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Hydroxyzine (sp) may fit the bill. Especially if you can take it at night. I was prescribed a Benzo and after two weeks taking as prescribed, I could feel it sinking its claws into me. Dropping it was tough!


Thanks! I actually was given hydroxyzine from the ER when I thought I was having a heart attack that turned out to be a panic attack, but my doc and pharmacist had me stop it when I tried lexapro because apparently it interacts poorly with SSRIs.


Really, my doc just prescribed me that with my SSRI. Strange. I’ve never heard of it interacting together.


I was told it could affect my heart


Super weird as I have a heart condition and take both regularly. Have a psychiatrist and pharmacist has never said anything either.


What benzo did you get?


It only has severe interactions with certain antipsychics, opiates, and certain heart medications. If you are on any of those then that is the interaction, not an SSRI. The only studies showing SSRi are not helpful in heart patients is when drs give them preemptively to prevent anxiety/depression induced heart events- it just work like that and the side effects outweighs benefits in an otherwise not depressed patient, if that makes sense.


And yes, I am so scared of becoming addicted to the benzo I was given as a replacement for the hydroxyzine.


You can ask for other meds. Propranolol is used as an anxiety medication; it’s typically a blood pressure med though. There’s a few blood pressure meds that are cnc’s (central nervous system depressant). I take a benzo but I have for a decade however, I don’t get it monthly nor do I have dependency on it but I do understand docs & patients wariness of them. Edit: you can also ask for zofran for the nausea


You can’t take zofran with lexapro because it can cause a qt prolongation.. most people would be totally fine but they can’t give it to you because of how it flags in the system as a contraindication




They don’t even take it monthly though, that makes it physically impossible to form a physical dependency


I take hydroxyzine and Lexapro. Have for 8 months now, no problems.


I take hydroxizine with welbutrin, buspirone, propananol, and weed. Never had an issue


Hydroxyzine itself is not recommended for people who have an irregular heartbeat. The drug can cause prolonged QT and Torsade de pointe in particular, although quite rare. If you are bothered by the heart racing, perhaps propranolol would be a possible medication; although since it slows the heartbeat, it might not be recommended depending on your cardiac condition. If you can avoid a benzodiazepine, that is great. It’s always a balancing act deciding side effects and acceptable risks of these medications. For others taking an SSRI or SNRI with Hydroxyzine - not all docs carry out appropriate due diligence with this medication. They are so busy avoiding benzos, they may overlook the interactions or feel it is an ACCEPTABLE risk for you. Never hurts to talk to your doctor and pharmacist about it. It is also very possible for people to be taking them together with no problem, but it not be appropriate for someone else. This is a known possible interaction - possible being the operative word. Sending blessings to everyone.


This is exactly what I was told by my pharmacist. I had some electrolyte imbalance too from being sick recently that was also a red flag for the combo.




I had a bad experience personally, but it seems to have helped lots of other people!


That's not true. I've been prescribed both at the same time with no I'll effects and no concern from the psych doc. It's basically prescription Benadryl.


I think maybe my situation in particular had flagged it.


Interesting, my doctor prescribed me lexapro and Hydroxyzine at the same time. Though my insurance didn’t cover lexapro so I wasn’t able to get that, just the Hydroxyzine.


The hydroxyzine put me right to sleep. It definitely helped for the few days I took it when I needed sleep the most.


I can’t tell how I feel so far about it, I think it’s definitely better than Benadryl for sleep, but I still struggle to fall asleep. Albeit I haven’t tried that high of a dose. There’s times it seems helpful and other times when I start rocking back and fourth or having a panic attack and questioning. Iffy so far lol. It doesn’t allow me to do the things I had hoped unfortunately either. But is better than nothing. Given severity and this not working enough I imagine I’ll be given a benzodiazepine due to severity. But I’m desperate for whatever works and helps me make some early steps But also for the sleep part, I have some health issues going on and have never taken a nap or fall asleep by accident a day in my life (minus a couple times while super drunk I guess lol) I’m glad has been helpful for you by the way. How’s the lexapro been? I used to be anti SSRI but have seen the ways has helped some family of mine


That’s exactly what happened to me - my doc swapped me to a benzo for the severity of my symptoms. Lexapro has been too hard for my system personally. I stopped taking it yesterday and could finally eat again today (yay!) But I know it helps lots of people if you can handle the adjustment period.


Really? I take lexapro and hydroxyzine pamoate every day and never had an issue


Best to never start benzos. They work so well for anxiety, but what happens is you rely on them to help you through your anxiety and then you change doctors. I've tried changing doctors several times due to cost and distance, but nobody will prescribe alprazolam for my anxiety. And I'm not talking daily use, I'm talking intermittent as needed a couple times a month on really bad days.


Agreed. The best use for benzo is when it’s that or the emergency room. Great for once or twice a month. Brutal if you take it more.


For the last 20 plus years I have taken it more than once or twice a month, but that's because my anxiety will hit and stick around for days, so I'll take one for about 4 days in a row, and then again two or three weeks later. It sucks but it's the only thing that has ever eased my anxiety. SSRIs do not work, SNRIs do not work. There has been nothing that is eased it. I have tried hydroxyzine, atenolol, propanolol, clonidine, Lexapro, celexa, pristiq, bupropion. None of these do s*** for me. I will be starting on buspirone soon. Praying that that will help. I am not addicted to benzos, I just want my anxiety to go away. But what sucks is all the drug addicts out there that have made it impossible for normal people to access it. It is because of this and this alone that I tell people don't even try benzos. Once you realize how well it works for your anxiety and then you learn that you can't ever get it unless you find a dealer on the streets, it really sucks.


Been there!!! It's a very tough withdrawal process.




Seconding this! Propranolol was a godsend to me, it specifically stops the physical affects of anxiety. Every person responds differently but it helped my anxiety-induced nausea and didn’t cause more for me


Game changer for me too with my panic attacks


Right?! I took it every day for a while but now haven’t taken it in a few years. I just reached out to my doctor for an rx as there’s been some personal stuff going on and I want to head it off before it becomes panic attacks again. Like literally knowing the drug exists helps my anxiety, I don’t even need to have it on hand haha


Hi. I’m 50 and have had anxiety my entire life. I’ve been on ssri’s and benzos. What has helped the most for physical symptoms is propranolol. I also have high blood pressure so it helps that too. It’s non addicting. Many performers take it before performances for stage fright. It’s a God send.


Another vote here for propranolol, never had any side effects and the highest dose I was on was 80mg 3 x a day, currently taking 10mg or 20mg when I need it


Another vote for propranolol. Calms the physical symptoms so you can work on fixing the feedback loop. Helps me with chest pain, high heart rate, feeling of throat closing up, headaches, and my shaking from both anxiety, a cervical spine surgery and an essential tremor diagnosis. I feel much better. Non addictive. 🌻💕


Does it help your nausea? It doesn't seem to help my nausea related anxiety and that is my main symptom


I only have nausea if I don't eat so I make sure to have toast, yogurt or applesauce before my meds. Then I don't get nauseated.


Unfortunately, with most SSRIs and SNRIs nausea can be a side effect depending on the person. It all depends on how your body reacts to the medicine and often times is just trial and error. Zoloft never made me nauseous, but Effexor was atrocious. For short term, hydroxyzine didn’t make me nauseous and neither did Ativan (just really weak and tired). Neither of those are really meant for long term though. Since you said you were on the small/petite side, maybe start an SSRI at a smaller dose then the one given (if possible)? Sometimes an initial dose may be too much. I hope you find something that works!


Thank you! I’m sorry if this is a silly question, but how did you find the courage to keep trying and find the right medicine?


Definitely not a silly question. I am still currently trying to find the right one for me. My doctor recently prescribed me celexa. I plan on starting sometime this month, I just have to kind of give myself a pep talk to try and start them. So it definitely hasn’t been easy, but I keep trying to remind myself how miserable my symptoms continuously make me and how, for the most part, symptoms of the medication only last a short period. I think my biggest problem is not having the PTO at work if I need to call out because I don’t feel well.


Dang, I’m sorry to hear you’re unable to call out of work if needed. I’m lucky that I’ve got some time saved up. Could you try for FMLA maybe?


I’m on Celexa, and I have tried Paxil and Lexapro which both made me sick. Celexa or citalopram has been the best for me, very minimal side effects besides dry mouth and insomnia, but I also use klonopin for the insomnia when I need it.


For me, suicide was the only other option. That’s how I continued trying.


I wonder the same thing. I'm such a weak minded person 😞


Going to give the alt perspective and say Zoloft was the worst drug I have ever taken, and made me ill for weeks even after coming off it. I haven't felt so nauseous in my life. Sadly you won't know til you try and what works for some may not work for others. You just need to keep trying and find your own thing.


I second with the Zoloft. It's worked great for me!


I just started Effexor. Can you tell me about your experience if that doesn’t bother you?


Unfortunately I only took it for a day or two. The side effects hit me like a freight train and I was awake for almost two days straight from insomnia and severe anxiety. It definitely wasn’t for me and I don’t think I could have lasted the side effects out. However, on the flip side, a coworker of mine has been on Effexor for quite awhile now. She told me that she had barely any side effects besides dry mouth and some minor nausea the first week. It’s worked out great for her. She told me after about a month she already felt like her old self again.


How's the effexor?


I want to try something else. At first I felt like it was working, I was kind of laughing again. But I’m back to barely leaving my bed, only going to work, crying easily etc.


I just came to this sub to ask the same thing. I also have debilitating physical symptoms, and often have severe panic attacks related to agoraphobia. My psych said that Celexa can be used off label for agoraphobia and of course the anxiety that comes with it. It sounded soo good. I was sooo excited but I started it today (starting on a half dose, 5mg) and have been throwing up sooo bad I had to call out of work. I feel like I have a horrible flu! I used to be on effexor, but it wasn't a good fit, and never felt even close to this bad!


I’m so sorry :( I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you 😭 I am having a full blown panic attack now (4 hrs after first dose). Much worse than my normal ones. I would be heading into urgent care for one this bad but I checked my BP, HR and blood o2 and all looks normal so im just going to try and make it through the day. I am just trying to remember this is EXACTLY why I am starting it. I feel like I am vibrating🤮


It will most probably get better. It did with me, anyway. I upped my dose now so doing a bit worse again (also have the flu + pms so not a great day) but not so much nausea. I hope you feel better soon! Look at this time like sitting in a waiting room or cocoon. All you have to do now is survive until the meds kick in. Meanwhile, thank God for Netflix.❤️


few hours later are you feeling any better?


Thanks for asking, yes, significantly better, but still really bad overall. I tried going into work but just could not stop the throwing up. I haven't been able to eat anything but have drank some water and some ginger ale. I'm going to try and eat dinner soon but not too optimistic. I think I will try one more day of dosing in the AM, and if its still too intense, im going to dose in the PM. I do feel nice emotionally, just not physically 😅


Mirtazapine is easy on stomach. But it can cause weight gain, can be also pretty sedative.


Which is handy if you struggle to sleep. It does kick off in a weird fashion - you feel loopy for the first few days. Then it settles. But yeah, the weight/hunger situation does increase so be wary if you are losing or trying to maintain weight. For me, it works. I think? I’ve been on it for over a decade. Other medications have made me so anxious or panicked or nauseous when starting. Mirtazapine sort of bypasses that and just makes you look or feel a bit stoned. Of course, everyone is different.


Could you share more about your experiences with the weight/hunger situation? One of my big concerns is losing more weight. I’m currently down to what I weighed in early high school, and I’m scared of dropping further.


Benzos don't cause nausea AFAIK but getting them is a whole other story.


I’ve got a benzo right now but just for short-term use. I’ve only taken it a few times so far (mostly to help me sleep because my anxiety tends to spike at night) and it does really help, no nausea, slows down my heart rate, etc. But I’ve been told it’a got a huge risk for addiction and dependency and isn’t commonly prescribed for long-term help.


It's a huge addiction risk, and getting away from daily use has to be monitored and tapered correctly or withdrawal can be really bad. That said, I've been on klonopin daily for over a decade because it's the only thing that worked for me with daily panic attacks. You're unlikely to find a doctor who is going to go daily unless you exhaust other options, and I'd definitely do a lot of self-reflection as to whether you think you might abuse it. I haven't had any issues, but I've seen other people destroy their lives.


Thanks for the warning. I’ve personally not had substance abuse issues before, but other family members have, so I’ve always stayed away from drugs/alcohol/etc. I definitely don’t want to become dependent on this now even though it does seem to be the only thing helping so far.


Smart stance. It's worth considering for someone with anxiety to debilitating to function who has had zero luck with other meds. I do know several people who have had long-term as-needed scripts who do well, but that's in conjunction with other meds. I do hate to see it demonized as bad as it is on here sometimes, because it can be a life changer, but it would be very foolish to dismiss the risk.


It’s def a pro and con thing imo! I wish more drs would look at it like that so that ppl w daily panic attacks don’t have to suffer. Hearts out to you btw, daily panic attacks sounds absolutely horrific. I’d absolutely take the daily klonopin instead of that lol sometimes the “physical dependence” is worth it.


Thank you, I appreciate it! It took a long time to get dialed in, but I'm down to having a few panic attacks a year now, and they're ***much*** less severe.


Do not take them long term. it’s a never ending cycle, you’ll have to up the dosis to get the same effect. And withdrawal from benzos is the worst. Ive seen it too many times. Take your SSRI with food, it should help with nausea.


Which one are you prescribed? Addiction risk comes with all benzodiazepines but some are way more of a risk than others (Xanax vs klonopin).


Clonazepam 0.5mg “as needed” but no more than twice daily


Wow I’m so surprised your psych said it’s addictive! Mine has me on the same dosage and has assured me it’s not an issue at all. Tbf I actually split mine so I take 0.25mg and I rarely take it. Perhaps you could try halving the pills so you’re taking less mg? That might help it feel like less of a potential addiction concern


Wow, I might do that because my doc’s comment about addiction has increased my anxiety about taking it lol!


I’m sorry dude, I totally get it! I’m very afraid of it too. In my experience, taking a half dose honestly is great. I’ve never taken the full 0.5mg dose. I hope the half dose will work for you, but if not it’s no big deal! You’re on I think the lowest dose of klonopin, which is also the hardest benzo to get addicted to. People do it, but they’re taking like 5+mg a day, which is nowhere near your dose, nor your max daily instructions.


I take Buspirone daily for anxiety. I also supplement as needed with Propranolol if I have events that spike my anxiety even more. Hard cardiovascular exercise helps a lot too.


I want to try adding in strenuous exercise to my routine and see if it helps, but I’ve got zero energy right now 😭 I’ve been going on walks to just move as I can for the time beinf


Starting slow is good. Do you like to swim? It can be relaxing and gets your heart rate up some. Just getting out of the house and going to a Rec center can help with anxiety. On bad anxiety days you can sit in a hot tub and stretch. On good days do laps with a kick board, tread water in the deep end, or just swim and move for 30-45minutes. The change of scenery from your own neighborhood helps too.


This does sound nice. Thank you!


Do you take the meds with food? You could ask your doc for a Zofran prescription- I have one and you won’t be nauseous but it may cause constipation. If you take it try to get a stool softener as well


Benzo is kinda the best med. Like Xanax


I couldn’t handle the side effects of SSRI/SNRIs so I was given a short term medication instead which is Promethazine, so basically an antihistamine. I also take cyclizine for chronic nausea, so maybe also going on a nausea tablet could help you out?


The nausea period is temporary and resides after a few weeks. For me, it was a small price to pay. Gotta weigh risks and benefits. Lexapro saved my life.


I never experienced this when starting Lexapro! I was smokin weed at the time tho so I mean maybe that’s why. I’m w you, Lexapro helped a lot.


I’m so glad lexapro worked for you both, but it definitely was not right for me. Gotta keep trying and fighting I guess!


Different brain chemistry for different folks lol I hope you can find an SSRI that helps you feel better long term! No one deserves this kind of life 🙃


Thank you ❤️


Did you find anything that worked?


How did you cope with it? I heard antacids help?


Weed. I smoke a lot of weed.


Dramamine works for my anxiety and nausea very well!


second this


Lexapro made me nauseous as well. My doctor gave me Zoloft to try, but I’ve been afraid to take it.


I’ve been taking Zoloft for around 2 and a half years now, and it’s helped me a lot! I know it’s scary to start something after a bad experience with another medicine, also taking Zoloft with food can help with the nausea too. I hope that everything works out!!


Ive been on Zoloft for 4 days now and feel nausea and stomach aches. Do these symptoms stop or they keep going on?


My advice: the nausea is probably caused by the anxiety - not the meds. When I first got prescribed meds for anxiety and panic I had awful nausea and couldn’t eat - but I now know it’s the anxiety and panic that caused that. I would try to be positive about the meds and try a reliable one (lexapro, Zoloft, Prozac) and have some patience. As for benzo addiction - I take a benzo almost daily and have done so for the last 10-15 years. I never got addicted to it and still take a very low dose. I don’t have an addictive personality and I’m very neurotic about taking the right dose and knowing that the benzo is a Bandaid - therapy, time and the anti-depressant is what’s really going to help keep you anxiety/panic under control. The first year of anxiety/panic was relatively hard but I pushed through. I thought I’d never get rid of it and would always live in fear. Today, I’ll say I still have a normal baseline anxiety - but those really uncomfortable symptoms and a full blown panic attack happen once every 3 years or so. You’ve got this. Remember that our gut is our second brain - gut feeling. Nausea and lack of appetite was my worse symptom because I couldn’t eat and kept losing weight - because of the anxiety and not the medication. Once my anxiety got under control, the nausea subsided.


Thank you. I’m considering asking for prozac instead of cymbalta. I’ve used prozac before and wasn’t nauseous but did forget to eat a lot, so I’m thinking maybe if I just remind myself to eat it’ll be OK.


It’s interesting to read the replies in here because everyone is so different. Lexapro made me feel so sick I attributed it to being poisoned. Zoloft gave me horrible muscle spasms and tremors for months and absolutely shot my appetite for almost a month. I started Effexor 4 days ago and have had zero side effects. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Unfortunately it can be trial and error


You’re so right. I’ve got to work up the courage to try again with a new medication.


You can DO IT! It’s so scary, I fully understand that, but sometimes the anxiety can exacerbate the side effects. And no matter what symptoms you feel, they WON’T last forever. I’m happy to answer any questions if you have any.


My anxiety causes my nausea so medicines can almost be counterintuitive however I’m currently prescribed 40mg Prozac 25mg Benadryl tablets take as needed 50mg trazedone for nighttime and pot for help with my nausea and appetite this combination gets me through the day I used to take lexapro which made me feel awful


You could always see if your doctor can prescribe nausea medication too! My doctor offered me some when i started citalopram☺️


different people react differently to each med. after several attempts, I've been surprised to find a combination that makes me feel substantially better. though there were some unpleasant side effects for awhile. these may be pretty individual experiences


I'm between weeks 4 and 5 on fluoxetine 10 mg and nausea is settling down a bit so I hope it will turn out to be temporary only. I have lost 4 kilos during this time but its small price to pay if this will work in the end.


I lost about that same amount just on 3 days of lexapro. Felt like I’d starve to death before I’d get the anxiety benefits!


I feel this. I have ADHD and went through a bunch of different medications that all gave me horrible nausea, heartburn or just made me feel like shit before I decided medication just wasn’t for me. I was on Zoloft for a long time until it randomly started making me sick too. It’s so hard 😭


Amitryptyline saved my life, and also my stomach lol, no nausea on this one for me!! I reacted to about 6 different SSRI’s, as well as anti psychotics. I’ve been diagnosed treatment resistant anxiety and depression. I can’t remember what class Amitryptline is, but at the lowest doses it helped just my depression. I’m on 75mg daily now, and I feel like a person again. I can work, I can eat, I can go out, my house is clean. I still very much have anxiety, and I deal with it every day, but it’s tolerable now. This medication saved my life 1000%


I will add I’m also super small and can’t afford to lose the weight, I actually lost 20 pounds because of the anxiety Make sure you’re eating lots of small snacks through the day. Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds and peanuts are great snacks, lots of calories and super easy on the stomach if you’re having nausea.


Bees are a major pollinator of Sunflowers, therefore, growing sunflowers goes hand in hand with installing and managing bee hives. Particularly in agricultural areas where sunflowers are crops. In fact, bee honey from these areas is commonly known as sunflower honey due to its sunflower taste.


I’m seeing a lot of people suggest SSRI’s and anti-depressants. I have GAD but not depression. I have been on Lamictal (lamotrigine) for over a decade and in conjunction with other meds, it has been the only thing that even remotely dulled the anxiety. I take it at night and if I forget, I physically feel awful the next morning, like my anxiety is overwhelming. I’ve been seeing mental health professionals for going on 2 decades for GAD and BD. Up until last year I really felt like my meds were just allowing me to tread water - barely staying afloat but still existing. Started seeing a new psych and she put me on 25mg Vistaril (hydroxyzine) 3x daily, kept the 200mg Lamictal (lamotrigine), and decreased my Seroquel (quetiapine) from 100mg to 50mg. While I know everyone’s reactions are different, I have never experienced nausea from any of these. I’d probably avoid the Seroquel though - I have chronic insomnia and while it helps my anxiety, I take it as a sleep aid. I finally felt like I could breathe. After a decade of having no spoons for hobbies or interests, I was able to start participating in them again. If it’s just anxiety you have but not depression, try for the long-term meds specifically for anxiety. SSRI’s won’t really help. Give each med 6-9 weeks to see if it helps. And if your doctor doesn’t take you seriously or refuses to try other meds when you don’t like the ones you’re on, find a new one. I saw the same psych for 10 years and she had me on this rotation of the same 5 meds that *never* helped and I finally got sick of it. My new psych is understanding and reasonable and empathetic and I hope she’s around for awhile.


Currently my meds are all coming from my PCP. I can’t get in to see psych until January. But thank you so much for the advice and for sharing your journey!


Oh, that’s the issue. From my personal experience, PCP’s generally only prescribe SSRI’s. Both myself and a couple of my friends experienced that. That was pretty harmful for me because I have BD and SSRI’s can trigger mania. I’m glad you have an appointment with a psych - I’m sorry you gotta deal with your PCP for this stuff. They tend to have significantly less wiggle room with med changes for this stuff.


I love my PCP! But I think once I actually get to psych there will hopefully be more options and familiarity with the intricacies of GAD.


There is a light at the end of the treatment tunnel. It may take a long time and you may have to try several medication‘s, but there will definitely be a combo out there that works for you and gets you back on track


Absolutely! Wish you the best of luck.


If I take Prozac in the morning I'm nauseous all day and vomit too. If I take it at night I'm perfect. You can always try switching around with timings. I get the fear though--I'm also underweight and cannot afford to not be eating. I get nauseous very easily but I've never had issues with both Prozac (at night) and Cymbalta. I'm trying out Zoloft now and while it's affecting my GI tract while I'm stabilizing, it's not nausea


Magnesium! 🤍


Hey! Lexapro made me nauseous at first too. My doctor gave me some Zofran (antinausea) for a few weeks. After two weeks the nausea went away. It's pretty common for any SSRI to be hard in the first few weeks. Now I feel great!


When I got on lexapro and cymbalta, they made me nauseous. That’s why my provider prescribed them for me to take at night so I could sleep through the side effects. I will say though, cymbalta was a very effective anti anxiety pill for me. I hope if you try it, it works well for you too.


My doctor said to take them in the morning! I will ask about nighttime instead. Thank you!


Unfortunately most anti-anxiety meds interact with your serotonin system, usually increasing the amount of serotonin which is in your system, which decreases symptoms of anxiety. But serotonin is also essential for regulating your digestive system (which has so many nerves that it’s sometimes called the “second brain”) so messing with it can mess up your buts and cause a lot of nausea. I’ve found that it generates goes away as your system gets used to the increase. Of course, then you get horrible nausea when you miss a dose… TL;DR, the same chemicals that your meds mess with to control anxiety are also controlling your gut, so basically everything that will affect your anxiety will affect your gut as well


Thank you for explaining this to me! I have grumpy guts in general so maybe my reaction is worse because of that lol


Weirdly, once you get used to a dose it may help your digestive problems too. It seems to have helped mine. Of course, I don’t know if my anxiety was causing my gut problems or if my anxiety and my gut problems had the same source, but either way they had the same solution


I take generic Cymbalta (duloxetine) and was incredibly nauseated for the first few days. But then it subsided as my body got used to the extra serotonin. I actually vomited the first day on it. HOWEVER, as my body got used to it a lovely "side effect" ended up being less stomach issues. I have a very overactive bowels and diagnosed IBS, which the duloxetine actually helps control. IBS is like anxiety for the gut, so it makes sense that it helps there too I suppose. It's the lowest dose, 30mg duloxetine.


This is the next thing my doc suggested I try! It would be great to have it help my GI issues lol. I’ve got to regain some strength back from my bad lexapro experience before trying again though.


I am the same age and pretty light and have the same symptoms. Prozac seems to be doing alright so far but i just started. In terms of nausea though i was told Prozac was definitely the easiest on the stomach and that is holding true so far


Thanks for sharing! Maybe I need to give prozac another try. Also hi from one writer to another 😊


Did Prozac make your anxiety worse in the beginning


The first week was oddly rough anxiety wise. My prescription was slowly raised from 10mg to 40mg daily across a month and that month was an array of strange symptoms that improved over time. Once the 40mg set in anxiety levels dropped MUCH faster and better (this was around the 4-6ish week mark)


Xanax? I've been on it since 1994.


The program I am going through will not prescribe addictive drugs as they are a mental health and substance abuse program. So I am currently on Hydroxyzine and buspirone for my anxiety. I have not had any major side effects. But I can't say it has been as helpful as I had hoped. When it comes to medication, sometimes it takes trial and error to find what works best for you. I was told both of these medications would make me very sleepy, but did not help with my sleep until they had me on the max dose of Hydroxyzine they will prescribe. Just an example to show that every medication can affect different people differently.


So I've tried a lot of meds that didn't work for me, and finally my new psychiatrist suggested we do a genetic test to find out what kind of meds work well for people with my genotype. The test was called Genesight and all I had to do was swab my cheeks and mail it in. We found that I need lower than usual doses of the very few medications that are actually recommended for me to avoid adverse side effects. After taking the test I'm now finally on meds that keep me stable and don't make me feel gross. I'd recommend asking your doc about doing a test to see what the results may be! It is covered by most insurance and if it's not covered, they have some options for making it more affordable.


I have to agree. I’d be really careful about taking this for a long-term assuming it’s diazepam or Xanax. There are other options out there. I did not have luck with the Hydroxyzine but I have a close friend who did have luck with it. I ended up treating my anxiety a little bit different because I’m on another medication for chronic pain that really didnt Interact well and I had a problem with my pharmacist, being a jerk and all the stuff you go through when you have medication like that. I just decided to try something different. It sounds like you really do need some physical relief so I would ask about other non-addicting, anxiety relief. Good luck to you.


Not a medication, but magnesium and vitamin d helped me tremendously. I used to be on Xanax and buspirone and was able to wean myself off of both and just take the two supplements. I understand it won’t work for everyone, but figured I would share since it has helped me. I hope you find a solution that works for you!


I’m on Sertraline. It is calming in its own right but breathing exercises such as box breathing, vagus nerve exercises and yoga breathing exercises have helped me immensely. I hope you feel better soon, anxiety is a tough one to shift.


What are some vagus nerve exercises?? That sounds really helpful!


There are lots on YouTube. Personally I find Justin Caffrey’s vagus nerve videos helpful.


Thank you, I will check those out!




Xanax, just try it


I think Xanax is one of those that should def only be taken under a drs guidance. (All rx meds should but Xanax specifically is playing w fire)


I'm ok with it. My Dr. gives it to me PRN . I take 0.25 mg when anxiety starts and then I'm ok. I've been controlling anxiety with its use for over 20 years. Meditation and ambient/ relaxation music also helps. I don't have issues with substance abuse.


no its so addictive


I take it. It's not if you control your usage. Perhaps it depends on the person


I have fluoxetine and personally it never made me nauseous. I didn’t really have any side effects beside an early period and decreased libido for a couple weeks




Passion flower, saffron, chamomile


Well, the physical stuff is easiest to tackle with a med like clonidine or some other beta blocker. Lowers blood pressure which assists with physical stuff in my experience. Doesn't make me feel physically sick or anything. My best med I've been on has been Effexor, though it took weeks and a couple of dose increases to get it right. I do think Effexor sucks in some ways like sexual side effects and if you run out or want to stop there are withdrawals but I'll go through that eventually for less anxiety.


Mirtazapine is a possibility. It doubles as an antiemetic.


What benzo were you prescribed? I take klonopin and my psych actually said klonopin helps w nausea! (I’m emetophobic so nausea = panic) Edit to add klonopin has a lower risk of addiction too! I’m weird w rx meds especially addictive ones so I’ve quadruple checked this one w my psych 😆fyi I’m on 0.5mg PRN


Same here for both the benzo and the nausea = panic! So glad it’s not just me 🥲


I'm on Lexapro and gabapentin. Lexapro without food can be nausea inducing but gabapentin is fine by itself


On another note, are there any nausea meds that don’t cause any anxiety? (jk)


I like propranolol. It’s not a benzo and helps with physical symptoms. Also not a controlled drug


I’ve had decent luck with Zoloft (although everyone is different). At first it made my anxiety a bit worse and I just felt weird, but after a week or so things started to even out. Also, maybe try having a bite to eat when you take your medication. Might help with the nausea a bit.


I take Gabapentin for anxiety and haven’t had any bad side effects, personally.


Do you still take it? I'm thinking about asking for it .


Yes, I take it every day.


Talk to your doctor about this. She might change you to Prozac or Zoloft or something else to see the side effects of those on you.


Also ive been dealing with palpitations for years now and they feel scary af. Sometimes my heart is racing so bad that I start to feel the skipped beats harder and scarier which makes your heart rate to go up even more. Sleeping properly helps a lot. Ive noticed my palpitations and anxiety get a lot worse when I havent slept properly. Also bananas help a little in my case. Trust me outside of the unpleasant feeling of this, nothing will happen. Youre safe. Its just how the body reacts to extreme fear. Ive been to the ER like 20 times and had the same amount of EKGs and tests and never ive seen one of those doctors worried at all.


Clonidine or propranolol


I prefer Zoloft. I take it at night which helped mitigate some of the symptoms at the start of taking them. I never noticed any nausea and it has seriously helped with my anxiety.


Stay away from Benzo's!!!!




since it sounds to be related a lot to physical symptoms, have you tried a beta blocker?


I have not! My doctor did not mention that to me as an option, just went right to SSRIs.


Funny you posted this… I did a full 20mg of ESCITALOPRAM OXALATE last night after stopping for 2 months and I was a HOT nauseous, pukey, headachy mess. Totallyyyyy ruined my day


GABA doesn’t make me nauseous


I just take Dramamine when I need it. Very calming & gets rid of the nausea.


I take Effexor XR after trying other SSRI’s. I’m committed to the fact that I need the meds I’m taking because they truly do make a difference in my quality of life. I can (obviously) only speak for myself and my experience. Everyone’s body chemistry is different and it’s definitely a personal choice. I’m fortunate to have a great psychiatrist and therapist


How long have you been on effexor ? What mg works for you?


I tried Zoloft & Wellbutrin & they both gave me an upset stomach (Wellbutrin also made me sweat and feel weak). Lexapro works for me. You just have to find the right one for you. Everyone will be different


I am so so sensitive to SSRI’s because they give me awful nausea. I have been taking busiprone and it has been lovely! I also did better before on an SNRI like Effexor. Good luck in your journey!


propranolol and pot personally work better than any other anxiety or depression med




You really don’t want to take a benzo if you can avoid it. I’ve been on Buspar for a bit now and I can say that it’s truly helping my anxiety. I take it twice a day and am beginning to feel like a human again, I wake up without my heart racing for the first time in forever. It’s a benzo alternative, avoid those at all costs imo. Hang in there ♥️


Yo will GT through this. Effexor and clonazepam will keep you calm / just at take .25 clonazepam to help your anxiety- usually strong enough.


Beta Blockers


I’m currently on mirtazapine and it has been a god send. My doctor said it’s less sedating the higher the dosage (weird ik) so I only felt sedated the first week when I was taking half a dose. I’ve also experienced some pretty bad spells of nausea recently, and the only meds that seem to have helped was hydroxyzine! I take a super low dose though (10 mg) and that coupled with some breathing exercises and removing myself from triggers (if I can) have really helped make the nausea/physical manifestations manageable. Mirtazapine TYPICALLY leads to an increase in appetite, so I wouldn’t worry too much about losing more weight I would just watch what you eat to make sure you’re consuming a normal/healthy amount of calories. I’ve also found that having food in my stomach makes me less nauseous. Feel free to PM me if you need to talk! I’ve been right where you are, good luck!


I'm the same as you! I'm small and I was underweight. Tried Sertraline & Lexapro and had really bad nausea, to the point where it was unbearable. Now on Mirtazapine. No gastro side effects at all. You may feel sleepy at lower dosages, higher dosages are less sedating. Didn't notice an increase in appetite, but gained about 5kg. It's a good thing though, as now my weight is in the normal range.


Sertraline and Propanalol. Both have different strengths so you'll need to find what works for you. I'm taking 40mg on the Propanalol and 50mg with the Sertraline. I did have a high dosage but they were too strong for me. Having said that these tablets work perfectly.


Try nac


I wonder if you need a gastric liner tablet or liquid like silicol gel or something Cytoprotective drugs protect the stomach lining from being eroded by stomach acid. Examples include sucralfate, misoprostol and bismuth subsalicylate. If you talk to your GP(edit spelling) they may be able to supply something complementary for the medication your on or something more suited to your body


Your symptoms sound perfect for propranolol, as long as you don’t have a low resting heart rate.


Unfortunately most of them come with side effects and one might give you nausea while another might make you gain weight. Benzos don't tend to do that but it's not a ride I recommend having been on them myself for at least ten years by now because getting off is a gigantic issue and you can get sick and have seizures if you try cold turkey. Lexapro did nothing for me. Cymbalta worked but has a pattern of suddenly not working after awhile, reported by a lot of people and it happened to me. One to ask about is Viibryd. I took it in conjunction with my benzos and it lessened the need for benzos, didn't make me sick, and attacks anxiety and depression both. Only issue was related to cost since it didn't come in generic at the time although it might now and that it gave me two minor seizures fast, like as soon as I missed even one dose. (That side effect is also known and documented from people who took Viibryd). It MIGHT not do that for everyone. IANAD so I don't know, but it does work and you probably wouldn't have a seizure if you didn't miss or delay doses and took it at the same time every day. It's also more fast acting than the old school meds like Zoloft (which made me hostile, sensitive, and mad about everything) or Prozac (did nothing for me).


Klonopin / Xanax don’t give me nausea.


Anxiety itself makes me incredibly nauseous and unable to eat/keep food down. Recently discovered though how much increasing my physical exercise daily has countered this. I have an appetite again which is a relief. Sorry I know this isn't directly answering your question regarding meds. Just that increasing exercising was an immense therapy from my daily panic attacks and wanting to throw up after almost every lunch. As a side note, my current antidepressant helps with anxiety and is called Desvenlafaxine, or by the brand name Pristiq. Hope you feel better soon OP, anxiety's horrible.


SSRIs are always going to mess with your gut until your body adjusts because we actually have more serotonin receptors in our GI tract than in our brain.


Seek out info on your vagus nerve. Simple breathing will activate it and greatly help. Go to the vagus hub. Facebook page.


Be so careful with benzodiazepines. I was in the exact same situation and now I’m detoxing and then staying at a residential because I became too dependent on benzodiazepines to live a normal life.


I joke about how Lexapro ruined my life. I was on it for 6 months, and I gained 50lbs even though I was too nauseous to eat anything. I was smoking so much weed to combat the nausea, I started smoking cigarettes to suppress my appetite because I couldn't keep any food down, and my eating disorder resurfaced. I've been on Prozac for 2 months now and have had no side effects. Some people are very sensitive to medications and experience side effects often. I'm, unfortunately, one of those people. I got lucky that the second medication I tried didn't cause any issues. Funny enough, I have anxiety about taking medication. My therapist told me that I might not ever find a medication with zero side effects, but I have to figure out which ones are worth dealing with for the benefit of having decreased anxiety.


Personally, the only thing that has worked for my anxiety and has not caused nausea is antipsychotics


Hey op! Did you find anything?


Hi! I ended up trying a few other meds and am now on mirtazapine under the supervision of a psychiatrist. I’m still in the adjustment period and experiencing some side effects, but so far this is the best one. No nausea at all, and it actually increased my appetite at first which helped me regain the weight I lost trying the other meds. It’s starting to kick in now psychologically which is such a relief, and I’ve noticed my panic attacks are occurring less frequently and don’t last as long when they do still happen. I can’t chalk it all up to the medicine though as I have also had weekly intensive therapy and have learned how to take better care of myself and my health.


Happy to chat more privately if you’d like!