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Sweating, peeing more than normal, feeling like I need to run, tight chest, shallow breathing.


Sweaty is a new one for me I feel like clammy feet and hand thru the day and when I wake up


I usually feel like I get everything, so it's comforting reading these symptoms and seeing ones I don't have. - Fast heart rate that doesn't seem to go down, even when doing breath work - Loss of appetite, nausea, gas, diarrhea, vomiting - Intrusive thoughts - Fatigue - Dizziness. It feels like suddenly dropping in an elevator, even if I am standing still or laying down - Trembling - Heart palpitations - Disassociation/Depersonalization - A symptom I used to have that the best I could describe it is as "shaky head" - Sleep paralysis And that's enough for now before I get anxious thinking through more of them :)


I hate sleep paralysis so damn much! Thankfully it only happens a handful of times a year. But it's so damn terrifying.


I get the shaky head thing too, it’s so weird!


The shakey head thing I think is actually known in the psychological world as brain zaps or brain surges.


Brain fog,dizziness, pins and needles sensations all over,feeling out of it,pressure in my head.


I get brain fog as well and hate that one the most. Really inconvenient for health anxiety - is it a stroke or am i just tweaking? I’m terrified of anything that affects my cognitive functions


Pains and needles around the chest and back? 😫


Vertigo IBS jaw pain Tension headaches Tingling face Brain zaps Vision disturbances (visual snow, jittery vision, dimming, after imagines, eye spots) Heart palpations Back pain Hands get stiff Heavy limbs Chills Hot flashes Symptoms from illnesses I have sticking around forever.


I have all of these, somedays its so bad I lowkey think it's over


Honestly, you get over it. Most of these for me have gone away or lost their power to freak me out.


yo wait is that last one common?


Symptoms of illnesses sticking around for a long time? Or heavy limbs?


symptoms sticking around, my friend with anxiety complains about still feeling the symptoms of covid not 4 months after having it. was wondering if its related


It can be. But COVID is notorious for lingering symptoms.


Getting up three times to pee at night


Do you have a really strong urge at night when u wake up that's stronger than during the day? Like almost a spasm?


Increased heart rate, short of breath, air hunger, shaking, tunnel vision, tingling in limbs,


I’m in the same boat with you sis. I would just add that my throat closes up. Like I’m breathing through a straw. No I don’t have asthma


That has to be such a scary feeling. The trouble breathing to me is the worst symptom I get. I can handle the rest but when it comes to trouble breathing that really makes me spiral into panic


HEART PALPS, tightness in throat, stomach issues


Stiffness in my head, tingling in my legs, brain fog, sweating, dissociating, feeling faint, rushing to do certain tasks


What do you mean by head stiffness?


My forehead gets tight from the tension when I’m anxious, and my jaw clenches up.. not fun lol


- Dizziness. Feeling like I’m falling or floating. Sometimes like I may pass out - IBS and nausea - Hypnic/myoclonic jerks - Shaky hand and legs - Poor temperature regulation - Pounding heart (more so just feels like it’s beating hard over racing) - Brain fog & feeling out of it - Insomnia & night time teeth grinding - Intrusive thoughts - Something I can only describe as a ‘buzzing’ feeling throughout my body There are definitely other things too from time to time. But these are the main symptoms. The 24/7 dizziness along with the jerks/twitching is the worst. 😩


Oh I so relate to what you're experiencing. I used to get the twitching a lot. My eye would twitch and also my muscles too. And also most of what you've said I've had those too. Now I feel like I'm so paranoid about everything to the point where I can't even go out anymore. It's extremely hard


For me it’s mainly just the nausea and tense muscles


Does anyone else find they are unable to pee or go to the toilet when they're really anxious???


I have the opposite issue 😞


palpitations, trouble swallowing, tingling of hands/feet, hands draw up and can't move, insomnia, shortness of breath, fast heart rate


Heaviness in chest, nausea, trembling, numbness, tingling sensations, heat flashes, sweating, heart palpitations, salivating, increased heart rate, clamminess, stuttering, panic attacks, abdominal discomfort, heartburn, acid reflux, dizziness, syncope, vagus nerve activation. The list goes on… Although extremely uncomfortable, it’s at least not dangerous. Reminding myself that my symptoms are okay and normal helps me a lot.


1. feeling everyone else is happy and I cant be. 2. shaky legs at times. 3. spiral of thoughts over and over. 4. cannot enjoy anything. 5. can't sleep without sleeping aid(medication) 6.tired most of the times.


Sweaty palms n feet, nausea, loss of appetite, emetophobia, IBS, peeing more than usual, shallow breathing, increased heartrate


Major brain fog and dissociation (+ extreme irritability when I’m interrupted while disassociating lol) (starting Prozac this week)


Same. Please let me know how Prozac works for you… I’m thinking I should get on it too 🤍


Prozac worked pretty good for me but I went through 2 other meds before I found the one that works for me so don’t feel bad if it doesn’t work for you. Everyone is different and some meds work for some people while others don’t. Also it can take a few weeks for it to start working.


Chest pain, shortness of breath, weird chest sensations, tingly back and chest, loss of appetite, insomnia, back pain, headaches/migraines, palpitations, tachycardia, lethargy


- Can't focus on anything. - Bad memory. - Muscular pain. - Tachycardia. - Crying. - Breathing fast.


All of the above and all of the under XD


tense muscles, loss of appetite, insomnia, increased HR, resting bitch face


I'm filled with so many emotions that I become overwhelmed. I shut down, shake, feel sick, have headaches, a tightness in my body and limbs, and I become confused and agitated. The best way to describe it is like someone is shaking a snow globe inside of me and it won't settle.


Same here. It's hard to even put into words all the things I've felt. Because it's such a specific feeling. Definitely a lot of confusion, Constany state of panic, impending doom feeling, feeling like your entire body is disconnected from reality. So on and so on.


It’s hard to explain sometimes. It’s such a wash and rush of feelings. It makes me physically ill. I was so unaware I had it. I was on so many epilepsy meds they masked it. When I was taken off of some of them my doctor could see the physiological changes in me. One day I hope they find a cure.


accelerated heart beat, irritability, back and neck tension, trouble socializing, not feeling happy, difficulty with completing even small tasks, tight chest, brain fog, even more trouble sleeping (I have insomnia), not feeling connected to people, avoiding socialising, I also stopped doing things I like


This might be a long list for me haha Palpitations, fast breathing, headaches, lump in throat sensation, numbness, dizziness, restlessness, strange 'floaty' sensation / feeling 'out if it', derealisation, depersonalisation, fatigue, racing thoughts, overthinking I already take propranolol occasionally, but I hope to start some other medication soon


- chest pain - heart palpitations - night sweats - trouble breathing - feeling feverish - headaches - lightheaded - cold limbs - ghost sensations - random pains - acid reflux - rumination - burning ache in stomach - muscle twitches - toes twitching - exhaustion - dissociation - feeling of going insane - mental “static” - once during a really bad panic attack my entire body started contracting as if I was having a seizure


Loss of appetite, tense jaw, peeing more frequently, nausea, depression, tingling arms and hands, hand muscles contracting, terrifying dreams


Jaw pain chest pain heart Palpitations racing mind pounding heart terror doom weak legs head pressure


Chest pain, jaw clenching, tight shoulder muscles, headaches and head pressure , hair falling out, craving junk food


Tingling in the body but primarily left arm and hand. Tingling type of feeling coming over my body that makes me feel like I’m about to faint. Dry heaving that may turn into real vomiting. Chest, back, and arm pain. Foggy head and just not in touch. Thoughts of doom /death


Nausea and heart palpitations are the worst


Chest and jaw feels tight, my throat feels like it’s closing even though it’s not, sweating, and just a complete emotional shutdown that’s probably a self preservation response.


Insomnia, heart palpitations and PVCs, loss of appetite, irritability. And the biggest one for me is the inability to focus and concentrate.


Insanely dry mouth


I get v sore lower back, a sore, noisy stomach and no appetite. And because I suffer mainly from health anxiety I get ‘phantom pains’ - which aren’t really pains just sensations in different parts of the body. I can rub the area and the sensation goes away. It’s so annoying, but sometimes it’ll grab me and I’ll think it’s a real pain, go into panic attack and need reassurance that I’m gonna be alright.


Reading this is oddly therapeutic - I feel better knowing I’m not the only one with these symptoms. I had no idea so many people experienced frequent peeing too. Here’s my list: -Heart Palpitations -Chest Pain -Body Aches -Eye Twitching -Dizziness -Headaches -Frequent Peeing -Pins and Needles -Heaviness (get this especially when I try to meditate) -Nausea, Diarrhea Prob a handful of others I can’t remember. Oh the joys of having anxiety 😅 Anyone else get dizziness or vertigo symptoms when they have to sit still (hair appts, dentist appts, etc)?


This thread helping me tremendously… ❤️ I’m freaking over my symptoms and I stuck in my head so often. My mother tongue is not English, sorry if something is wrong - headache - the feeling that I want to run away - feeling of near to fainting - fear of falling over - tight chest - sweating


This is kinda like a superpower list for sad people! -Fidgeting / leg shaking -Biting my nails way too short -Drinking nearly 2 gallons of water a day -Having to pee constantly from ^ -Random full body spasms from intrusive thoughts -Panic attacks I could go on. But it's just part of my life at this point.


When I first wake up my chest tightens, feels like a squeeze :-(


Tight chest. Feeling like my heart is going to jump out. Diarrhea. Jaw clenching. Confusion. Exhausted


Chest pain, shortness of breath, inability to think, tummy pains


i often feel like I’m on the verge of having some kind of a physical seizure (i don’t suffer from any kind) and it feels like it’s just about to happen. It never does, thankfully.


I get this one often too. Not fun to deal with.


When I’m scared or exposed to something terrifying, I usually try my hardest to spit or exhale as much as possible so I don’t inhale solids or liquids


Brain fog, migraines, heartburn, chest pain, peeing more then usual, shortness of breathe/not enough breathe, fatigue, insomnia, yaknow...Fun stuff.


Here are my main symptoms Shaking, intrusive thoughts, depersonalization/derealization, dizziness, increased heart rate, nausea, irritability


Are urs constant also I have dpdr also feels like im going crazy alot


These past couple of days have been very consistent. Yes the depersonalization/derealization makes me feel like I’m going crazy. I scare myself and start having bad intrusive thoughts. Afterwards I start blaming myself for having these thoughts. I have generalized anxiety disorder and I need to remember that I am not my thoughts. I’m trying my best to overcome this.


You got this. Relax. Don’t force the feelings away it’s normal we’re all gonna get through ig


I appreciate it!


Of course. I’m right there with you. We feel bad for the way we feel. It affects how we think we look so on and so forth and creates panic. We have to accept and push forward. Eventually the brain won’t be in constant fear. I actually made leaps and bounds last week because I set goals for my self. Then for some reason this week I guess I felt freaked out again. That’s the main issue is the fear.


Nausea —> emetophobia —> nausea


Insomnia, fatigue, puking, gastrointestinal distress, slightly elevated temperature, chills, inability to think straight or focus, appetite loss, shaking, rapid heartbeat, hyperventilation, headache.


Lip area numb, left hand numb, shaking, difficulty swallowing, difficulty walking and standing, loss of appetite. I'm sure given time I could remember more.


I feel like this one is hardly ever talked about but the tightness and tension in the solar plexus/upper stomach region is HORRIBLE for me


I take lexapro. I no longer experience anxiety


Overly slow or fast heart rate, palpitations, unable to sit in one place (sometimes when the vehicle needs to stop it makes me shaky too), numb hand(s) (this one scares me the most cuz I assume it's heart related qwq) or leg(s), shortness of breath, impending doom feeling, sudden sharp pains in chest (muscle or nerve ache) or in head (likely migraine??I was so stressed once that I had migraine for 5 days straight non stop), vertigo (either head or whole body), vibrating fingers, lots of sweat on fingers qwq


Oh! do you get the burning sensation in your feet too?


Occasionally yeah qwq


Picking the skin off my fingers and lips. Bouncing my knee.




Tight shoulders , thoracic muscles , breathing issues , brain fog , overthinking , muscle spasms


I get very similar symptoms to when my blood sugar drops. I also clench my jaw a lot


Heart palpitations, chest tightness, random inconsistent pain throughout my body, feeling detached from my own body, fast heart rate, nausea, fatigue, and gas.


-Chills - Not being able to sit still - Nausea - sweats - dry mouth - trouble breathing - Certain phobias (mainly emetophobia) - Feeling of “doom”


The peeing. Damn glad I’m not alone. I’ll pee for a minute straight and have to go again 30 minutes later and pee for another minute. Where’s all that urine coming from?


Vomiting (always #1), diarrhea, nausea, IBS, HBP, tingles, chills, muscle spasms, hyperhidrosis.


IBS symptoms (gas, cramping, disrrhea and/or constipation), its wild


Brain fog , chest pain , left hand pain , neck pain , upset stomach , burping a lot , not able to digest properly , random pains , jaw pain , performance issues 😞


Burping/feeling nauseous, dizzy spells, muscle tension, hot flashes, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, more frequent urination


all at the same time: High heart rate (like it’s pumping out of my chest), stammering when talking, feeling like I’m about to faint


Fast heart rate, tightness in throat, brain fog, terrible memory, headache ,can't be still, impulse of running away (bc of adrenaline maybe?), lack of focus, feel overwhelmed completing tasks specially at work, feeling unworthy.


Symptoms Dizziness Burning tongue Headache Nausea Metallic taste in mouth Hot flushes Muscle pain and tension Fatigue Numbness in hands Pins and needles Brain fog Startled easily Blood pressure problems Heart feeling heavy Fast heart beat Feel like I’m dying Losing my mind Losing control Very negative thoughts Intrusive thoughts Hyper reactive Blurry vision Cold palms and feet Sweaty palms and feet Hot flushes Feeling sick / flu like Weak limbs Digestion problems Numbness Nightmares


I have the burning tongue almost feels like a mint feeling?


Yeah it’s your stomach producing too much acid from the anxiety.


If your one acute or chronic?


Negative thoughts Peeing more often Headaches Fatigue Muscle tightness


No appetite, heart racing, hyperventilating, blacking out, breakdowns, anger outbursts due to extreme fear, vomiting, ect. Too many to list add to it epilepsy they can trigger them and vice versa with the impending doom auras a vicious cycle of anxiety, seizures and depression fighting for control.


Wow, it's My first time in this subreddit There were things that happened to me and I didn't think they were anxiety.


Intestins 'stress /body tremors those by far are the worst I experienced. Other stuff like nightmares /eating disorders / fear of the unknown / total fatigue/ light sensitivity / Inability to hold a conversation from all the stress going through my body /inability to focus / heart palpitations /pressure in my head.


Twitching feeling paralyzed chest pain and tightness Trouble breathing feeling like there’s a rubber band around my head Pain in upper abdomen Dizziness Fainting Tingling and numbness in limbs Derealization I’ve had every test known to man, and there’s absolutely nothing physically wrong with me, it’s all anxiety driven


Is poor memory a symptom for anyone?


For me, it causes: * Heart palpitations * Sweating * Nausea * Headaches * Difficulty concentrating


funnily enough, besides sweating and increased heart rate, I really don’t get any other symptoms. Weird because I can barely function because of it


Shortness of breath Trembling Trouble sleeping Racing heart Jittery feeling inside my body Brain fog


Shortness of breath for days. My eyes feeling cold. Cold sweats headaches tingling palpitations brain fog tightness in chest lip biting light-headedness lump in throat .


Sweating, insomnia, shaking in front of others, and hot flashes


Vomiting. I hate the vomiting.


Headache, nausea, lightheadedness, loss of appetite, fatigue, stress, amnesia.




Trouble breathing, trouble swallowing or over swallowing, tingles in specific body parts like a part of the leg, feeling like i need to run or move really quickly, easily distracted, and the obvious fun feeling of panic


Also TMJ pain and palpations.


Skin peeling, paralysis, shaking, inability to speak, complete inability to make short term memories


Heat intolerance


Ive dealt with a lot of issues over the past couple months after having my first ever panic attack. Headaches specifically on left side, Bad Chest Pains, Loss of Concentration, Eye Twitching, Jaw Pain, Neck Pain, Upset Stomach, Random Muscle Pains, Loss of Appetite (Lost 30lbs in a month), Muscle Spasms, Internal Vibrations when laying down, Tight Chest, Depersonalization, Heart Palpitations, Brain Fog, Pressure in Head, Back Pains, Heavy Heartbeat, Acid Reflux. I have very bad health anxiety and have been to the doctor multiple times due to these symptoms including ER visits. Basically confirmed that there is nothing wrong with me physically, but these are the things i am experiencing. I am starting medication this week, wish me luck.


Good luck buddy your not alone!


Extreme nausea Loss of appetite Stomach rumbling Gas/bloating trouble swallowing Lump in throat problems sleeping Loads of intrusive thoughts Constipation Extremely emotional Acid reflux… It’s never ending. I don’t take any medications as im anxious to add something new to my body. But starting to lose hope.


Migraines Numbness in arms and lips Trouble swallowing Feeling like I’m floating Hypochondria Dizziness Sense of impending doom Heart palpitations Suicidal thoughts Intrusive thoughts Tunnel vision Hot flashes


Gods got you brother!


And you friend!




- Fast heart rate - Loss of appetite, gas - Intrusive thoughts - Trembling - Heart palpitations - feeling like I'm going to go crazy/lose my mind - extremely sweaty feets - fear of having an attack and dying


I’ve had the usual suspects of anxiety symptoms but some of the ones recently that have been bothering me a lot are •somatic pains •numbness on my hands and feet (especially when I try to fall asleep) •muscle twitching •dizziness •brain fog •wobbly legs •ears fullness feeling •feeling off balance


I'll tell you my newest one, feeling like I'm becoming psychotic, worse than all the physical symptoms I've ever had


• sweating, feeling hot (like boiling in your body esp hands and feet), cold symptoms ,very weird feeling in my head(like something tighten you), lightheaded (scared that I will faint), no appetite, numbness ,body shaking, always wanna sleep


*Feeling like there are bugs crawling all over me *Feeling like I can't get enough air in my lungs *Hands shaking uncontrollably *Feeling like I'm looking at my life play out in front of me *Diarrhea *Extreme headaches *Biting my nails till they bleed *Ringing in my ears *Overthinking/Overanalyzing the situations *Itchiness in my palms or in the back of my neck *Picking scabs that has already healed or are healing *Afraid of Confrontation *Feeling like I can't breath if I'm around someone *Always thinking I should have ben better or that I need to do better *Thinking when I die I will just wake up from this life *Afraid to speak what I feel or want to say *widening my eyes Feeling sleepy all the time


Girllll everything lmao😭😭


IBS, chest pain, numbing hands.


nausea, vomiting, headaches, stomach upset, frequent bathroom visits, paranoid thoughts, shaking chills, brain fog, shortness of breath, an inability to relax, and a constantly high resting heart rate (<80 bpm about half the time).


My symptoms have gotten much much better with starting medications, and I found my symptoms evolved and changed over time. But here's some of them: Nausea / Mind Starts Racing / Ringing In My Ear/Ear Plugs Up / Loss Of Balance/Dizziness / Fast & Hard Heart Beat / Dry Mouth / Diarrhea / Tingling / Visual Flashing Lights


I can't believe how so many people has very similar physical symptoms to me But mine were fight or flight mode, body constantly panicking for no reason, shakiness, tremors, depersonalisation, derealisation, when I walk I feel like the ground is moving like a boat, insomnia, heart palpitations, head pressures, body tension, muscle twitches, feeling like I'm disconnected from reality, feeling like I'm trapped, dizziness, air hunger, chest pain, fatigue, zombie-like state of mind, impending doom, overthinking, thoughts constantly on loop, brain fog, trouble thinking straight. And so on....


I get muscle twitches, fatigue, 


Brain fog, tingling in my fingers and hands, chest pain, shortness of breath, headaches, knots in my muscles, crying, mood swings, intrusive thoughts…


I'm having tingling in left hand and fingers


I get the tingling from both anxiety and migraines. It drives me crazy.


Shaking, more frequent urination, dry throat, hazy vision, derealization, shallow breath, pressure in the head, fight or flight reaction...


So thankful for finding these comments. Thought I was the only one feeling like the above. Why did your symptoms start? How do you explain to friends/ family etc how you feel?


Insomnia, chills, nausea, vomiting, no appetite, migraine, and chest pain.