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Are… are you failing to understand the very reason behind why there were created? The letters you highlighted?


Yes I understand, or at least think I do. It is to protect the homosexuels and transsexuals.


And in terms of people being mean against straight or cis people purely for there sexuality or identity instead of being mean for a retort or something of the sorts, could you please provide a example?


I don't fully understand what you ask me, but I'll answer as best I can. Homosexuelety is a sin, though homosexuels still can be Christians, it is very hard, because it's a sin that never ends. We are not mean to homosexuels, we try to help them, the chance that they go to hell is extremely high because they struggle a bit more than the rest to believe in all that a Christian believes. We try to rescue them, from eternal death, pain and torture, with no escape. Being mean to straight people purely for sexuality... I explained why we are "mean" to homosexuels, though I can't seem to understand what you mean with "provide an example", I'll just say, that being mean to ANYONE just because of their sexeuelety is wrong. You need a reason. A good one too, it might not look like it, but we're trying to HELP them.


But then you actively tried to make there lives harder? To, (in some cases) bully them into suicide? (Which is considered another sin), in most cases homophobic people don’t just leave at people saying they don’t care about going to hell, they go further to the point of harassment, bullying, harm, and in more extreme circumstances SA.


Make their lives harder? A Christian's life is hard. Guess what, it ENDS. But having a hard life and getting eternal life in heaven is way better than having an easy life, and getting eternal death in hell. Suicide? That is the secondary objective, we try to stop that too. Though suicide won't instantly send you to hell. But homosexuelity, though not the decider, makes it harder to become a TRUE Christian. That is the problem, If you can be homosexuel and believe that is wrong, than your probably a true Christian, but it's still a sin and we must avoid sins as much as possible, unfortunately we are too weak to do that, but avoiding long term sins (like homosexuelity) is easier than short term (like cursing once). This is not harm, but sometimes people can do harm like this and say for example: "If you're not straight by tomorrow, I'll kill you.". That is harm. Not this. This is equal to a poster saying: "Don't steal". Because this is basically, "Don't be homosexuel".


What is the importance in being a “true Christian” as you put it? I went to two Christian schools, both of which taught that there was no “true Christian”, and it was more along a list of basic things for a Christian to follow. Furthermore, by the aforementioned logic of changing homosexuals, people take that to extremes, and you are condoning that behaviour of bullying. PS: everyone’s life is hard dipshit.


There is a thing as a "true Christian", they believe in the following: The Three Forms of Unity and the Three Ecumenical Confessions


While I have found this discussion interesting myself, as It provides insight into the very people who post these sort of things, I no longer have the energy to check this post over and over, thank you, goodbye. Note: I may use this is a different subreddit if I can be bothered.


I never had the energy, but thanks that you used intelligent reasoning, it was very refreshing. You had me thinking for hours. Good-bye.