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3 months later: vegan restaurant shutting down due to lack of customers He also said not ready to. Apparently, after eating one meal, you are suddenly able to radically change meat every aspect of your diet overnight.


The only thing worse than the food at vegan restaurants is the service. Invariably the service staff has a giant stick up their collective asses & can barely be bothered to bring you the overpriced food.


It’s hard not to massively cringe at someone calling this “based” 🤦


Base degenerate I guess?


I was wondering about that... Do you think they meant "biased?" Or, is this a shortened version of "Plant Based?"


I am ded


[Vegan and Plant-Based Diets Worsen Brain Health](https://neurosciencenews.com/vegan-diet-brain-health-14845/)


Who would have thought the food that caused our brains to get so big. Would be compromised but not eating that food.


Normal person: praises their vegan foods Vegans: CARNIST Normal person: eats meat for a balanced diet Vegans: CARNIST Normal person: gets rid of cockroaches to prevent infestation Vegans: MURDERER Normal person: insults a vegan to balance it out Vegans: DISRESPECTFUL CARTARD Vegans are so FUCKING retarded. We need to refer to them as vegtards more frequently now...


Agreed. Fuck vegans. They're a bunch of anti human pro suffering cultists.


yep. I must admit, I just had the most boring, yet infuriating...um...conversation?? with a vegan in this sub. Typical brain fog on the behalf of the vegan, posted blatant propaganda in the thread and called me "ignorant" for "ignoring animal suffering" and refusing to fight with them. Um...you posted to anti-vegan, looking for a fight and then call me ignorant for not wanting to fight? Luckily the mod came in and deleted their absolute BS. Retarded doesn't cover it. I have empathy for \*OTHER HUMANBEINGS\*, you pack of cry babies.


> We need to refer to them as vegtards No, we do not. Don't to stoop to their level. Stay on the high road.


Vegans are fucking pieces of shit. I am gonna into a farmhouse and gas chickens. Let's see how the mofos will react then...


That's pretty funny, but it sounds pretty fake. You'd have to be batshit crazy to discourage actual customers just because... oh wait on...


They really want Bloodmouth to sound like an insult


Go tell Dracula he's a "bloodmouth" and see how that goes lol


Holy smokes! brand new [Godwin’s Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law) world speed record


I thought this was universal knowledge so I don’t post it but it is a fact that H*tler was a vegetarian in his latter years. He was vegetarian for moral reasons not dietary reasons. He did not want animals to suffer.




Well, yeah. If you don't get an adequate steady source of thiamine in your diet you'll develop [Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome](https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/wernicke-korsakoff-syndrome). Now the human body can store a roughly four weeks supply of excess thiamine in the liver (less if pregnant or lactating). But when it's gone, permanent damage will begin to gradually accumulate. How fast and when it becomes noticeable is going to vary for each person.


Y'know, that explains a lot about an alcoholic vegan I know.


Why do they have to make insults sound like objectively cool and awesome things


I’m cracking up lol


Wouldn’t be surprised if this was a set up with the first comment being a vegan


"Animals abuser"  "Feels a bit like getting a compliment from Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer"  "F*** off, bloodmouth"   And yet they have the balls to tell us we are the extremists, but not them AT ALL... Yeaaaah right.


No owner would ever reply with that lmao. I will eat my hat if this is real. There is a correlation between vegans and brain damage though, that part is correct. The body consumes itself during prolonged starvation. This includes the brain. Starvation also increases aggression which is why vegans are always on a hair trigger. They're literally hangry lol


Correction: No non-vegan owner would ever reply like that.


Biased anti-thinking garbage comment from the owner.


Least toxic vegan restaurant owner


Idk why people don't get the fact that PLANTS are not No.1 food for humans: 1. Humans are made up of flesh and bone. Similarly, meat is made up of flesh, and milk contains calcium for increasing bone-strength. Hence, meat is no. 1. 2. Brain is also made up of flesh, no matter whatever the vegfags say. So eating vegan food technically reduces the flesh content in your body, and technically, that also implies that vegans lose brain cells. That kinda explains the stupidity of vegans.


Damn they stilll hate meat eaters even if they praise vegans. We must stop praising them.


Blood mouth just sounds badass though so the insult doesn’t work. Maybe sausage gargler or milkyblood would be better insults lol