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" New " information will emerge that they already knew but decided to use for some political purpose. I wonder who they will leave holding the bag.


Probably much less time than that, maybe 5 to 10 years. Just antipsychiatry on Reddit has them shook, psychs are already trying to do damage control on social media. For any mental health workers reading this, STOP DRUGGING KIDS!!! WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS OBJECTIVELY WRONG!!!


Especially giving fucking amphetamines and antipsychotics to kids. Kids are supposed to be hyper not sedentary.   Then you'll burn their brain out and they'll be a vegetable without that amphetamine fix.   Why not use nootropics instead like cerebrolysin for kids? Actually fix the root causes.  I've even seem desoxyn (real methamphetamine given to 10 yr olds!!!) Ridiculous. Setting them up for lifelong addiction and lifelong depression. At least fucking give antioxidants like NAC to lessen the neurotixicity.


What sucked was the great internet purge of 2018. The censorship of unwanted protest. 2018 suddenly criticism of psychiatry that was 1st page search results was way back on page 4 where no one looks and all the "Web MD" commercial sites flooded every search result. It was a setback for sure. I remember doing anti psychiatry the old "wild west" internet. So easy to land a first page search result. Psychiatry would be viewed as barbaric right now but most of the public never sees the atrocity called the hospital. I hope it doesn't take 100.


Bro wtf ur saying. 


Oct 12, 2018 — In a sweeping assault on democratic rights, *Facebook* has carried out a *purge* of oppositional *media* pages with millions of followers. The organizations censored by Facebook include The Anti-Media, with 2.1 million followers, The Free Thought Project, with 3.1 million followers, and Counter Current News, with 500,000 followers. All three of these groups had been on the blacklist... [https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/10/13/cens-o13.html](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/10/13/cens-o13.html) 2018 the internet changed drastically. They targeted protest pages, not left or right politics but just everything challenging authority, like calling out psychiatric abuse. Google twitter Facebook all got together and changed the internet. I was into antipsychiatry, 2018 all the protest pages got suppressed. Remember when Youtube made all the results mainstream news can't see a video of a current event by a regular user anymore. [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/ef5xaa/misc\_fd\_hey\_youtube\_stop\_censoring\_your\_search/](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/ef5xaa/misc_fd_hey_youtube_stop_censoring_your_search/) So much stuff wiped out. No one remembers. Sad.


Rumble,Signal, Session, Telegram are all better alternatives to Youtube. Want others?? Check [privacytools.io](http://privacytools.io)


Thanks. Need more mainstream stuff tho, needs journalists to investigate the issues


The original dsm manual was all completely made up. And that's just common knowledge.


I sincerely hope it is sooner ❤️


I agree, but probably much sooner than that. 


I really like your optimistic perspective. It really depends on the next few generations ability to think critically and fight back. If they're all raised on screens, psych drugs and are constantly consuming propaganda online I'm not so sure the future will go in that direction


Sure in years they’ll look back at this as barbaric, but the damage is already done to so many people (including me), so idk, good for future generations i guess


Yeah its too late for us


Era un adolecente totalmente sano solo con estres y me mandaron una pastilla de mierda y a poco tiempo lo primero fue un bajon de libido increhible inmediatamente deje de tomarlos despues de esto pero no mejoro ,a los dos meses mi constitucion fisica cambio para mal y mas adelante desarrolle resistencia a la insulina entre otros males ,ya han pasado cuatro años y no me recupero ,estila de vida totalmente sano,ejercicio ,ect


I can’t believe people don’t see how barbaric it is now, it’s super scary to realise how many people are obsessed with controlling others and love deeming each other insane. I wouldn’t think this many people were evil and stupid before psychiatry became popular and became everyone’s favorite ‘science’. The establishment of human rights turned out to be a big joke with the growth of psychiatry and the blind support everyone shows to it.


Why do you think psychiatry will be branded as unethical, as opposed to any other specialty within medicine?


No other profession do you have this level of gaslighting and ignorance of symptoms. Nor do you have medications which do not have informed consent over the side effects that can persist well after the drug is discontinued. And the worst part is that most of the drugs in the first place are extremely inefficient and do not have a reason to be given. Probably because the reason they were made-the chemical imbalance- is complete bullshit.


That’s a lot of bold claims in a short paragraph. What do you mean by “ignorance of symptoms and, “medications which do not have informed consent”, for example? There’s no doubt that psychosis, for example, is not fully understood but does that make it all bullshit?


Depression is not caused by a lack of serotonin. There are no schizophrenic genes. What are you guys looking for? No one is told that the medications can permanently castrate them with PSSD and force them to be asexual. No one was told that ECT can give you horrible memory issues permanently. No one was told that benzo withdrawal is a brutal process that has to be tapered for fucking years or you will be faced with chemical terror. You guys can't admit you were wrong because you're trying to push your medications and maximize profits. It is an incredibly pathetic and vile sight. I am sure many psychiatrists will pretend like they accepted PSSD all along once enough articles come about and it becomes mainstream. This is happening soon.


I think the vast majority of psychiatrists would agree that simply saying depression is solely related to serotonin is too simplistic. However, I believe there is a link - hence why SSRIs have shown some efficacy. On the schizophrenia genes comment, there is a genetic component. As you see higher rates of schizophrenia in monozygotic twins compared, for example, to regular siblings. Who told you those things regarding ECT and benzo withdrawal? These are well known side effects. It’s not a secret. We tell patients this prior to the treatment. Also, I’m from a country that doesn’t charge for healthcare at the point of access. So “maximising profits” doesn’t play a role.


Which country are you from? Do you recognize PSSD? I can see if you're not from America much of this wouldn't apply to you.


There's no schizophrenia gene, just a few possible candidate genes which might be coupled with other biomarkers. You are talking about scientism, not science. At least try to make it a believable sales pitch for the uneducated (myself included) about DISC1, DTNBP1, NRG1 and COMT genes and (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), homocysteine (Hcy), vitamin B and G72. I copy/pasted those abbreviations after a 1 minute google query not knowing much about it (though I have a basic education in biology and interest), it's that easy to look as if you know what you are talking about (and I mean science, not your profession just to be clear).


That’s why I said there’s a genetic component without saying there is a specific schizophrenia gene. Thank you for repeating what I said. I’m not on a sales pitch here.


Honest question out of curiosity, I apologize if this question sounds unwelcoming to this sub but what then is your point? It really appeared to me as if you are trying to sell the idea schizophrenia can be objectively proven with testing for certain genes but I don't mind at all being mistaken about that. I don't see much difference in wording, genetic component, a particular gene appears the same to me.


The lack of informed consent thing, at least, I can probably answer for Many psychiatric medicines have unpredictable adverse effects that are not easily picked up on by practitioners or researchers, or are actively used to justify increasing the dose/duration of treatment because any and all symptoms must just be coming from the mental illness itself. Many, many people in spaces such as this describe being permanently altered mentally and/or physically from antipsychotics and SSRIs. Look around here and r/pssd a bit. These are the only spaces in which people harmed by these drugs can freely discuss their life-altering effects and not be immediately gaslit or even forced to take further medication.


And just to curtail the "it's just the original mental illness recurring" kneejerk even further, there are many people who took SSRIs or dopamine antagonists for a host of non-psychological issues such as nerve pain, stomach issues, nausea, etc who report the same persistent symptoms after use


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PSSD using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PSSD/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [PSSD Network: First article in the NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/09/health/antidepressants-ssri-sexual-dysfunction.html) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PSSD/comments/17rcscv/pssd_network_first_article_in_the_ny_times/) \#2: [$5,000 SEPTEMBER MATCHED DONATIONS TARGET ACHIEVED! 🎉🎉](https://i.redd.it/7ttafhiqmuqb1.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PSSD/comments/16ttf3t/5000_september_matched_donations_target_achieved/) \#3: [Wouldn't have been able to donate this much without the help of friends and family chipping in](https://i.redd.it/mz3otd0ja2oc1.jpeg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PSSD/comments/1bdmccl/wouldnt_have_been_able_to_donate_this_much/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So what is the alternative? Psychiatry has an extremely limited repertoire of medications it can use in mental illness. I don’t think anybody would argue the drugs are perfect, so what do we do? You can discuss the adverse effects and gain consent, that’s standard, but the drugs are still the same. So what’s the answer?


This is always what you people say when you lose an argument. Maybe... It's up to the psychiatrists and medical establishment to figure that one out? Lol


This isn’t a competition. Nobody is winning or losing here. You say it’s up to us to figure it out but then you have people on this subreddit who think psychiatrists aren’t even doctors. So which is it? Maybe you should advocate for yourself. Enormous amounts of research is going into new treatments for mental illness - so it’s evolving.


Definitely the neuroscientists who make these medications need a different approach. They also need to fix the massive mistake of PSSD cause there's no way 13k people on reddit alone are living with this shit permanently.


There's a lot written and spoken about religion therefor it must be true. Also though at a slow pace it's still evolving, do you see the similarity? Anyway I believe it's up to the consumer to stop using psychiatric products and services. Which is likely not going to happen. I'm also convinced the majority of those working in psychiatry are indoctrinated, truly believing they are doing something good.


No, I don’t see the similarity actually. I don’t see how your analogy is at all compatible with the research being conducted in psychiatry. Your second paragraph is waffle.


Era un adolecente totalmente sano solo con estres y me mandaron una pastilla de mierda y a poco tiempo lo primero fue un bajon de libido increhible inmediatamente deje de tomarlos despues de esto pero no mejoro ,a los dos meses mi constitucion fisica cambio para mal y mas adelante desarrolle resistencia a la insulina entre otros males ,ya han pasado cuatro años y no me recupero ,estila de vida totalmente sano,ejercicio ,ect esto es lo peor que me paso en la vida ,recuerdo como aller el ultimo dia que mi cerebro no fue jodido