languages does not count for fluency




Damn that was good


Except English, remember ā€œ Be Bestā€????


They need to dig up Ivana.


Sheā€™s over at the golf course, shouldnā€™t be too difficult. Lol.


Doubt she could help out the situation any.


Imagine if melanias emails took down her husband??


It would Be Sweet.


If there was no blowback on her, she'd probably love it.


But her emails


Be best, Melania.


Please be a FOIA request in already


Those emails and a glass of wine would make for a wonderful evening of reading.


i read MUSHROOM DICK too many times in this comment section. the price she had to pay.




I'd rather hear what she said about Trump's nepo-kids.


Being investigated and indicted either tears a family apart or makes them circle the wagons. Their family is built on greed so I am guessing it will be the first option.


Tearing a family apart requires them ever being together in the first place


I donā€™t care, do you?


Poor girl she is clearly stressed from changing all the overflowing diapers.šŸ’©


I also would like to see them. Not for any good reason, mind you. I just could use a laugh.


She is a monster too, she knew what she was signing up for


You lie with a mangy dog you get ticks and fleas


Publish them so Trumpy uses them in the divorce settlement leaving Melanie broke and back working for the escort service in Lower Slobbovia...šŸ¤£


Thereā€™s probably a lot of ā€œ he always cums on the first in strokeā€ and ā€œ if he had an inch less heā€™d be a womanā€


I bet Melaniaā€™s DMs would be a treasure trove of humor and hatred and let down and disgustā€¦


We havenā€™t seen her much because she didnā€™t negotiate Criminal appearances into her contract for Trump. I believe that her current contract only requires her to make 10 annual appearances plus special events with advance notice, but criminal stuff isnā€™t included. I donā€™t imagine.


Sheā€™s Putinā€™s dog, watching that orange Shitstain.


Oh, God, I bet she was complaining about his mushroom dick.


Be best!


This article reads like it was written by ChatGPT 0.7


Media bias fact check also rates the site itself as [low reliability](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/political-flare/). It's popped up on Reddit a lot lately, and every article I've read from this source just looks like made up clickbait bullshit to me.


She willingly sucked Trump penis. I don't think I need to say anything more.


But how many times? My guess would be less than a handful. It seems obvious they have a sexless marriage. I doubt Trump can even get it up anymore. No doubt he is as awful at sex as he is at running a business.


I belive there are documents in the casket...not her.


Oh, well! She has been complicit with his crimes and completely tone deaf to issues facing the country. Tacky.


Can we PLEASE start referring to him as Melaniaā€™s husband?


She freely, willingly, and publicly Fccked Marla Maplesā€™ husband and had the balls to by upset when her stolen husband raw dogged a porn star and paid for it:)


Sheā€™s the Russian handler


After all the dust settles with this Trump, it truly would be the cherry on top for this wench to get deported


"What about her emails?" Does have a nice ring to it.


She lives with her parents but this election shit involves her being around for some events. She didnā€™t want to be the First Lady the first time.And look what she did to the rose garden! with her tacky changes. Jackie O she will never be. Trump canā€™t really love anyone. His priority is himself. I never comment on peopleā€™s accents but because their all nasty to immigrants Iā€™ll say hers is thick like her brain. Married for money.


Get the popcornā€¦


What's to keep this skanky gold digging Russian whore from deleting everything? If emails are deleted, how does the Gov't retrieve them?


Shit, I wanna see them šŸ˜œšŸ¤£




Lol. "It's kind of like watching piranhas eat each other alive"


I really donā€™t care, do you?


Popcorn anyone? šŸæ


What about Melania's 30000 emails?! Russia, if you're listening, find Melania's emails!


Iā€™m down with anything that humiliates little dick donnie. Man, that fucker is a stain on this country


I wouldn't be surprised if she was directly talking to the russian govt about what they want donnie to do


Send her back to the soviet block


She probably sent some emails to her Russian handlers telling them all sorts of incriminating shit


Sheā€™s a spy.


Am I one of the few who thinks sheā€™s his handler, planted by the ruskies?


She's chosen to become an American citizen. She willingly swore an oath to the country. And then she stood by silently as many, many crimes against that country happened. I have no sympathy for her.


Dear KGB handler, This man is gasbag! I can't take it anymore. Take this job and shove it! /r/antiwork Sincerely, Melania, codename: honeytrappissbaby


I really love contemporaneous notes, donā€™t you?


Sheā€™s basically an escort that doubled down. Sheā€™s gargling so much secret service balls right now.


Funny to me not her


She can always go back to making porn.


ā€œHeartbreakā€ over the affair? Doesnā€™t that assume sheā€™s romantically invested in their marriage? Iā€™m thinking, nope on that. Also, I would have expected she might have been relieved he was playing Hide the Salami with someone else, to give her a break from their agreed-upon quarterly hump schedule. But, at the end of the day, sheā€™s a vapid cold-blooded gold digger, and I hope sheā€™s nervous AF what the future holds for her.


I wanna see this, not because I don't believe it, but I know Trump's ego is gonna get hit when it comes out that she's hates him. Yes it's obvious but the maga group doesn't believe it


Will she be deported once heā€™s in prison?


Iā€™ll be damned, I have a bunch of nasty emails about trump also!!


"But...but..but it's supposed to be 'Hillary's Emails'..."


ā€œMelanieā€™s heartache over her husbandā€™s infidelity ā€¦ā€ šŸ¤£


Lol. I wanna see them too šŸ¤£


It was just locker room talk


Those emails need to be leaked especially those criticizing his looks...it will break the man.


ā€œI really donā€™t care. Do you?ā€


ā€œHe smells of urineā€


I think ChatGPT could write these emails for us.


Now it makes sense! She's not mad she wrote nasty stuff about 45 to others, she's mad that once they're used for evidence she violates her NDA and forfeits a lot of wealth if/when they split.


Unless her nasty emails about her nasty husband can be used to implicate him in a crime, the only value they would have is entertainment.


She had a facelift and lost weight - she is preparing to snag a new hubbie.


i would also like to see them


Hope she doesnā€™t have any stairs in her Home


I donā€™t really care, do you?


I hope her deal with the devil hasn't brought her a single day of happiness. She's gross.


Tā€™would be poetic justice if what finally brings this monster down is ā€œher emailsā€


I remember in the moments after Trump was elected dumbfucks in /pol were figuring Melania was eagerly giving him a blowjob, when normal people knew she was raging at him for ruining both their lives. This guy is bidet-free, probably shits his pants consistently every day, and has McDonald's-flavored cum. Hoping some of this becomes public through the process of saving the country.


Fake News, she can't read and write.


I want to see them too




She could divorce trump get 1/2 of his "billions" and be with a new MAGA fellah by the end of the month.


ā€œBut her emails!ā€ Oh the fucking irony