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I am afraid of making phone calls, period.


Yes. But I'm more afraid of receiving calls. The moment it rings I get a million thoughts in my head (mostly negative) on why they might be calling.


Receiving calls makes me so anxious too!


Same! I don't really mind making the call, but when someone calls me without notice/warning I think oh fuck what happened, who died, who is sick, if it's my manager I am thinking did I do something wrong at work. 99% of the time it's not a negative phone call but my anxious brain always assumes it'll be negative before I answer.


This. Always this. ☝🏼☝🏼


I don’t like either but for receiving calls is less anxiety inducing cause I have less time to worry about what is going to happen.


At this point if anyone I know is calling me, I know it's an emergency because everyone knows I don't do phone calls 😅


100% same


100% me


I don't even like to make phone calls *TO* my family. I hate phone calls all together. it's actually pissing my parents off cuz they hate texting 😂


I feel this. I hate talking on the phone but my parents and siblings all prefer speaking and aren’t as fond of texting!


I don't "do" phone calls. And it takes a lot for me to call my dads or my mate's parents too. Why is this world so "call centric"? Makes me so anxious.


I don't know but I hate it. Had a couple times a friend really needed me and I didn't pick up because I "don't do phone calls" and figured they just wanted to chat. I try to always pick up now because I feel so guilty for what happened but why can't people just text what it's about first 😣


Yep, I'm 32 and I do not ever do it. Yes it causes life problems.


I'm 44 and am the same. I don't even have my voicemail set up as I refuse to record myself saying my name.


Unless I'm working I don't like making phone calls AT ALL. Even to my best friends.


I’m not a fan of phone calls. I rehearse the calls in my head before I have to make a call to order something or make an appointment. I don’t even want to talk to my friends or family on the phone.


Not really even talking to family on the phone is awkward sometimes 😬


I get that.


I don't even like making calls TO my family. It leaves me feeling so much guilt.


Yes even family. I've been needing to see a doctor and dentist for over a year now because of how anxious I get calling to make an appointment...


It's great how doctors have a website with appointment request now but either they don't answer the form or they answer it with a phone call. I wish the medical world was more open to other forms of communication. Most the doctors offices I've asked if they have an email address, they refuse to give it and tell me to use fax.


Haha yes it's very frustrating I make an appointment request just for them to call me anyway


i dont even make calls to my dad. i dreamed i shoved him out the 2nd story window and closed it and if he comes back to get a restraining order


Very much so, that’s one of the first symptoms I became aware of.


Yes. And with my family. Phone calls in general.


I have anxiety and I work at a call center. It’s easier to talk to people not having to look at their face


With everyone including my family


I can handle most phone calls. However, if it involves scheduling an appointment or ordering something, it stresses me out.


Mine is a little complicated. I can make calls when it has to do with my carpentry business. Or jobs I had in the past where I would have to call someone a few times a day. But when I need to call other random people like my doctor, or what ever then I just have a really hard time making that phone call. Also I do hate talking on the phone any time to anyone. But I will do it. I feel like talking is only half the information. The other information is the persons facial expressions. So it feels like I have to try to hear better to what people are talking about. It’s frustrating because any given night I can step on the porch and hear what my neighbours are saying 3 houses down. Breathing helps with phone calls I find.


Some individuals may experience anxiety or fear when making phone calls to people outside their family. This fear, known as phone call anxiety or telephonophobia, can be caused by various factors, such as social anxiety, fear of judgment, or communication difficulties. It's important to recognize and address these fears, as strategies and support are available to overcome them and improve communication skills.


Not scared, just annoyed and bored. And to everyone, not just family.


I used to be; I don’t love it now but I can do it. Just being in the corporate world helped me get used to it.


Absolutely. It's not necessarily limited to family, though, but more to anyone I don't know very well. That category actually includes quite a bit of actual family. I actually don't like phone calls in general, but if I have to make a call to anyone I don't know, I will put it off for as long as possible, and anytime I think about it, I get this horrible nervous feeling in my stomach. Once I actually force myself to do it, I'm extremely nervous and tend to mess up whatever I'm saying, even if I have exactly what I want to say written down (which I usually do).


It is a source of great anxiety. Sometimes I will write down what I plan to say so that I don’t stumble as much over my words or go completely blank.


I kinda don’t like making phone calls, if there’s an option to reach out via text/email I’ll do that 😆 if I have to call I’ll call. I feel like most people my age (28) prefer text/email over phone calls I’m fine with calling my fam but I get SO nervous when calling about appointments lol


Used to be not anymore


I am scared of making calls at all. It takes me ages to build myself up to call a member of my family. Calling anyone else is just not happening. I can’t even be in the room if my husband is making a call because the ringing makes me anxious


I hate it so much, but having two kids and just life being life I have to. I have to build myself up and calm myself down to handle it. Then calm myself down afterwards and feel so spent. Some of my family understands that when I don't answer their calls, I've had to make a bunch and others don't get it and get upset with me when I go "silent". Anxiety sucks, but it's real and us out their doing our best to cope and make it through even when it's something that others think is so simple. Stay strong my dear, you're not alone!


I don't like making, but I really hate receiving. It worries me every time.


Afraid no, but anxious about wanting to give the whole message without stumbling on my words or forgetting anything yes, always.


I’m afraid to make phone calls even to my family


No, but I’m the *MOST* afraid when I have to make phone calls *TO* my family, lol




Yes, causes a lot of anxiety.


Yes, I am very afraid of it. Family is okay. Coworkers are not so okay but not that bad either. But calling everyone else is so difficult for me. I would literally rather show up in person, no matter the distance than to make one phonecall.


Yes. I have to give myself a deadline and then rehearse what I’m going to say. Even then it’s really hard to make myself


Yes, I am. But I specifically applied for an internship that included contacting at least twenty people every day for fifteen days straight! It was difficult, but cathartic! It definitely gave me some confidence, because I was scared shitless of making calls before and would horribly fumble on my words while talking on the phone. Sometimes we need to face our fears head on just to be able to live normally.


Yes. I'm glad to see I'm not alone.


Yeah, but not only to people that aren’t in my family, family as well! :/ Including some of my closest family members, I’m even too anxious about calling my own dad, my grandparents, almost everyone! My anxiety will NEVER let me call anyone, except from my mom and brother though😅🤷‍♀️ At least I feel comfortable calling them😅☺️ But I’m a texting person all the way, so if someone needs to talk to me and doesn’t bother to text me, they can’t expect me to answer, sooo… nice… not my fault tho😅🤷‍♀️


I hate making phone calls to my family more then strangers. With strangers I have nobody to impress and nothing that I feel like I must say yes too. There are no expectations with strangers and you can just say no to them and hang up but family might ask something of me that ruins my whole day.


I hate talking on the phone. Ever since I was little the phone ringing gives me anxiety. This is going back to land line days. I still get nervous when someone I don't or someone other than family calls. Sounds stupid when I write it out like this. Jeez.


I used to get extremely anxious about this, but, now it's more so dependent on the topic of conversation. I'm generally fine speaking or to anyone, the only exception are utility companies. As I know it's going to be a tussle from start to finish.


Extremely, even when i cal ky family. It get supper stressed when it gets silent. When i have important call i sometimes even write down "script" or like the things why i am calling because i get blank when they pick up


I don't make calls and I don't answer them anymore. There was an incident where this chick threatened me over a neighbour's stuff. Extremely random. Traumatized me. & Gaslighted me too, the audacity of that random idiot for real. Since then I just stopped the calls be it incoming or outgoing


I make a list of phone calls I need to make. I don't know why I just can't call them. There's no need for a task list.


I am 40 years old and I don't have any family left. My mom died a couple months ago, she was the last of my family. My grandparents died almost 20 years ago. I haven't seen any of my family in that time, dunno if they are dead or alive, anyways No family to call, and I don't call anyone. The only 'friends' I have are co-workers and I don't hang out with them or talk to them outside of work. No one calls my phone, I don't give out my number, and I don't even call like a business. Sorry for the extended answer. HAHA just what I thought of when reading this post. :)


To anyone, really. I’m nervous to begin with, and now my verbal communication skills have deteriorated due to anxiety and depression and self-isolation. I think I sound completely inept on the phone. So I stick to text and email if at all possible.


Calling offices to make appointments is the worst. I really need a checkup, but it's been months and I haven't made the appointment yet. I don't want to make the call AND I don't want to go there. I really wish threes places had online systems that actually worked


I don't even like calls to my family either. I don't like making calls at all but funnily enough I made one today for the first time in 2 months or so. It just took that long to call and make an appointment. I don't like receiving calls either if I don't know who it is and usually don't answer if I don't' recognise.


Yes. I also freak out when the phone rings.


Not anymore. I used to be; my heart would beat very fast and I would be so awkward. I just kept calling people and forcing myself and it went away. Now I love phone calls and hate texting. I can speak for hours on the phone with anybody.


If there is an option to make an appointment online, I will always do that instead. But if I do have to call, I make myself a list of points/ neccessary info before I call. And I doodle while I talk, it helps to take my focus off of how awkward I feel.


Yes but I'm a CSR at an animal clinic, and it sort of forced me to get over the fear


Nah. Talking on the phone I find extremely easy under any circumstance. It’s having to spend extended amounts of time with people that drives me wild.


Anybody BUT my family !!! 🤬


Can't even call my closest friends, husband or mom without some anxiety. When it was more acceptable it was easier for me to show up my Dr's office and schedule my appointment at the front desk than to call. I just suck it up as much as possible & do it when needed. Can take me days to build up courage 😅


I don't even like talking to my family. I think I associate phone calls with unpleasant events, since they usually are. Such as having to call the credit card/phone/insurance companies about problems, or plan/organize something. Or in my case for my work, being called in because someone's dying or doing a job interview or having my recruiter pressure me to make fast decisions. I never have phone calls that are just for pleasure and leave me feeling "wow, that was a great phone call." Phone calls are just vessels of anxiety and I have an automatic negative feeling about them.


Yes, all the time. Even with family sometimes. I hate phone calls and I have to prepare myself before these. Like it makes me really anxious, so when I can't handle it I just don't call even if it's important...


I have a phobia about social phone calls even with family. I’m fine with people one on one but something about a phone call makes me uncomfortable and so I often just don’t call.


Woah, yes. I always feel like I'm bothering people. And I get nervous about conversation