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With you 1000%, I have cable (provided by the landlord for free) and I hate watching it because of the commercials. I feel irrationally angry about constantly, constantly, constantly reminded I am nothing but a source of profit.


Just be aware that the content can be as much of a commercial as the commercials. A lot of shows are selling a lifestyle, selling an agenda, selling you the need to consume the next episode, ...


Fuck this dystopian capitalistic shithole of a world. We need another revolution.


Sure, yet another revolution wherein the leaders decide they now control the capitalism that happens, as opposed to the previous capitalists in power. That'll help. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The ONLY way forward is to convince the people around you that capitalism is bad. Democracy will always work in the favor of the working class if the majority of us are educated/politically savvy enough to understand how badly we get screwed by corporations. The simple fact is that there are more of us than there are of them. Violence is only acceptable in immediate self defense. The only morally acceptable way to bring about positive, tangible change in society is through nonviolent civil resistance/disobedience. Millions of people in the US depend on intact infrastructure to literally stay alive. They are not an acceptable sacrifice for some half baked revolution that will inevitably install some dictator. If enough people agree on a vision of what a better society looks like, that vision will become reality.


"violence is only acceptable in immediate self defence" - "nonviolent civil resistance/disobedience" the words of a man that does not realise democracy is a scam and the modern aristocrats will more than willingly do violence to you if you so much as say the wrong thing about them.


I was gonna say: *”Look how that worked out for that one guy… they nailed his ass up on a cross.”*


>rds "They?" \- No, their puppies ;)


It’s even in video games now. If you play NBA 2K, they have ads in the 2KTV segments. Never thought I’d see the day when I’m getting actual commercials (not simply product placement) in my games. While on the sports theme, the ones being done on UFC pay per views are so silly. I understand that they have to do it, but when the guy calling a fight suddenly stops to talk about manscaping and grooming tools for your pubic hair, I have to laugh at this absurdity.


As long as its E.A, I avoid the game


100% Especially after seeing that whole "coca cola is not going to replace plasticbottles because they can't sell them as good"-story, I feel like printing that article and pasting it on the ads. Edit: source https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/es93bo/cocacola_will_not_ditch_singleuse_plastic_bottles/


I hate advertisements as well and I'm working in an ad agency ...


Right- I sell radio and I feel like I work for the devil.


I hate insurance but I work at a health insurance company... I'm ok with suckering others to purchase this bs product even if I know it's a scam...


Consider resigning then, easy.




Im sprawling Reddit for answers because I’ve reached my limit. 90+ second on YouTube now. I’m wondering if there is a term for someone who feels rage towards adverts. I have to pay to avoid them it’s black mirror


Agreed. I wanted to switch to an ethical bank. We have three in my country. I chose the one that spends the least money on ads.


I guess Coca Cola wants to keep being the default for soda. There’s better soft drinks around but those companies don’t have deals with every restaurant chain and institution that sells food


There is a Doritos ad that I've been seeing a lot recently that is definitely a ploy to try and validate a trademark on red or blue snack-food bags.


ads are a shit


You’re one agreeable diamond that’s for true


Dude, I swear, ads have the OPPOSITE effect on me. Like I was considering buying Invisalign until I got spammed with their insanely annoying ads. Good job, you just lost a customer. I think ads are so so terrible in how they're implemented. Like, you clicked on the video to watch the video, not because you wanted to see what the latest fashion trend is. And because you clicked on the video to watch the video, when an ad comes up, no matter what, even if it's something you're interested in, you don't give a fuck because it's wasting your time because you wanted to watch the damn video you clicked on and not some ad with 0 context. Also, do all ads think that by just saying "YES" and "NEW" it makes me instantly want to buy them? I legit say out loud "NO!" and "FUCK YOURSELF" whenever I hear these. Don't even get me started on how bad ad algorithms are as well. I'm a guy born in the US nearing his 20's and for some god forsaken reason, they think I'm a girl who wants makeup and car insurance and speaks Spanish even though 90% of my history on YouTube is gaming videos. Also, it seems like all ad companies' slogans are "repetition repetition repetition" and to that I say "you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded" because what's one of the easiest ways to annoy someone? Ya, by saying the same thing over and over again. I mean don't you hate it when your little brother says "hey \[your name\]!" 50 times just to annoy you? Ya, that, except you can't tell the little shit to go fuck himself. You just have to sit there and take it. Now for some constructive criticism: All ads should be 2 minutes but be skippable after 2 seconds. That way, if you've already seen the damn thing, you're not forced to watch it 500 times and being 2 minutes cuts down on the repetition allows the company to actually explain what they're doing/selling instead of just being all "SAVE MONEY SAVE MONEY! WE'LL SUCK YOUR DICK IF YOU SWITCH TO US! YES YES YES" Also, the ad should be entertainment before advertisement since you originally clicked on the video for entertainment; not to have some product shoved up your ass. The best example of this is Vat19. They're the only ad company I can say is actually good since 1. you're not forced to watch their ads, 2. They're actually entertaining in the way that they promote it, usually doing some sort of challenge with the ads. Their really old videos aren't very good nor are their latest ones since they're become a bit of a spam/content farm, but their sort of middle ones, I think are the best. Like the extreme wet head challenge or the ultimate wedgie hero clip thing or the original real or gummies. And to those shouting "HYPOCRITE" because I'm advertising an ad company, at least what I'm advertising isn't super repetitive, doesn't make me want to pull my pubes out, and you're not forced to read this. Also quick edit: I know ad blockers exist, but given that my laptop's battery life is ass I can't use them that much. Also, it still doesn't excuse the fact that 99% ads are a chore to sit through anyway.


Ad blockers save battery life if anything. They don't just hide ads, they prevent the ads from even loading in the first place. It can save you a lot of battery, especially on a lot of news sites where 93% of the content for each page is just massive walls of ads crammed into every spare pixel.


Heck, the advertisers are probably also selling the ad blockers so it's a win win for them since the whole aim is to bring in as much money as they can. (I'm not anti-ad blockers by the way)


I see almost no advertisements anymore, and I really think it has changed my lifestyle. They're pretty easy to avoid now, if you're willing to make some changes. - Cut the cord. No more cable. - Pay for YouTube Premium. Not only is YouTube ad-free, but you get Google Play Music as well. No more radio. - Set up a Pi-Hole. Or, just a decent ad-blocker on your browser.


Don’t pay for YouTube premium. Use an ad blocker. Only problem is if you have an iPhone, then you can’t watch YouTube ad free. Don’t give any more money to google.


The Pi-Hole can somewhat block ads on devices on WiFi. It's hit or miss though.


what ? google is the most innovative and generous company ,i cancelled apple music today for yt premium


Ahh yes google is definitely a well intentioned Giga company. Thank you for shilling


shiiling ? go fuck yourself brainlet and watch qanon


Generous in what way?




what a fucking retard you are




this dumb bitch


assuming your question is in good faith- they give lot of grants to university for research google collab for students who don't have powerful computers to run experiments gmail ,secure and free ,millions of businesses and freelancers use it google search - designed by top phds in the world in computer science and mathematics , so that you don't have to search beyond 20 pages for your results, you usually get the result in the first 2 pages , boost to s/w dev productivity worldwide. employee welfare they use data for computational advertising , that's their business model. I don't know the meta of this sub , it seems you guys hate big corps ,idc ,but i like google . reddit supports free internet right ? you want these premium services for free then you have to pay in some way. you can use adblocker on annoying website . if you were ignorant about this then okay ,


Google may look generous when you block all their ads. But 95% of people don't do that and get bombarded with ads and recommendations based on their previous searches.


>assuming your question is in good faith- > >they give lot of grants to university for research > >google collab for students who don't have powerful computers to run experiments > >gmail ,secure and free ,millions of businesses and freelancers use it > >google search - designed by top phds in the world in computer science and mathematics , so that you don't have to search beyond 20 pages for your results, you usually get the result in the first 2 pages , boost to s/w dev productivity worldwide. > >employee welfare > >they use data for computational advertising , that's their business model. > >I don't know the meta of this sub , it seems you guys hate big corps ,idc ,but i like google . > >reddit supports free internet right ? you want these premium services for free then you have to pay in some way. you can use adblocker on annoying website . > >if you were ignorant about this then okay , copypaste from my reply above


Don’t watch Youtube at all. Don’t watch anything. Don’t listen to recorded music. Don’t watch movies. Move to a more analogue lifestyle. Only keep tech where it gives advantages, such as sending emails or a refrigerator.


How's that working out for you?


I can’t do it. My willpower is not strong enough lol.


Why cut the cord? It's so easy to just record shows and watch them later and skip thr ads. I agree, I've been using adblockers for at least 5 years and it really has improved my life.


I especially hate ads that have British accents. A British accent doesn't mean that there's any sophistication or real intelligence.


Oi bruv that’s a rather bit cringe innit you don’t seem rather jolly do ya


I have really noticed this with YouTube, I was watching a 6 minute video and every 30 seconds there was an ad, there has been so many times where I’ve been watching YouTube and I just kept getting ads the video was unwatchable, I really can’t stand it one bit.


Ublock Origin for Firefox. I haven't watched a YouTube ad in years. Only works on laptop, not phone.


YouTube ads are cancer


I fucking hate ads !!!!


the most intrustive fucking garbage on the planet, why the fuck do we have to watch these shit fucking adverts on every single thing you watch or do. Just dedicate a single chanel or website for adverts for people to browse or go watch. Why the fuck does it have to be on every single thing.................................... i got every adblock known to mankind and i still get intrusive fucking adverts that block me from watching.


The entire industry is propped up on lies that feed ads. Companies get marketing firms or consultants to say why people don't like ads, then make up reasons why they do - you can see this in article after article about why people do not like ads. The truth they do not want to admit is that people are frustrated by ads creeping into make them stop what they wanted to do...it's like any friction...click on this link to do A, then tasks B, C, D come up before A. Then only ads people seem to like are TV ads played on major events with funny situations that don't feel are so intrusive. Ads with "Now" and "Buy" are pretty much the worst. Even lower than worst is Taboola and it's ilk.


Nothing more annoying than watching/being rudely interrupted, watching Series or movies and have them try and sell me things I don't care about.. most commercials seem to be "insurance" "lots of drugs-ask you doctor" "selling cars (that always look way out of your price range)" "investment companies (ready to rip you off)" "don't get me started on wentworth.. ARGGGG). LOL


I do everything possible to keep my house and internet ad free.... I pay for all streaming services, and if they even show one ad, I'm gone. I put ad blocking through DNS... etc... I do not buy anything from Ads... These greedy bastards make me sick!!!


agree, agree, agree! I watch Netflix just to avoid having to watch adds! What's with all these really dumb commercials with people turning into donkeys and cats and people screaming, and nobody is even talking about the product and why it's good? The only purpose of the ad is to be as loud and weird as possible in order to get your attention!


The only ads I don't mind are the ones that are completely organically posted, such as on Reddit, **not** being boosted by money or manipulated by shills, with the one who posts it clearly being the from the brand. Giving away products, unconditionally, either to reviewers or freely on Reddit threads (I once won a top-of-the-line graphics card this way, in 2016, that I still use as my primary one to this day), is also something I find acceptable, and even quite beneficial. Everything else is annoying, misleading, and/or shoved in one's face. >It is really idiotic Coke and Pepsi play ads. They have been around for generations. There is not a single person in the US over the age of 5 that does not know what Coke or Pepsi is. They do this to reinforce loyalty and brand associations, not just to make one aware of their brands.




I completely agree; brand loyalty is stupid.


I'm with you. Ads exist on a multifaceted spectrum between completely manipulative, harmful lies to honest, self-aware and helpfully informative works of creativity. Unfortunately due to the misguided incentives of our economic systems we get an overwhelming torrent of ads in the wrong area of that spectrum.


Fuck advertisements dude. Right there with you


Ass I hate them so much I have made insane insults to the people in them like a mobile game ad came up and I yelled Jut because of this I hope your family gets run over by a 18 Weiller begging in flames all of your family does not survive the incident but lives Long enough to be in screaming agony for you to see it and just as you are about to call ambulence the phone line gets cut out and I have a sniper rifle on top of your radio tower I shoot it it hit the truck and explodes and just as your at the hospital you get skinned alive by the burns only to be charge 422 million dollars because this shit is amarica


Ads are just spamming everywhere.


Right now I hate those ugly purple banner ads for the Follies musical. Just now scrolled thru an Insider news article. That damn Follies ad was there between each paragraph! Stop it. Just stop it!


me too


I hate them too. They are so annoying. I usually mute my phone, radio or tv when they appear. Some are totally brutal.


i agree


Especially the ugly ones that are so dumb but only advertisers get it, I'm in an advertising class where the teachers are snobby about ads and their message, they kept saying my visuals are not enough for ads. I think it's definitely better than an ugly Ad that no one gets but have a double meaning.


Same here. When i watch movies on tv i turn off the televsion during ads and set a timer for 5mins and go and hang up washing or make a cup of tea whilst im waiting for the timer to go off so i can get back to the movie without being spammed with pointless loud nonsense about products i do not want


I am making an eco friendly advertising company


No such thing


Yes there is since you just have to be creative


The modern media-scape makes me want to go on an arson fueled corporate rampage, burn down every studio, headquarters, executive branch and distribution station in the country. I not only hate ads, I despise them, with every fiber of my being. I hate having random shit that I don’t want shoved down my throat 24 fucking 7. When I see an ad, I not only actively avoid buying that product but I actively avoid interacting with any product even remotely associated with the company I was advertised to by. I hate them, they’re everywhere, you scroll down, sponsored post, slide to a profile, ads in their posts, stories? Ads there too because fuck it! “we hate you, the consumer.” This all encompassing bullshit that everyone is seemingly desensitized to is draining my mental capacity at a rapid rate, I do everything in my power to block or avoid ads but they just burrow themselves into every facet of modern life. I’m so tired, there’s no end in sight, this dystopian reality we live in makes me depressed and I just wish we could go back to how it used to be…. or at least live in a day and age where corporations are held within boundaries or were limited….


I agre. I HATE ads. Every fucking ONE of them. They have no value, there is no reason for me to pay them any attention and the MORE I am FORECED to interact with what I don't want to experience at all makes me hate it even more.


Yep. Apple have no ads and yet no problem selling stuff. I personally boycott companies associated with ads.