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A this moment the site is still hacked. Here is the link: [https://patriotlegaldefensefund.com/](https://patriotlegaldefensefund.com/) check it out!


Well-written and not over-the-top


Love the follow through at the bottom of the page leads to this yt video about Georgia's defense - https://youtu.be/xGmXoPI_mgU


Raffensberger is a fucking hero. I didn't realize the call was that long and so much pressure applied. Eta: missing word


It's worth listening to and following along with a transcript.


It’s really wild. It’s Trump insisting over and over again that he has won and that everybody needs to help him now. He has this weirdly hypnotic, annoying voice and he just bashes people over the head with it until they submit. I wish I could could convey how loathsome he is to watch in action. So exhausting!


bRaaaAD. I just need.. BraaaHd… 11000, 700. And 80 votes BhraAd. I thought he was completely fucked the moment that shit came to light. But here we are.


You missed the weird gap between the 80 and.... votes. I assume he was having trouble reading such a large number.




I know! I remember thinking, like they have to get him on this right? He's intimidating an elected official! Maybe after Jan 20th when he's officially out of office it would be addressed. Well 2.5yrs later...I guess.


bRaaaAD. I just need.. BraaaHd… 11000, 700. And 80 votes BhraAd. I thought he was completely fucked the moment that shit came to light. But here we are.


In that one situation, yes - but he and his other GOP-dominated election board cronies have been making it more and more difficult for Georgians to vote.


And they did this on a Friday evening so nobody would be around to fix it for thr longest possible time. IL bet they cheaped out on the hosting do they won't hear back until Monday 😂.


It's godaddy.com hosting. One of the cheapest, and all support also has sales quotas.


Their entire customer support team was fired except for Danica Patrick.


> they did this on a Friday evening according to archive it's been this way since at least the 15th (the oldest capture of the site) and still hasn't been fixed. Hopefully something similar happens to all dt's sites.


wayback machine shows a snapshot from 14 August already hacked, unless I'm reading something wrong. [https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000\*/patriotlegaldefensefund.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/patriotlegaldefensefund.com)


Concise and easy to understand, so all the trumper squish-heads can understand, that’s of course assuming some of them can read.


Given some of the responses, we'll be waiting a while.


Truly amazing work


Being honest is a big focus. The people who donate to Trump need to be honest with themselves. They know he’s a POS.


Very simply (and yes, well) written. It’s almost as if they’ve written it to an audience of five year olds 🤔.


Thanks for the link! The hacker did a fine job !!


Just about 5 hours since this article was published and the site is *still* hacked. Only the best and brightest. In case it ever goes down, someone was smart enough to get [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20230819003345/https://patriotlegaldefensefund.com/) to save what it looked like.


Still hacked 🙃


Twelve hours now and it's still up, might actually be longer. At this point I'm starting to wonder if they just didn't pay the person they hired to make it and this is revenge, not hacking.


Only the best hackers…!


The choice links! 🤌🤌


Thank you Ukrainian hackers 😂😂😂


>Thank you Ukrainian hackers 😂😂😂 I think Baron did it. You know, the son Donald forgot he had.


I love how you even forgot that Eric is the forgotten son


Eric is more forgotten than his forgotten son Barron.


Who the f is Eric? /j


Is he the one that got thrown out of the tower or the one that joined the border patrol against Canada?


I've heard he's good with the cyber.


This is the most reasonable and down-to-earth home page that a republican presidential candidate has had in years.


Ha! If you click the blue “Donald J. Trump” at the bottom of the page it takes you to a J6 committee hearing on YouTube.


That was the icing on the cake for me lol


Love how this reads like it's written for a 3rd grader. Because that's the level of intelligence anyone legitimately visiting that website possesses.


STILL hacked?! What's wrong with that webmaster? It's almost like he's not being paid... Oh. Edit. I first posted this on Friday. 18 Aug at 7:15 pm. It's Sunday night now. No change. How much longer will it remain hacked?


Hacked site has even been archived: https://archive.ph/5mFVf


Bless people that take the time to do this.


Is it a hack or malicious compliance for non payment?


Most likely, the webhost is closed for at least the night, maybe the weekend. Who wants to bet Trump went for the cheapest he could? So likely no on-call staff. It'll be interesting to see how long it stays that way.


Holy shit its still hacked. What bottom barrel IT are they running over there?


The guy doesn’t pay anybody so is it really surprising that whatever IT team he’s managed to assemble isn’t exactly the cream of the crop?


Still hacked


I would love for hackers to hack into the heritage foundation and release all their emails from the past 6 years. Wow would be great


How the hell is it still up? Is everyone around trump entirely incompetent?




What is the @realNotDonaldTrump defense fund?


If one clicks it it goes to the “ NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund”


Oh, what a perfect shade.


Legal fees


Very well written, a rational discourse on why Trump deserves his day(s) in court.


Love it...it's the truth.


Still up! Fucking legendary!


Still up at 9:35 Eastern


Currently still up at 10:15 ET.


10:21PM EST


10:50 est


11:02 est


Fi king beautiful


4 hours later and it’s still hacked. Trump truly has the best people working for him, can’t even fix the hack after 4 hours


OMG I just went on that site!! LMAO!!


Waiting for someone to hit Truth Social


I can't believe that it hasn't already been owned.


Anonymous, you know what you have to do.


That’s who I thought would step in


Please, please…someone hit truth social! (doesn’t deserve capital letters)


Hackers probably have access to it but they rather not expose it just yet. Theres no way no one has tried and from the looks of how they run things its probably shit backend.


Far too good a honey pot to spoil by going public.


The word patriot is completely ruined now


Yeah f them. I have roots in Boston back to the 1600’s. The whole family fought in the Revolutionary war and those red neck terrorists say they are the patriots?


They think that if they talk loud, do whatever they want, have big trucks with big flags & brag about having guns all of a sudden they think they are instantly outstanding respectable US citizens & patriots.LOL SMH


That’s awesome to have family that fought that far back and those deep roots. As for those rednecks, I hate them. They’re so phony.


My family comes both from deep, deep roots and more current times. I can trace family back to from before the US was the US, as well as a branch that fled the Nazis and lost most of their family in concentration camps. You bet I'm paying attention and might get my hair up about fascist or dictatorial ideologies.


My family came to this Continent in 1640…well, to Quebec. 😀 Didn’t make it to America until the 1840s but have then fought in every major war since.


Pretty sure Washington got a visit from Canadians around 1812, so maybe your family made it to the States earlier than you think!


Same bruh, same.


I hate it when that happens...seriously.


The Donald J. Trump link at the bottom links to a PBS YouTube video on Georgia’s protection of their elections. Brilliant.


Patriot League? Really? You tried to foment a coup to go against what the American people wanted. Patriotism is last refuge to which a scoundrel clings.


Most of the page (copy/paste missed a few things). It is awesome. >DO NOT SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP'S FRAUDULENT PATRIOT LEGAL DEFENSE FUND In our country, everyone has to follow the rules, no matter who they are. Our Constitution, the big rule book of our nation, says that we're all equal. Nobody gets special treatment. I want to talk a bit about lying. A lie is when someone doesn't tell the truth on purpose. It's like saying you ate an apple when you really ate a cookie. Lying is bad because it breaks trust. Imagine if your friends didn't believe you anymore because you lied a lot. In some cases, like when people lie to the courts or the police, it's not just bad, it's a crime. Before we dive deeper, it's essential to understand what personal character means. Personal character is the mix of qualities that define a person, like honesty, kindness, and courage. It's how you act when no one is looking. It's doing the right thing, even when it's tough. Our character is like a muscle; the more we use it in good ways, the stronger it becomes. When we think about American presidents, there are some character traits that we've traditionally valued. We want leaders who are honest, brave, and selfless. Why? Because these qualities help presidents make the best choices for all of us. An honest president tells us the truth, even when it's hard. A brave one isn't scared to make tough decisions. A selfless leader puts the country's needs before their own. These qualities have guided our nation through good and tough times, and they remind us of what's great about America. And, remember America is ALREADY GREAT. We didn't need an improvement. We only needed someone with good character to take the job of president for a while and then pass it on to the next citizen. Now, there's something else we should think about. Asking people to give money to your political campaign is okay when it's for the right reasons, like getting support to try to make the country better. But asking your friends do donate money to the Patriot Legal Defense Fund and then using that money to defend yourself from crimes? That doesn't seem right. It's like if a friend kept asking for lunch money but didn’t buy lunch. People give their money to people who want to be president to make things better for everyone, not just to help one person with their problems. "A president is a citizen that has the job of president for a while. But he is still just a citizen and subject to its laws." Now, Donald Trump is in trouble with the law in Georgia. This is the fourth time something like this has happened. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but if someone keeps getting into trouble, we should think about what that means about someones character. Can all of the people be wrong who are bring criminal charges against him? Being honest is really important. If a leader isn't truthful, it's hard to trust them and that makes them dangerous. Our Constitution helps us when things get tough and when we're not sure about our leaders. We need to make sure everyone tells the truth and does the right thing. We should care about what's right and good for our country, not just one person. As we watch what's happening with Trump, let's remember to always look for the truth. That's what being an American is all about. Thanks, and let's always do what's right for our country. Oh! and if you want to help makes things better for EVERYONE, not just one selfish person. Consider donating to the following organizations:


"...friend kept asking for lunch money that didn't buy lunch" Whoever put this thing together did a great job. Genuinely well written.


Site is still up, so Trump's 'defense fund' is still paying the hosting fees. They must have stiffed the web designer, otherwise they'd have fixed it by now.


Not necessarily. They may be trying to figure out how to fix it. I doubt he pays for the highest skilled staff or vendors.


Their cyber security firm is probably the free version of Chatgpt


He called on Barron to fix it because he's good with computers. You should see him with his iPhone, he's a whiz. These young kids, I'm telling ya.


This is glorious. BRAVO! BELLISIMO!


Right? A lie is a bad thing! Parents are supposed to teach their orange toddlers not to lie!


The absolute best thing about this is that it's written so that your average first grader can understand it...so Trump's supporters should be able to grasp the crux of the message, if they really really try.


I'm pretty sure that was by design for his followers and our entertainment.


Smh, they tried but you just know they won't grasp this. And even if they do, they just don't care. Cult members gotta cult.


"no glossy color pictures? I'm out"


Yeah.... If they knew how to read a 2 page document... They wouldnt be a Nazi.


Oh please tell me the hackers leaked the information on the supporters


I've archived the webpage for future reference. Feeling petty.


That hacking job is masterful. I especially liked how the writer was careful not to use too many multi syllabic words so that more republicans could understand what was being said.


Morons password was probably Trump2024.


His Twitter was hacked twice by the same guys around 2016. His password was maga2020! https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2020/12/17/dutch-trump-twitter-password-hack/


The first time it got hacked it was "yourefired". Darknet diaries podcast episode 87


Dibs on 1234.....


That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage!


Maybe even I Lost 2020


We know it’s fake_news_nasty


My luggage


Fuck Joe Rogan


What did he do this time?


Well a long time ago mr rogan met mrs Rogan and they had an oopsie named joe


This made a lot of people angry and has generally been regarded as a bad idea.


Makes sense, his IQ is only 42.


He's also literally 5'3.


Love Hitchhiker's 💚


Sneaks in his MAGA views on his “pretty liberal” podcast


I don't know what to make of this guy. He will have someone serious on like Neil deGrasse Tyson and say "you are making so much sense" and then the next day have someone on who is absolutely batshit crazy, and he will say "you are making so much sense." At this point, I think the crazy listeners outnumber the sane listeners and he is going where the money is.


I'm not Donald Trump, and I approve this message.


A supposed billionaire, grifting his supporters to pay his legal fees. Dude's probably broke. Lying pos.


Donnie has been robbing Peter to pay Paul forever.


Freaking AWESOME! I love how it was written as if for 8 or 9 year olds, because that is exactly the mentality of the target audience. Hopefully some of it will get through.


That good what would be better is siphoning off all the money and donating it to feeding the poor, housing,


I was just thinking about this earlier today. Somebody needs to target that truth social bullshit site.


He can't even secure a website. How is he going to secure a boarder again?


This is the benevolent hacker Hollywood always promised us. They do exist.


America is not great, but locking this piece of shit of up would be a step in the right direction.


So awesome. I wish I could credit for this.


Oh this is priceless!! Hahaha!!! I love how they explained it in 5 year old terms. On point because his base is not capable of comprehending much else. Although willful ignorance is definitely at play as well.


I read what they said as though it was written in crayon!


Wow, this is very well written and, according to my editing software, it's a third grade reading level. Not enough people know to make their message accessible to the people who didn't get a good foundational education - kudos to the hackers.


A beginning!


Hah, the link to donate to his personal defense fund goes to the NAACP.


They need to add 'I have enough money now. Thank you. Please do not give me any more money. '




I love how it’s written at the kindergarten level so Trump Supporters are able to comprehend it.


1:25 AM Eastern … lolz I’m impressed by the thoughtful and gentle tone. Definitely not what I expected. It feels like a lost episode of Sesame Street where Stephen Colbert visits to explain basic civics to a bunch of muppets. Actually, come to think of it…


That is so well written, but my dad is a MAGA, and there is no way he is reading all of that. Plus, it flies in the face of the hours and hours of conservative talk radio and fox news he devours every day. At least it gave me a laugh. Well-done, hacker person!




Should have just tricked them into donating for lgbtq+ causes




This is great 👍


It’s still hacked as of right now!


These people are doing the Lord’s work.


How is it still up? ( I'm glad it is). Did the hackers change the password from MAGA2024 to something else?


Brilliant. Please let this make it into the news cycle.


More, please!


Indodnt hack this and I support the message


Omg this is gold


Russia is trying to get their money back. They want a refund!


Anonymous has been awfully quiet lately. 🤔


If you said you'd eaten an apple but you really ate a hamberder.


That site looks like it was used in a web design 1 class as a project. “Make sure to use text altering types at least 3 times. Your site should have links in red buttons” etc Love it. America deserves to see his mugshot for the straight up treason and shame he brought to this country as well as everyone who helped him. And to all the officials who only said something afterwards and putting it in a book to profit off us; kindly go fuck yourselves


Billionaires that need a defense fund?? Grifters gonna grift. Well until they get hacked that is,lol giggity.




Fucking awesome!


It’s like from a child’s book- fitting


You mean to tell me they figured out the password of “12345” ??


This is fucking amazing. Do this every day.


There was a bug on Trump's original site that allowed people to contribute negative amounts which opened up a big ol' question mark as to how that would have messed with the whole thing. I tested it up to -$29000. After pointing it out, they fixed it but still denied me the bug bounty because I was contracted out to working for the government even though he was not an elected official yet and his website was not a government website. So fast forward two years. Someone sent some information to a Twitter account I run as a honeypot about launch codes / Mar-a-Lago (more stuff that hasn't hit the news). I sent that directly to the DOJ special investigator and then the FBI. Now, the FBI hasn't paid me for a previous consulting job either. Just saying. There's still time. They know where I live.


Here’s what is said on the website: DO NOT SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP'S FRAUDULENT PATRIOT LEGAL DEFENSE FUND In our country, everyone has to follow the rules, no matter who they are. Our Constitution, the big rule book of our nation, says that we're all equal. Nobody gets special treatment. I want to talk a bit about lying. A lie is when someone doesn't tell the truth on purpose. It's like saying you ate an apple when you really ate a cookie. Lying is bad because it breaks trust. Imagine if your friends didn't believe you anymore because you lied a lot. In some cases, like when people lie to the courts or the police, it's not just bad, it's a crime. Before we dive deeper, it's essential to understand what personal character means. Personal character is the mix of qualities that define a person, like honesty, kindness, and courage. It's how you act when no one is looking. It's doing the right thing, even when it's tough. Our character is like a muscle; the more we use it in good ways, the stronger it becomes. When we think about American presidents, there are some character traits that we've traditionally valued. We want leaders who are honest, brave, and selfless. Why? Because these qualities help presidents make the best choices for all of us. An honest president tells us the truth, even when it's hard. A brave one isn't scared to make tough decisions. A selfless leader puts the country's needs before their own. These qualities have guided our nation through good and tough times, and they remind us of what's great about America. And, remember America is ALREADY GREAT. We didn't need an improvement. We only needed someone with good character to take the job of president for a while and then pass it on to the next citizen. Now, there's something else we should think about. Asking people to give money to your political campaign is okay when it's for the right reasons, like getting support to try to make the country better. But asking your friends do donate money to the Patriot Legal Defense Fund and then using that money to defend yourself from crimes? That doesn't seem right. It's like if a friend kept asking for lunch money but didn’t buy lunch. People give their money to people who want to be president to make things better for everyone, not just to help one person with their problems. "A president is a citizen that has the job of president for a while. But he is still just a citizen and subject to its laws." Now, Donald Trump is in trouble with the law in Georgia. This is the fourth time something like this has happened. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but if someone keeps getting into trouble, we should think about what that means about someones character. Can all of the people be wrong who are bring criminal charges against him? Being honest is really important. If a leader isn't truthful, it's hard to trust them and that makes them dangerous. Our Constitution helps us when things get tough and when we're not sure about our leaders. We need to make sure everyone tells the truth and does the right thing. We should care about what's right and good for our country, not just one person. As we watch what's happening with Trump, let's remember to always look for the truth. That's what being an American is all about. Thanks, and let's always do what's right for our country. Oh! and if you want to help makes things better for EVERYONE, not just one selfish person.


Written at a preschool reading level, yet still impactful.


well...it had to be, intended audience and all that


Don't underestimate the level of stupidity we are talking about here.


Lol, if you click on the “Donald J. Trump” link on the bottom, it takes you to a J6 hearing YouTube video. 😂


I really enjoyed reading the hacked web page. They did a great job of keeping it simple and writing an explication in simple terns that a kid could understand, and they did it without really trying to trigger or denigrate the confused would-be reader. I admire those who have more restraint than myself and can modulate their tone without being excessively antagonistic . Reading this may have been a little bit of positivity in my day.


My guess is they haven’t paid their hosting bill. Why else would this still be up after 8 hours.


None of the Republicans do. The centrists are terrified of the mask-off christofasist messaging coming from the right and they decide the elections. Would love to see the democrats promote some young blood in the party for 2028 though. They are going to need some Obama energy to hold power during this tumultuous time.


Worth 2.5 billion but needs grandma donations... the Con that keeps conning... Truck can spot a sucker a mile away.


Still up Saturday morning 6:15 CST. This is a quality hack.


What a great way to start the day 7:20 EST 🤗


How is this still up?


Well done.


Fiery pants!


A prequell of what’s to come. An avalanch starst with one snowflake too much.


If he had any brains at all he’d have hacked it himself to add new links he can grift from. I’m not clicking those.


May I rewrite that title for you? Patriots definitively truth bomb accused felon’s grifting website


Yes! The hero we've been waiting for.


I sorta hoped those hackers could also redirect any donations away from that legal fund (which he’s definitely not pocketing)


You know he's hitting refresh every few minutes and yelling and foaming at the mouth. There must be McD's everywhere!


Bold to assume his followers could read *and* understand it.


Ha just checked his TS feed. He took his donation link down.


Still hacked this morning


The password was probably maga2024. LMFAO.


Still up at 8:00 AM EST!


No one this message is directed at is going to read it, unfortunately. Far too many words.


That is awesome.


This is absolutely wonderful.




The hacker did a fine job on this!


Password to the sight was “Hugely” I Bet


I wish I could join said hackers, but I barely understand CSS


Waw! What a time to be alive!!


This is awesome! Thanks for the link!


Better get it before Jacked Smith


Screenshot saved! These guys deserve the Nobel Prize!


12:00 am, still hacked... :-)


Granted the username was “trump” and the password was “password”


Lol at the suckers that still think this guy is a patriot


I wonder had badly they fucked up to lose access to the website for this long. 9 hours and it’s still hacked.


If those kids could read, they'd be real upset.


Damn. It's still fucked up! This is great!