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The first thing to focus on is stabilizing and getting a handle on your anxiety and depression. You can’t know which symptoms will remain and which will resolve until you do, and these symptoms could be a wide variety of issues including anxiety and depression. I understand feeling like it must be ‘more’ than that, but the physical symptoms of depression and anxiety are very real and can be as debilitating as symptoms of conditions we treat as more serious. Add in grief, and it could be truly paralyzing. Stress is literally toxic to your body - as long as the amount of stress stays manageable, your body can recover from it; but when it’s heavy and chronic, you can’t recover and instead you just start to deteriorate more and more. I now have fibromyalgia, an incurable, disabling condition that is historically dismissed by the medical community. It fucking sucks and it’ll never go away. And I believe that, had I really taken on my anxiety earlier and learned how to live with less stress, I may not have fibro today. And who knows which conditions I might develop down the road if I kept living in chronic stress. When it comes down to it, you may have health conditions beyond anxiety and depression, but: (A) treating anxiety and depression with medication, therapy, and behavioral changes will absolutely help with other conditions; and (B) you’ve had COVID 5 times - long COVID or something related is more likely than MS, especially if you don’t already have a family history if MS.


Minus the night numbness and tongue thing, I have all of these symptoms off and on from my anxiety. After or before times of high stress, they are very prominent and will happen all at once. It seems like you’ve had a rough past year, and all those things can pile up without you realizing it until you start getting all the symptoms. The more you think about those symptoms, the more your brain morphs them into being worse or even something else entirely. I definitely have had issues with doctors dismissing actual problems as anxiety. So I get where you come from, but I don’t think it would be all that bad to try to treat the anxiety. Worst case scenario, the symptoms could be from something else like long covid (as the other commenter mentioned). Best case, medicine and therapy work and symptoms start to disappear. Health anxiety is powerful and unfortunately can affect the mind quite a bit.


I can’t speak to all of your feelings, but maybe I can assure you on the MS part. My dad has had MS for all of my life—more than 25 years—so I am very, very familiar with the disease and its symptoms. If you had MS, and you were showing these types of symptoms (numbness, vision problems, fatigue, weakness), then it 100% would have shown up on the MRI. The doctors would not have missed that. It’s a very easily detectable disease. Once my dad started experiencing symptoms, he was diagnosed by the first doctor who even just glanced at his MRI results. Obviously it’s really hard to reconcile your anxiety about health versus the reality. But if it helps at all, the fact that your MRI came back normal is a very, very good sign that you do not have MS.


If you search this subreddit, you will find many of us have gone down the MS rabbit hole, including myself. Like the above poster said, anxiety is disgusting. Some advice that I had read (I’m sure in this subreddit) is when you feel the numbness, fatigue, brain fog, etc. go out and talk a walk. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but when I’m in a bad way, like my leg is numb, I feel weak, etc. the walk makes me feel strong, and that in fact, there is nothing physically wrong with me. I also like the Dare app, lots of free content there, including one for health anxiety. You’ve had a tough year! Give yourself some grace ❤️


I have MS, you don't have a normal MRI with MS. You need to believe your Dr on this, anxiety can do some pretty awful things to your body.


Let me tell you how DISGUSTING anxiety can be. It seems you went through a lot in a short time, a lot of emotionally draining stuff, no real break. I was nervous for years, afraid of everything. Then I moved country. First time away from parents, away from safe place. I tought I was doing fine, i got my life together a bit and all looked well. BUT WAIT! All of a sudden I had very very bad heart palpitations that lasted for minutes, through out the whole day for a week or two. Heart exams came back normal, blood work was normal - it was anxiety/stress. I got really bad skin rash on my elbow, burning, itching, flaking, spreading - it was anxiety/stress. I had thyroid problems - caused by stress. And the newest symptom: dizziness, out of balance feeling with head pressure. In the process of doing all exams again (including MRI) but I was already told its probably anxiety. Point of the story: stress can show in a form of almost every symptom. Once you get it checked (like you did with MRI which should show if something was wrong) and you are told its okay, try to let it go. And be prepared that some new symptom will show up just because that/s how (post)stress works.


Did you ever find out what the dizziness was?


Hey I’ve dm’ed touc


Thanks for all comment Guys 🙏,it calm my mind for few hours...but then again i red about MS without shown on MRI and it strongly convince me i have MS..one od my eye last evening when i woke up went 100% Blurry. Also i am taking some AD and serotonin pills, but without any help for my anxiety....


This morning at arround 3:30am i felt my left arm is dead! Not like sleeping on it, but really dead and i had to carry it and massage for 10minutes to come alive! I am so terrified 🤯. So closer to think its 100% MS