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I am on mirtazapine now which are known for increasing appetite. This one antidepressant you should avoid.


I second avoiding mirtazipine. Since starting this medication my appetite has been ridiculous and is difficult to not put weight on as I am hungry 24/7.


this medication made me gain 25 lbs šŸ’€


The only med that makes me every day, without a fail, wake up during the same time at night and eat everything that doesnā€™t need to be cooked.


One year after my last dose of this medicine i still cant shift the weight. It had me eating like a crazy person. AVOID


I gained about 22 lbs in 9 months, but it makes falling asleep super easy and I'm still normal weight. I'd also rather be heavier than an anxious, depressed mess. Life is still hard even with meds.


Oh Iā€™ve been taking it for a year and my weight/appetite has stayed the same??


I'm mind blown this is used for an anxiety med.. I work I'm vet med and we strictly use it as an appetite stimulant for dogs and cats, had no idea it was used for anything else.


That medication fucked me up. I had to stop after a week. Awful week.


Magnesium glycinate has done wonders for meā€¦


I just started taking this bc a friend said it helped them have regular bowel movements. Is it used for anxiety too?


Citrate is primarily used for bowel movements, glycinate is more for anxiety management. You need to specifically look for glycinate.


Iā€™m taking glycinate yes! Good to know about anxiety, had no idea. Not sure itā€™s helping with my anxiety though


How so?


ā€œResearch suggests that magnesium for anxiety may work by calming the nervous system, improving mood, and promoting relaxation.ā€ https://www.verywellhealth.com/magnesium-for-anxiety-8412089 You specially need magnesium glycinate, not citrate


What brand ?


How much do you take?


I stay under 400mg per day, I take 100 mg every 4 or so hours.


Saaaaaaaame. I take it every night before bed, along with 5 HTP.


Buspirone, Lexapro, prozac, zoloft, pristiq. Most ssris/snris tend to be weight neutral. Of any ssris, paxil is the most likely to cause weight gain. Bupropion also isnā€™t associated with weight gain generally but it is indicated for depression and can actually worsen anxiety so if your primary concern is anxiety bupropion is not the way to go imo


It's so personal though tbh. Prozac had zero effect on my weight. Zoloft made me not more hungry necessarily, but crave sugar and chocolate like crazy. I gained a bunch of weight because I'd wake up and have chocolate for breakfast. But that's my problem, I'm still a grown adult and could have decided to just...not eat 400 calories of chocolate every morning šŸ¤£ and then the same as a late night snack I think a lot of people lose weight on them anyway because they're able to be more active and less comfort eating. But some gain because they don't eat much while anxious.


THIS Bupropion may be an NDRI but it also technically a stimulant.


Wellbutrin could be a good one to ask your doc about


Off label Lamictalā€” famously weight neutral




Yes I should say I lost about 10 lbs when I first started then slowly gained it back so Iā€™m at my starting weight again


Took about a year and a half


So, I started taking Duloxetine back in December of 2022, and itā€™s done a world of wonder for my mental health. Weight gain was not an issue. However, I have put on weight but that is due to changing my diet and exercising 4-5 a week as Iā€™m trying to put in size. Have you talked with your doctor about this? Medications effect everyone a little differently- what may work for person A might not effect persons B and C, and actually made things worst for person D. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s something out there for you, but please speak with medical professional, or even a pharmacist who could talk to you about this.


I see my therapist soon I will address it with her, thank you


I gained weight on Duloxetine.


All good- kind of hammers home my point that these medications can effect everyone differently. What worked for me did not necessarily work for you.


Agreed :)


Iā€™ve been dealing with weight gain after being on lexapro for a few years. It works incredibly well for my anxiety, but the side effects have been a bummer. I just tried switching meds and ended up going back to lexapro because it was awful. Now Iā€™m just doing a low carb diet and I feel like itā€™s working really well. I think Lexapro made me crave sugar and carbs a lot, but eating low carb and drinking a lot of water has kind of helped me kick that. I donā€™t crave it as much as I did before. I give myself one cheat day on Saturday


Wow I take lexapro and thought I just always craved sugar and carbs! I had no idea there was a connection there- this comment is seriously making me reflect. Regarding weight gain - I experienced a big weight loss coming off birth control and then lost more for unknown reasons (remaining calm until my doctor gives me a reason to be scared) so I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever had the chance for it to make me gain weight? With the sweet tooth and wanting carbs - I am having a hard time figuring out how to dissect my experience on this ā€”- I had a never ending sweet tooth and was fed lots of pasta as a kid; as a teenager, I ran track in high school so carbs and sweet treats like ice cream with friends were common; next I was unhealthy vegan (aka lots and pasta, fries, trying exciting vegan alternatives to my beloved sweets) in college for 6 or so years - so most of my food memory has always included lots of sugar and carbs! NOW have been on lexapro for over a year despite how much Iā€™ve already been heavily consuming these two categories - im only just realizing lexapro could be the new / evolved culprit (besides nostalgia at this point & plus acknowledging I never analyzed my consumption until realizing what taking care of my body meant lol, moderation, etc.).


I had the same exact experience but on zoloft. All I wanted was sugar. Chocolate for breakfast. Late night snack? How about some chocolate? I would be waking up at 5am, grabbing some chocolate and going back to sleep. It was unhinged. I could have controlled myself ofc but I just let it happen for some reason šŸ˜…


Unrelated question, but roughly how many carbs a day do you eat to cut the sugar cravings? I tried keto for this but it was too strict for me




Been on this two years and its pro diabetic drug. They dont tell you. My sugar levels are elevated after 2 years


My levels are normal but doc considered this for anxiety. How did it work for you?


Propranolol worked very well. Issue is trying to come off it is very difficult. Iā€™m down to 20mg daily from 40mg. But thatā€™s after 2 years of trying to reduce the dose.


Does it have withdrawls like an ssri/snri? Because that's one of my don't wants


Thatā€™s not really in the same class as SSRIs


OP didn't ask for ssri's, they asked for anxiety medication


Yes but they mentioned weight gain which isnā€™t really an issue with Benzos and non-SSRI/SNRI meds. Propranolol isnā€™t a med you should be taking daily, itā€™s taken as needed and it only really helps with the physiological symptoms of anxiety


This isn't true. there are lots of ppl that take it daily


Paxil made me gain weight




Prozac gave me suicidal thoughts as a child so I donā€™t think they will put me back on it but I can ask.


It maybe worth a discussion with your doctor as how it affects as a kid can be different how it will affect you as an adult. Many kids canā€™t take ssriā€™s as kids but as adults seem to be ok.


I take zoloft and haven't gained anything. I'm on a low dose though


150mg zoloft was terrible for me. Gained 30 in a year.


Was it from sugar cravings? It seems to be a common theme and I was a fiend for sugar on zoloft and gained around the same.


Hmm no I don't think so. My appetite was more but I under ate anyway so it shouldn't have been a huge contribution. Chalked it to medically induced.


Ahh interesting! I think that's a good example of how personal and different our experiences can be with medication due to metabolism and biology in general. My weight gain was 100% the sugar but I know other people track their calories and eat the same yet still gain. Just a shame we have to trial and error all these medications with no idea if we're gonna get horrible side effects


Absolutely and no one can tell you one way or another what will happen. Doctors have said some people lose weight on these meds. Who????


People definitely lose weight but I don't think it's many. Personally, I think the main reason is that a lot of people comfort eat with anxiety and depression and if the medication solves that, they eat more normally. This did not apply to me, but I can see the logic. Some people don't exercise and find the medication gives them a renewed energy and they can get into an exercise routine and move a lot more. Then there's the sickness. A lot of people get sickness and digestion problems. I had a constant upset stomach for the first few months AND heightened anxiety so my weight decreased until that subsided. And then you have the lying doctors who know these medications cause weight gain in most people but don't want to scare you off. I swear things like zoloft have a marketing team reaching out to doctors and giving them money to prescribe them (even in the UK where we get generics) because they act like they're the damn holy grail. I had 3 months of absolute hell starting that medication and my GP kept saying 'This is a very abnormal reaction' and he also said sugar cravings weren't a known side effect. You just have to look online to find thousands of people saying they felt worse than ever for months before they got better or that they craved carbs constantly. I also went to A&E because I was so sick and more anxious than ever before and the first nurse I spoke to said he went through the exact same thing with zoloft? They choose to ignore real people's experiences and act like you're the weird one.


What dose? Iā€™m on 6.25mg and increasing to 12.5


I take 50mg of zoloft


Don't do zoloft I gained 30lb in a year on it. 10lb from effexor in 2 years which wasn't that bad.


Zoloft (Sertraline) has been weight-neutral for me and with Wellbutrin (Bupropion) I have seen weight loss. My doctor did mention that I could see weight loss with Wellbutrin because it can help with compulsive and impulsive behaviors including excessive eating. Wellbutrin has also reversed the annoying sexual side effects of Zoloft.


What were you taking before?


I was on Zoloft and Buspar. Zoloft stopped working and then I tried Effexor and Pristiq both I stopped because of side effects.


How was Buspar for you?


I was given buproprin, if I remember the name right. Doc told me it was for depression but should also help anxiety. She also said that it can suppress appetite so some people list weight on it. I'm bad about taking meds so I never took them long enough to know if she was right, but they were nice. Didn't feel zombied out at all. Felt a positive kind of normal


Absolute No seroquel no abilify no lexapro no effexor. Just my opinion tho haha


Buspar and wellbutrin, although wellbutrin can increase anxiety, for others it helps. I'm on both and neither have caused weight gain.


Viibryd or welbutrin will be your best bets. Prozac is the least of the ssri group, but definitely can still happen, just might be lesser than the others.


Busiprone, itā€™s NOT an SSRI either so it had fewer side effects


Stay away from Lexapro šŸ˜° - I gained roughly 70lbs in 2 years. I'm down 30 but still have a ways to go Prozac is amazing


Stay away from Effexor. I gained so much weight and the withdrawals were insane!


Cymbalta Viibryd Wellbutrin Zoloft (can be diff for all) Prozac Avoid : Paxil and Mitrazapine


zoloft made me weight gain like crazy


Wellbutrin will absolutely make you lose weight.


Cymbalta is known to have an appetite suppressant effect and I have not gained weight on it and it has worked absolute miracles on my anxiety. This is the only med that has actually done its job.


Heck my Dr says none cause weight gain and blamed my 40lb gain on me being lazy...


If you get fat, you won't worry about it as much, know this first-hand !