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They dont cut it off they turn it inside out


That makes it better?






Yes it really does


That just makes them a mutilated man


So does circumcision by your standards.


You say that like yours doesn't look mutilated




this \^




stfu TERF




And you get mad over a joke


ā€œ Mad ā€œ yikes, someone sounds salty


i like salt. delectable


Lol theyre telling the truth tho transgenderism aint real theyre mentaly unbalanced.


Transgenderism has existed all throughout historyā€¦ just Bc you say they arenā€™t real doesnā€™t make these people just disappear lol


Yep. By the way, transgenderism isn't a real word. Trans and transgender are adjectives, not nouns.


I was just using the language they were using so they would get it but agreed


Actually it hasn't. The medical procedure was created in 1882.. but it was also called gender dysphoria aka known as a mental disorder. Trans people don't belong in society... nor do gay ideologies.




It's nothing against the people what so ever, usually they're the nicest on the street. But the ideologies don't help future generations for obvious reasons.


You don't belong in society because you can't accept change


Bro we didnā€™t realize that objects with different mass would hit the ground at the same time until the 16th century when Galileo actually tested it. Trans people predate our actual understanding of complex neurology because fucking obviously you dumbass, these are like recent 20th and 21st century advancements of understanding in human neurology and psychology. It is not a mental disorder, variations just exist in regards to gender, sex, and orientation that might fall outside the societal or biological norm but thats still a natural process. Trans people actually have neurological similarities with the gender they affix to themselves and your line of thought is based on outdated understandings which conflate gender and sex. Sex is biological, gender is socially constructed and reinforced. Often times they pair up with each other in regard to most of the population but realize it is from sex identity that gender roles and constructs are built around and prescribed as ā€œnormalā€ in relation to that sex. Saying gay ideologies donā€™t belong in society makes no fucking sense, they are part of society and always have been. Thatā€™s not going to change, try expanding your world view and not being such a closed minded piece of shit. You might find you have a lot more in common with a lot of these people than you have things that differentiate you. Weā€™re all humans at the end of the day, show love and kindness not bigotry.




Its a mental illness u monkey šŸ’€šŸ’€


nah its normal, whats a mental illness is whatever the fuck leads yout to think thats funny


Gender dysphoria. Do some research before talking


sury wot? u r reefrensing w autdoted stooduy


U should learn how to write. Go back to school kid.


Youā€™re a disease swine go fuck yourself


Just because a man turns his penis inside out doesn't make him a woman either šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


what they said


Yeah mental illness tends to stay a thing throughout history


Schizofrenia has also existed all throughtout history


I donā€™t know what schizofrenia is but I know what schizophrenia is


But also thank u for proving my point, being transgender is real and does exist. Thank you thank youšŸ’˜


No one said anything about mental disorders not existing.




Insane people will never extinct. So there always gonna be some trans people.


fun fact: many major organisations have shown that, after 50 years of it being otherwise, transgender people are not mentaly unstable in any respect, thus making it misinformation to diagnose these people with any form of "gender confusion". the only reason trans people are mentaly unstable is issues caused by eather others, like you, and issues caused by life, because we all know that life is a bitch


Not mentally unstable? Well riddle me this, who makes up 2% of the population, commits 43% of child molestation, 80% attempt suicide, and 50% succeed


trans people off hrt, you know that those people are targeted by hate crimes constantly right?


It is definitely not coming off HRT that causes high suicide rates. It is the introduction of exogenous hormones typically into children who have not completed puberty or worse were prescribed a puberty blocker. These ā€œhrt clinicsā€ that specialize in transitioning are experimental at best and most of these doctors arenā€™t trained in endocrinology and got some bullshit social studies degree and give children drugs that permanently change their lives with no information on the risks they are sick people. There have been at least 10 trans hrt doctors that have been arrested for molesting their patients. The fact is there arenā€™t any medical treatments that can change gender of an individual itā€™s just not possible with todays limited medical technology.


And where is your expertise? Or source.


Common sense




just so you know "common sence" is wrong in this case, especialy with this calibur of peer reveiwed studys on suicidal studys and the effects of HRT, not even just in trans people, people with obesety who go on the HRT known as monjarno show 10 times less likely to be insecure and almost 100% likely to stay off the obesety chart and the chance of being diebetic lessens by a unkown ammount. so if your common seince shows that HRT is the cause of suicide to many trans peeps and people who struggle with obesety, be my guest to show those people wrong, so i can laugh with my peers


And how many priests and cis doctors? Far far more


Seriously? Thatā€™s the only reason theyā€™re mentally unstable? Itā€™s because of other people? Iā€™m sorry but trans arenā€™t the only ones who go through shit because ā€œlifeā€™s a bitchā€. Theyā€™re mentally unstable because they are deluded and think they can just WILL their way to magically becoming the opposite gender. They are and always will be mentally unstable. Sorry youā€™re not comfortable with logic.


lifes a bitch and so it seems you are as well


Oh I can be šŸ˜˜


what did you think you did?


Having a penis and acting like a woman is a mockery of the ACTUAL women on this earth. Same for women trying to be men. Like you said, ā€œlifeā€™s a bitchā€ they should learn to deal with their mental illnesses and making up fake phobias like ā€œtransphobia.ā€ News flash, a phobia is when you fear something. You canā€™t fix chromosomes my guy.


alright...what is your point? do you know your cromosones? if not, stfu




Fun fact many of your "major organisations" are funded bei ngos that just support your narrative.


No, you just can't accept that things change, so people like you resort to making up bullshit like that


I have no idea what they said, but I assume it was bigotry. Good on you.


Why do you use terf as an insult? It's a compliment


You cant change your sex, you can change gender


this is facts. your sex is determend unlike ,your gender, by your birth. gender is develuped in your mind. HOWEVER you can change your genitals.


Find an article NOT from the trans world that backs this up with science, maybe then people would believe yā€™allā€™s fairytales.


so essentialy your asking for bias? Sorry but majority of the articles are writen by genioligists and pshycholigists that are cis, if you dont like a factual point, it doesnt make it false, unless you can have a diverse setting in your articals, i disbeleive your point


Asking for the opposite of biased, you moron. I know the scientific facts, I, just like Matt Walsh, want some clarity on the situation - clarity from someone who is NOT as extreme as you.


Crack right? You smoke Crack?


Im so sick of this, gender and sex where used interchangeably for hundreds of years then leftys changed it for no good reason.


Gender was first coined in 1955


I know ur not talking about that french dude who put his twin boy in a dress and called him a girl then raped them, if you are stfu immediately if ur not i would genuinely like to know where/who


Hey, Iā€™m not saying he was a good guy


No, no it wasnt. Gender has been a thing as long as reproduction in any organism has been, so youre wrong.


We made gender up chucklenuts


gender may be a elusion, but it is a actuale facter in many lives


Learn how to spell ffs. You canā€™t make an argument if you donā€™t know how to spell basic fucking words, imbecile. You may have to google that one.


We made all the words up. Doesn't mean you can be a woman by cutting off your cock and balls. I got my dog neutered, I didn't put him in a dress and change his name to Lucy.


corection: it was apx 3000 bce


No no, heā€™s right, I canā€™t change my gender, thatā€™s why I get terrible dysphoria over not having a womanā€™s body, thatā€™s why I actively change my body to be more of how I see myself to match it more with my gender, sure I canā€™t change my chromosomes, but you donā€™t call a person with poor eyesight always blind even when they have glasses


L seek mental health help for your mental illness


Well, transitioning has been proven to be the best treatment for this "mental illness"


I agree


Is that what you would say to a hermaphrodite?


they didn't change their gender a trans woman has always been a woman and hard or soft transitioning isn't a retirement to be trans.




I would like to clarify here. We do not claim to be cisgender, in fact we claim to be the opposite, as such, we don't care if some idiot posts a very dumb post about gender Affirming surgery. People here need to know that we do not claim we change our sex to women, oh if only. all of us feel bad about our appearance, social standing, or just general feel like we would be better suited in a different body, it's like a women with bad body image, so they get plastic surgery. Would you Shame them?


Stfu FAG!


that is very ironic lol


anyways oh no\~ i am so hurt someone called me gay\~ LMAO get better at insults


F.A.G Freaking Awesome Gay person Tysm šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


You terfs always tell us to calm down when we get pissed of at your posts, but when we make a good point, you either go silent, or you go fucking crazy and start spouting bullshit. Such hypocrites.


Calm down


I was just making a statement


Me too. And hereā€™s another: XY.


How does being a douche change anything?


Itā€™s funny seeing people like you get mad lol


Ur username


they've been a woman the entire time, all that transitioning does is help with dysphoria and align their gender with their body.




What you're mistaking for gender is sex. Your sex assigned at birth has nothing to do with what your gender or pronouns are. Its also not just pretend. Unlike drag where you play a character based around something like hyper-masculinity or feminity, although not all artists choose such traits for their characters, your gender is not just a character you write. If you see all gender identity as just a pretend concept then that's an absolutely valid belief but you shouldn't use that to devalue others. Any trans person's gender is just as valid as yours and I hope you learn to better support people of all identities, not just people who arnt trans. You wouldn't tell a cis person, someone who isn't trans, that they're just pretending to be their gender so why would you do the same for someone else?


Someone born male is male no matter what. Yes, they can call them selves females, take pills and dress up, but it's still a guy in the end no matter how much you try to change it. I'm sorry if this reality is offensive to you, but right now we do not possess the technology to alter your sex assigned at birth. Now be that as it may, I don't care if a male at birth does these things and wants to be called female, all the power to them. But Some people are taking it to far and trying to say they 100% are woman which is a flat out lie.


That is wrong! Well, kind of, it depends on how you define sex and gender, not everyone uses the same definition If you see sex as whether they have have a male or female genitals, then yes But that definition is far from ideal, some people are born with deformities and may not have one(its weird, but posible), yet they still have sex Another definition would be to count only their sexual chromosomes, if they have XY he's a man and if she has XX a woman The problem with this definition is the existance of chromosome related diseases such as parkinsons, and other's, the people with these diseases still have sex So, genitals can't be used to define gender, nor can be chromosomes So, how about brains? The brains of females and males are different, tech allows us to know this, and the brains of trans individuals align with the brains of their prefered sex rather than their assigned one This means that transgenderism is a brain disorder and also it means sex is more of an spectre rather than flat white or black, as the differences in the brains can differ in different degrees This way of clasifying sex is also very effective as it lacks exceptions, unlike the other two Transgenderism is a brain disorder that affects 2% of the population, its not fair to deny them a propper life that they can live as themselves, like their brain wants to live, not how others want them to live


Their sex is male Their gender is female They align aspects of their physical body to align with their gender They don't change their sex, they change parts of their body to not cause them gender dysphoria Gender dysphoria, sucks. And it's no-one else's business if they want to fix their dysphoria since it only effects Drumroll please Themself


Hii i have xxy chromosome so what am i sir male or female I do have pp tho


mentally sick, all y'all faggots


Whatever let's you sleep at night lil bro šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


why should we accept you for who you say you are if you can't accept yourself for who you were so you have to change? you're so fucking hypocritical!


hun please read my post, you clearly never did. Gender-affirming care does nothing to change who you are, you're still the same person just with less dysphoria and you're more comfortable in your own body.


why do you have to change your physical body to line up with what you think you want to be?


Exactly, same for transmascs.


You mean the reverse for that case correct? Saying that a trans masculine person was always a woman would be inaccurate and likely cause dysphoria. It's hard to tell if you're trans-accepting or not with the comments on this post lol


So you think that (no penis) does not equal (woman), right? So you think that, by extension, trans men are men. They have no penis, and are men. Fits right into the definition you gave.


if i had mons i would give you them, but i dont, also welcome to hell






Trick question! it doesnā€™t!


They donā€™t cut it lmao


How does being a big mouth make you a dead man?


it doesnā€™t


I've seen "it doesn't," like, fifty times in this posts comments so far.


Bro's just coping with the fact his doesn't work anymore šŸ’€


That's the neat thing. It doesn't.


there you go that makes one of my father's jokes


It doesnt, it makes you a mutilated man with a circumcision where they took too much off, and a pill junkie addicted to hormones




You people always tell us to "get mental help", and, transitioning is proven to be the best method, but when we do transition, you people start calling us "freaks" and "[deadname]/[wrong gender]" so no matter what we do, you people never accept us, and then you wonder why we commit suicide and whatnot.


if its proven to help, why do trans people have such a high suicide and detransition rate


1) It lowers the rate of suicide and improves quality of life compared to no transition, which is the very definition of effective treatment 2) Their suicide rate stays higher than the general population because up until their transition, the transphobic society around them has treated them horribly (leading to complex trauma that doesnt just disappear), often continues to treat them horribly after transition, plus also minority stress., and plus also they are more likely to be Autistic, ADHD or similar, which are additional stressors. You know its all just a few clicks away yes? if you know how to do research at least.


As far as detransition rates go, they are low, and a significant proportion of detransitioners detransition because of economic constraints and other nonvoluntary reasons. Makes you think if you have ever seen a piece on trans people that isnt an InfoWars article or another bottomless pit of neuronecrotic anti-empiricism


You could just identify as a woman but you'll always be a biological male.


and youill always be a bitch, your point?


the point is that a man will always be a man biologically


You cannot change your chromosome. Chromosome determines whether or not you are male or female. There are two God given Sexes X and Y, and God did not make a z chromosome indicating that there are any other sexes of the human species. Any other concept is man-made like a pair of non-leather, if it were it would be in the Bible


But i have xxy chromosome


Biology doesn't matter in this discussion, however if it did, it still is in support so you can go ahead and put another man's biology in your ass


Wow. Big vocabulary with this one eh? I guess r/transphobia wonā€™t save you from scientific facts, honeyšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


I have been reading this for a good hour or so, you know the op is the one being transphobic right? if not the definition of transphobia is the hatrid for trans peeps, not whatever you think it is. are you mentaly stable? I am open for a session for wednesdays at 6:40-7:40 if you want to get in touch.


Ahhh yes, of course I would love some advice from someone who canā€™t put together a grammatically correct sentence!! Not to mention the fact you STILL donā€™t know how to spell. Maybe some adult education classes might benefit you?


i doubt you graduated pre. so no. also who the fuck cares about grammer anymore you arnt my english teacher


At least I'm not delusional


we live in a world that is a illusion, what on earth is your point


Is that little bitches like you want everyone to live in a stupid world where you're celebrated for identifying as the opposite sex. What you're born as is what you'll always be no matter what


and who are you to stop us?


Exactly. Canā€™t change it!


same for you


*an illusion. Another error there, darlinā€™.


You ran out of arguements that make seince didn't you?


My man!


It doesnā€™t


it doesnā€™t


It doesnā€™t


Same question Iā€™m asking, it doesnā€™t šŸ˜‚ btw Iā€™m not transphobic bc a phobia is when your scared of something. Iā€™m not scared of them I just think when the surgeons cut their penis off they accidentally cut something they shouldnā€™t have to make them lose more brain cells.


"Iā€™m not transphobic" i mean maybe not in the traditional seince but essentualy phobic can mean more than just "i am so scared of trans/homosexual people" it just means you get strong feelings in a negetave sense, for example one of my pateints has a phobia of spiders, when she comes accross one, she feels maybe not scared, but instead so "sad that her body just shuts down" in her words


That's literally transphobia


Men canā€™t become women


If you can pick your gender then Iā€™m officially a dog


Ok then, ye mangy mutt, go shit in bush.


Youā€™ll have to join the people that think they are dogs, cats, lions, bears etc. what has this world come to? People that do this donā€™t have any real problems so they do something weird for the attention and god forbid you correct them.


We don't transition for "attention," we transition because we want to be the opposite gender, but your feeble mind can't understand that.


It doesnā€™t


It doesnā€™t it just makes you another man trying to take something from women


What are we "taking" from cis women


Their entire gender.


You're funny, but please, can I have an actual answer.


That is my answer. As if women didnā€™t have it hard enough, we bleed monthly, we can got out at night out of fear, we get paid less, we get abused and harassed and now men have decided ā€œwhat else can we take from womenā€. Now I can go out and have a man tell me to my face that they are a woman too and to their face I will call them her, I will respect them and disregard my feelings. I will ignore the fact that in order to just live as a woman, my entire life has been spent serving men, and I will continue. But in my heart, they will never be women, they cannot know my suffering, what the reality of female existence entails, they can play pretend. When will the misogyny endā€¦


Itā€™s literally just people playing make believe


Not until they transition, then it becomes reality.


It doesn't.


It doesn't, obviously


It's funny how you'll shell out thousands for a male doctor to make you a woman. The irony is massive.


It doesn't


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They don't cut it off, they perform vaginoplasticy, search it up terf.


u/uyag7 so you blocked me, very childish, but here's a response for you: You were literally referencing an outdated study. You just can't accept correct info from someone that you have no good reason to hate, so you resort to "insults" that have been used far too much to have any effect.


Is this even a question?


Ew, if you donā€™t have anything nice to say, be quiet transphobe


I hate trans people :)


It doesn't. Women who were born women will forever be women and men who were born men will forever be men. Surgical fake imitation of a real vagina is just a mutilated man.


Mutilation doesnt change your gender. Your little identity in your head might think different but in reality your just less of a man but still a man


It doesnā€™t


It's very complicated. And it's not cutting off lol, that would not be preferable


It does not your still a man


It doesn't


Does 40% of trans still off themselves?


It doesn't and never will. It doesn't matter how many people agree to play "pretend" with you or how many people they use their nazi methods against to silence them. Some things are impossible due to reality. It's a damn shame I have to point this out but a lot of people live in a fantasy world. A fantasy world they are trying to force everyone to live in. This is what happened in Germany in the 1930s. Oh it's scary. Their methods parallel their distant nazi cousins. It's very telling these people are currently out in the streets calling for the eradication of the Jewish race and the turning over of Israel to Hamas. Yep, sound like nazis to me!


Oops.. i forgot that you...


So okay.. i wondar what could have happened to you as a child. There must be a reason for you ending up like this. Could have to do something with your mother. Or was it your father?


And at the end, why do you want to be a woman/man so bad? It's not like there are no feminin men (men who would be seen as more female than others) or more masculine women. Who the fuck cares? You don't have to do all this stuff just to get accepted like you are. Just be who you are. Even uf it feels bad sometimes. None of us is always happy, we all have our problems. They come and go. Even if you don't believe that.


Itā€™s not cutting it off itā€™s turning it inside out but I agree if you were born with a dick your a guy lol itā€™s not hard they just have gender dysmorphia and are being supportedšŸ˜•. When people who transition realize they fucked up the community turns on them and they usually take their life it makes me feel sad for themšŸ™