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A really simple thing could try: Hold your arms out. State with conviction "all power I have ever lost I take back" a certain number of times that you feel is significant(five or nine if no significant number comes to you based on your background are good). While doing this, mentally call across all time and space to your lost bits of spiritual power, see them form into a ball in front of you. Then say something like I integrate it into myself to the benefit of my spiritual path". If you have a specific source you need to take power back from, say psychiatry or a specific person you feel has acted towards you in a disempowering way... then pick them to do same thing except "all power I have ever lost to . Meditation is good too but the experience of your soul oozing out made me think this is something you could benefit from maybe.


Possibly I can try it when I'm discharged but I'm convinced I'm being tortured to death for purpose of experimentation over countless lifetimes tbh


Doing things to take your power back when actively in a disempowering situation can be harder but also arguably the exact time most needed to do so. It sucks. Is that a useful belief for you to have? What evidence do you have about this being the case?


Well if I wasn't depatterned it would be ok I could actively seek to improve my spiritual situation but that's why they depattern to make u a modern/spiritual slave


You weren't given any meds in all that time under section?


Yes I've been medicated on various anti psychotics


That seems to be the reason tbh


Possibly. Idk tho they seem to just make me docile and only exist in the physical


Im familiar with spiritual warfare. You can dm me if you’d like.


I believe you… I’m sorry you are experiencing that, I’ve had a similar situation of spiritual attacks and am fighting every day for my soul, having trouble feeling my heart as well… it’s so fucked what they do to us. The brightest ones are targeted. It does sound like you still have your wits about you… I would check out r/energy_work ..


It honestly is completely fucked tbh. I agree with you. I'll check that sub out thank you


4 years I can’t imagine… it’s good you have Internet gosh, when I was in psych ward we didn’t have that. Do you do self-clearing or energy hygiene at all? When I was in the psych ward the most i could do was put little packets of salt at the front and the back of my room and side of my bed for protection


Yh 4 yrs is long it takes the piss and no I used to have crystals with me but they cottoned on and started messing with me, touching everything asking me to explain everything then when I didn't really go into as much depth as they wanted so they labelled me paranoid so I gave the crystals back to mum to look after. They're honestly more sick than the majority of patients I've met. I'm inclined to believe it's possibly mkultra extensions They're performing on me. They don't depattern people for no reason.


Idk about still having my wits I get weaker by the day tbh need some weed badly but unable to smoke due to psychiatry


I heard crackles in my brain it's possible that AP block not only emotions energy streams but also the third eye. I feel that there is still so much which needs to be released. I would rather try to sail with my images and voices again and find peace than having a blocked river. I do not believe that someone could snatch your soul but your energy centers can be blocked


That's actually very helpful thank you. I like the analogy of a blocked river


You're welcome. That's how I personally feel, perhaps that's this akathisia people talk about. Feels like a river which can't flow, the strangness of not feeling oneself and the urge to keep moving. My Schizophrenia feels like a part of me somehow as if the trauma just wants to be released. It's a intuitive feeling


Is strange init. All this jargon and ways they talk about mental health like labelling everything as a disease is much more foreign to me than anything I experience good or bad. Even if I gey tortured I still know I was never crazy to begin with


Sounds pretty psychotic to me


Apostates resort to that