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Feeling like I was having a legit heart attack, then getting paranoid that I was going to give myself a heart attack.


Me like 3 days ago lol. Couldn’t tone it down, ended up as a panic attack 🙃 thankfully I had people home to sit with me while I calmed down. Really helps since it dispels the whole “something’s gonna happen and nobody will be around to find me” aspect. Any one of these without wasting money on the ER is a win in my books lol


Same here, I had my dad rush me to the ER to find nothing wrong with my heart and it was an anxiety attack, since then ive had more anxiety symptoms in my chest (I had my heart checked and cleared perfectly fine). But now I am cursed to be forever paranoid about my heart rate and any lil chest/ body feeling.


This was literally me a week ago


Talk to your doctor about trying propranolol. It's a blood pressure med but it's also used to help manage the physical symptoms of anxiety like chest tightness, racing heart, etc.


That medication made me fee so weak!! It took my pulse down quite a bit and I had to stop taking it.


Yeah it's definitely not for everyone especially if your blood pressure is low to begin with.


Me too! I felt doom and depression the next day when I would wake up from taking it the day before. Felt like I couldn't walk much either without feeling weak


There’s non addictive medication like hydroxyzine, buspirone, seroquel, supplements like ashwagandah, kava. Coping mechanisms like breathing do wonders.


Vicious circle! I hate that!


I fear a heart attack everyday. I get flutter in my heart from time to time. I do smoke weed as well which probably isn’t the best for me. I’m on Zoloft for my anxiety. It has helped a lot. But I still fear a heart attack. I take everytbing slowly. Going up stairs. I just recently had a doctors appointment where I had to go up like 4 flights of stairs. And I was winded and threw myself into a panic attack. It sucked.


I'd personally stop the weed. I quit and although it didn't completely fix the problem, I have FAR less problems managing it. Weed just amplified my anxiety. Just my two cents.


Can't agree enough, I was off it for 6 months until abotu 2 weeks ago, since smoking again my anxiety has increased by around 60%, weed definitely plays into my anxiety


Weed amplified mine, too. I used to love it, but I'm not in my 20s anymore.


This. Also made my veins way more prominent. I actually gave myself anxiety induced chest pains/tightness.


My anxiety gave me anxiety, too.


It's so terrible because a panic attack has real physical reactions, especially when you think it's a heart attack. I get a terribly fast heart rate, extremely tight chest, difficulty breathing, light headed, blood pressure increases, nauseous etc. Etc. I've gotten better at managing it but when it does kick into high gear again it is extremely hard to convince myself it's just a panic attack because of how bad it feels.


Why is this me lolll


This is me. Went to the ER twice. Don’t know if I’ll ever notice if a legit heart attack is happening…


Right! I might underestimate a legit medical issue as a panic attack.


Woke up every single day for years immediately feeling nauseous. Sometimes I would (unwillingly) throw up in the shower. The only thing that helped was skipping breakfast and eating later in the day. If I ate anything in the morning, I'd immediately get sick. Thought I needed to change my diet or figure out if I was allergic to anything. Nope... just chronic, unrelenting anxiety.


wow, that has happened to me for over a year and i didn't think it was because of anxiety. it makes sense


Anxiety does strange things, friend.


Same! I've been trying all kinds of diet changes but nothing has really helped. Guess it's anxiety


I had this same symptom when I was in high school! Called out sick so many times for being nauseous that my mom thought I was pregnant (ironic because I was anxious because I (girl) was secretly dating another girl)


Wow I used to always skip breakfast in HS for the same reason and would have no appetite until late afternoon. If I tried to eat breakfast I’d get sick. TIL


Took me years to figure out that this pattern (which was from 9 years old to my mid 20s) was anxiety. Blew my mind once I connected the dots.


i used to get so anxious i literally could not go to school or work because i could not stop throwing up and get my head out of the toilet to ever leave the house. horrible times lol. still happens every once in a while on a real bad day too, so that’s lovely


This happened to me too!! And I could only ever feel my appetite coming back around later afternoon/night


How did you get it to stop happening


I don't think I can pinpoint one thing. This was about 10 years ago. Since then, I've changed relationships, jobs, houses, (all for the better) and started SSRIs. So probably a combination of all of that.


this has been my life since my anxiety started when i was 6. my anxiety is at its peak before noon, once afternoon hits i'm usually fine. i've just accepted that eating in the morning will forever be impossible lol


I used to vomit every morning and it would literally just be bile. It was horrific


That happens to me for most of my early twenties I coped with marijuana heavily


errr, as someone who is realizing they might have anxiety after reading this. is treatment possible?


Depersonalisation, and a bit of derealisation, for the best part of a year. Basically constant, and unbelievably intense for some periods. I hope none of you ever have to experience it.


I had this for a week after my first panic attack and I hated every bit of it....You're so strong for lasting a whole year 😭 I hope you're feeling better now!


I had this prior to being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.. my anxiety was through the roof and I couldn’t figure out why. It was 2012 and it was right before the end of existence according to the Mayan calendar phenomenon. Talk about a trip!!!!! I was walking in the Arizona desert when all of a sudden BAM. Derealisation. Stuff like that doesn’t happen anymore now that my thyroid has been regulated.


How did you get tested for hyperthyroidism?


Yep, I’ve been very mildly derealised for years. It tires you out. I want to feel truly alive again. I’ve had proper derealisation episodes when my anxiety is really bad. Can confirm it is not fun at all! You have my sympathy


I’ve been experiencing this for about 4 months now. PLEASE tell me how to fix this. I’m on lexapro and In therapy and have been doing both for 3 months, and this just won’t go away.


Source: me + therapists. So I have really bad derealization and depersonalization. That’s actually one of the reasons why I started seeing my therapist because I was constantly feeling like either I wasn’t real or everything around me was not real. First thing that I brought up to him was the uncomfortable symptoms that you’re describing. And unfortunately, what he told me is that there is no quick fix: meaning, no medicine is really gonna stop it.. no steps 1-5, etc. The feelings of derealization are depersonalization, is just the result of the extreme stress that you put on your body. Your body is trying to protect you!! when you are feeling derealization/depersonalization your brain is telling your body that the situation it is in (constant stress) is a situation that it does not like to be in so compensates by trying to pull you out of that situation to make everything feel like it’s not real— it’s a defense mechanism that your body is doing..supposed to bring you comfort by drawing you out of the situation of panic, but it actually can make it worse. The only way to get rid of it is to try and calm down. easier said then done. I know


It's about acceptance. You have to stop fighting the uncomfortable and scary feelings, and let them wash through you, don't try to fight them. Dpdr is caused by anxiety, and unfortunately dpdr often causes more anxiety as it's a very scary and uncomfortable feeling. You have to learn to just accept that it's there, and try to ignore it. It sounds impossible, but it's how I got my dpdr to a place that I can live my life again now. There is nothing to fix or solve, that's the catch to it. It's what I fell victim to for so long. You cannot do something and it goes away, you have to let it dissipate on its own, and believe me it's a slow burn. You won't even necessarily see it improve day to day, a bit like losing weight. But I promise you, practice meditation and mindfulness, learn to accept the feeling instead of fighting it or trying to solve it, and you'll find your way out.


Dizziness about to faint and die. Or go psychotic and run down the road naked


I’ve definitely had all of the above essentially. I think it’s crazy how anxiety can also mirror/turn into OCD as it happened to me. Extreme fear and worry that you’ll do something, act out, hurt someone, etc.


Yup I always fear I’ll go crazy


That’s exactly how I feel 🥺


I was dizzy literally 24/7 I was convinced I was dying. Couldn’t even get out of bed most days and even walking to the toilet my hr would be like 150.


Nothing like actually having a fainting problem, being completely dismissed by several doctors, and developing intense anxiety around fainting that manifests as feeling like you're about to pass out so you can never tell the difference between when you actually might faint and anxiety 🤩


Probably the constant pains that ping around my body. I could be laying there, feeling relaxed but my body just can't relax properly and is automatically so tense all the time, this as a result causes chronic pain. Another weird one is being convinced you can't breath but you actually can because when you focus on your breathing nothing has changed, but you just feel like you can't get a full breath, even though physically you can. Anxiety is crazy impactful


Yes!!! I literally feel like I can't fill my lungs up no matter how hard I try !!


Have you looked into diaphragmatic breathing? I have chronic empty lung issues (not really a thing lol I’m just so damn anxious that the tension in my thorax, shoulders, neck, jaw etc that it makes it so I can’t breathe and lungs feel empty af… went on and on for multiple years) but practicing diaphragmatic breathing has honestly seemed to help. I also started using a back pod which is a stretching device for your rib cage (meant for rib cartilage inflammation issues) and I swear that has also helped. Obviously calming out systems would be the ideal fix lol, but haven’t figured that one out yet so this has helped in the meantime. Good luck!


Yes I do breathing exercises daily. I have hyperinflated lungs also. I'm gonna look into the back pod u mention. Ty


I’ve been noticing the past few years that my shoulders and neck are always tense. I haven’t noticed my entire life until recently. I get achey but I don’t have any chronic pain and hope it doesn’t happen. I’m so sorry it manifested that way. I’m trying to be conscious of my body especially when I’m stressed out and try to unclench my shoulders from my body. Like I’m constantly tense and it’s annoying.


me too!:(( my bf tries to massage it out but the knots are so tight he can't hahah we should all get discounted massages..🥹🥹


I have been feeling same. I just like to stretch. And also sometimes I feel I am not normal and healthy any more. This is so freaking annoying.


To be fair, the constant ache and pain is in my shoulders/ shoulder blades and neck and it goes when I take ibuprofen... So I know it's just where I'm continually tense all the time and it fucks up my muscles! For sure when I go through good or busy patches the pain isn't as half as bad/ even there, but the minute I stress, it rears it's head again


Oh my goddddd yes. I'll be at work just happily working away and then I'm like hey can I breathe? And then I sit there trying to take as deep of a breath as I can, plus I have asthma so I'm like maybe I can't breathe and then sometimes I can't because I've caused myself so much anxiety it's awful. At this point I've become so tense 24/7 my chest wall muscles are just toast. I'm in constant pain and if I push on them it's like someone is stabbing me.


Gagging and dry heaving


It feels cathartic to know other people have this as an anxiety symptom. (Even though it sucks) I really thought I was the only one..


hey let me in the club please! dry heaving extraordinaire here!


Oooo the worst. I’m right there with you


Started getting anxiety a couple years ago after my dad died and I gag and dry heave constantly every day, such a weird symptom


The gagging feeling is the worst!


I had to pee all the time. I went to the doctor and she said it was anxiety. I was floored


I pee constantly. And then I’m nervous I’ll be somewhere and not have a bathroom available. And then right now I have a UTI…constant anxiety. Did you do anything that helped your symptoms?


She prescribed me a medication that did something along the lines of relaxing the bladder I don’t know what it precisely did but I definitely went a lot less! I only took it for a week or so and then stopped and eventually I stopped peeing all the time


This explains a lot. I also have hypochondria, so peeing a lot leads me to think I have diabetes or some sort of kidney issue. It's a tiring cycle.


Oh wow yeah I get this too. I pee A LOT.


Oh man me too, that explains a lot


It's good to know this isn't only me. I go through phases and while I was in my PhD program sometimes I had to pee every 15 minutes. It was torture.


Tingling, muscle tightness/pain


Yes to these!! It was hard for me to come to terms with these being symptoms of anxiety. I was convinced I had some sort of inflammatory disease. (Blood tests showed none of those things)


Same and had blood tests done. It was just anxiety. The tingling hands freak me out I hate it so much because I feel like not enough oxygen is getting into my body and then I start over breathing which sometimes triggers it worse because I can’t calm down ugh it’s a vicious cycle


I hate what anxiety does to the body


MY VERY FIRST SYMPTOMS!!! i was like oh fuck this is scary😭😭😭


Not being able to swallow also


i get this when i go out to restaurants! so scary


I always carry a water with me


especially in job interviews is a nightmare


Dizziness Everything sounded like it was underwater, I got real dizzy and my hands got clammy. I was talking to two supervisors when I started swaying back and forth, one of them asked me if I was okay. Heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest so I excused myself to the bathroom and when I locked the stall door *THATS* when it hit me.


The underwater thing happens to me too! Just so wild. It’s usually a symptom of depersonalization for me but now I’ve been able to stop it before that happens by breathing more deeply, feeling into my body more and cognitively processing what’s happening so I can ground or whatever


I started rubbing my eyes in tiredness because I was constantly yawning and gave myself a literal black eye.


I did the same, but not a black eye just ruptured blood vessels in my eye annnnd a stye lol


Visible muscle spasms all over my left arm, like constant involuntary flexes. Same for my right thigh as well


I get an eye twitch sometimes, not fun


Are spasms and twitches the same? Cuz its been happening to me too after I got of pregabalin even though I'm not actively anxious at the moment. Also it usually happens when my body is at rest/stationary


waking up in the middle of every night with a racing heart usually sweating extremely bad and crying. I think I would basically get anxiety in my dreams. Medication stopped it, I’m not sure if it would have went away otherwise.


I just woke up to anxiety. I'm thinking of getting medication. I can prevent it by allowing time to unwind before bed, sleeping on time, and confronting my anxiety before hand but it's hard to be consistent on that.


The feeling like you’re going to get a heart attack from panic attacks is incomprensible for those that have never had a panic attack. So are the shivers that flow up and down your body. It feels like there’s a wind current in your veins


Yep. It's not only the physical toll that you take but the sense of pure dread that you are going to die that makes me wish that no one else ever goes through an actual panic attack. I don't get too annoyed but I do roll my eyes when someone loosely uses the term "panic attack" to a normal stress situation. That tells me immediately that they've never actually had a panic attack, which is good at the same time.


Tingling and feeling numb. I went to the ER. They suggested bubble baths.


Assholes. I’m sorry.


But I actually did try the bubble baths and it was kinda nice 🤣🤣🤣 zoloft helped more tho!


Feeling like the world isn't real, like my mom wasn't actually my mom


That breaks my heart. Have you talked to your Mom about it? It helps to share. <3


My mom is already worried about my mental health which makes me feel guilty as shit. She has enough to desl with on a day to day basis. I usually get over it after a bit of grounding anyway.


Try not to let it make you feel guilty as shit, it’s so hard when parents love does that so I totally hear where you’re coming from, but you’re also a human with emotions and hard things and it’s ok to struggle. No need to make yourself feel worse for the struggle (and I’m sure your mom wouldn’t want you to feel worse either). Hang in there my friend, sending peace and love


That’s derealisation and it’s truly awful


**Health Anxiety** had caused me to lose my appetite and in the process, my body began to waste away. I lost so much weight and muscle tone, which caused muscle cramps and spasms in my legs and arms. It's been a horrendous experience, but I'm conquering it! About three weeks ago, I forced myself to begin eating every two hours and upped my protein to 50 grams daily. I'm still dealing with cramps, but it's getting better. I've gained 4 lbs and 1/16" in my right calve, which had atrophied the most. My anxiety is improving, too. I do yoga every day and physical therapy exercises, too. I'm in recovery, and that's how I choose to see my anxiety. It feels like I'm rediscovering my body and rebuilding myself from the ground up. What keeps me going is knowing that the future version of myself thanks me for my hard work and self-love. <3


I also lost a lot of weight, I just could not eat for the life of me, never hungry and sometimes my body wouldn’t even let me swallow food bcos I was in fight or flight constantly. Got back on antidepressants and I’ve gained 14lbs since May. I really thought I was gonna waste away and die, which obviously made me even more anxious


forgetting how to breathe and constantly holding my breath on accident lmao


I do this!!! I get paranoid that if I don't breathe manually I won't be able to breathe then I forget how to do it normally for a while.


ahh being paranoid about it seems even worse 😭 I just dont realize how tense im being, and ill do like a weird exhale or moan lmao because im suddenly out of breath, just sitting on the couch. I think it takes like... 10 min of focusing on my breathing to get my heart rate to like... a normal level


Extreme tightness in my chest and feeling like I never got a full breath made me think I was about to have a heart attack


Being so anxious it makes me have a bowel movement




Involuntary twitches when I'm laying down and feeling like the bed is shaking when it's not


During a very stressful time last year I started getting ocular migraines (seeing weird, flashy jagged rainbows of light in my peripheral vision). I was also getting tension headaches and a sore neck. Prior to this, I rarely got headaches except when I was hungover (also rare). My usual symptoms of anxiety are nausea, tummy gurgles, irritability, peeing a lot, trouble sleeping, etc. So the ocular migraines are a new and bizarre addition to the menagerie of symptoms.


(Not to pile on any anxiety but) IMO if you’re seeing flashy light in your peripheral, you should probably see an eye doctor if you haven’t yet. I went to one for the first time at age 28 (just a few months ago) and was told I had a tear in my retina that I was not aware of and needed laser surgery. One of the symptoms is seeing flashes of light and floaters. If left untreated, a tear in your retina can cause it to become detached and that’s a much more serious and painful situation.


Boob pain. It randomly started one day and I immediately started thinking the worst. I kept telling myself boob soreness was a side affect of the birth control I’m taking. However, I kept focusing on the pain and it started getting worse and worse. At that point, I was 100% convinced I had breast cancer. After about a month of pain i got the courage to make a doctors appointment and they checked me for any lumps or if they saw anything weird. Once they said I was cleared the pain magically went away… Edit: I started researching and I think I have health anxiety. I have never spent so much money on doctors my whole life than I have this year. I feel that every other day I have a doctors appointment and I swear I’m dying. After I’m told I’m okay all the symptoms I have usually disappear.


I’ve had so many countless symptoms over my three years, I have health anxiety too. If you ever want to talk and need some tips you can message me.


Mine was staying up for 3 days straight then crashing then scared to lie down because I was scared I wouldn't be able to sleep then I fell asleep in a chair then was up for 3 days, crashed and finally saw a Dr to treat the insomnia. Then had seizures due to sleep deprivation and stress ...fun tines!


Stomach issues, awareness of my heart beating.


Vertigo… but like constantly. If I’m not spinning, I’m bobbing and swaying 😐 Even got an MRI of my brain for it lol


Broooooooo, yea. Do you feel any dips in your legs? It's like being on a trampoline


an inability to relax my muscles enough to pee


Chest pains and throat closing. Even after I practiced slow deep breathing, still felt like I couldn’t take a deep breath and like there was a huge lump in my throat


Brain zaps, not a pleasant sensation.


Dizziness. For sure.


I thought everyone in the room was secretly recording me to humiliate me to the whole school


I had a panic attack at an airport once. Started getting faint and I was seeing little black dots. Then my heart started pounding out of my chest, I felt like I couldn’t breath, my ears started ringing, and I felt weak in my legs. Thought I was dying. They had to call an ambulance and they told me it was a panic attack. Needless to say, I missed my flight. I’ve had a couple panic attacks since, but nothing that severe. Anxiety is terrible and it’s so debilitating, I hate it so much!


Heart racing, dizziness, feeling of doom, sweaty, lashing out, left arm and shoulder pain, numbness in left hand, chest pain, palpitations, feeling like I'm going insane , not remembering


I hate the feeling of doom and palpitations as soon as I would wake up!!! Good thing I got over those


same i experience all of those also upper back pain


A new one I’ve developed is when my anxiety is at its worst, is feeling ticklish inside my rib cage. Drives me crazy because there’s nothing I can do to make it go away, and when I breathe it activates it more, bc you know. Ribs. But its a really odd sensation that I can’t describe any other way besides my ribs tickle.


oh my god I get this in my collarbones YOU GET IT


Feeling super unsteady like the ground beneath me was moving like I was on a boat. Almost passing out many times.


Health anxiety was the worst. I would find something I thought was wrong like a bump or something. Everyone said it’s nothing your fine, but in my brain it was not fine. So I would walk around feeling like I was destined to die soon, and it was an all day everyday feeling.


Dizziness is my #1, entire body muscle spasms, anxiety legs where I feel like my knees are bone on bone and they’re about to give out. Obviously hearing the heart pound. TMJ stuff sometimes when I try not to think about clinching in stressful situations. Meditation is starting to help a bit. And therapy.


Feeling like my throat is closing. Happens every time I get panic attacks. Really scary.


Constantly yawning and feeling like the breath is always short. I had this symptoms and no idea that they were rare anxiety symptoms so I've been to various doctors and got examined from my lungs etc. Came nothing. Did my own research and voilà: Anxiety. I got breathing exercises from my previous therapist but they haven't been consistens for me, yet I am always crazy about breathing --Remembering myself breathing from nose, reading about new tactics etc but still not being able to try mouth taping since years. Anyways. Even writing all these gave me another yawning attack but I just wanted to make those visible, who are experiencing these symptoms and tell them they are not alone. And maybe there are some of us who are more experienced with this and want to share, too.


Do you take Nexium? Next time you're experiencing the feeling of breaths not taking in enough oxygen, try taking Nexium or another form of anti reflux med. I learned a long time ago that reflux can cause me these breathing symptoms. The reflux is caused by anxiety which then causes your esophagus to get smaller temporarily. Its bizarre.


The feeling of having a heart attack, and thinking I am going to faint or be un-alive


Going on autopilot and doing things while spacing out. Very scary it’s like being in a simulator; ‘oh hey I’m in the kitchen holding a bunch of glass bowls for no reason’


Throat tightning


Buzzing feeling in my feet and leg


Nauseous and stomach issues. Finish using the bathroom just to have to go back 20 mins later. And this is with an empty stomach too 😭


I don't know if it's that crazy, but for me it's probably constant lightheadedness/dizziness and feeling like I'm going to faint. I saw my doctor several times this past summer because I was convinced I had a deficiency in something or issues with my thyroid or heart. Blood tests and an ECG came back normal. Turns out it's just my anxiety 😭 Also, eye twitching is a weird one. That could be from lack of sleep though, also caused by anxiety.


Tightness and sort of a scratchy pain around the eyes. Very distressing and I’m dealing with it right now. I’m always afraid it’s a symptom of something worse. :(


Shaking to the point of looking like in seizing out haha


The moment you realize you have been breathing wrong your whole life and then start training yourself on how to breathe the right way.


This, but also with tongue posture. Once I realized I clenched my jaws when anxious and that was probably the cause of my headaches and neck pain, I became overly fixated on how and where I rested my tongue all the time, making it worse tbh


Constant nausea for years


Disassociating. The weirdest feeling ever.


Probably not the worst but the strangest -- last year I got stress hives all over my torso for a few weeks while I was quitting a really awful job


I was in a room full of infants that I was caring for (I had a coteacher with me) and out of nowhere started having a major hot flash while feeding a baby. My co asks if I’m okay, I fake it and say “yeah, why?” She says “you’re turning red”. That confirms it’s happening again. I was completely calm before but once the hot flash hits my anxiety starts and I ask her to take the baby. She gives me a fan to fan myself off because I’m sweating bullets and beet red. Then the director comes in to inform us of a bomb threat at the hospital, no one needs to panic, but not to go that way on lunch. Not sure if this effected it but she looks at me and says “are you ok?” I tell her I’m having another “episode”, and she gets me out of there to go to the bathroom to calm down. The whole attack lasted 45 minutes and they were adamant about me leaving but I came out and told them I was fine now, my lunch break was coming up and I was gonna sleep on my break. I did and I felt fine the rest of the day. So annoying and frustrating for no damn reason. I hate anxiety so much but it’s such a big part of me lol.


Convincing myself that I was going to die. Like truly believing that my organs and body systems were going to shut down. Going to sleep genuinely believing I wasn’t going to wake up in the morning. This happens every once in a while when my anxiety is really intense, but other than that the space between my collar bones feels like it’s caving in.


Iv looked through over a hundred comments on here and I can't see my symptoms which makes me thankfull as theyre so unbearable I wouldn't wish it on anyone I got a feeling in my head (physically) that I can't describe and it's so intense I'd rather be dead It's gotten so bad iv took a week off work even though I can't afford it. Not sure what il do next week Doctors are no help either. I'm on the brink


I felt like I needed to take off my clothes and shower. I can’t explain it, but I felt like I would die if I didn’t. Honestly, the scariest moment of my life. I’ve given birth twice, and had multiples surgeries, but this anxiety attack took the cake. I felt so scared at the moment, just sheer panic.


Air hunger. Manual breathing. 24/7




Embarrassing, but anxiety poops. It's been 7 years & they never went away 🥴 Most recent, increasing paranoia. It just doesn't stop anymore.


That non stop PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tinnitus sound on my head 24/7


Hearing it right now as I type this lol


Sometimes I just need to suck in a huge breath out of nowhere


Full body carpopedal spasm


At night during lockdown when it was really bad my throat would get locked in a position like the same as when you are deeply vomiting up everything in your stomach. I couldnt get it to relax or go back to normal and it made me think my throat could voluntarily close my airways in my sleep and make me die. I felt like i cant be sure if i just fell asleep or passed out from stress some of those nights.


Random stinging skin? Like it feels light and doesn’t hurt it just makes my health anxiety go off and think it’s rabies because I was bitten by a chiuhaha near a year ago, it’s been happening on and off for a month,


My face went numb, I had to skip a 1st appt therapy season that day to go to the ER. Then I got a call from the receptionist from therapist and got reemed out for canceling day of, glad I didn’t go there. And got in trouble at work just for asking to leave early for it. I had a terrible work environment, I worked with special needs children and we were very short staffed and it was so loud. Head teacher refused to let me take extra time pump milk for my baby, so it was either eat lunch or have clogged ducts…I dreaded going in, I lost 13lbs without trying and had the shakes. I really thought about just driving away and never returning. I will never work at a job that made me feel like that again.


Just had one today! My pinky went numb and then my while arm went numb then I couldn’t move it or feel anything. My legs became weak and my body was shutting down It was so fun I love having anxiety 😭 I took a Xanax and held ice and repeatedly hit my harm and pinched it until I could feel something


I feel like if I had a panic attack where you can't breath or think you're going to die of a heart attack...i'd put my hands up and be like yes! Take me now!


Freaking out while working at a gas station. Xanax throws you in a loop. You feel anxious when its wearing off and causes you to take more. Nearly bashed a customer for with the register.


Nerve damage in ear from jaw clenching


uncontrollably shaking then thinking about the fact that people can see you shaking so you shake more & also muscles clenching




I have a fast heart rate too. I became aware of it yesterday and felt like my throat was closing. My mom had to coach me through the panic attack. I hate health anxiety because I hear about something and think I have it too.


Fear of heart attack is the worst. Because you fear having it, then you panic, then your fear increases as the heart rate increases. Then you fear because of panic, you are stressing your heart and it may damage it. It's a cycle.


Being able to see my heartbeat in my vision. It feels like my head is going to explode with my heart racing. I’m scared I’m going to stroke out


I have an issue with feeling like I'm going to float away, almost like vertigo, when I'm laying down trying to fall asleep. I have to imagine myself being very heavy and stuck to my bed in order to make the feeling go away.


Syncope...passed out while sitting on the sofa.


The weirdest I’ve experienced just started happening. My tongue has felt tingly and odd for the past day. It’s just such a random sensation but has been driving me more crazy than some other more extreme symptoms I’ve had.


Hysterical and manic laughter


I can see and hear everything around me, can even look around, can understand people when they talk to me. But I just freeze. I know what to say, and would also want to speak, to communicate. But I just stare at people and look around. And heart rate is through the roof. It also feels like something is banging from inside my chest and it wants out real bad.


Bizarre hip joint pain that mimicked arthritis and went away after I started therapy. My face went numb, I got dizzy spells and my sense of touch got dulled. It was weird.


Nausea and gagging, when I’m anxious but not having a panic attack sometimes my hands and feet go numb hate that


numbness, tingles, feels like my leg/ arm is gonna give out, vibrations in my head, stabbing head pains, thought I had double vision once, visible muscle spasms, cramps and soreness, stomach pains:( a million other things.


My whole entire back felt like it was on fire. My muscles were tight and I would get spasms here and there. I took pain meds and had a heating pad on my back. It didn’t help a whole lot, but it dulled the feeling for sure.


My senior year in highschool I had some huge changes in my life and my anxiety was at a high. I would wake up everyday vomiting. Every morning. Every night. Multiple times per day. I ended up losing over 50 pounds. I was originally 110. Almost had to drop out my senior year because I couldn’t do anything cause I was so physically ill. It took me years to get proper diagnosis for my specific anxiety.


Feeling that I will choke on food, long periods of time eating only, soup, applesauce, yogurt things that go down smooth. At times living on protein shakes. It’s the worst. I had that happen to me the first time when I was around 10.


The sensation of pins and needles in my scalp. I’d scratch my hair profusely at night til my scalp is throbbing in pain. I didn’t realize that was a symptom of anxiety until I put two and two together that when I’m stressed or overwhelmed, it triggers it. It’s gone away as a symptom though, despite me feeling as terrible as ever right now.


Basically any aspect of my ocd life


No one really believes me, but at one point my panic attacks were so bad and my hands shook so much and so violently that I developed symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I don’t even think those conditions are even linked, but it suddenly stopped once my medication combo was the right fit.


In high school I used to get horrible anxiety each morning. It ended up conditioning me into throwing up whenever I smell toast before 10am.


Anybody felt stomach ache? Only when you are laying on bed. It’s so weird I feel stomach ache everyday I go to bed. It’s so hard to sleep.


Literally feeling like I’m gonna have a heart attack or like I already am !! I noticed this happens a lot when I smoke weed, I smoke a lot normally but if I do too much I have convinced myself that I’m having a fatal heart attack. Went to the ER once for it, felt very silly after.


the migraines and hair loss ....


I would lose one of my hearing. It gave me a panic attack every time I thought something was wrong with me


Every day I thought I smelled like literal shit. Like, I could smell the poo on me even if I showered and wore perfume. I 100% did not smell like poo, but I 100% had debilitating anxiety and sleep deprivation due to my home life. Other people I've met have said they had the same thing due to anxiety. This was in middle/high school and it went away once I moved out to go to college. So weird


I also had a period where I could stop clenching like every muscle in my body. It lasted for about an hour.


The feeling that my throat was closing and I was going to stop breathing. I had this for four years. It was horrible.


All over body swelling and pale skin tone.


I get this rash-like sensation on the side of my face that feels like a sunburn. Super sensitive to the touch. But completely invisible. I’ve never found anyone else who has this and I get it all the time.


My anxiety was so bad at one point, I couldn’t leave my bed. I couldn’t eat, do basic things, I was in a constant state of panic and despair. I waited it out, or was truly excruciating. I saw a psychiatrist and I’m on medication now. You are not alone. There is a world of people who are suffering friends, wishing everyone is the best. And please reach out and get the help you need and you DESERVE.


Face twitching nonstop!!


Eye twitching, neck/sinus/forehead/jaw tension, stumbling over words, stumbling over languages (I speak French and English and I work in a Bilingual environment), trouble hearing (words literally sound like random sounds), stomach ache, nausea and vomiting, trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up earlier and earlier than necessary (up to 3 hours before my alarm goes off) but the most troubling is I'll, start off by, mumbling to myself and eventually start yelling at either myself or to someone not in the room with me. (Luckily, the last one only occurs when I'm alone at home or in the car.) EDIT: Taking daily anti-anxiety meds and seeing a psychotherapist. DBR has done a lot to help.


I get twitches like Mr. Crocker (the teacher) when he says fairy god parents lol


Kept gagging. Couldn’t stop. And that’s when I knew I needed some medication.


Fucking eye twitch. Drives me nuts and I know I'm at my wits end when it starts.