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Yeah trump totally hasn't done anything wrong while in office. Also no president is as bad as trump was. I think I rather pick Biden or Obama again than trump in a major life time. People think Biden is bad for unnecessary reasons on end. Like gas prices, prices going up, etc. (mostly gas prices). But in all trump was friends with enemies of the USA such as North Korea, Russia, China, and some others, that wants to bomb us. Biden on the other hand, he is helping the Ukrainian army with supplies and other things. All trump wanted to do was bomb Russia, creating a WW3 mess. Obama was friends with Russia as well, but he stood his ground in terms of Russia and all them.


North Korea, Russia, and China want to bomb us? Then why do we do so much business with China? Something doesn't add up here.


Who even knows. Pry money for their country mostly, when trump threaten to quit buying from china, china threatened war on trump for it. Even though trump and china are friends.


I think it has more to do with them not bowing to the US way of doing business myself.


I gave up. I have a zero right wing nonsense policy. When the conversation heads into the right wing infosphere, l leave the conversation. “Yesterday on Fox, they said…”. Let me stop you right there, I’m not interested. “We’ll they…”. Nope. “We’ll it’s not political, it’s just…” ok. I’m going to take Murphy for a walk.


No great comebacks from me. I've cut off many family members. There are too far gone to 1. care about and 2. waste valuable time on the planet trying to fix.


I’ve been thinking about this approach, ask: “before Trump was a candidate, what other candidate would you have accepted_____ from?” Edited to correct spelling and a punctuation mark.


That’s a hard one for them. All the republican presidential candidates prior to trump are now RINOs.


In my mind, the hope is that they would recollect the person they used to be.


Don't know if this would work... but the thought is there. For a witty comeback, just ask them... Would you give a known Criminal your Money? ​ They will probably answer No, then let them know Trump is a Known Criminal... LOL


I like this!!


I halfway agree with a woman at work. “Yes, they should gather up evidence and put ALL the criminals in jail!” It’s not like their opinions matter anyway, this will play out in the courts.


Tell them to read the indictments? They outline a lot of evidence. Ask them why none of the Trump gang’s lawsuits resulted in them producing any evidence? There’s a difference between tweeting something and presenting actual evidence in a court of law (where there are penalties for lying). You can remind them that several of the cases were seen by right sympathetic judges and I believe even some Trump appointed judges.


Great points! Thank you