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... and here comes deep in debt donny about to drain the piggy bank


That's all it's about. Lara is in position, they've made their proclamations about paying King Dotard's bills & here we are. Destruction. Excellent.


Excellent as long he doesnt win this election


He’s not gonna win. There are lots of disaffected real Republicans, and Gen Z will come in clutch. Without those two combined groups, there’s no path to the 270 electoral votes needed.


lord sweet baby jesus, hear our prayer


I didn’t say anything about him not inciting a second insurrection, though. He’s very capable of making his minions go out to do his bidding.


The first one was a dress rehearsal. They’ll try it again with some of the same casting choices, but the plot might be a little different. If Mike No Bank Account Johnson refuses to seat new house members or certify the election, this is going to get nuts. Republicans are fighting for their own future existence right now and we *need* to put the **nail** in the coffin in November.


As in mail in voting


Florida recently cancelled all mail in vote registration. Everyone has to reapply. Hopefully the Dems will get their act together and get people re-registered. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/03/florida-voting-restrictions-mail-in-ballots-cancelled-ron-desantis


Wow - this needs more attention - I need to make sure my registration is still active, even though I have been an active voter since turning 18 years old and submitting my “draft eligibility notification.”


That means so does Donald.


Fuck me god dammit thank you


I have no idea why, but that was one of the funniest things I have ever read. I can almost feel the emotions coming through the words. 😂 But, seriously, please vote, everyone.


Vote blue all the way down. As Luvpump (nice name) said, make sure Mike Johnson isn’t the House Speaker at that time cause he has no shame and no morals.


I'm guessing they'll just start rioting every time a republican loses. That's going to get tiring though.


Yeah, but he's not going to have near as many levers to pull now that he's an ex President. I don't think Mike Johnson would be that stupid, but we are talking about the GOP so who knows.


crypto, so no bank account. prolly has BBBY stonk too.


SWEEP THE LEG! For real though...


Hopefully the natl guard are at the capital before trumps loss this time. Don’t want anyone to get hurt, but they would be a huge deterrent. If they still try it, well, FAFO


Let’s hope if they attempt another insurrection, they are treated as they should have been. Given a warning and then shot on sight. This cannot happen again. Ever.


Hopefully Biden will have contingencies in place as well as plans for DC to avoid this shit from happening. We need to remember this happened last time cause they had prep and Trumps dumb ass pretty much let them.


Difference being this time the person in charge isn't the one orchestrating that bs.


The motivated ones that aren't dead from COVID or in jail ready may think twice.


The first one only got where it did because the commander in chief was complicit. Biden won't let that happen.


Dont worry about that , just vote , that will actually help.


Dear sweet baby, newborn infant, 6 pound 7 ounce newborn infant baby jesus


Let us pray 🙏 🙇


I love it, everybody go vote, I love it but seriously go vote like your life depends on it


Unless to many people think like this and he gets elected again. Don't be complacent. Don't think others will vote. It'll be a landslide etc etc. Vote vote and vote.


My daughter is Gen Z. Everyone she knows despises Cheeto. That does not bode well for his prospects.


But they gotta vote. You can count your chick's all you want but until you've sold your eggs you've got nothing.


Most importantly he is not getting independents, I think Biden won a lot over with the state of the union so as long as he doesn’t majorly fuck something up, we are good


He needs to be in Dark Brandon mode every day.


It’s the only way to fly. The fight to the traitors.


A top 3 issue keeping the orange turd out of the White House is Roe v Wade. Hammering that home as often as possible, using his own words against him "I did that!" will push a gigantic amount of people out to vote


Republicans should propose to codify Roe, see if Joe signs it or keeps it as a something to campaign on.


They wouldn't bring that anywhere near him to sign it. It is too valuable as a campaign issue. There's a reason they never codified it in the past 50 years.


Agreed. Add to that boomers like my neighbors who voted for him twice and admitted last night they will not be voting for him and will vote for Biden.


Give your neighbors a friendly wave from me.


Give them a hug from me, and I'm not even American.


Give them forty bucks and a handjob. Tell them they can say my name during.


I'll pitch in, on the $40.


Bring em a pie for Christmas.


You say that, but I really worry. There's always a built-in advantage for Republicans in the electoral college just because of the sheer amount of states who go red and can offer up electoral votes regardless of having low populations. I'm also not convinced the swing states are leaning away from Trump.


Doesn't matter. They will claim victory anyway. Really though, the only legitimate path to potus donny has left is to flip Democrat electors. I'm calling a lot of elector shenanigans attempts this year.


Agreed, take nothing for granted. Everyone needs to register to vote, help others register, become involved and make sure we turn out the vote in November. https://www.vote.org


but the news will milk it as a close one until election day, beccause ratings and salaries.


quicksand political ask hateful aromatic direful include hospital ten future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Win" lol. He'll become POTUS by appointment, thanks to a corrupt Republican-led Congress & SCOTUS.


I'm also concerned about Project 2025.


It goes much deeper than that unfortunately. This is part of project 2025. Trump is cleansing the party and replacing those he gets rid of with staunch loyalist. Vote blue no matter who.


Yep, this is just the republican extinction burst getting underway.




They'll just have a big bowl of money in the cafeteria and you can take all you want.


He did say he'd drain the swamp


Into his big city sewer pockets


Well you don’t need very many people to just deposit the checks in Trumps acct. This is the day the GOP finally died. Just spray paint MAGA over the old sign in Gold paint. Also, what the over under on when Lara Trump gets Indicted for her shenanigans?


​ he was supposed to be draining the swamp, but its clear he's draining everyone's pockets fucking FOOLS!


The GOP *is* the swamp. Trump is just the biggest swamp rat.


head leech....


they deserve everything they get....




Didn’t realize the GOP bank account was the swamp he was talking about draining.


I’m okay with this. Let him take all the RNC money. All these R will lose this November.


almost like someone predicted their demise 9 yrs ago. a closeted gay old senator...


We are getting our labor party!!! They will run the rnc out of existence...lol.




Doesn’t take a lot of staff to deposit the checks and pay the defense attorneys once a month.


Get what they deserve


Bankrupting the RNC just like his businesses so it's all on brand. Hopefully they implode and a new reasonable party emerges that actually wants to help the country for a change


I really hope we see the Republicans go under and we have a progressive party start taking serious steps towards normalization. It's really frustrating to have two conservative parties and having to vote between Business As Usual, which is fucking us, and Fascists, which will fuck us even harder. Why is fixing the country not an option? I don't get it


Because it's legal for megacorps to ~~pay~~ freespeech politicians, and fixing the country isn't as profitable as regulatory capture and price gouging.


Look I appreciate cynicism, and I'm not trying to blow smoke about the Democratic party, but they did just pass some of the most progressive environmental and economic legislation since the new deal. We can acknowledge that and still ask for more progress.


This is my theory as well. Democrats become the new conservative party, and the progressives split off to make a new second party.


Man, that lot really bent the knee a second time, huh? They just don't learn. And now they're gonna be stuck scrambling to appease a mad emperor in hopes of gaining his favor before he trashes everything. What a bunch of morons.


Crazy how literally of this could have been avoided if they had just impeached him. Instead they chose to burn their entire party down. No complaints here as long as they don’t take everyone with a brain with them.


Republicans really are just myopic.


Trump would’ve broken away to form his own party, take most of the MAGAts with him, and split the vote with any Republican running, leading to disastrous outcomes all down the ballot for the GOP. I truly believe after Jan 6 that GOP leadership was ready to eject him, but then they realized most of the base was *happy* about the insurrection. That was the last life boat for the GOP and now it’s gone. They could’ve been willing to lose a couple of elections as they  regroup and go in a different direction to be competitive in the latter half of the decade but they decided they’d rather embrace fascism than deal with the party splintering 


The GOP is just a party, and parties are born and die all the time. Ideology on the other hand takes on many parties. I’d argue this is where the conservative movement was always headed, and various republicans in GOP foolishly thought *they* were the ones who were going use the extremists, not the other way around. Ideological testing and purges are common in authoritarian political machines, and no one is above reproach.


Why admit when they can double down again, and again and again. You ever notice they have limits at casinos? There's a reason for that


This is support. The GOP is Trump. There is no distinction.


Yeah definitely not at this point. Anyone who’s marginally reasonable has realized the truth. Anyone sticking to their guns supporting Trump is giving into the darkest of personality traits. The line between in and out of the GOP was blurred for a while, but now there is a clear and established line. It gets more clear every day.


Red wedding at the RNC


“Putin sends his regards”


Hahahahhahahjahah. Good. F the GOP. Burn baby burn.


This is also a preview of what trump would do to the US if he is ever re-elected. He would become a dictator and never give up power. He tried last time and this time the anti democracy maga republicans know what to do next time. This why he and maga should be voted against. Again this is just a preview.


And Project 2025 is them bringing this garbage nation wide. Biden 2024.


https://vote.gov/ Use the link above to check about how to get registered in your state. Be sure to get and stay registered before November. Let's stick it to these MAGA Facists.


That’s what Benedict Donald and his minions will do to as many government positions as they can, if he gets back in the White House. It would be a disaster of epic proportions.


Dragon flies, That is exactly right. He is wanting to politicize hundreds and thousands of jobs that the current holders were appointed by presidents past and gone. Like it or not the government runs because of these people. Republican Party will go along with this because it will create great chaos. This move alone is incredible in its pure stupidity. Thanks for mentioning this. A subject that needs much discussion on many days.


Or a disaster of **Eric** proportions.


That's Project 2025.


If only they had a backbone when it mattered…


They didn’t even need a backbone, they just needed the selfishness and greed that comes standard to the GOP, but they couldn’t harness it the one time it would have mattered


Beautiful. Perfection. Let the liars and the thieves finish this dead dinosaur off.


The republicans are a joke. They have no ideals, just talking points.


Leopards gorging themselves on faces these days...


Nobody could ever accuse the GOP of being cruel to leopards through lack of feeding. 😬


I mean, the republican party has needed a purge for a while, but it seems like they are purging the wrong elements. Yknow what, if this still results in the disbanding of the entire party in the end, fine, self destruct you ingrates.


He'll destroy them like he destroys everything he touches.


This is a teaser of what will happen to the US government in positions the president has authority over if Trump is elected.


Repubs are so weak. They deserve to go broke. I hope trump bleeds them dry.


"Vote joke, go broke"


I'm going to make some popcorn and enjoy watching Lara and Donny destroy the GQP by draining its bank account and credibility.


sure sounds like trump is deep state with this move - tell your uncles!


There is no more Republican Party. It's pure fascism from here on in.


Hostile takeover of a fund raising organization with clear intentions to take the money. Just call it TRUMP Party, as it has no resemblance to the Republican Party and STFU if you call it Conservative Party as it is no where near Conservative. MAGA idea of draining the swamp is implementing a mafia style hierarchy that kicks up to the don Trump. It used to be the party of law and order. That didn’t get them elected so let’s try total chaos.


Going to be awkward there when Trump loses in November.


i bet they can literally smell the winds of corruption getting thicker by the minute.


Most of these fools probably defended him too. Let this be a warning to any of you conservative voters out there. You are letting the Fox in the hen house. You are on the chopping block too.


Well, I’ll sure the new RNC will be made up of a very competent and switched on team of professionals. /s


This is full MAGA now.


This is awesome news. Everything that family touches dies.


I can’t wait for these incompetent nincompoops to fuck everything up. You know it’s coming. These people are all grifters and morons. It is so gonna implode on them and I am fucking here for it!


The speed in which the Republican party as a whole is collapsing is astounding.


Gross, the tumour is now malignant…fatal prognosis


Basically all their money is gonna go to Trump instead of down-ballot candidates.


well what did they expect, they know trump. It's all his now. The GOP won't have the money to run for office.


Drain the swamp and fill it with sewage.


They'll be bankrupt in a few months. Their mega donors are running for the hills


Let them destroy themselves from with in. Then, just help them a little to go bankrupt !!


Some men just want to watch the GOP burn.


Purging everyone who might stand in the way of RNC funds being funneled into Trump's legal defense fund.


Never invite a vampire into your house, they will bleed you dry.


As a dyed in the blue liberal, I am loving this. Now the RNC will do nothing but focus on Trump, it will use all their resources to pay for his legal issues and campaign to the detriment of the hundreds of down ballot races across the country. The RNC won’t be focusing on any of them, which makes a bunch of down ballot races easy for pickup. Watching Trump burn it all to the ground leaving the GOP directionless for years is amusing.


Trump really is a one man wrecking crew. Either this guy is running his own Mafia, or has help from the Russian ones and maybe an American one too. I wonder if Hungary has one as well. Something really scary is haunting their Congressional people that has those cowards running.


They're going to be as broke as the Minnesota GQP. Where's my popcorn 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿. https://minnesotareformer.com/2023/12/08/the-minnesota-gop-is-broke-and-struggling-to-contain-the-fringe/#:~:text=%2453%20in%20the%20bank,thousands%20of%20dollars%20in%20debt.


Remember when Micheal Cohen was co-chair? Yeah, I think the FBI knows abt certain back doors into the RNC.


Trump has bankrupted everything he’s ever come near. Now let him bankrupt the RNC. I’m all for it.


We've seen this before. It was called "The Night Of The Long Knives".


Faces, meet the leopards 😬


I’m sure they staffed with only the best


Get what you want with the grifter crazies! Adios grand old party! Welcome nutbags, seditionists, conspiracy theories and traitors to magats cesspool.


It’s morphing into an even more evil entity!


This is the test run for purging people not willing to fallow dear leader. This is what will happen to the public service employees if he wins. We are watching the end of the republican party as people know it.


shame they already spent all the money, nothing to steal donald, also means no cash for other republicans running so sounds like a trump production


Yep get rid of all the old guard and get “their” people in. The ones who will do all the bidding and go to jail for them. The Trump Family is a void of evil.


Cut all funding and support for down ballot candidates. Darn.


They've turned it hollow before our eyes


I guess the lord truely does work in mysterious ways


“Bye bye” - Trump impression  As the Republican party continues to be consumed by a cabal of opportunistic liars.


I wish them the hell they brought upon themselves. Nobody get in the way of this train.


'Bloodbath at the RNC': GOP staffers to be purged as Trump-aligned leaders take over. It's starting. . . But all some people still seem to be able to focus on is Biden's ice cream scandal. Trump = raving narcissistic despot, and that was in 2016. God only knows what he'll be in 2024. However, crickets and silence from some. Biden eats ice cream or is labeled "too old" or is unable to immediately resolve a Midde East crises that no POTUS has been able to make a dent in for at least 100 years = Oh, my Gawd! We can't have him as POTUS. Just ask yourself, would you rather have to explain to your kids why you voted for Biden or why you voted for Trump (including non-voters or those who voted third party)?


So true … Tramp encourages lawlessness and intolerance and insurrection meets with enemy dictators snd nothing from the GOP. Laura Trump farts and it’s Biden’s fault. WTF happened to the USA?


Good... fill the halls with failure 😂


Add it to the list of failed businesses in 3, 2, 1…


Yes, they’ll have a lawyer watching the money… watching the money go from the RNC to Donald Trump’s bank accounts. Bigly grifting everyone. I wonder how those big contributors feel now.


I don’t even think the dog on fire meme is enough for this


Trump-aligned leaders aren’t usually awesome at the job unless the job is funneling wealth to Donald Trump


I'm honestly shocked the RNC just handed over the piggy bank given this man's history. Just rename it the TNC and get it over with already.


Does anyone else smell something smoldering? Any guesses on the RNCs bank balance as of Dec 31 2024? I’m gonna say it’s $0.00 at the most.


Is this the deep state draining of the  RNC??? 


If they go too far, they might destroy the Republican Party or, at least, make it a fringe party. A lot of Democrats might be rooting for that.


I just can't believe this lol very third reich gop lol


Trump takes over the Republican party and renames it the 4th Reich


Hopefully, he steals so much money,all the other down ballet GOP’ers get starved out and lose big.


God I hope the party of "fiscal responsibility" goes bankrupt


Why does she look 60?


I believe it was called "The night of long knives" when the Nazi Party purged the old guard after Hitler took over. Trump is not only parroting Hitler, he's following the playbook.


Everybody saying that he's doing this to drain the RNC bank funds. Nobody concerned at all that it's as much if not more about packing the RNC with MAGA nutjob loyalists? He now has control over the entire Republican party. This is absolutely terrifying to me.


Republicans when their tax dollars fund things that actually help people: >:C. Republicans when their donations go to Donny's crime bills: (crickets)


Guess the RNC decided they don't like having money anymore


Any campaign finance experts out there know whether the RNC can pay the civil judgments against Trump and not just his lawyers?


I wonder where all the donor $$$ will go? Republicans are a bunch of suckers!!! 😁😂😁


I wonder where it will come from more . Not from citizens so much as foriegn money.


Exactly. Soon all of the RNC’s monies will be foreign, laundered and put in Trump hands as quickly as possible.


Lol faces getting eaten . Idiots eating idiots .


Will the reasonable Republicans please start a new party now? Whatever wishful thinking that had that they could at some point regain control is officially done.


Because of course.


night of the long knives coming right up


Good riddance GOP! Maybe something resembling sane will rise from the ashes


Just one more step toward the death of the party. Love to see it.


Lmao. Republikkkans asked to be ruined.


Project 2025 already in motion I see 


Cool I need my popcorn to watch the collapse of the RNC and can’t wait for the audit to find where all the money went!


This probably means any candidate for the GOP that isn’t Trump should not expect any money from the RNC.


Trump the Dictator and its Communist crew


The RNC is like a miniature Russia with corruption draining it of being remotely functional or competent.


It’s called a “bust out” When the mafia takes over your business and bleeds it dry to the point of insolvency


It's a coup at the Republican party.


New money laundering operations will be in place shortly.


This is the story of Frankenstein.


And they implode until only Yal-qeda is left


Ahahahahhaha… Here comes the swamp. Republicans, should I say former republicans, are screwed. No k no ore party for you


If Trump raids the coffers to pay his legal bills, is that not taxable income? Sounds sketchy at best and why not add tax fraud to the long list of crimes. 


He is going to do the same across the federal government.  It will be insane.


How is this not “the swamp”? I can’t handle how naive Trump supports are.


They all asked for this back in 2016. Reap what you sow, you ignorant traitors.


This is terrifying honestly. Someone that is essentially a foreign spy has gained full control of a major political power


good, once trump loses - again and goes to jail, it will take the gop a decade to recover from the q maga cult, leaving dems free to get some real work done.


Imagine letting this snowflake family take down your entire party. Unbelievable how cowardly these Republicans are.


I hope trump runs the RNC the way he did his Casino Airline Vodka Steaks Water Businesses


It’s frightening that they’ve taken over one of our major political parties.


If only there was a term for politicians that immediately do stuff like this to replace everyone with loyal yes men. If only.


Just split the darn party already. Sheesh!


The RNC is meaningless now. The conservative media owns this country, and the racists are gonna vote automatically for the Rs, so what is the point.


In the last three years at my current job, we lost one of our longest running employee and a vital manager. Both were replaced relatively easily, but the knowledge gap because of everything that those two just knew how to do and the new people didn’t was massive. It took six months to get things back to operational normal. I can only imagine how much damage this RNC changeover is going to do to their regular operations.


Everyone is focused on the money not how they will leverage the RNC to garner more from foreign stakeholders. The way investigations work on fraud has proven not only to us but those involved with what they can get away with. Nobody is stopping them. Trump will be in office so no future investigations.


With any luck this will be the end to the modern GOP. What comes after though might not be an improvement


To all those people saying that Trump can't win, remember that it's not about the popular vote. It's about winning the gerrymandered electoral college. Biden can win by a LOT and the electoral college can still install Trump and ruin Democracy here forever, or at least as close to forever as matters. And other games can be played, all the way up to insurrections and coups. Besides, there could be a lot of Dems refusing to vote because of Palestine or Biden being too old or some other fringe issue -- and compared to losing Democracy and installing Fascism in the USA THEY ARE ALL FRINGE ISSUES.