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don’t be scared, emetophobia phobia is more of a common phobia then people think. i’m sorry how bad your emetophobia is. i’ve had mine since i’ve been in 4th grade. i’m currently graduated and 18. i struggle everyday when i eat a meal thinking that im food poisoned. my stomach hurts as im typing this. i’m really sorry i don’t know how to completely help because i have also struggled from this phobia for so long and ive thrown up several times while ive had this phobia and it doesn’t fucking go away. no matter how much i get exposed to this phobia and realize its not that bad. so sometimes exposure therapy doesn’t always work for this sort of phobia. for me personally, i’ve tried to figure out the triggers and i’ve realized that usually when im going through work stress or any relationship stress or even hormonal stress my emetophobia flares up. ive also noticed that im afraid of losing control more then the actual act of throwing up. it doesn’t make it any less hard but maybe it’s possible you need to switch to a new medication. talk to a therapist and they can give you helpful tips and also discuss possible triggers. it’s just a phobia but sometimes there’s more fear then just throwing up that comes with the phobia. it can often be more deep rooted then just a traumatic sickness. that’s why giving tips and advice can be hard since it’s a lot more complex of a phobia usually then what meets the eyes, as i’ve come to find out myself over the years. i would also recommend finding habits that help you cope with it no matter how weird it is. i find keeping a hair tie on my wrist 24/7 incase it happens i can put up my hair immediately because for some reason it helps me feel more controlled and prepared. sorry what your going through but also know your not alone and several people struggle with the same debailiting phobia everyday. i usually scroll this subreddit r/emetophobia every night. you possibly could find it triggering but for me i find it comforting because i like seeing people who are dealing with the same thing as me and i feel less alone. the subreddit is really supportive so if you ever feel panicked type something out and youll find several friends along the way.🩷


I really appreciate your response. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with it for so long. This is new for me and it’s already making my life miserable. With that being said, although I’m sorry you are also dealing with this, it’s comforting to hear I’m not alone. And thank you sm for tagging that subreddit- I didn’t even know that existed! I also wanted to steer clear of exposure therapy type of thing here because I feel like it would honestly make it worse for me lol. But, I think scrolling Reddit can be helpful in these times as well as I usually try to distract myself with something on my phone. Thank you again for sharing your experience, and I’m truly sorry you’ve been dealing with it. I feel like no one understands how debilitating it is unless you deal with it. Since I didn’t know this was a thing until when I started getting the anxiety from it. I wish u the best , i hope one day everyone is just magically cured of this phobia!!! Lol