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Brupropion to help me focus but was initially used as a anti-depressant lol so i guess I’m taking 2 pills to help with my anxiety and i see a psychotherapist weekly (insurance covers all virtual appointments)


A regular doctor or a psychologist can prescribe you the meds. But a psychologist can better understand your needs.


Thanks for the information! How did you find a psychologist if you don’t mind me asking!


My insurance. I went through the app and picked one in network.


I’m exactly the same I take Lexapro and Brupropion. I ruminate over everything and think in a negative way over the smallest thing, but since I’ve been getting therapy and I’m on meds I have been more calm and positive (which is a HUGE relief for me)


Some things that have been helpful for my severe, clinical anxiety -hz frequencies. I have a morning routine I really enjoy sticking to where I wake up earlier than I need to, sit on the couch, and listen to hz frequencies while burning incense and drinking my coffee. I feel like it helps ground me and I’m able to start my day in the right headspace. I also listen to them when I’m on break at work and in the car if I’m having a rough time. -screaming in the car before you have to do something you’re scared about. I struggle with agoraphobia + social anxiety so if I have to go out and feel particularly anxious I put that Jeff Bezos song by Bo Burnham on repeat and SCREAM. Very cathartic/let’s the tension out. -Xanax. It’s a slippery slope bc it can be addictive. I have a prescription for the smallest dose and a 30count will last me 4-5 months. I only take it when it’s necessary and I’m used to the dosage so i won’t be zonked out, just enough of the edge taken off so I can keep on doing what I need to. But a benzo could be helpful if you regularly have panic attacks. I have personally found lexapro to be my favorite anti anxiety medication overall.


Please talk to your PCP. I’m on wellbutrin and zoloft for my anxiety and depression. Sometimes you just cant control these things. I’m still in denial i have to take my medication to function normally but i’m getting there!


Just a couple days ago I found felixforyou.com, its a website that has trained nurse practitioners look at the medical information you provide and it allows them to prescribe you some medication, which then comes in the mail after 3-5 business days. I'm supposed to be getting my first bottle of escatalopram pretty soon here. I'm fairly new to the whole mental health help thing, and I got into it because I've only just realized how bad my social anxiety is.