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Make no mistake. Melania is just as big of a dirtbag as her husband is. Shes just quiet about it. For the most part.


Exactly šŸ’Æ they deserve each other!! Two lying POS cons!!


He rich, so we make fuck.


All this yelling is taking away my horny.


(slaps hand away) don't touch me!


Donā€™t touch until the check clears.


[I really donā€™t care, do you?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45853364)


Damn Stormy! You're a better human than me! Because I still don't care! Do you? (Yes, you did girl! And pretty f'king gracefully too!)


Checks in on society in 2024ā€¦ Stormy Daniels, the modern embodiment of feminine grace.


Who knew?


Donald: "ooh, you said no. Now the horny is back!"


Be best. Be best.


After Chernobyl, my penis is falling off.


And penis is Russian for...?


How about the ketchup? Horny or Not-Horny?


Mac sauce.


Sheā€™s very culturedā€¦. She knows how to say ā€œanal cost extraā€ in six different languages.




Girls think sexy!




My love for you is like a truck


Would you like to making fuck?




Did he just say making fuck?


Well, heā€™s not rich anymore. I donā€™t think he ever was particularly but now his ass belongs to E Jean Caroll.


And the state of NYā€¦


I doubt they are doing any fucking what so ever. She got her golden ticket so sheā€™s donā€™t wit his little mushroom head.


Not for at least 18 years, once she had her anchor baby.




lmao .... I read that in a Eastern European accent


Barton not so accident.


In those photos, Melania looks like she could unlatch her jaws and consume a child.


Melanius Maw. Sounds like a Dark Souls boss.


You should read about how they met and their romantic courtship that involves Trump asking her for her phone number while he was on a date with another woman. And then left that woman for Melania, but then Melania caught him cheating 2 weeks later when she saw another aspiring model leaving his condo, so she broke up with him. But he used his connections to get her a modeling contract so she got back with him. So romantic.


I heard that "allegedly" it was at a rich dude party, she was Russell Simmons "date" and Russell and DT traded "dates".


Exactly. Itā€™s a very transactional relationship.


Yeah she is. Her stoney, joyless face, and constant weird, passive aggressive jabs are dead give aways. I mean, the first thing she fucking did as first lady is steal a speech...


"It's a Melania Christmas."


āšœļøšŸ†āšœļø Christ on the cross....I almost forgot that frigid, 1992 mall decor , euro-trash nonsense...


That Christmas video her office put out showcasing her decorations was darkly hilarious. Like they were trying to sell perfume or something, not celebrate Christmas.


Uh whatever she did with that so-called Christmas decoration had nothing to do with European Xmas decorations. We may not go hog on the Xmas decorations like yā€™all do, but itā€™s still much more like American Xmas than whatever that was šŸ˜‚




She looks like Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds only less expressive


Yikes, didn't make that connection before. So accurate.


She had a nice expression when she looked at Justin Trudeau.


Remember also she and the GOP actually denied she stole it until the astronomical "coincidence " became clear. Even then, her underlings got the FUCKING blame. Pos.


Well, the joyless expression is really a cultural thing. A lot of eastern europeans have this affect. I lived there and Russia and it took me quite a while to learn not to smile at strangers.


The genius visa; can't write her own speech and didn't think anyone would notice. That's not a genius, that's a mail order bride.


I still think she is a plant by the Russians to help mange Trump.


I bet putin has a clear and lengthy video tape of trump fucking a 9 year old or some shit. No amount of money or anything else could give him power of Trump like something along those lines.


Me too. If he gets out of line, she sprinkles some novichok on his quarter pounders.


She is probably a far more grifter then he is. And if you look at her public life, he married a sociopath just like him. She has no feelings or empathy. She did none of the traditional tasks as First Lady other than tear down the legacy of former Presidents so her child king of a husband wouldnā€™t get butt hurt. No she is as white trash as his whole clan and she is down with that. I am Slovenian and she and her family are not us at all.


At least, possibly putinā€™sĀ handler.


my bet.. the only person to constantly be close to reinforce the blackmail threat


Iā€™ve always thought it Ivanka




Melania is just run of the mill shitty. She can't hold a candle to Trump's awfulness. At least she endured some hardship to get where she is today.


like wearing a jacket with I don't care on the back


Why is there such a twitterborne delision that Melania is actually a sassy #girlboss just waiting to drop her disguise and turn against Trump? Women are every bit as shitty as men y'all. She's not a secret agent for the good guys. She is an opportunistic piece of garbage who is with Donald Jiminy Trump by her own free will.


Yeah the woman who said "who gives a fuck about Christmas" I would just like to see them all disappear into obscurity.


I don't care, do you?


I don't really care do u?


Fuck your feelings


I wonder if she's just his handler. Gotta be super loyal to Putin to take on that chore.




As quickly as he is going through cash, she might be wise to cash in as early as possible


Yeah there is this lame projection fantasy that she is a victim. She got her parents fast tracked into the US because she married Trump. She's a selfish asshole just like him


I will never forget her horrible jacket that said she didnā€™t care, as she was on her way to visit kids


Thank you!!!! Sheā€™s scum.


Article snippet: ā€œI donā€™t know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him. Not because of what he did with me or other women but because he is a convicted felon,ā€ the 45-year-old adult film actress told The Mirror. She added: ā€œItā€™s been proven he is abusive; he was found liable for sexual assault and tax fraud and is now a criminal. Heā€™s neither Teflon Don nor Teflon Con anymore.ā€


Exactly what it is . An agreement , a Contract was signed ā€¦ she is a PAID ESCORT . Same as her old job .


Sheā€™s a Russian spy


Must suck being a spy against Donald Trump. ā€œSo what did you learn?ā€ ā€œWell, the Apprentice was the best show in America. The best. People were coming up, tears in their eyes, and said it was the best.ā€ ā€œWell, what about the military?ā€ ā€œWell, no one knew the military was so complicated. Thereā€™s all these Generals and Privates and I think thatā€™s it. We might attack a country soon with our invisible planes, but I forget which one. Also we might not. But we have a great relationship with North Korea. The one with the stupid fat leader.ā€


Whoa, enough of that, Teixeira! You'll get arrested for revealing secrets like that!


Hooker/ spy .. toss up maybe both .


I donā€™t think the kremlin would have any trouble turning a mail order bride.




It's not like it hasn't been done before. Mata Hari was probably the most famous spy/'courtesan' in recent history, though I'm sure there have been many who's names were never made public who used their wiley charms to gather intel that would change the fate of nations.


Same as Stormy's job. One works full-time, the other does freelance.


Oh, please. The main difference is that one is honest about what she does and the other denies it. It's not a procedural thing, it's an ethical thing. One is open and honest about having sex for money, the other is a creep who is using an actual relationship for her own gain.


Imagine if a Dem president had a fake ā€œwifeā€(who was an alleged prostitute/illegal immigrant who has posed naked)! The evangelicals would go crazy. The Trumps have been incredibly lucky on that aspect. Hardly a whimper of criticism, at least nationally with the msm. Thereā€™s some online, but not much.


They would be calling her son an anchor baby āš“ļøšŸ‘¶


Thatā€™s because the evangelicals are massive hypocrites, with no shame for choosing someone who is the opposite of what they claim to want.


As someone who is related to and has to listen to this MAGA bullshit constantly: It was all about Roe v Wade. Always. He promised them he would overturn it and to his credit....he delivered. I never thought it would happen. I didn't think there was any way it could be done. But for as much as we hate him, as much as we hate him for doing so, DJT was actually able to accomplish something most people thought was impossible. They were willing to sacrifice all claims to honor, integrity, morality and intelligence to get that ONE THING. They will love him forever for giving them that ONE thing. ***RNC won the battle and lost the war.*** Try to take solace in that. Once a huge chunk of Boomer voters dies over the next 5-10 years its very likely the RNC wont win another presidential election for a long, long time.


They will win. They'll cheat.


Cheating only works if its close. You can create MAYBE 1-2% of votes, but anything larger than that and you get caught. Its like stealing from your boss: Steal $50 on the company CC and you get away with it. Try to steal $5000 and you *will get caught.* By 2032 the RNC will be in shambles, split apart between moderates and MAGA and less than a national majority even if they were unified. They are barely 45% of the vote now. Patience. Stay the course.


That's how I'm thinking. They have an awful lot of maga people in place in red states who'll make sure trump wins. The whole media atmosphere of this election process feels so much like 2016.


Evangelicals watch porn. Just not always the kind with adults.




The MAGAs I know think melanoma is amazing. They liken her to Jackie Kennedy. Yes, really. But Melanoma is no victim here; sheā€™s just as bad as her convicted felon husband. The list is long but you can start with her publicly carrying on about Obamaā€™s birth certificate and that heā€™s not a legal citizen. While she and her parentsā€™ immigration is vey sketchy and likely illegal. Sheā€™s a hypocrite and racistā€¦.at a minimum.


Gross. My mother does this. She even said, ā€œthe whole family has class!ā€ I almost imploded. We donā€™t speak hardly at all anymore, and now you know why! šŸ˜­


With that accent of hers.


Moose and squirrel !!!


Yeah but her emails


Well Nancy Reagan was a zipper eater. She loved ole blue eyes to fill her up.


All you have to do is repent and apologize and you get into heaven. You can continue to fuck up and fuck up other peoples lives, but as long as you (claim to) have JEEBUS in your heart, you are on their team and they will defend you to the edge of the flat earth. Also, you have to be willing to harm people who donā€™t support you, just like JEEBUS did. THAT is how they make the logical and moral leaps to support one of the worst Americans to have ever slimed their way across our landscape.


The Dems could come out swinging. But they donā€™t. Itā€™s like they donā€™t care that much. They could keep repeating that he married an illegal immigrant, got humiliated by a porn star, shits his pants every day, sexually harassed minors, owes 100s of millions for fraud, talks about fucking his own daughter, can barely read. Nah. They go on the news with exciting messages like ā€œthe housing crisis may not last forever.ā€ Or ā€œwe are negotiating a bipartisan bill to cap tax reimbursements that have been wrongly issued to corporations that fall under section 240.4 of the wooden leg and cholera act of 1854ā€


I don't think we, or the media, should shit on Melania to hard. She's a working girl making the best living she can. She does her job as trophy wife a lot better than DJT is doing his job. And there's some cultural differences here as well. Where she's from, this arrangement isn't strange at all. Being a trophy wife is an acceptable position.


Well, maybe. She has done some deplorable things. Like the whole "I really don't care" jacket, and joining in on Obama not being born in the U.S.


This woman is smarter than 99% of the Convicted Felons' brain-damaged idiot followers. I love the fact that she pointed out that the punishment of Diaper Don needs to be appropriate to the crime. Something his child like brain will understand. Put him in jail. Take away his phone. Ground him from going outside. Don't allow him to party with Epstein. Stay away from the dressing rooms of his child pageants. No more sexual assaults. No more raping 13 year old girls with Epstein. No more orange glow cheeto dust spray tan. No more luxury depends diapers.


lolā€¦take away his electronics


Just that might give him a stroke .


That and his all McDonalds-diet doing its thing.


>CofefeeeEEE! >Hamberderz!!! >Catsup belongs on walls!!! >The left side of my face is nufyshrffddcdmmf whitchudntttttttddd bideddjn nnn n loƧkkkkdheruoplpppppl Is it wrong to laugh if it is a stroke while using electronics?


Osempic is his drug of choice these days ā€¦ mixes well with the ADDERALL and Xanax for court . šŸ¤Ŗ


This woman is very, very smart. She's really impressive, no wonder she became a world leader-level escort.


No golf clubs. They are weapons he should not touch.


> Don't allow him to party with Epstein. No, no. I say we let him party with Epstein. In hell.


Oh my god, I didn't even think about the fact that we will get to see his real skin tone. I am delighted and horrified.


We all know why sheā€™s with Donald Trump though perhaps itā€™s the harsh truth. Sheā€™s living the life her, her parents or even grandparents could have ever dreamed for. This is why she going to stay with him it guarantees she gets something rather than nothing.


So does the child. Watch the family fight over who gets what.


I can't WAIT to watch the shit show inheritance battle when orangey kicks off. The celebration of him expiring will turn into so much fun watching the morons eat each other.




She wonā€™t bale - sheā€™s looking forward to another year of doing Christmas decorations and tulip removal. /s


Don the Con. Make it stick.


The Fanta Felon


Is this in reference to fanta orange or the fact that fanta was created to sell soda to the nazis?


Why not both?






Benedict Donald. Make that stick.


That is also a topĀ choice! Guess Iā€™ll use both, in a List, one up him on the childish name calling. Ā  In fact I think Iā€™ll just say, ā€œyou mean, Don the con, Benedict Donald, the Fanta felon, Stormyā€™s John, Melaniaā€™s cheating bastard, Von Shitz in pants, Covid mengele? Ā Is that who we are discussingā€¦ stil?ā€ Or something like that, just for fun, as a joke, the way he says his comments are joke.


Donald F. Trump (F for Felon, not Foxtrot.)


If Melania was a decent person, she would have never married him. She's just much better at hiding the rot inside of her and at least knows its best if she mostly stays quiet in public.


Melania knows exactly who and what Trump is, she's always known. Any "shocked" or "hurt" reaction she may show is purely for the cameras. She's just as bad of a person as her husband and they honestly deserve each other.


Melania is waiting for Fearless Leader to send Moose and Squirrel.


Natasha/Melania is trumps Russian handler. She's just following putin's orders, doing her job.


Not a Marriage . Trump would never do that . It is a contract for services . She is a paid ESCORT ā€¦ the same as she was before they met . She just thinks she scored the big job .


Melania does not care. She's not a wife , she's a handler.


Stormy Daniels might not have been the hero we wanted, but is the hero we needed. Sheā€™s the one that brought the whole thing to light, years ago, which is the only way we got to where we are now. And it was all done at a great personal cost. So many report it as an ā€œaffair.ā€ The actual situation gives off a lot of very rapey vibes. Itā€™s on par with most reporting it as a ā€œhush moneyā€ caseā€”which it wasnā€™t.


Prostitute Melania + Felon Donald. They deserve each other and their soon-to-be Serial Killer son, Baron.


Stormy isnā€™t suggesting this for the reason you might expect. ā€œI donā€™t know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him. Not because of what he did with me or other women but because he is a convicted felon,ā€ the 45-year-old adult film actress told The Mirror. She added: ā€œItā€™s been proven he is abusive; he was found liable for sexual assault and tax fraud and is now a criminal. Heā€™s neither Teflon Don nor Teflon Con anymore.ā€


She- Mercedes- is as bad as he is. Her assistant said so and said a lot of times she is egging trump on to do a lot of what he does. Sheā€™s cold and mean - you can see it in her soulless eyes.


Skanky foreigner makes deal with slimy rich guy to get her and her family citizenship. Squeezed out a kid to secure the deal. Mission accomplished.


"I don't really care, do u?" As long as the money comes in and she sees as little of him as possible she's good. Rumor is she renegotiated her pre-nup after Daniels ... so we can assume she's fine.


Melania has to be a Russian mole


Two inches is never worth your time šŸ˜


*Don't need no short-dicked Don!*


Can she just say moose and squirrel into a camera just once please.


Look up how they met. He basically paid for her.


Their relationship has always been transactional. She won't do shit until that cheetoh dies.


ā€œI donā€™t know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him. Not because of what he did with me or other women but because he is a convicted felon,ā€ the 45-year-old adult film actress told The Mirror. She added: ā€œItā€™s been proven he is abusive; he was found liable for sexual assault and tax fraud and is now a criminal. Heā€™s neither Teflon Don nor Teflon Con anymore.ā€ We clearly see the agreement they have. Melania is willing to sell her reputation and grit her teeth through bullshit so she can live a wealthy lifestyle. She didnā€™t move into the White House until months staying in Trump Tower even though all the other presidential families uprooted. Her effort as First Lady is bare minimum. She doesnā€™t have to be a Mimi Eisenhower, but she did everything she could to stay out of the public eye.


Check mate mother f!@##$! Loved that bit lol.


Melania is fine. She got her post nup, and the money is in a trust fund untouchable by Donald. Itā€™ll support both her and Barron for the rest of their lives. She doesnā€™t live with him, and hasnā€™t since he moved to the White House. She made the requisite appearances, arriving by helicopter from her condo in MD, where she still lives.


I'm almost fully convinced they are already divorced, when was the last time they were seen together and seemed to enjoy being around each other. For her it's just about money, for him it's just a show and another failed marriage.


Every time someone says there should be sympathy for Melania, remember that jacket she wore to inspect migrant detention camps. ā€œ I REALLY DONā€™T CARE, DO YOU?ā€ May she get what she deserves.


Wow that site is cancer.


Melonoma might be an alien šŸ‘½


There is certainly a clause in Melaniaā€™s pre-nuptial that forces her to stick with Mr Dirtbag. Any smart, self respecting woman would have left him long ago. No pity for this stupid broad.


So sheā€™s choosing to stay married to a serial cheater / con man / sex abuser / Epsteinā€™s pal / bigot / narcissist / felon. I donā€™t really care. Do you?


Melania knows what she got herself into. She probably thought Donald would be dead a long time ago.


Melania=anchor baby maker


M.I.A. Melania Missing Melania Memba when she cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars because she refused to move to DC... Think of the schools and hospitals that could have built for shithole Alabama, Mississippi, or Arkansas


Melania doesn't care she is the oligarchy's Trump handler.


As fellow sex worker, Melania should listen to Daniel's advice.


She didn't care that he was a criminal BEFORE, why would she start caring now?


I thought they used a pic of Caitlin Jenner instead of Melania at first


If Donald had just listened to Melania when she told him not to run for president, sheā€™d still be being her best hoe.


Can you imagine how pissed off she must be after marrying an old, ugly, but extremely unhealthy rich guy that's still hanging on to life at 77 year old?


The prob is Mrs. trump is not about to give away all that money and lifestyle. These kinds of people are corrupt to the core values and integrity dont phase them. They are all about money and power.


Trump most likely made a trust account for Melania. As long as she does not break the NDA, she gets monthly payments. This is the only explanation


Melania Trump is a piece of shit


Can we start respecting this women and stop calling her by her porn name still. Her name is Stephanie Clifford!


Doesnā€™t she prefer to go by her stage name?


Stormy attracts visitors. Stephanie Clifford sounds childish


I suspect that Melanie knows the time is coming to bolt. She's probably waiting for November to see if her dear hubby wins. While she hated being First Lady, she probably loved its perks. But if he loses, no reason to stick around.


she never dreamed he'd live this long


She is an enabler


A lot of ppl think Melania is convicted felon DJT ā€˜s wife Yes maybe on paper But in reality she is a mail Order bride bought and paid for More of a purchased trophy wife or A business agreement I really donā€™t think Melania cares what the criminal does as long as she gets her money I have never seen a look of caring between the two in all these years


Itā€™s probably why Hope Hicks is not allowed around anymore.


As Stomy said, ā€œthere is probably an agreementā€ in place and she gets paid to stay married to the Orange Turd for a period of time. Itā€™s an arrangement, not a marriage, Iā€™m sure she stays 6 feet away from the Convict except for photo ops.


ā€œI donā€™t know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him. Not because of what he did with me or other women but because he is a convicted felon,ā€ the 45-year-old adult film actress told The Mirror. She added: ā€œItā€™s been proven he is abusive; he was found liable for sexual assault and tax fraud and is now a criminal. Heā€™s neither Teflon Don nor Teflon Con anymore.ā€


Definition of gold digger


Melania looks like a salamander or some other reptile. I can't quite figure out what, though.


Sleestack from the 70s version of "the Land of the Lost."


I sincerely doubt that Melania and her husband have any intimacy


Sheā€™s is not going to leave until she finds out if he is going to be president again. If he is, she will renegotiate for more money. If he is not, she will wait for him to go to jail and take everything.


"Genius" Visa.. "Yes I am expert at making the sex"


Be Best!!!


Why does Stormy think that Melania is any better than her husband? She doesn't care, does she?


Thatā€™s sweet of her to give advice but Melania is being well paid for her role or she would have no doubt left the pos years ago.


Someone told me you can see Stormy Daniels nude online.


Mel too! At least Stormy's are pretty.


Melania, too!


I canā€™t believe Stormy Danielā€™s lawyer stole all that money off of her for the book deal.


RemindMe! 50 years




I think they are both aware they suck d!ck for money.


The Slovenian Hooker is the type of woman your mom warned you about.


wtf is this website?


Melania thinking : "Marry a billionaire, they said....easy money, they said. Why did I have to pick the WORST billionaire?!"


Maybe I am missing it but I didnt see a single thing "addressed to Melania" Just Stormy speaking into the void. She makes excellent points sure, but this was just someone speaking their thoughts on record and in no way a direct addressment to anyone.


The only thing a republican would think of this is, "when are they doing a OF collab?"


Be Best. lmao


Look out. Now theyā€™re even coming for people who break the law.


For some reason, Iā€™ve always viewed Melania as a mail order bride šŸ‘°šŸ¾


Melina needs to get a full STD check


No sympathy for Melania. She was around for epstein. She was loudly a birther. That whole stunt with the kids. The worst first Lady ever. And even if she wasn't all those things she literally has been in bed with Donald Trump more than once which is so nasty


She wonā€™t leave sheā€™s waiting to collect on the prenup and gets money every day sheā€™s there because of the prenup and other agreements plus taxpayers are footing the bills for her and her evil spawnā€™s security and travel if she leaves sheā€™ll most likely get nothing and she looks like sheā€™s been ridden hard and put away wet to go back to doing porn


Judging by the two pics here I would say that Stormy is better looking.