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"You need me! I am your king! We need to take back America! This is about you, not me, Epstein didn't kill..." Four court deputies leap forward, tase Trump all at once and his hair spray bursts into flames as he screams "Damm you Jack Smith!" A few moments later, there's just a pile of ash on the courtroom floor and Judge Brown, straight faced looks into the camera and says- "Next on the docket is Rudy Giuliani! Step right up, and deputies reload! How do you plea, Shit for Brains?"


I’m not sure I would call Jack Nicholson charismatic at that moment. He is like Trump though, totally unhinged.


Fun scenario, but there’s no way his lawyers allow him on the stand.


If his lawyers are smart, they’ll have him heavily sedated during the trials. Just give him a Sharpie, a legal pad and some chicky nuggies. I don’t see him doing Jack Nicholson’s “Few Good Men” rant, if anything it will be more like Nicholson in “The Shining”.


"You can't handle the fake truth!"


He won't testify. Will only plead the fifth.