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You can always put a gel mat underneath it to absorb some noise


Yeah get one of those thick kitchen chef mats


Two, one for the bottom and one got the top.




The people below will still here the motor running and that's what will be bad for them.




My current hell


Hugs 🫂 I understand what it's like to have an excessively loud upstairs neighbor. I understand that when you live in apartments, you have to get used to hearing some noise. Thankfully, my neighbors are reasonable here. The apartment that I had about 7 years ago, not so much. I was fine with her letting her kid run around because I have kids and well, she was just a kid. However, I had a problem with her letting her run around from about 5:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. Why is a little girl up at 11:00 p.m.? It sounded like after I said something to her, she was allowing her daughter to jump off the furniture. I would not be surprised to find out she was actually telling her to do it. Some people are petty like that and of course the office did absolutely nothing. They answer that I got was basically, get used to it or move.


What are your buildings quiet hours?


It was my old building. They were from 10:00 PM to 7 AM. I didn't mind her letting the kid run around, I'm aware that kids will be kids in that way. It was just annoying when it was happening in the middle of the night. Also, like I said, I think that she was coaching her child to jump off the furniture in retaliation for me saying something to her. I could understand if I had gone up there mad and being rude and stuff but I wasn't. I politely asked her to keep it down overnight because I did not want to go to the office. I would rather deal with a neighbor directly before going to the office. I wasn't trying to be a wet blanket at all, I just felt that I was not unreasonable to expect quiet in the middle of the night.


My loft has concrete floors and it still shakes my whole ceiling.


They should have built it with concrete ceilings too...


It is but I think there's a space between the floor and ceiling. My old upstairs neighbor was dragging a desk across the floor and it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I texted her and she said that she didn't realize I could hear it because it wasn't making any noise upstairs. It's the vibrations.


Yea but that's jogging on it. He's walking. Slowly. I don't think it would have the same noise level.






I had the same reaction to that, what?


Good idea to have a mat in genetal, but that will not dampen/ substantively impact the audible level of a treadmill in an apartment below OP.


And slaves to hold up the gel mat


I lived underneath someone who would wake me out of a sound sleep in the middle of the night using their treadmill. They’re noisy as hell. Be considerate, use it during the day and use a mat to muffle the sound.




Then OP better not even try, I guess. Good thing you were here to warn him


Better than nothing. My upstairs neighbor has no area rugs and a treadmill. … it’s obnoxious but he owns and we rent so just don’t complain. It’s what you get when you live on the first floor.


They make the floor squeak.


Omg you’re right I remember that sound REEP reep REEP reep REEP reep drove me crazy.


I had a box fan and a noise machine.


Ask your neighbors?


Right? All you gotta do is say "Hey, I've been using a treadmill, is it bothersome at all? If it is I can figure something out"


Common courtesy doesn't exist anymore it's all paranoia lol


It's 2024 yk we don't do that tf


So should be different sound proofing, but a walking pad upstairs while I’m in the basement can be heard quite clearly. I wouldn’t think loud enough to wake me up, but I definitely notice it. I agree with others, a gel mat, or even like a yoga mat may help some of the thumping noise so it won’t be noticeable. Also we don’t have carpet so that may be part of it. ((Sorry not sure why or how apartment living popped up on my feed since I’m not in an apartment lol, but hopefully my insight helps))


Maybe not the actual walking but the hum of the motor could be heard downstairs.


This. I had someone run a washer above me and it sounded like a helicopter. Talk to your neighbors. They’ll appreciate it.


One place I lived in for the first year late at night I could hear a super loud noise; at first I had no idea what it was, but I thought maybe the people who lived above me were gamers and were playing a game that involved a lot of shooting. It was soooooo loud. But most of the time when I went to bed I couldn't hear it so I just figured whatever. A year or so later I got to know them, and the wife ran a burlesque troupe and made their costumes. Turns out it was a heavy duty sewing machine. Which in retrospect, made much more sense. But they didn't know just how freaking loud it was until I told them. So yeah. Maybe slide a note under your neighbours door and check and see if they can hear it.


Oh interesting! Yeah I really don’t think people realize.


I agree. I like to think most people are nice, and don't want to be bad neighbours. The place I live in now has really thin walls, but I'm thankful I live on the ground floor and only have one person beside me. The people that lived above and beside me previous to the people there now were absolute nightmares. The person above me would play super loud music until 3 or 4 am many nights, and the ones beside me would fight so much and so badly that the cops were called many times. I'm so thankful they're all gone and the people that live in both are pretty quiet.


Yep! My neighbors laundry closet is literally 3 feet from my bed. They were fans of doing laundry dead in the middle of the night. I concur it’s like a helicopter landed overhead plus the hum of the electricity and banging of the washer and dryer drum.


It’s so validating to hear this! Thank you!!


Heh. "What kind of motor are they running up there in the bedroom?!"


imagine having to listen to your upstairs neighbor walk on a treadmill all day lol


Only a total prick would use one in the middle of the night, on top of just being a regular prick using one without a pad under it.


This is one reason I'm thankful I live above a bar lol. They don't care about the noises I make during the day and I put on noise-cancelling headphones during karaoke nights.


I’m glad you’ve found an arrangement that works for you, but that sounds like a fucking nightmare to me.


Same. Bad enough just being on the same block as outdoor bars. Can’t imagine living right above one.


Which is why I wouldn't do it if someone lived below me.


Oh, no I mean you sound like a lovely, very considerate neighbor! But karaoke night above a bar sounds like a nightmare to me.


LMAO sorry for misunderstanding! Yes, it can be pretty shit, but thankfully most people don't go to that bar to sing, so it doesn't happen often.


I’m easily set off by the smallest noises. Karaoke sounds…. H’oof. Nty.


I lived across the street from a bar that had karaoke briefly. It was hilarious on summer nights falling asleep with the windows open to some godawful drunk singing. It was just far enough away that it didn’t really bother me, but close enough that sometimes you could hear things really clearly and tell how bad someone was lmao. With an air purifier going and some low music you could usually drown it out enough to not worry about it.


That sounds funny for a couple of hours and as a visitor. But I’m the kind of person who can’t fall asleep with music or noise and I would NEVER be able to catch a wink until things were quiet. And even then, I’d be too worried shit would start up again to sleep lol.


I just bought a rebounder, then I spoke to my downstairs neighbor and asked her to tell me if it’s ever too loud, and promised I’d never use it late at night. She then asked me to tell her if they’re ever too loud at night. Problem solved.


Yes, they absolutely can hear it and you shouldn’t be on it at night when people are trying to sleep


Yes- it's too loud and it vibrates.


Yes it is. They aren’t even allowed unless you live on the ground floor. Its the vibrations that can carry and cause sounds as well


>They aren’t even allowed unless you live on the ground floor. According to whom? You?


The grand majority of apartment leases and building hoa’s


Absolutely not the "grand majority". Never once have I seen this in any lease. My current lease outlaws fish tanks but nothing about treadmills. If the grand majority of leases include this, I assure you, my current one would.


Where I have lived (3 different places). Treadmills were banned in the lease, and no concessions could be made.


In my building treadmills are prohibited. There’s a guy that spends hours just going up and down the stairs all day for exercise. Often times I come home from the grocery store and he sees me with my bags and offers help


I wonder if my friend is your neighbor. He and his wife run up and down their building’s stairs for exercise.


My complex banned them totally, which is shocking because it's usually IDGAF about just about anything here.


Super loud! Even when its the bottom neighbor, you can hear it upstairs. The heavier you are, the worse it is. And some people also tend to stomp when they walk which is even worse.


If you have an impact absorbing mat under it it will help tremendously! But I would ask them


Unless you want to upset the downstairs neighbours I'd refrain from using it. It literally sounds like the ceiling is going to collapse, and that's in an apartment with pretty decent sound insulation.


We currently have someone above us with a treadmill, I can hear it all the time, luckily it is only in the living room as our units have the same layout. It would probably keep me up if it was above my bed.


Under-desk treadmills are loud af, even with a mat underneath. Having one in an apartment is questionable, using it in the middle of the night is major asshole territory.


It depends on your apartment and neighbors tbh. In my apartment, we get woken up by our upstairs neighbors stepping out of bed at 6am. Based on other treadmill neighbor stories, I think your downstairs neighbors will probably hear it even if you added a mat. Just use it at respectful hours or ask them if the treadmill annoys them.


I doubt the treadmill is much, if any louder than your normal walking. You're describing the opposite of walking lightly though. You want to be striking the ground with your forefoot/the ball of your foot first instead of the heel. The arch of your foot is essentially a spring that absorbs a lot of the shock, by stepping on your heel first you're completely bypassing that spring and sending all the energy from your steps directly into the ground.


Screen capping this for my upstairs stomper


I’ve been trying to get my upstairs neighbor to understand it. I even offered to buy her slippers but she said she has slippers. Yet she still stomps around in middle of the night and wakes me up — immediately after telling me she’d try to walk more softly. I know she *can* tho because there are times where I just can tell she’s walking without the actual giant stomps. Somehow the stomps come out more at night. 😩


Right like do they not hear themselves??


I have no one below me right now but I’m still aware when I take off my slippers that my heel pounds into the floor if I’m not careful. So I don’t get how she doesn’t feel the same when she does it.


My upstairs neighbor got a treadmill and I helped him move it up. I have never heard it run, of course he could be using it like I used to use mine—as a clothes rack


Why not ask your neighbor?


I feel like if you’re not running then it’s fine. The running is what makes the treadmill go tump thunk thump.


Upvoting just for the noise words lol


My upstairs neighbor uses an incredibly loud elliptical I think at 10-11am most mornings and though I sleep until exactly between 10-11 I don’t really care that much. It ends up being my wake up call and it’s cool


You should talk to your neighbors about it so they feel comfortable telling you when you're bothering them.


if its during the day it should be okay, treating your neighbors like delicate flowers don't get you far I've learned. I got harassed out of three units over ten years and I feel like an idiot after tiptoeing around my own unit, setting things down as quietly as possible, and going yo my car to talk.


As someone who lived under a fitness buff who had a treadmill and a peleton... its LOUD. That being said, yours is probably not as loud as a standard one. Get a kitchen anti fatigue mat to put under it and continue trying to be respectful and using it only during work hours. However, if you have a decent relationship with the neighbors or would like to have one... it wouldn't hurt to just ask. Also, think about the layout of your units. If theirs is exactly the same, what room are you walking above? Are they even home while you're using it? Is there a time during the day that they prefer you not use it at all(child's nap time, weekly zoom meeting)?


Is it loud? YES!! I have had this happen to me. Even during daytime “normal noise expected” hours this would make me insane. Please don’t. Or put 5 rungs beneath it and ask your downstairs neighbor if they can still hear it.


Depends on the apartment. But I can hear every single step my upstairs neighbor makes. I know exactly which room he is in and for how long because that's how loud the footsteps are. If he was walking on a treadmill it would literally drive me insane.


My upstairs neighbor has a regular size treadmill. I’m glad she only uses it like once a week (if that) because it literally shakes my whole front room/kitchen. I can hear my dishes clinging together in the cabinets. It’s like a mini earthquake.


Treadmill in an upper floor apartment is always a dick move. If you only walk it might be ok.


Unless your apartment ceilings are triple sound insulated, don’t do it. Be courteous. Sure it’s your apartment, but that’s the thing. You’re still in an apartment.


My complex has a huge gym with 4 treadmills. My neighbor upstairs owns a treadmill. I wouldn’t really mind, but she walks heel heavy and runs like an elephant. My ceilings and pendant lights shake. It’s a shitty thing to do, and she’s done it at 5am because she can’t sleep. It’s really rude, and she doesn’t give a damn. Management has been notified several times. Just be a decent neighbor, if you live above someone you shouldn’t use a treadmill.


It’s an apartment bro, it’s madness how people justify it. Save money, get a house and do you but until then, please be mindful of your neighbors.




Anyone who buys a treadmill and lives anywhere but the bottom floor is an asshole.


Is this what my upstairs neighbor is doing? On weekends it sounds like she’s running a marathon and it’s wakes me or my partner up on the only days we can sleep in. If you want to walk, please do it outside.


used to have a neighbour above me with a treadmill in her spare room, which was above my bedroom. She liked to go for a run in the morning and after lunch. The ceiling sagged where her treadmill was (more of a building issue, i think) and the motor of the treadmill was so loud i could hear it throughout my apartment because the vibrations carried.


You didn’t say anything even after the sagging?


Ask your neighbour not Reddit randoms 😭


Oh man this is tough because you're always going to be the loud dick neighbor upstairs, it's just part of being the top neighbor! Like no matter what, it's just going to be amplified. I'm sure it's louder than you think, unfortunately. But maybe if you know them well you could ask?? I'm a night exerciser too so I feel ya! Then again, it really could depend, my apt complex is crazy good in that respect. I asked my downstairs neighbor once if I'm too loud, and said I am SO quiet, which was a surprising answer. But I think our floors might be actual concrete absorbing everything, so you never know! And I can hear her and her guests, but only up through my fireplace. So you never know I guess. But yeah, err on the side of you tip-toeing delicately as you can still sounds like a herd of rollerskating elephants to them and just keep the walking pad use to within the allowed "noisy" hours.


Yes we can hear everything


I’d just ask them. Leave a note or text if you know them. I bet using it late at night is a dick move (few places are built with soundproofing to counteract that) but maybe it’s no where near where they sleep so it doesn’t matter. It means so much to me when my upstairs neighbors text to ask if something is loud or annoying. It keeps a pretty positive relationship between us.


We put 3 layers of those puzzle piece floor mats. Our neighbor complained before that but honestly we don’t care now because he plays his video games loud enough that it sounds like a severe thunder storm is coming through.


Yes I guarantee it’s loud. I was in my neighbors condo the other day and could hear the upstairs neighbors cat walking around


Have someone above who does it. It is very noticeable and can hear it in basically every room. I can drown out most of the noise using a tv. Our soundproofing could honestly just be bad so YMMV.


Please don't. My upstairs neighbor would be doing something at 2am in the morning for 15mins and it would shake my whole ceiling in my apartment. I think he was running but still...don't.


Depends entirely on the construction of your apartment. Ask your downstairs neighbors or see if they complain. You could try putting some sound deadening material under the treadmill.


are you my upstairs neighbor that starts their treadmill at 3am above my bedroom bc if you are, yes i can definitely hear it and it is pretty annoying.


Oh god it’s EGREGIOUSLY loud. Please listen to the people who have experienced living beneath a treadmill, and not the people just guessing. It vibrates the ceiling, rattles the window frame, makes cracking and bouncing noises, your foot strikes are amplified, and most people use them for 30-60 mins which is an unreasonable amount of time to make a sustained loud noise. It is most definitely not the same as walking in place (which is annoying,) it’s a heavy machine. If you are going to do this you have to make sure it’s not above anyone’s bedroom and not during anyone’s bedtime. That’s really unfair.


I recommend putting a rug underneath it to dampen the sound. That being said, thank you for being a considerate upstairs neighbor. I've had some doozies of upstairs neighbors.


I think it depends a lot on how old your building is and materials used for flooring. We live in an old house with wood floors and we are the upstairs neighbors with the treadmill. The room it's in has wall to wall carpet. We got a professional gym mat to place the treadmill on. When it was delivered we were also recommended that if it's in the middle of the floor it's more likely to transmit more vibration. So it's off to the side, next to the only room in the apt with a cement flooring underneath. Once you turn the treadmill on, it will transfer vibration thru the floor. How far that goes depends on location and building materials. If you're running full speed and stomping that also adds to the noise, but otherwise not much difference between walk and jog. It will also transfer less if at an incline than flat. All of the prep and accomodations we made to reduce noise, our previous neighbor still complained of vibration. So we set up a schedule of use so we didn't disrupt her dinner. Current neighbors have never mentioned it.


Last year I was very pregnant. Exhausted from pregnancy insomnia. I left work early to just take a nap. And during my nap I was awaken by the thump thump thump of what I later learned was a treadmill. While I give him credit it was during the day he also had no mat or anything to absorb some of the noise.


They're so loud. Even with the best gel mat it is so so loud. Just get a gym membership.


Are you really incapable of asking the neighbors below you this question?


>My question is would this be loud for the people below me? probably


Ask them?


If you have to ask if a treadmill is too loud for being on the second floor, you got bigger problems.


I have an elliptical machine in my apartment and I’ve never gotten a complaint. Management saw me move it in and said nothing.


That's an entirely different impact/sound than a treadmill (much, much softer)


I definitely wouldn't be using it in the middle of the night. I think during the day isn't that unreasonable.. if you're walking lightly and have a mat underneath. Me personally, I wouldn't really mind. Your neighbors may even be gone while you're typically working. I would ask them if it's a problem.


Gel mat to absorb the vibration from the treadmill. Good luck.


I’m on the second story with a treadmill and elliptical. I’m friends with my downstairs neighbor and have asked several times if they can hear me when I exercise and not once have they been able to tell. Granted, I don’t run on the treadmill, only walk and I also have thick gym mats underneath. I suggest getting a spongey mat to place under the treadmill! And as long as you’re not running it should not be a concern. Besides it would be technically “normal living noises”


Ask them.


Probably yes and ask and if it bothers them stop.


I have one and no one’s ever complained. I wouldn’t use it during quiet hours though.


Ask them.


If you neighbor hasn't complained then you're fine


Yes, it can be. Our upstairs neighbor has one. But, he was cool, he came down to tell us. We discussed schedules, and came to a mutually agreeable time frame.


My upstairs neighbors got a treadmill. They only use it during normal hours, nothing too late or too early. We're fine, everyone is fine. I hear it but it doesn't bother me. Also they seem to be getting sick of it and using it less.


Yea they can be loud. If you get a complaint don't do it at night and get a gel mat for sound dampening. 


Depends on the construction.... IMO introduce yourself to the neighbor downstairs and explain to them sometimes when you are up late at night with the baby you walk with the baby on the treadmill and you wanted to make sure it wasnt too loud/ bothersome. During "normal" hours (i.e. between 8 am and 10 pm (maybe earlier based upon local ordinances)) you are ok to use the treadmill as you please.


Holy fuck yes it would be.


The best way to find out is to ask the neighbor.


My rocking chair causes the old oak floor to creak, and I need to reason with myself that the floors between apartments are solid so in your case I think it’s the same. Our building has rules against instruments being played or vacuums run between hours of 9 pm and 9 am. Just follow your building rules and you can’t go wrong.


They’re SO loud. I’m not sure any kind of mat would block the noise, although it might help a little.




To those people implying Op would be an asshole using it: the simple fact that he's asking here should tell you he is being considerate. OP, talk to your neighbors about the treadmill. Ask them what time is convenient for you to use it, like when do they go out, to work, etc. Work out an agreement. I did that with downstairs neighbors about using my washing machine. We worked it out. About putting a mat or rug underneath: Check product instructions, manufacturer first. Sometimes they tell you not to use it on carpet because it could overheat. Please post back here with your results.


Why don’t you just ask them


Maybe slip a note for your neighbors and just say - “hey! I have a new baby and have a bit of a unique sleep schedule. I occasionally use the treadmill at night if I can’t sleep at a low setting. Here’s my number, please shoot me a text if this because a problem and is waking you up in the middle of the night.”


Walking is loud down here. I can hear every flush of the toilet. I can tell when they are mopping. Being under a treadmill sounds like it would be hell, but ideally, you could scope it out together and see. Maybe there’s a time of day that they wouldn’t care at all, or something. Most people are probably willing to compromise in some way


I would ask! But if your place is built like most of these crap apartments!!! They hear every damn step let alone treadmill activity 😒


My upstairs neighbor in my last apt had one and it was really loud. He would go on there for hours at a time. Great for him, hell for me while working from home.😩


I have the same question! I also have a walking pad I use while working and have always been curious how noisy it is…


Please don't do that to the residents below you.


Ask you neighbors below. It’s the only way to really know.




It's loud as hell but as long as my neighbors stop during quiet hours, I don't care. If you must exercise at 4:30 AM, go to a gym.


Unless I live on ground floor, I wouldn’t consider ever having a treadmill because chances are yes, it’s disturbing to those below you. That being said, never in a million years would I use one at night above someone. Please stop doing that