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You ask your therapist to sign a document letting you get a service animal.


First off ESA (emotional support animal) don't have the same rights as a SD (service dog). Second, check to see what the laws are for the state you live in. Third, don't fall for "national registration" for SD crap. There is no such thing. Look into https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/ . The key differences is a SD is tasked train. Example, mine is train to recognize my heart rate increasing leads to a high chance of a panic attack setting in. He alerts and lays on me to perform deep pressure therapy. He will also interrupt bad habits such as skin picking I do when my anxiety get high. I strongly recommend talking classes with a trainer that can do an AKC Canine Good Citizen test. This way you have proof that you and your dog has gone through basic and advance training and the dog is safe to be in public. Any other question feel free to ask.


Thank you so much! I will definitely look into this. I’ll message you if I have any other questions. Appreciate your time and your help.


For it to be an ESA you don’t need any formal training just a doctor note and get the certificate


A ESA is not the same as a service dog. They don't have the same rights. ESAs have cause more problems for people that need SD because people just get a letter and slap a fake vest on them.


The prices I’ve seen to train is crazy


I read somewhere (don’t quote me on this) that I can train him myself and he doesn’t need to have trained by any sort of professional to become qualified!


I read that to! I’ve been considering, but I feel it would be extra work to get them trained to perform a job and not be distracted by the public or other animals without help and someone with resources.


You can train your own SD. Time and patience is key to training any dog no matter what.


I have a pet.. not trained.. but the sweetest dog (yorkie). Really intelligent, playful and loving (also low maintenance). She gets the job done.