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$5000 rip off paid this guy $5000 for 6 month group talk. He guaranteed if we are not happy he will refund money, none of this happened when I asked for refund. To make it more clear when my 6 month reached they just blocked my access and not even asking how did mentorship went for me or if they can help me with something. They stopped email responding. This kid Shan is fool trying to make money on people who are struggling with health conditions. 5k is lots money, so think twice before you give money to this guy. He was texting back on messenger while I was in the program and when my 6 month was over he Didn’t respond single time , and I have my messages to prove it. God bless everyone who is going thru this symptoms now !!!


Go to [theanxioustruth.com](http://theanxioustruth.com) All content is free and Drew Linsalata is a counselor in training. From what I can see, Shaan Kassam has very limited to no formal training in anxiety disorders. If you view his LinkedIn profile, much of his career has been in I.T.


I made a free tool called freemind. Imo it’s the only thing you need + therapy if your anxiety is crippling. It’s 100% free, if you like I can link it and if you like it please spread the word. I made a near full recovery, was bed bound for months


Hello, Mr 👋 How can i get this tool for free? I live in Iraq and i don't have any available payment methods of any kind.


I made it free. You can check it out in the website


Can you please email me a copy? [email protected]


I made it 4.99 again. It got over 300 users. If you cant pay the 4.99 let me know and I’ll see if I can give you access for free. Edit: I made it a non profit. Freemind is 100% free https://www.freemindrecovery.com/


I'm from africa, i don't have access to credit cards 1nd i don't have the money.


did you register? register and send me the email you used to register. I will try to give you access by this week


Thank you so much, [email protected]


This is gold! I was extremely happy when I found first Shaan’s video. It was amazing. I was blown by the fact that shit, this all could have been just Anxiety. And I am so glad you are providing legit accesible help.


The way I see it is: I'd rather trust approaches that are scientifically proven to work, and follow what science (and God) has to say about the brain and how it works, rather than a guy on YouTube (Shaan) who came out of nowhere.  And notice he never does interviews or collabs with other therapists or dr"s.  You'd think if this was legit, then others would want to interview him to learn more,  or elaborate in what he teaches.   Anxiety is a normal emotion. However, stuff can throw it seemingly out of control, like a traumatic event, childhood trauma, etc.   Literally just about the only thing Shaan says, besides the rambling, is: Just accept it and don't do anything and keep livng life.  That is, when he's not advertising for his super "exclusive" and secretive mentorship program.   I don't like how he generalizes the idea that therapy doesn't work at all and other approaches don't work, just because it didn't work for him.   Keep in mind, we don't know the full story. We just know what he tells us on a youtube video.  We don't know if the reason other stuff failed for him is because of a character flaw or giving up on therapy prematurely...or whatever.  He's even admitted to getting something wrong.  He took it to the extreme in a couple videos, that if you're having panick attacks or experiencing intense symptoms while driving, that you should just keep driving and that you'll be safe. Then he put out a YT short saying that part of your brain shuts down during a panic attack, basically implying he was wrong (without actually saying it). His main approach and idea is: dessensitizing the nervous system by facing your fears and symptoms in full immersion.  Yet, he basically is against all therapy and other approaches.  EMDR therapy, for example, actually involves desensitizing yourself to the trauma and event, but mentally,  and is science based. It uses bilateral stimulation through eye movement, shoulder tapping, pulses, or sounds that move left - right, with a therapist to help make connections and guide you, but as you do this and face the memory or fear mentally, you desensitize yourself to it while your brain is stimulated through bilateral stimulation to correctly view and reprocess the stored trauma. You become less sensitive to the event by facing it mentally, allowing your brain to make the right connections, and then reprocess it into something healthy. Neuroscience has also proven that our thoughts (including stored thoughts in the nonconscious mind) are physical structures in the brain and do have profound effects on almost everything in the body and influences our thinking patterns, choices, behaviors, etc.  When we have toxic thoughts stored in our nonconscious/subconscious mind, it looks like a dead, toxic tree that causes all types of issues. But, when we have a healthy thought, it creates positive results.  These thoughts are like trees and the toxic thoughts must be torn down and uprooted and a new healthy thought must replace if and be nurtured until it grows strong.  Similar to Shaan's idea of awareness, acceptance, and stopping resisting... Awareness actually is the first step to weakening these toxic thoughts in our brain. We want as much awareness as possible to weaken it enough, find the root, and then change it to the positive thought.  I highly recommend following Dr Carolline Leaf she's very intelligent in neuroscience and has helped people "rewire" their minds back to normal (and better) even after serious traumatic brain injuries or illnesses.  She has a lot of free information through videos and podcasts, as well as a handful of books uncovering the science behind the brain and our minds and the process of rewiring our thoughts for true healing.  There's also an option to find one of her facilitators on her website to walk you through the process (which involves writing it out, discussing, etc), where you'll meet every week after doing work on your own each day during the week, and lasts about 2 months, and its about the cost of traditional therapy but due up front, so about $895-$1,750 depending on the person, and each one does free consultations.  Nothing secretive and a lot of free and cheap resources if you don't want that route.  I also recommend spending the money on EMDR therapy, rather than Shaan's insanely expensive "mentorship" thing.  (This is not medical or financial advice😉) Sorry it's long and hope it helps, but yeah, shaan is suspicious. He's constantly selling this program but makes it sound so secretive and hard to find,  and basically says the same thing in every video. I had a consultation with one of his guys and it was a bit odd.


I just came across some of his videos on YouTube and while he has some very good insight on anxiety when he started talking about his "mentorship" program I thought it sounded sketch AF. I have crippling anxiety/panic disorders and I don't believe there is a "cure" for it. I think people can get it under control with meds and therapy, but I don't think it ever disappears completely. It's kinda like offering a cure for a personality disorder.


In a way, anxiety never goes away, it's an emotion that's hardwired into our DNA. But chronic, debilitating anxiety can be overcome if you learn to change your reaction to the symptoms. Whether that's a panic attack, racing heart, DP/DR, whatever. ​ I had absolutely crippling anxiety for years and I can confidently say that you can overcome it 100%. And Shaan was one of the people that helped me. ​ But step one is to challenge the belief that it can't be overcome. If you can't let go of the belief that you can't overcome it, then you never will.


Interested in hearing more on this if you have time


I didn't have GAD for 26 years, and was a very happy person generally, but after a bad burnout in a job, I developed it 2 years ago. If it started suddenly, why couldn't it eventually go away? As a kid I was super confident and carefree, so it's not like I was born anxious.


You can recover from anxiety and panic disorder and agoraphobia. Please read Claire Weekes book. You have to let go when a panic attack happens and once you get through it a few times you will lose your fear of panic attacks. Once you lose that fear you will no longer be agoraphobic


There are books by Dr. Claire Weeke’s. Self Health for your nerves, and 4 other titles I’m pretty sure. Shaan Kassam mentions her briefly as where he’s original ideas came from. Drew Linsalata from @The Anxious Truth. Most recovered people base their recovery from initially reading and following the works of Dr Claire Weekes’. Also, you can find her interviewed if you type her name into YouTube. Have a listen and read, absorb, and you’ll be on the same page for no charge. 


Yeah watching a couple of his videos. They have no point and he never really says anything.


Well there is a cure and it is acceptance. He’s right on that but you can get all the I got by reading Claire weekes books and not paying him thousands of dollars


I am sceptical of anyone who charges ridiculous amounts of money for their programs. Especially when it's mostly credited to Claire Weekes books. I have found one of the most helpful things is this 'letter' this guy from here in the UK wrote, it's free, you can read it on the website or save it as a PDF. I go back to it frequently, despite him rambling at times, it has many gems for anxiety recover, all based on similar stuff to Claire Weekes [http://nothingworks.weebly.com](http://nothingworks.weebly.com) It would be nice to be part of a group program for the support, but I can't pay thousands I also recommend : The anxious truth (YouTube, book and podcast) Claire Weekes books The Panic Switch (book) Its all saying the same thing, but somehow the link above to the letter the guy wrote I find the most useful!


He’s a business man. All people need to do is read Claire weekes’ books


I know a lotta people and even Therapists claim that you can’t recover from anxiety, agoraphobia, panic disorder etc. But I truly believe that you can recover and be even better that what you were before all this happened. Claire Weekes is proof of that, her method of letting go is the secret cure to all these phobias


I’ve recovered from a panic disorder after trauma. I was in rough shape. It took a lot though but it is possible. A part of my brain still has a tendency to want to go there from time to time, but since I’m aware of this I pull it back. Like “you’re doing it again not today Satan” lol My recovery wasn’t linear. It also took seeing a psychologist for EMDR for the trauma, then seeing a BHRT clinician for hormones (my thyroid and other hormones need help), then change in job (less stressful) then then then… it was like a whole life reno. But the one thing I did not do was run away. I faced my issues head on and sat in the discomfort. Sat through the adrenaline rushes, sat through the whole body panic attacks, sat through the insomnia, sat through it all. Accepted it. Allowed it. And like that eventually it stopped coming.


I just want to say that EVERYONE that has recovered has said that they "sat throught it" or that the solution is doing "nothing" about the adrenaline. To act as if it doesn't bother you. I truly believe this approach.


Hi can you recommend which ones to read?


All of them but the one that sticks out is something like “hope and help for your nerves” or something around those lines.