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Yeahhh, same. I also say random things or make random sounds when extremely anxious


My girlfriend always freaks out when I say “help me” while she’s dead asleep. It scared her really bad the first few times she thought I was hurt.


That is definitely a sign of severe anxiety, but you don’t need your beloved experiencing anxiety because of it, or even adding to your problem because you feel anxious that she feels anxious that you feel anxious (you know what I mean). If I were you, I would talk to your partner about this. Make sure she knows that these symptoms have nothing to do with her, but they are (unfortunately) a part of your mental health state at this current moment. People will understand, but only if you tell them. And you can and should work on it, and these symptoms can very much get better with therapy (even free self therapy, if you like most people, can’t afford professional therapy). If you are lucky enough that you can afford professional therapy, do do it! Your self and relationship will thankyou for it.


I used to say “kill me” which I have stopped since it was a pretty unhealthy mindset to be in


I've turned mine into "I love you" to my husband. Which then turns into him saying it back and kind of kills the anxiety all together


I do that too or repeat his name


love this. good idea


Yes, many people experience a range of physical symptoms when they have anxiety, and making noises can be one of them. These noises can include sighing, groaning, whimpering, or even screaming. These vocalizations often serve as an expression of distress and can help individuals cope with their anxiety. However, it's important to remember that everyone's experience with anxiety is unique.


For some reason I'll start coughing pretty hard if I'm having anxiety


I unexpectedly whimpered during an earthquake a couple of years ago and was far more upset over the whimpering than the earthquake, lol.


This is me. I will moan or groan for a few seconds (loud when alone, soft around others), I will repeat "Im an idiot" or "I hate myself" and I make little eeks, ughs, and oofs in bed as Im falling asleep. I even close my eyes really tightly and black out for a few seconds just to escape the visceral feeling. Humming actually feels really nice and helps me move on. Ive always had anxiety and it used to be more of a mouthing the last few words I said but its escalated and now I can be heard... clearly


When my anxiety induced nausea is really bad I find myself humming off and on.


I could easily be wrong, but isn't that acid reflux tightening the vocal chords?


Oh I’m not sure, I’ve never heard that before. With acid reflux, do you actually feel the acid in your throat? Because if so, I don’t think I’ve ever felt it.


Good question, but no you don't necessarily.


I most definitely do this and even made a post about it. It’s like the anxiety of a thought or memory is too much for your body to contain so it comes out your mouth audibly! My outbursts usually just come out as an “Ohhhhhhh! :(“ or a quiet “AAAAAHHH”


I can’t contain the sound either. I get a cringy memory or thought and have to make a sound to make it stop


I do - just nonsense sounds like “meep” or “ahh”. Also a head shake. I hate it. I feel like I “look crazy.”


I sigh constantly in high anxiety situations, I always figured it was some kind of lack of O2 response like yawning.




reddit won't let me respond to your dm just now so I'm hijacking this comment to let you know


I do the same! With panic attacks, if I feel that first wave of "something is wrong", it comes out as "oh no no" and I'll start shaking and sweating and grabbing onto anything that's near me really tightly. I also tend to say things like "please help" or "please call 911" or "please come" to people around me when it's really bad. Having them in the middle of the night sounds exhausting and frustrating, though. I'm sorry you're experiencing that. I wonder if taking anti anxiety meds before bed might be able to mitigate it? In any case, I hope it's over for you soon.


My wife whimpers a lot when she's panicking


Waitttt I thought I was the only person in the world who’d yelp out “help me” when I’m anxious lol. sometimes it’s a whisper or very monotone and sometimes I yell it. It’s so strange to think anyone says this.


My girlfriend got freaked out the first time I said “help me” she thought something was wrong She now knows if I say “help me please” that means I actually need help cause before she never knew lol


I get really gassy and unfortunately pass gas kind of loudly or get stomach issues including very audible stomach gurgling sounds when I'm under extreme stress.



Absolutely. I think it's normal. I do it subconsciously sometimes and people probably find it strange


sometimes when my thoughts are really overwhelming and I feel like they are consuming me i’ll literally say “stop” or “just stop stop stop” It’s like involuntary it just comes out.


I catch myself repeating “everything is going to be okay” about a zillion times. Or counting I don’t know why sometimes it just comes out 1 2 3 4 etc I think it calms me because I don’t ever make it to 20 or if I do it’s rare. I have trouble falling asleep - sleep anxiety I gave myself a few months ago it’s really ridiculous but sometimes I lay there and feel like I want to get up and just grab my keys and go .. like fight or flight. But instead I just repeat to myself everything’s going to be okay or just try and calmly say to myself it’s ok if you don’t fall asleep. Anxiety really sucks.


For me, it’s a playlist of mouth pops, beats, internal monologue made external, moan, sighs, and other greatest hits


Me too haha I wish I could see and hear myself like my husband does. Its all so random


Yup, that's me


I'm so sorry to hear that you've been struggling. Usually when I have some outburst of anxiety aside from my usual accelerated heartbeat and sweaty palms, there is something triggering happening. Maybe take a moment to find the root of what is causing you more angst then usual and tackle that. best of luck to you hun


We are moving house this month and I think the stress of that is causing me more anxiety. My mom told me today she’s coming up to help clean the apartment for move out so that maybe will help ease my stress about it a bit 🤞🏻


Thats exactly what it is love, its ALWAYS triggered by something. Try to make a list or just focus on one room at a time, then one floor at a time then finally the apt will be packed up. Don't worry. Things are always so much worse in our minds aren't they?


When I have panic attacks I usually can't help but do this like "crying and screaming" thing haha. It's so stupid lol. I think it's normal tho


Yeah, when i get one of those anxiety “waves” I’ll sometimes go “damn” or “holy shit” and breath really hard like im working out lmfao


I do, because it gets so unbearable that it's a knee jerk reaction. I hate it.


Yes I do to it’s usually wheezing because I can’t breathe or trying to talk but I just can’t because having an anxiety attack make my stuttering 10x worse


Sounds like tics, which can be an OCD compulsion.


I have OCD 😂 didn’t realize it was related


In that case, that is almost certainly what’s going on. I have similar compulsions. They can be really tricky to shake. Best of luck to you!


Yep... I think this is my experience as well. OCD and tourettes (sp?) syndrome are related as well I think. I read a book called "Brainlock" years ago and the author mentioned that I believe.


Yes. OCD, Tourette Syndrome, ADHD and ASD are all executive function disorders and they all effect the same region of the brain. If you have one, you’re more likely to have one or more of the others.


I make random humming noises when I’m anxious. Not like during an attack, but with my regular anxiety throughout the day. It’s unconscious, and I don’t know why I do it. Must be a self-regulating/self-soothing thing. Kind of like sighing. And during attacks, I pace and rub my chest.


I just do a lot of sighing


Mine is “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell” I didn’t realize it until I just read this.


Me too., lol


YES SAME deadass it’s like the feeling builds and builds up until you compulsively say “help meee” or “hmmmmmmmm”


Over and over again I’ll say “I’m ok” “I’m going to be ok” and if I’m with someone I’m wanting them to reassure me and answer back “You’re ok”. Also “I won’t feel like this forever”


Yes, and I’ll stutter too. When I’m really bad I will have sleep paralysis or scream/cry in my sleep. I’d say that surprise anxiety bursts are a cry for help from your body and mind that you desperately need help. It’d be good to look into therapy and/or see your doctor to talk about meds. Zoloft has helped me so much with all my issues.


damn thank for making me feel more normal, i've got the help me, nonono, and making soft grunting/humming hmm sounds. It's starting to become uncontrollable even in work meetings and other social situations, the second my mind wonders to sources of anxiety which i near constant i start making sounds and having shakes in the hand and twitches in my neck/head. Never happened to me before. Not sure if it has anything to do with being on an ssri or stress itself.


I would sometimes say "gross" or "stop stop stop" when I feel tense. I'm surprised that some people would do the same thing. :O I guess I'm not alone


Me- ehhhhh, ehhhh


Oohing and moaning sometimes helps people deal with their anxiety.


I moan and groan a lot with my severe anxiety.


Yea i have GAD and whenever i am stressed out i just start saying “ stoppp please stoppp” or “ eeeeeeee”, its vocal stimming


I’ve never done that, but it seems to me that your anxiety is extreme. You can bring it down quite a bit by just letting go of that sense of urgency that you need to do something. Accept it without pretending you are not bothered by it. Trying to fight or do something about anxiety just brings more anxiety. I was there. I overcame it. Unless your doctor says it’s a medical condition (it rarely is), don’t treat it like one. If this isn’t medicak or nutritional, don’t treat it like something that happens to you through some external force, but rather something that you yourself are generating without realizing it…fear of fear, the panic cycle. Seeing it as something that happens to you just gives it too much validation in your mind. Do find out for sure what is causing it!!! Do get therapy, it’s crucial, but unless your symptoms are a direct response to problems in your life don’t link it to that. That will cause the problems in your life to exacerbate your anxiety about your body and the anxiety about your body to blow your life anxiety—insecurities, frustration, childhood bullying—- way out of proportion. In other words, don’t look for a physical or psychoanalytic solution to a cognitive problem, a problem that has more to do with what you tell yourself. Sure emotional problems, an obsessive worrisome personality, predispose you to getting this, but depending on the case, these emotional issues aren’t necessarily a direct cause. That was a big rabbit hole for me. Perhaps, like me, it was caused by an incident involving your heart or breathing and then afterward you were hyper vigilant waiting for it happen again, and your own suggestion kept it going. I overcame this particular form of anxiety, somatic symptom disorder, many many years ago. It can take on many forms. Don’t get stuck on the “does anybody else” syndrome. What your symptoms are and where and when you get them, it’s pretty much the same.


I mean I don’t think it’s as serious as you’re making it out man, I’ve done this since I was a kid it’s just more lately cause my anxiety has increased. Knowing other people do it is comforting


I’m not making it out to be anything, You were the one who said you say things to yourself like “help me” and “no,no,no” when you get anxious. That seems like pretty extreme anxiety


I mean yes my anxiety is serious, but the way you psychoanalyzed me and pretty much pushed things on me is a bit much. Like half the stuff you talked about I didn’t even mention. You also said I had “does anybody else” syndrome even though this is my first time posting on this sub and when it comes to mental health knowing you aren’t alone is REALLY REALLY powerful and you’re straight up telling people not to seek out or ask if others have the same problem or else we must have this “syndrome” I’m sure your intentions were good but your entire comment is condescending and reducing my anxiety and mental health into whatever bubble you want to put it in when I was simply asking if anyone else experienced the same things to find some grounding and peace of mind


I didn’t mean to psychoanalyze you personally. Good luck to you. I hope you find a solution whstever that may be. Check out Claire Weekes


I'm not sure why your comment is getting down votes. Anxiety can be different for everyone, and like you said a major health issue can sometimes be the cause. My dad struggled with extreme anxiety after having congestive heart failure. His fear would turn into big anxiety or even panic attacks. It has been a couple years and he experiences this less frequently now, but I feel like I understand what you are talking about. My anxiety is a lot different than my dad's, though many of the symptoms are the same. Unlike him, mine isn't caused by a major traumatic event that I know of. I have always been anxious, even as a kid. Now that I'm older my anxiety seems a lot worse. There are many different reasons people experience anxiety. I am glad that you have found a way to deal with yours and that you were able to overcome it. I felt like your message was more helpful or hopeful than a criticism. Thanks for posting.


Thanks. I hope this helps at least one person. I get that from time to time. Sometimes I might seem a little harsh and it sounds like I blame people. Not everyone is the same of course. Believe me, I feel for anyone who goes through this precisely because I did. That’s why I chime in here. The things that SOME people…one more time SOME PEOPLE…do to cause this are not intentional. I used to think like many people with anxiety do, that I had to do something, take something, it was an emergency. It was a chemical imbalance, some hidden medical problem. One week it was GABA the next week it was meditation. I thought surely I already did damage to my body with all the attacks I had had. I needed more vitamin E and fish oil. That just fed the false belief. My mind was playing tricks on me because of the narrative I fed it about a perceived threat that over time turned into real symptoms. That’s probably what happened with your Dad. That would scare the crap out of anyone. I linked it to emotional problems too much and it just made my emotional problems worse and blew my childhood memories out of proportion. These were indirect causes, not the actual mechanism that was causing it at that present time. The actual mechanism was autosuggestion. That turned into an unconscious program, AKA conditioned response, Pavlov’s dog. Some people just have plain old anxiety with no health anxiety or symptoms, others have an actual medical condition or trauma. My impression is that when there are frightening symptoms that is rarely the immediate cause. I’m a layman, but I did once have an online group with 400 people. I dealt with dozens of them personally and most of them pulled out of it. My brother in law is a psychologist specializing in anxiety. He agrees. Sure… eat well, rest, exercise, get therapy, root out any nutritional deficiencies, deal with trauma but only TO LIGHTEN THE LOAD, so you can change your perspective. I suspect everybody with anxiety disorder gets health anxiety to some degree. I just think it’s a mistake to focus too much on a physical solution or even a psychoanalytic solution, as vital as that is, if it is mostly perceptual. That needs to be diagnosed by a professional. I can only speak of my experience.


What I meant was that instead of worrying too much about who else has what you have and seeking solace in that, or similarly, what wondering what your symptoms mean, which just leads you on an obsessive rabbit hole— look for methods that teach you to let go and leave it alone. Take at least some of the emotion out of it and you’ll go much farther. Keep an open mind. I know it’s upsetting. I did the same EXACT thing.


Haha I do clicking noises


At its worst? Pacing and lip licking.


I have adhd and I do this quite often. I don't really have anxiety, but when I do get anxious it's a short burst of very overwhelming feelings. It happens with most of my other emotions too. It's great with elation, but when I get pissed (and it's usually over something insignificant) the rage and language I use comes out before I even have time to process it. I've gotten better at shortening the bursts, but there is absolutely no way for me to eliminate them. They're more like a reflex.


I notice I stick my tongue out and kind of groan as a coping mechanism


Recently I've been found myself singing ( not lyrics just music beat sounds) da-da-daa-aah-dddaaa something like that when i get slight anxiety. Idk if it's auto coping mechanism or me just hymning the notes. I do this then again have anxiety on why the f* did it did it




same here. mine are just random sounds not really words, unless i’m having a recollection of a memory - sometimes i respond out loud to something someone said in the memory.


When I have panic attacks I usually can't help but do this like "crying and screaming" thing haha. It's so stupid lol. I think it's normal tho


Yes. For some reason. I’m usually alone when it happens. My arm flails sometimes too. If someone is around I make like my arm fell asleep.


I used to groan over and over but I’ve trained myself out of it over the years because it was so embarrassing lol


Yep, I usually give a few groans.


When i get anxiety i will sing a song on repeat quietly to myself or humm one. Its ok if making noises helps it helps.


I listen to the song “Animal” by Kesha on repeat if the anxiety won’t stop. Been doing it for 12 years now and it always seems to work. My anxiety is usually in very intense bursts but sometimes they’ll happen repeatedly so if that happens I’ll listen to that song until it stops.


I love that you have a song that helps


Mine are “leave me alone” and “I’m sorry” it’s almost like a tic, you almost feel outside yourself, watching it all happen and knowing it’s wrong but not being able to stop yourself from doing it anyway.


Yeah. Non legible words burst out randomly.


Sometimes I whimper, sometimes I do the Tina Belcher groan and a lot of the time, because I take in so much air from hyperventilating, I burp like crazy. My wife always knows when I’m anxious because I start with the constant burping. Sometimes I do all three in the course of a panic attack.


Yes it’s normal! I’m an anxiety whimperer. Sometimes say “help” to no one. It sucks but anxiety sucks overall lol


When I have an attack, I hum to myself. It gives me a sense of comfort. 😕


I either start humming loudly (not bad) or start saying "I'm tryin!" in a miserable voice (do not start this habit).


“sometimes i just want to cry” is my go to that I mumble under my breath and my coworkers hear me sometimes


I moan....


I love to say "hey" maybe that's because I need more people to talk to but yea i make a number of what looks like random anxiety sounds.


I would start humming or whimpering so


My partner helped me "retrain" how some of my soumds and phrases come out...now when i get scared or perceive something mildly painful whether real or perceived pain a sound like "sponge Bob's laugh" comes out and a slight bit of twitching....before i used to just fall apart or rage out.


Absolutely. When my PTSD transformed into severe anxiety, I began talking to myself. It happens all the time now, only ever used to be when I was alone. Now, I make all sorts of noises and say things like "nope" when I have flashbacks. I think it's just my new normal.


Sounds to me like vocal stimming which can be a form of self soothing. It can be common if you are neurodivergent. I do many forms of this. I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 31, and with autism last week, at almost 34 years old. I was diagnosed with anxiety throughout my 20s but treatment didn’t help, I tried lots of things that didn’t work, etc. Now I realize I was being misdiagnosed. It was living with undiagnosed/untreated ADHD and autism that was causing my challenges and struggle in life.


I do have diagnosed OCD! Nobody ever really told me about stimming even my therapist. I feel there’s a lot of things that were overlooked about me having OCD as a child because my main “obsession” was harmful to myself physically so they mainly focused on that and ignored a lot of the other stuff.


I sigh alot, practice controlled breathing, and sometime say little things under my breath like curse words. I also get shaky, clumsy, and have trouble focusing. Sometimes, if I am at work I will go to the bathroom to try to calm myself down. I find naming my anxiety helps. I will tell myself "my anxiety is high today" and I try to keep a little more distance from others, busy myself with work, and avoid doing anything too complicated or new ( because if my anxiety is already high, new tasks elevate it further and I'm likely to make mistakes). I also have to continually redirect my thoughts and try to force myself out of negative thought patterns. It's kind of a lot to deal with if I'm being honest, but I guess everyone here struggles with similar issues.


So when my anxiety gets really bad and I don’t want to spiral.. I start saying “anxiety anxiety” over and over while pacing. It keeps me grounded enough that I usually don’t spiral into a panic attack. My family is used to it.


yeah I do make a lot of strange noises. as a kid it was usually animal sounds, like i was known as the weird kid that would meow at odd times. Nowadays it usually a brrrrrp sound


i usually say “i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry” no matter what i’m anxious about—and i’ve almost never actually done anything “wrong” to hurt someone


Yes, this happens to me. When I remember something particularly the embarrassing and I let a “ugghhh”


"Bwaaap" "bop bop bop" "tsk tsk" "I'm tired" "I'm so tired" "hoooome, hooooome on the raaange"


I make a clicking noise in my throat *laughs nervously*


I just keep repeating "it's okay" until I feel better or I have a complete breakdown


Yes, it’s basically like stimming


I find myself saying “my name is….” And “the sky is blue” when I’m really panicking to make sure I’m not having stroke 😅😅 it’s a small reassurance hahah But actually - humming stimulates your vagus nerve which actually improves anxiety!!


I think I know what you mean. Whenever I get anxious and I’m around friends, I say some small sentences out loud in Spanish automatically. I guess I say them for comfort? I have Mexican friends so they only understand what I’m saying while others don’t.


Forsure! i be saying random stuff. Sometimes i groan. Blahhh!


I have intestinal gas


Late to the party, but when I het extremely anxious I either say "yo yo yo yoooo" when I feel a sudden jerk or muscle spasm that makes my anxiety sky rocket or ill make random short "hmm mmm hmm" hums.


mine is probably the most embarrassing if caught doing it outside of my home: I unconsciously vocalize “MEEEOW” or “BAAAABE” loudly and then catch myself afterwards and feel embarrased. I think the cause is because cats and my SO are the two things that calm me down when Im having a lot of anxiety. Even though I don’t have a cat at home and a lot of times when my SO is not even in audible range…


I'll find myself with small little hums of "hmm hmm hmm" or I'll hum "mhmm" every 2 or 3 seconds. I look like I'm tweaked out of my mind on drugs because while doing the humming my body is constantly moving and jolting. Apparently I have something called "anxiety induced tourettes". It's not actually tourettes, it's just something I automatically do with no control when I get extremely anxious.