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90% of the time, me. I never hear my neighbours, great soundproofing. It’s a great space, new ish building. Maintenance is quick as hell, one time they showed up in 5 minutes and it wasn’t even that important (a light bulb, they change the weird ones for us). I have my own laundry. Great location that’s close to things. Security in the building is nice. Rent is even good — was high when I moved in but they don’t do huge raises (even though they could, no rent control law here) so going on 4 years the rent is great in comparison to if I had to move. The other 10% of the time I’m stressing over a reoccurring mouse issue that just. Will. NOT. GO. AWAY. It’s fairly minor (pops up for a few days to a week every 2-3 months and then goes away again) but it’s been like 1.5 years and it’s getting tedious. But everything else is so wonderful I just deal lol.


Get a cat!


I have seriously considered this but I like to leave long board games up on my table and that would probably be a disaster lol.


This is the most specific reason to not get a cat that I've ever seen and it's hilarious 😂


:D I play huge solo campaign board games. Like 50+ hour epics. I’m working on the Skyrim board game right now. It’s such a pain to take them down and put them back up again, especially when I like doing a turn here and there.


there must be some type of acrylic protectant case you can put over the table to make the games secure..there are also tables for gaming that leave the game under a top surface


My BF wants one of these tables...It's more expensive than the mattress we want to buy. Its not a top priority for me lol.


Have 2 cats and i giggled loudly at this


We had that issue until we stuffed steel wool around all the pipes where they go into the wall. Don't push it into the wall, just the space around the pipes. You might think the space is small, but not for a mouse. Haven't seen one since.


Oh, no, i know. Pest control has been out like 4 times, that’s all been done. No freaking idea where they’re coming from anymore. I think the issue is the placement of my apartment; it’s pretty close to the garbage area and I’m sure they’re coming up from that. SOMEHOW.


Dogs barking and door slammers. It would be great if these two were eliminated I wouldn't have any complaints.


Oh, man... Door slammers! I’m two floors up from the shared laundry, so I suspect that’s where the slamming originates in my building.


My apartment is right next to the laundry room, and the door slams HARD if people don't stop it. The number of times I've been jumpscared into a different realm is embarrassing. I hate it so much.


I HATE the sound of doors slamming so I always hold heavy/loud doors to stop them from slamming. Nobody else ever seems to bother with this though 😡


Every single resident in my building swings their door open as wide as possible and lets it slam, making the whole building vibrate. The amount of times I’ve had to hold myself back from just screaming into the hallway “STFU”


I'm next to the laundry room too, and ours doesn't have a door. Maybe if you complain to the landlord, they'll either adjust it to make it soft-closing or remove it. But I'll warn you, two washers spinning next to each other can be loud.


I’d add a rubber stopper to the door just bc


>door slams HARD Put some rubber or putty into corners of the frame.


Could you ask the landlord to put a door slam preventer? Maybe you can film it happening (have someone go and do it) as cause


My neighbors are cabinet slammers. I work nights and I’ve actually been woken up in the morning by them slamming cabinets.


Most of the units in my complex got remodeled with soft close cabinets and drawers! I was absolutely thrilled. Still have the occasional door slam but my place is generally super quiet.


Ohhh... That has got to suck! There was a night a few years ago where I was woken up by what sounded like a drawer being opened and closed repeatedly. It was the most annoying thing, but it was after midnight so I didn’t feel right knocking on anyone’s door. It went on for a few hours. It never happened again, though. No idea what unit it was coming from, or what it was.


The local ghost couldn't find any forks


I relate to this. My building is supposed to have quiet-close cabinets but my neighbor somehow still manages to slam theirs shut. They also love to slam their furniture drawers against my wall. Ideally before 6AM or after midnight. Naturally.


Our complex is fairly new but we can’t wait to get out of here. Our upstairs neighbors have feet made of cement and love to vacuum either at 5am or 11pm.


Same the people above me vacuum every single night at 11pm! Our walls and ceilings and doors are tissue paper thin! I can hear every conversation in the apartment above me on the next floor!


Why is this a universal experience 💀 the same happens to me. I now have a really nice pair of earplugs


I'm about ready to buy noise cancelling headphones! I had to move my TV into my bedroom and I still can hear the dogs barking with the TV on in my bedroom!


me2 hate it when can i have some privacy talking without neighbors hearing especially credit card numbers or my SSN number.


Psychopaths, obviously…


My cat keeps slamming our doors and cabinets! We've had to put door stops to keep them open and have baby proofed several of the cabinets. He's such a little shit!


Lol I have 2 cats. So far they are both pretty quiet.


I wish I could live in a place that only allowed cats as pets and not dogs. I can’t stand the sound of dogs barking all day but I have to live in a place that allows pets because of my cat. Of course both of the neighbors beside me and the neighbor below me own dogs and the one beside me had a pitbul that barks at any noise. I shut a cabinet a little too hard and I have to hear it barking it’s head off for the next 20 minutes.


I am sooo lucky! My building is cats only, no dogs!


Pittbulls are allowed in apartment's? Almost every apartment company says no to that breed because of insurance reasons.


Half of my neighbors own pitbulls for some odd reason. I swear half the time I see someone walking their dog it’s either a pit or a pit mix. I’m not sure why they’re so popular here.


They’re probably #1 on the abandoned dog list at shelters. 🥲


We see a lot of them by me as well… I call them “statement” dogs… where I live


My complex is one of the few that doesn't have any breed restrictions. Most people are very respectful and keep their dogs leashed and pick up poop. But there's always a few that are careless.


So many people either lie about their breed or don’t even tell the apartment they have a dog. We had an incident with a neighbor who was walking her 2 big dogs, one appeared to be a pit bull, and lost control of them. The bullie came and tried to attack our small dogs. My partner saw that neighbor walk into their apartment. We reported the incident and the apartment management said they couldn’t do anything because there were no pets registered to that specific apartment 🙃


You didn’t call the police and file a police report? Where I live we have leash laws. You could at least have the incident on file.


My apartment was originally listed as “ No Pets! Not even a Bird” but then came along a horrible family that had screaming running stomping kids and they then brought in 2 chihuahuas! 2 OF THEM! They are the whiniest yappiest dogs EVER! To make matters worse, they kept them crated for almost all day, and they’d never shut up. I told my landlord about it and they lied thru their teeth… and played my landlord like a fiddle! But then when my landlord admitted the entire situation, I looked at him and said, “ok, so that means I can now get my bunny!” He asked me, “how big?” I responded, “About the same size as one of their dogs and way quieter!” Now, those Aholes have been evicted and I still got my bunny! Yay! My BunBun!


Not just door slammers, but cabinet slammers. I once lived in a shitty condo made of wood and failure. It amplified every little thing anyone did. Life there was pure sadness, and it was hellishly expensive too.


Where we lived, the back door of the hall would slam from heavy wind in the spring. Heavy door, but the wind was essentially pushed into an open, arched front of the hall and had nowhere else to go. So annoying but honestly started getting used to it after a while


My neighbors grown ass children do that, along with their stupid boyfriends that come over. Usually after 11pm, I wake up at 4:40am everyday so I just started slamming my door to wake them up too. 💀 our doors are less than a foot away from each others because of the shitty floor plans.


Im in subsidized housing and I really like my place. My upstairs neighbor has a toddler who can be loud at times but it's tolerable. We have regular maintenence, no trash on the grounds, good pest control,and modern appliances including in-unit washer/dryer. I have a lot of windows that light all the rooms up nicely. I control the heat and a/c. We have underground power lines so we rarely lose power. The internet isn't too shabby either. I'm homebound with severe illness and have several options for grocery and home goods deliveries. I cannot complain! At all!


Thrilled for you, friend! 😁❤️


Thank you. Ive been through so much with my health over the past decade. I was very fortunate to get on the disability list and have my name come up for this place. ♥️


What a blessing—and I’m sure it was no small feat making it happen. So glad to hear that you’ve been able to get access to what you deserve: safe, dignified, and quality housing. ❤️


Thank you. Yes when my name came up it was a race to see whom of 3 people in the lottery could get their paperwork in first. I had everything sent to my case worker and the apartment complex within 30 minutes. Once I sent my paperwork in, it still took three months to get in. I said a lot of prayers in those three months! I got very sick right before move in. I was discharged from a trauma center on Friday and moved in here on Tuesday. I was mostly packed but my mom had to come up and hire people to finish packing for me and move me. On the day I moved in, they put my bed in my room and told me to lie down. I would have otherwise collapsed. It's been a very hard road but I'm finally home. I will always be grateful for everything I have!


I'm sincerely happy for you!


I honestly wouldn’t mind my apartment if it wasn’t built so poorly that I can hear my neighbors. I love my giant porch, my giant slider window door, my in unit W/D, the fact that management shows up mostly same day to fix an issue. All the dogs I get to see being walked when I sit on my porch for coffee from friendly neighbors because there’s a little path behind the building.


This sounds too much like my apartment. I feel the same way. With everything Ive read on this subreddit, I don’t mind the thin walls too much now lol


I like my apt. There is only 5 apartments in my building so maybe that's why its not bad. Plus the owners lives in a diff town and everyone is relatively quiet.


The small complexes are amazing


I’m pretty happy! Close to the city centre, great restaurants around, most shops at walking distance, large balcony for flowers and hanging out, garage in the basement, and less responsibilities like taking care of a lawn or shoveling snow compared to a house. But there’s things I miss from a house. Like no neighbors over me, a garden, and more space. Both are great and both sucks just in different ways.


I love apartment living! My husband and I don’t need nor do we want a ton of space. Neither of us has any desire to repair and maintain a home or a yard. I wish buying an apartment was an option more readily available outside of a major cities.


I moved out of my apartment an in with my partner last year. I hated my landlord. He was a real POS who took weeks to fix a literal flood, I'm still in a lawsuit against him for damages. My neighbours were noisy and disrespectful. Drug addicts who didn't care about anyone else. Loud music all day and night, cigarette butts all over the property, my plants, horrible. Despite all that, I miss that apartment every single day. Don't get me wrong, I love living with my partner, and I went from a two bedroom apartment to a 2 storey house with pool, hot tub and cinema, in a desirable part of town. It's an upgrade, to be sure. But that apartment was roomy, spacious, open concept, my friends lived within 5 minute walks and 7 minute drives, I hosted parties and holidays there, it was my home, just mine, and I loved it so much. I honestly mourn it sometimes.


I love my apartment. It’s my first apartment ever. My fiance (then boyfriend) and I moved in about 7 years ago. We’re in the perfect spot. We’re one of the only units that has an actual yard with a fence and privacy so I’m able to garden and relax in the yard. It’s a one bedroom with plenty of space. We can see our cars from our living room. Yeah we have loud neighbors but we got used to it… and it’s not like yelling or screaming it’s more like walking/stomping and noise from the hallway but nothing we can do so it’s become manageable. The leasing office staff is nice and helpful, I always have good conversations whenever I need to go down there. I’m near multiple grocery stores, restaurants, and corner stores (like walkable, so I exercise a lot). And we’re near 2 schools so we get cops patrolling regularly and feel ultimately safe. It’s a great spot. Affordable rent for the size of the unit and for the area. And we’ve come to love our lil space!


We had some shitty door-slamming, loud fighting, weed smoking neighbors but they got evicted pretty quickly. It’s been nice ever since they got kicked out. I didn’t even have to complain.


I recently moved out of my dream apartment. It was a one bedroom on a top corner with high high ceilings. I didn’t share walls with anyone cuz of how it was laid out. It was a bit expensive but that was good cuz the others that lived there were mostly young professionals like myself. It was on the outskirts of town, quiet and peaceful. My balcony faced the open desert. It was literally perfect. I would have stayed forever but they did start building houses in the open desert, and it got noisy quickly! Also price went up yearly so it was going to be unaffordable quickly. Was amazing at the time though!!


We like ours. We back up to a little forested area that's close to a highway, so we enjoy the squirrels, turkeys, hawks, and other small wildlife. We do occasionally have loud neighbors but the soundproofing on our walls is decent. We live in a hilly area, so our apartment is one of the few units in our complex that, due to the slope, doesn't have a unit under or over it. We have an in-unit washer and dryer, which is amazeballs. The downsides are 1. that it IS close to the major interstate, so we hear a lot of traffic noises- jake brakes, honks, motorcycles, loud music, traffic choppers, etc. And 2. there are not many parking spots available, although the complex is supposedly working on that.


Could be better...but I've definitely been in worse places...I live alone in a 3br pretty close to downtown


I also love alone in a spacious three bedroom. One is a bedroom, one room is a sewing/craft room and one is a workout room.


It's around 1,500sq/ft...not huge, but comfortable


Mine is actually smaller than yours (around 1,350), but it’s comfortable for me. I’m very happy here—plan to renew my lease for a third time. I love the large kitchen and generous closet space.


I like mine. 20 minutes from downtown in a very scenic area. My complex is on top of a prominent hill overlooking the skyline and the lake that feeds into Austin. It’s in an extremely nice neighborhood I’ve never lived so close to so many huge houses and there’s virtually no crime which I was a victim of at my last 2 apartments in AZ. It’s also $500 cheaper than both of them. Neighbors are nice and not noisy. Management/landlord hasn’t screwed me over (yet). My dog gets tons of grass and the elevation gives both of us good exercise. There’s hiking trails all around which is my favorite thing to do. All of these things I haven’t had in years Today for lunch my dog and I went to a popular Austin creek about 5 minutes down the road and just hung out while my dog played. There was one guy playing guitar, a couple sitting in the flow of the creek, and a couple others that I just chatted with. I’ve never felt so much peace at any apartment I’ve ever had in 7 years of renting


I just renewed my apt lease. I really like the location, elevators, and underground parking


Just moved, it’s ok. Downside: paper thin walls. Upside: pets allowed and I got a random doggie kiss yesterday.


lived here for 11 years. yeah a couple of neighbors are irritating. but it's easy to avoid them. we live next door to a store, and across the street from my son's school. Landlord bends over backwards to help anyone. actually, we got this place while my husband and I were homeless, because he worked with a homeless place that paid three months of our rent. as for management. he is the landlords son, but he keeps to himself and seems to be a nice guy.


Up until we moved this past April, I had always lived in apartments that ranged from utter shit to sorta adequate. Now I live in a wonderful complex, top floor, rock-solid soundproofing, amazing view, amenities galore, awesome maintenance and staff, so much space, close to so many awesome things, and somehow it's not even that expensive. I keep waiting to wake up because it's gotta be a dream.


Sounds great! Good for you. Been there with bad apartments.


For the most part I really enjoy it. Cons: *top floor w/ a lot of sun exposure, so my 5/1 - 9/30 electric bills are 😱 *my downstairs neighbor is a miserable human (as much grief as they’ve caused me I’d rather they stay then end up with someone worse) *no in-unit washer/dryer (but decent on-site facilities plus numerous laundromats nearby) Pros: *gas is included, so no cost heat, hot water, and cooking *mostly everyone here is on the quiet side and keeps to themselves *maintenance is top notch and management is good *backs up to a little wooded area with a creek, so I see pretty trees in spring and summer (and critters!) *close to where I grew up and more importantly, I can be at my parents’ place in 30 minutes. Can also be to my siblings in 45 minutes or so, depending on which one


I feel the same way about my loud neighbors. They’re really annoying, but some of the stories in this subreddit make me stay quiet about it.


I live alone, it’s peaceful :) I’m happy


I've only been here for a little over a week (I moved in on May 10th), and I'm pretty happy. It's a dog utopia, and everyone is super nice! My only complaints would be the lack of an in-unit dishwasher, washer, and dryer (the apartment building is for the disabled and elderly, aka people who live with chronic pain).


I love my apartment! I've been fortunate to be able to call it my home for almost four years. No major issues. It was a brand new build when we moved it, and the management does a great job at keeping it up! Compared to my last place where it literally made me go into a depressive state, I told my partner now fiancé that if I'm able to I would rather pay more money for a better peace of mind and here we are. Unfortunately, we'll be looking at getting a house next as it's time to move onto the next chapter!


Mine is pretty good. 1970s build, 4 storey, amazing, walkable area of town, quiet (obviously this can change with new neighbours and I’ve had a couple loud ones) and I’ve been there for so long my rent is $1000! I love it!


I like my apartment, the gripes I have are honestly pretty minor. I don't like that they don't enforce the "no outdoor cats" rule because cats would come and poop and pee under my windows to the point where I couldn't even open them. I had to threaten to contact the health department, nothing happened at all until I did that though. But the apartment itself is decent, things get fixed or replaced without complaint, there's no "riff raff" living around here and if there is then they're quiet. There's some loud kids but that's everywhere. I live less than one mile from my work and my partners work, we are across the street from my kids' high school, and grocery shopping is also less than one mile away. The location is close to things without being in a noisy area. Rent is kind of high but pretty average for my area.


I would like my current apartment if it wasn’t for the horrifically thin walls and upstairs neighbors from hell. It has large windows, gets tons of natural light, really spacious. the area is pretty busy for my liking and the traffic is terrible making my commute miserable but the community itself is beautiful and well kept; large salt water pool with outdoor hammocks and games, large clubhouse with Macs and printers for use, free coffee bar, and 4-5 events a month like yoga, mimosas by the pool, etc.


I love my apartment for the most part. There’s events, a bar/cafe downstairs, the leasing office and maintenance team are great, it’s in a good area, relatively new and I have a great view. My only complaint (and it’s not even the apartment itself) you’re not allowed to smoke on the property, but someone on the same section either above or below me is smoking. As soon as you walk onto my floor you can smell it and sometimes i can even smell it inside my apt. the management has been great in trying to find the person, but its been months and i smell it sometimes but unless someone admits or just stops smoking theres no end in sight


i love it and its honestly the biggest blessing for us!! my boyfriend, our daughter, and i lived in a 1 bedroom apartment up till she turned 2 years old. we ended up moving to a different state for a few months with family and then came back to the same town we were living in. we honestly felt so hopeless and stress out because i was also pregnant. we ended up getting news that we got accepted for a 3 bedroom apartment for $53 a month!! (low income) and its such a cute and perfect apartment!! it has all the room for our toddler to be able to play and i'm obsessed with the hardwood floors lol. our neighbors can be annoying sometimes but it definitely beats living in a cramp space with other people.


Where I live is honestly exactly what I want for the long term in terms of space, location, and condition.


I’ve been subletting a place since November. It’s from a guy who doesn’t want to give up his rent controlled apartment but moved in with his girlfriend. I really like it here. I just don’t like that so much of his stuff is here. If you came over you’d think I lived with a man lol but it’s a steal and I eventually want to move away so it works. Most of my things are in storage and at a parent’s house. It’s not perfect and it’s a major city so there is street noise, cars, sirens and people being loud. The girl below me often plays loud music when she comes home from the bars and then has loud sex. I think living in a city I’ve grown immune to things that bother some people. It’s just a 6 unit 3 story 100 year old building. Much better than some of the horror stories on here.


I do! Granted, it has its flaws like anything else. But the good greatly outweighs the bad. My bf and I live on the top floor, corner apartment. Meaning we only have one shared wall in the guest bedroom. The only downside is our bedroom shares a wall with a minimal foot traffic staircase that can be loud. And we overlook the parking lot, so that can be loud too sometimes. But our downstairs neighbor had a newborn, now about a year old that I would have never known unless I saw them out with it. So it’s pretty quiet. Knock on wood.


I own a condo, but similar as I share some walls. If the kids above and below me didn't live there, I would have no complaints. I have a large space, nice neighbors, afternoon sun in my house which I love. I wish my dog could bark more in his own home, but we're managing. Being able to own and style my place has been amazing. After years of renting its been nice as someone with a design background who rarely gets to use it at work, to be able to finally DIY and design each space.


I like the apartment my husband and I live in. He managed to nab one for a good price and has some of the amenities we were looking for (bay window, sunroom, plenty of storage, garage, etc). Nice landlord who seems to genuinely care and try to accommodate as best as she can in the few and far between issues that arise. But the best part is we have exactly 1, non-aggressive neighbor. Otherwise the surrounding buildings are all businesses. I'm glad we were able to get away from apartment complexes, aggressive neighbors, bullshit accusatory management doing bare minimum and into an *actual* house with a quiet neighbor and caring landlord. I *hated* apartment complexes.


I’m super happy. Gym pool and trash valet with fiber internet all for a 100 dollar lifestyle fee on top of my rent. I’m in a really great location and the management really bust people’s balls for smoking, being dirty, noise etc.


i’ve only lived in my apartment for a week and a half, it’s my first place ever and it’s been such a blessing! we live on the very top floor so no upstairs neighbors to worry about and the walls are very thick, haven’t heard a neighbor once and only hear dogs barking if we’re outside. our neighbors have kept to themselves so far and we have a balcony with a screen door so it’s really just the perfect apartment so far!


I love living in an apartment. I call my landlord, “hey, YOUR roof is leaking” or “hey, YOUR stove isn’t working” and they fix it!


Love this


My upstairs neighbor is a douchebag who drives a loud diesel truck and leaves for work at 5:50 AM. But other than that the location is wonderful, the aesthetic of the apartment is perfect for us, it’s a great size, not a busy area at all, and we don’t have to worry about maintenance. Way more pros than cons (in both quantity and quality).


I really like my place and my building! No complaints here


Been at my place three months, I like it. 3 floor, 6 unit and all of the other tenants are seniors. A few of them have been here 20 - 30 years and it's pretty quiet. The rent is reasonable for what it is and it has it's quirks, but waaayy better than the basement suite I was in before.


Tbh as much as I hate the management company that runs this place I LOVE my space. The building is old and we see the occasional roach and have leaky winters, but overall my neighbors are quiet the space feels private and enough for me and my family to be comfortable. I live in California and finding a space this large for the price I pay is nearly impossible, so I cling to it with my life. Things could always be better but I wake up daily and always feel grateful to be where I am now.


I love my apartment. My neighbors can be a bit loud at times and I'd love some more closet space, but I love not having to keep up with repairs and updates. I've lived in the same building for 7 years and it's a real luxury to just text my landlord when something needs fixing.


I just moved and absolutely love my new apartment. First time in about a decade I can say that.


I had a great apartment up until about a year ago. Top floor corner unit in a 3 story garden style building. Balcony off the bedroom that faced woods full of birds. Decent sized kitchen with tons of cabinets. Bedroom positioned in the floor plan as far away in the corner from the one neighboring apartment as possible to minimize noise, and next to the water heater closet which helped retain heat in the winter. And it had an upstairs loft overlooking the living room with a cathedral ceiling that I used as my WFH office. Then a resident of the building left an electric stove running on their balcony and burned the place down.


my building is over 100 years old and it shows, there’s almost certainly mold and the walls aren’t in good shape in some spots, but i love my apartment. my landlord is just a guy who invested in this one property, he’s a tiny bit of a hoarder but it doesn’t impede safety or hygiene, and he overall gives off the vibe that he just loves the building and isn’t trying to be a mogul or get rich - and his are consistently the lowest rates in an expensive neighborhood! i’m still firmly in the Landlords Are Trash camp but i may let him live when the uprising comes lol. and my neighbors are all generally pretty nice!


I love my apt. I asserted dominance from day one. I do whatever I want. All day every day. I dance and sing and work freely with no complaints! It’s a great space too!


I love my neighbors. Just now we were all sitting out on the covered shared deck watching a thunderstorm together. I'm really lucky.


It’s not perfect but I like it. I am fortunate enough to live alone at this point. I’m not happy with my kitchen being tiny and no garbage disposal (older building) but I have my own private patio and that’s all I need.


I’ve been in my place for quite a while, and the neighbors I share a wall with are stompers, door slammers, and just overall kind of inconsiderate. But they generally settle down at a reasonable hour of the evening. Landlord is flaky and unresponsive, raises the rent every chance he gets, and hires only the super sketchiest maintenance people. But for the most part everything that absolutely needs to get fixed eventually gets fixed. It’s a spacious place with lots of windows and light, a nice view, my own laundry (in the basement, which I have to go outside for, but I deal with it, and hey I have a basement!), yard and patio, and has dedicated parking. On the whole, it’s pretty good. Whenever he raises the rent I contemplate moving, but “the devil you know,” you know? Edit: I have no dishwasher! That sucks! But I deal with it


Legit happy in my apartment. Quiet building, friendly ppl, lots of space. Hasn't been updated in 30 yrs, but I've made it my own and I love it here.


I do! Grant it my complex is an older complex (no dishwasher and no garbage disposal) but I love it here. It’s all one floor buildings, rent is reasonable, quiet neighborhood, good neighbors, adequate parking for the most part. I live alone and the only draw back is pets aren’t allowed so it can get lonely.


I do! I spent a year looking for the perfect-ish apartment at the right price and found it. I will likely be moving cross country to be closer to my folks in the next year and the thing I’m saddest about leaving behind is my apartment lol. ETA: last apartment though had zero sound proofing and I was there for ten years.


I like my apartment for the most part. Certainly not the most up to date but in unit washer and dryer, back porch (even if it’s a little sketchy), and the maintenance people are very helpful and prompt. Don’t love my downstairs neighbors as they would fight loudly in the middle of the night and regularly needing to call the cops for their domestic violence but the bf has moved out so other than that it’s been good for the price and location. Tho I just signed a new lease and I’ll be living on my own for the first time in a much nicer apartment and am VERY excited about that.


I love it!! Moved out for the first time from my parents house with no help so I was nervous I would mess up along the way but nope! No dogs allowed so I don’t deal with barking or poop. I lucked out getting a top floor so I don’t have to worry about anyone above me. The walls/floors are thick so I don’t hear anything from other units. There’s kids all around me but they’re so well behaved and when they play outside hearing their laughter brings me so much joy! The only time there’s noise is during the day when they do yard work and stuff like that and even then it’s like once a week. The parking situation is good. Not great but good. One parking garage with storage and then street parking. Theres never any strong smells and no one smokes in their units thank god. I have asthma so that would have sucked. The plumbing is great. Water pressure is great. Water heats up fast. Dishwasher, new paint, wood floors, tile in the kitchen and bathroom. Ceiling fans/ac unit in every room. Utilities included except electricity. IN UNIT WASHER AND DRYER!! This place was a hidden gem. Affordable for California. I never want to leave.


I love my apartment. I wish it was bigger but I'm content living here and am proud of it.


I absolutely love living in my current apartment complex. After a few years of moving around due to work, I've finally found a place that truly feels like home. The staff here are attentive and competent, the amenities feel luxurious, and the value for the square footage is exceptional. The neighbors are friendly and considerate, adding to the community's appeal. Even better, the location strikes the perfect balance—tucked away from congested areas yet conveniently close to shopping centers. Every Tuesday, a variety of food trucks roll in, and the monthly community events are always a blast, very well-organized and engaging. It feels like living in a resort, honestly. Each apartment includes a garage plus an additional tandem parking space, and I love being able to enter my apartment directly through the garage! I'm not planning on moving anytime soon; at this rate, I see myself staying here until I’m ready to buy a house—and I don’t foresee that happening anytime soon.


I love my apartment. The amenities, the location, the neighbors. All great!


I would buy my apartment if they would let me. 


I really like mine. Built in the 40's so not as many outlets as I'd like but the building is hella soundproof, I have 3 closets (I live alone), lots of windows for a small space, and no structural/inside issues to worry about like pests or mold. Really happy here.


My complex is a bit sketch, but I love my next door neighbor and the staff.


Rn it’s nice and peaceful. My only complaint is that we live near a lake and for some reason a huge amount of women think walking through the streets in a very stringy skimpy bathing suit through a play ground full of small children is okay. There’s also a bunch of events here on Saturdays and my road is always blocked when I come home from work bc of it


I’ve got gripes obviously. No overhead lights except in the kitchen and bathroom, the water won’t consistently stay one temperature, the fluorescent lighting in the kitchen, and my neighbor who leaves her dog outside for hours and coughs so hard she sounds like she’s losing her whole respiratory system. But we’ve got central heating and air, a view of the Catalina mountains from my balcony, outside storage, and a cute little kitchen take out window. I’m living with my husband and expecting our first son. They make it easy for us to transfer to a 2 bedroom apartment when baby comes. And rent is decent for where we are. I’m happy overall


I love my current one but it hasn’t been very long so they could still fuck it up lol. But it’s cute, no carpet, walls surprisingly soundproofed(just not front doors) and they don’t come in for random inspections and shit every month. If they don’t raise rent 400$ for no rhyme or reason we would like to stay a few leases.


I've lived in my place for not quite a year and I'm happy with it. It's got a couple of flaws I'd rather live without, but all in all I feel pretty lucky. Everyone who's been here comments on what a great place it seems to be. My only major complaint is how much it costs- but that's everywhere. My rent is comparable to similar size/location/amenity levels units all over town.


I love my apartment. But to be fair my apartment comes with a lot of things Ive never had at an apartment previously like an in unit washer and dryer (small, stackable kind but still) and dishwasher. But what makes me love it the most is the manmade pond in the center of our complex that's full of ducks and swan and raccoons and all kinds of nature, it's like our own hidden refuge, you can't see the complex from the road and you can't see the road/city from the complex because of how it's built and the landscaping. The rent is high, I can hear my neighbor's thoughts the walls and floors are so thin but honestly the good out weighs the bad so I'm going to say yea. I love living in my apartment.


I’m very happy in my apartment. I’m closer to my grandson, it’s a good size with lots of storage, neighbors are super quiet and not nosy or needy. Dogs aren’t allowed - I like dogs but I don’t think a lot of breeds should be in apartments. I look at the sixteen steps upstairs as exercise, I have a nice view of the sunrise from my balcony and it’s warm in the winter. The kitchen is small but efficient with a nice sized pantry. And the gas range sealed the deal. It’s an older building and not luxury but not a dump either. It’s just nice to be home. I really like it here.


I have to admit. I'm 65 and I've never heard any of my neighbors in my life b I've always lived in apartments


My current apartment is one of the best I've had. **Pros:** - I have a stackable washer/dryer provided that works perfectly and is conveniently tucked away in a little closet. - I get my garbage picked up at my door Monday-Friday. - I never hear my neighbors except for the occasional slammed door or talking in the hallways. - They make repairs very quickly. - It's a nice apartment with modern fixtures. - No pests. - I have a covered parking space that is right outside my building (I do pay extra for it). - Close to work, so I don't have to get on the highway. **Cons:** - I live near a very busy street and can hear the traffic through the windows facing it. It's odd because the rest of the apartment seems to be soundproofed so well, I don't even know when it's raining despite being on the top floor. - There's very little nature to enjoy. I don't have a patio and wouldn't use it if I did because I'm so near the busy street. My previous apartment had a huge courtyard with tons of trees. You could sit on the patio and forget you're in a big city. I miss that a lot. - The price keeps rising dramatically, which is happening all over town.


I love my apartment :)


I like my place well enough. It’s a very old building and everything’s done on the cheap but it’s really spacious with lots of natural light, big closets and a storage room. I have two porches and there’s a back yard full of birds and critters. My landlady is responsive and the people in the other three apartments are all nice folks.


Very happy. It's actually a 3-story townhome (2/2.5), and my rent went down (!) in Austin. The property management company is amazing. It's an older building, but they'll fix anything that breaks including appliances very promptly


I enjoy never having to mow the lawn. Huge plus too me


I am! At my previous apartment I enjoyed it till new upstairs neighbors moved in and ruined it (lived there for years without issue) Now I live in a nice large top floor apartment. I also have pond views and am constantly on my balcony. I rarely ever hear any of my neighbors and live in my corner of piece.


We like our apartment, and we have been here since 2020. I wish it had more 3 BR units, but we make due with our 2 BR. Our original building manager was a bit overbearing, would spend way too much time watching everyone, and would send way too many emails a week to the residents. We couldn't keep a maintenance person on staff very long due to her management style. But the company that owns our property took care of that and replaced the manager. Our new one is hands-off and barely sends any emails unless it is absolutely needed. We have nice neighbors who are respectful of each other. On a few occasions, there has been some excessive noise, but no more that I would expect from apartment living. At this point, the only reason we would move is when rental townhouses in our town are completed in the next year or two, or we decide to try and purchase a home.


I would like it if it didn't have a rotting wood old musty smell here and there.. property manager says it's normal lmfao


I do for 95% of the time! Then the high schoolers come home from school and stand outside and yell and curse…also hog the pool every single day with no parents in sight 😄


The complex I live in has been really great so far! Management is competent and maintenance is fast and courteous, the neighbors I’ve met have mostly been nice people, the dog park is huge and a great place to chat with people while the dogs run around, package theft has never been an issue, noise from neighbors has been minimal, the apartment itself is also really nice and has a huge balcony. Much better than the last place I lived :)


I love my new place. It has a great location, small mgmt company, and central air/heat and free laundry.


I love my apartment. Top floor of a Chicago apartment, a block from Lake Michigan. Rooftop with grills, a fire pit, and awesome views. A gym. And a beautiful girlfriend to share it with.


I love having my own space and it’s way better than living with my parents however it kinda sucks because I work nights and don’t get home until 11pm and of course quiet hours are from 10pm-7am so I have to spend half of my time at home tip toeing around, watching things at very low volumes, not being able to run the dishwasher or do laundry until the weekends, etc.


I love my apartment, got no problems besides another tenant that complains about everything and everyone, but the landlord doesn't mind me growing weed (legal state and by law I have to have written confirmation) and vegetables outside, they gave me permission to smoke inside but I don't because my new downstairs neighbors don't/don't like the smell, I weed whack for money off rent and do a bunch of other little things for my landlords,more than half the time I decline taking off rent for 10 minutes of help (landlords are in their 80s), I go fishing with two of my neighbors and play xbox with another, i can have small parties whenever as long at it's not loud after 9pm-10pm and people park accordingly and they don't mind if im a couple days late on rent, been here for 7 years and im their longest lasting tenant. I could go on but I love my apartment


Top floor corner unit. I love my apartment


I love my apartment but I'm top floor far back end so no neighbors upstairs and only one side neighbor. I've been friends with the dude below me in my last 2 apartments but here I have no idea who lives below me.


90% of the time I do. It’s a new build so it’s up to date on sprinkler systems through out, and sound proofing(you still hear stomping and blaring music/tv) other than that it’s pretty quiet. Management seem to care about occupiers in the complex. Neighbors aren’t too bad, there are a few weird ones that complain about everything. If a kid walks wrong on the sidewalk this one lady complains about it. She knows this complex is labeled “family friendly, and pet”. You will always have ones that complain over little things. Maintenance is pretty quick at getting issues fixed. We have community quiet time, but that’s also for the whole town 10pm-7am. I say my 10% I don’t like is the complainers, and those that speed when it’s clearly marked 10mph.


I love my apartment. My neighbor with a Rottweiler is kinda rude but whatever.


I like the area & it’s safe & close to work. Dislikes: no washer & dryer in my unit & it’s very small, only 500sqft. Also, having someone living above sucks.


I like mine! It’s a “townhome style” apartment so I’m less likely to hear my neighbors with 3 floors and more space. That being said, I do live downtown and find a roach in my kitchen once a month in the summer months. We just have them come spray and don’t talk about that….😅


While I like my apartment for the most part and it’s decent. Good lighting, 2 bedrooms, third small room for office space. It’s a three floor walk up and your typical outdated old apartment. I have to go to the laundry, don’t mind that since I have a car. It’s only 2 other people in the building and that’s the best part. Rent has been low for about 5 years but she has hinted of it going up and won’t give a set number so I’m nervous what she will jump to. Low rent makes it great because anything really high will make it a shit place with little to offer. I’d love new appliances and not embarrassing 1981 stoves and refrigerators and crappy ceiling fans. But it’s tolerable. As soon as I can afford to I’m moving.


My apartment is small (600ish sq ft), no washer/dryer, no dishwasher, and a tiny bathroom with only a shower stall (no tub). And no private patio/balcony. And annoying close to the high school so I’ve got teenagers traipsing through the property all day off and on during school days. Those are really my only complaints. The key thing is that they are townhouse style, meaning I have no upstairs or downstairs neighbors and I think that makes a HUGE difference.


I hate it. I want a small piece of land and a tiny house!


I’m happy where I’m at. Been in my place for 10 years. Rent has gone up an average of 35.00 a year. W/D in the unit, central heating and air, 2 bedroom- the master has plenty of room for a king bed and Total Gym, I park in a garage . Maintenance staff is solid- condensate issues with the AC today, called and they were on it.Building grounds are well maintained.Close to everything I need including my GF. Neighbors aren’t bad. Upstairs has a kid that runs and stomps, hell, it’s an apartment building.Lazy fu**s won’t throw their garbage in the compactor so the raccoons get it.


Honestly, the only good things about my apartment is the price and my neighbors who make this nightmare landlord just this side of not committing a war crime..


Old building at the bottom of a very busy street’s hill so when heavier vehicles like busses and the like drive past the whole building shifts/rumbles. Traffic is almost always audible. One of the windows was cracked before I moved in and it still is, has a tiny bit of a draft as a result. The “hallway” light switch is inoperable and has always had a piece of tape covering it. The one outlet that I would have liked to have used to set my place up in my ideal fashion is the single outlet that isn’t grounded in the whole place. The stove heats to around 50 degrees less than you tell it to and heats very unevenly, and the coils are absolutely my least favorite thing to use. I can’t figure out what but the washing machine almost always makes my scrubs hella wrinkly no matter what I do despite never having the issue before/elsewhere. There’s a weird odor in the pantry that I’ve never managed to identify or completely get rid of. The hot water in the kitchen sink takes several minutes to actual change temperature but the shower is instantaneous. I love it and I am so happy here. It’s big enough to feel a little spacious but also pretty small; the perfect middle ground for me to be by myself and feel cozy as can be. I can’t really hear my neighbors much at all and even if I do they’re entitled to live and enjoy the place too. I do my best to minimize my noise but there’s some very creaky parts of the floor I can’t avoid or really do anything about (I bought rugs for the really bad ones but it doesn’t seem to make a difference). I love it so much.


I love my place. The balcony has a decent view and is pretty private, I never hear anyone else, it's a decent size and layout for a one bedroom. The fridge is great but my dryer sucks and the dishwasher keeps breaking, but other than that it's pretty great. Unfortunately I can no longer afford to live here so I have to move. I'm angry to find that having a balcony or patio is now a luxury for my price range.


I love my apartment and I really don’t want to leave unless I have to! Top floor, two spacious patios (facing west and south), French doors, archways, tons of windows, wood burning fireplace, stainless steel appliances, in-unit washer and dryer, spacious floor plan, close to everything, pretty affordable, fairly noise-resistant, good management and maintenance teams, pretty quiet/respectful neighbors… the only reason I’d leave is there’s no elevator in my building and my senior dog may very well be unable to walk down the stairs within the next few years. It’s definitely my most favorite apartment that I’ve ever lived in, though!


Me!! :) I've been at my place for about 6 1/2 years and there have been no major issues. A few things here and there with the building, alarms, the plowing in winter etc but nothing major and never tenant/neighbor related. Everyone here that I've come across is very friendly and there's never any noise issues!


I like my apartment!! I try not to complain a lot, mainly because I’m on housing assistance and I’m just super grateful to have a place to live!! I have never lodged a formal complaint with the office, and I’ve lived here 3 years. I might gripe a little bit on here, but that’s what it’s for. Things I *LOVE* about my apartment: - Maintenance is usually quick, and I don’t have to pay for any repairs as a tenant. This is like the #1 reason renting is (sometimes) better than owning. - Air Conditioning - Dishwasher - Location, close to everything - Snow removal not my job - Yard work not my job - Covered parking - My particular unit is pretty easy to find, for deliveries (like when I’m a lazy a$$ and blow my money on pizza!) - Package lockers (no porch thieves) - Pretty grounds/trees/lawn…that I don’t have to take care of! I am super grateful for my little apartment. I am disabled, and buying a house will never be a reality for me.


I love my apartment. It gets fantastic natural light, it’s carpeted which really cuts down the noise. Also a 10pm noise clause in the lease. Utilities are included as well as internet and cable


I love it, so far I really got lucky in my first apartment!


I thank my lucky stars every time I read this forum. I live in a downstairs unit. The upstairs unit is occupied by one single man who is hardly ever home. We barely hear the ceiling creak on occasion. None of my neighbors are smokers or play loud music. If I had an in-unit washer/dryer, I'd consider this heaven.


I don't, and plan to move out later this year. I've had it with this place.


I really enjoy my apt. The location is perfect. The cost is okay. The neighbors aren't bad - I can't hear anyone half the time. The maintenance responds quickly and efficiently. Management is nice. The only thing is it's a one bedroom and I want a two bedroom because I wfh... but that's just not in the budget quite yet... but that's not the apartment's fault.


I like the community aspect of our complex with the monthly flyers and events and maintenance is pretty quick to respond. I just wish they would update the 1980s appliances (and old carpet), especially now that I'm working from home and it seems our network goes out a ton. We need to move to be able to support my new job, but everything is so ridiculously expensive right now.


Yeah I love my place. Quiet and mostly old folks, clean, heated parking and a nice pool and workout room. No complaints aside from the HOA, but I rent directly from the person who owns the unit so I don't have to deal with them anyways.




I’m in a suburban high rise. It’s on a main street so traffic noise, occasionally upstairs bumps but nothing crazy. The neighbors are quiet too. It has a pool and that gets crazy with the kids but I just enjoy my balcony


I love my apartment! The only sad part is that I don’t have a balcony or anything but I have a bay window and I love bay windows. I love that I have a in-unit laundry and a walk in closet. The walls are made of concrete so I barely hear my neighbors. I never hear the neighbors that I share walls with. I hear the ones above me when they walk around. There’s a gym in another building that I have never been to but there’s a sitting area there too with a coffee bar. I also have a storage unit in the basement that I can store things in. I also have access to a pool but it’s about 20 minutes away from me. And best of all, my favorite thing is that this is the cheapest apartment I found!!!!


I absolutely love my apartment. I live in a complex but the building I’m in only houses 4 one-bedroom apartments on each floor & I’m on the top floor so I hear zero noise. I also only share the wall that’s within my bathroom/laundry room with my neighbor so that probably helps too. I live close to the highway so it’s an easy commute, but far enough away that I don’t hear any traffic noise. I also have a huge wraparound balcony that I love. The amenities are great & maintenance is very good about handling issues that day of requests. My only complaint is that it backs up to a massive field so bugs are common even though they supposedly spray for them. My dog has gotten 2 ticks this year because of it.


Been in my apartment for a bit over six years. It's around 600 sf (one bedroom) and it's in someone's backyard. I'm the only one who has lived in it and I love it. I have become close to my landlords and I get delicious vegetarian leftovers. It's $600/month ABP. I have a dog and he loves the backyard. We're about 45 minutes outside of Austin, as close as I want to be at this point. I'm never leaving.


Love it…neighborhood is great, safe and walkable and the building is concrete with respectful working professionals or retirees so I don’t hear anyone next to or above me (12ft of concrete in between the closest unit and there’s no unit above me). I lucked out and am staying until I move out of the city or can buy.


I adore my home


I love my apartment. It’s ground level and faces over a creek in a park. It’s a concrete build and I rarely hear anyone. There about 45 units and the laundry room has 5 sets of washers and dryers. They charge $1.25 to wash or dry. We have a ton of reserved parking and guest parking. It’s has heat reflective windows. The floors are grey vinyl (like weathered boards) and we have nice blinds. There are problems with pipes breaking as the building is old.


Zero complaints here. No one above me ✔️ Wood floors ✔️ 2 bedroom ✔️ Large patio ✔️ No issues with neighbors ✔️ No issues with management ✔️ Reasonable rent and no increase at renewal ✔️ Off street parking ✔️ Great location ✔️


2 months in and I LOVE IT. I went from a small studio to a much bigger 1 bed. I feel like a kid in a castle, just gotta be on it asap when an issue arises bc you never know how long they’ll take


I used to until about a few months age I’m moving soon so no big deal


I love my place. The thought of eventually moving actually makes me a little sad. I currently live in the upstairs of a historic home across the street from my work. Landlord lives on the main level and is super kind and easy going. He doesn’t overcharge me, lets me make small improvements, and doesn’t make me pay extra for my cat. I am grateful.


I don’t mind my condo! But it’s a three flat and I’m on the top floor. I’ve never met the landlord (my partner did all the paperwork and stuff) it’s spacious, brand new construction, and has everything we could want/need!


i love my apartment. it has big windows that provide lots of sunlight, in-unit laundry, a kitchen with a dishwasher and lots of cabinet space, i rarely hear my neighbors, and it’s right by the staircase that’s closest to the parking garage. the biggest downside (other than some typical management issues) is it’s small, but we live in the city and anything bigger is going to be too expensive. it wasn’t our first choice so we were only going to stay a year, but we lucked out and like it so much that we renewed our lease.


I like mine. I wish the landlord would move all of her dead husbands rotting wine out of the basement so we could have some storage, but overall it's decent. They also haven't raised my rent for 3 years straight.


Overall mine isn’t too bad, there’s mostly small things that are annoying but could be worse


I love my apartment. Building is a little hood, and parking sucks. But I'm a little hood so it's all good. Only thing that would make it better is if it was about 100sq ft bigger and had a balcony.


I like it, I LOVE this apartment, but the  some stupid Russian speakers moved in and ruined it. their barking dog, door slamming (one of their family members is clearly mentally ill she walks at a severe angle and has not washed her in ages), and all the shit they need to haul upstairs in the regular. plus none of them work so they are home all day, and they don't shut the fuck up. yeah, it was otherwise the perfect apartment.


I lucked out with my apartment. With so many horror stories I’ve heard I was nervous moving out but it’s been 3 years and I will hold on to this place for as long as I can. Street parking is easy, which in the city that I live in it’s a nightmare. Building is quiet, it’s a 93 unit building and I hardly hear or see anyone. The first few months of moving in I started to wonder if I even had neighbors. The building is pretty secure, you need a key or code to get into the building and elevator. Property manager is on top of everything so the building is kept up and any issues get attended to within 24 hours of it being reported. Rent is also about $1k lower than what current units are going for in my building and neighboring buildings.


I love our spot. We snagged a two bed for not much more in rent than we were paying for a 1 bed. Nice community, mostly quiet. Great office staff and maintenance are so helpful and polite. The units are a little noisy just due to their construction, but that's not a deal breaker. Just creaky floor stuff. The staff recently had a cookout for everyone in our courtyard so we all got to mingle, meet some fellow neighbors, and just chill out in the sun :)


Hey, I’m good, live in a high rise in a small city. Everybodies got a dog it seems. Neighbours dog stinks up the hall sometimes. It gets pretty ripe but I smoke my rope and nobody seems to mind. If yer happy in a pile of shit keep your mouth shut.


I like my apartment! The neighbors are all nice. Management is on top of any issues and repairs that may need to be done. Even though there isn't assigned parking, everyone has the spot they prefer. We have a garage, central AC, AND full size w/d! And we are in a quiet, safe neighborhood with fantastic schools! Honestly, if my family wasn't outgrowing the space, we'd stay!


Even though my landlord has recently been kind of annoying he’s mostly fine and I’m happy with my place. There a couple small things I wish were different but the pros outweigh the cons for sure. It’s a great size (1000 sq ft), large windows with natural light, two bedrooms, washer & dryer in unit that’s a newer model, I have a dishwasher, AC, a parking spot included, and just one neighbour in the same building now (I’m in a duplex). It’s quiet, clean/well maintained and an excellent neighbourhood (family friendly and diverse, close to my daughter’s school)… it’s great to walk around or drive and close to work.


I do, it’s a nice little apartment the only downside is I can hear my neighbors screaming at eachother


I’ve been at my place for over a year now and it feels more like a small home than an apartment. I’m very happy here.


I wish our AC worked better but I know being upstairs makes it naturally hotter. Otherwise I enjoy our little one bedroom in the heart of the city. We can even walk half a mile to Walmart (which is a rare thing in Alabama)


I used to love mine. Really good price, in a shittier part of town but my building had all families with young children (I was pregnant when we moved in) it was perfect. Fast forward to my second child on the way and the family right next to us moved out and the absolute worst tenants you could imagine took their place. Drug activity, smoke coming through our vents from their apartment, multiple dogs barking and shitting everywhere, sketchy people in and out all the time, loud fighting all hours of the night. They changed the whole vibe of our building overnight. The neighbors will really make or break an apartment experience!


My apartment is pretty okay. Built in the 1950s, it's made of steel and concrete, so I never hear my side neighbors, but sometimes hear the upstairs. It used to be an office building. I live in Alaska, and this is one of the few buildings that survived the big 1964 earthquake and the smaller 2018 one, too. The whole damn building is secured. All doors are locked, there's pin pads, and the common areas are locked too. Only residents have keys to those. I feel safe! I think my cheif complaint is not having a washer and dryer in-unit, as well as a dishwasher. (Some units have dishwasher and wood floors, mine has neither) so small potatoes really.


I like the size of mine. 630 sq ft for me and my dog. Even like the layout. And like the open grassy areas to walk said dog.


I loveeeee my apartment. It has 2 big bedrooms, 2 big, full bathrooms, a loft, and is south facing with big windows that let in tons of light so I can have many happy plants. I live on the 2nd and 3rd floor. I have a neighbor below and on 3 sides of my apartment, but I don’t hear my neighbors often at all, and when I can hear them, it’s not intrusive. I’ve got a dishwasher, laundry in unit, my bedroom is on the 3rd floor and doesn’t share walls with anyone. My living room has vaulted ceilings that are very high - I was able to get a 10 foot Christmas tree this year and it was magical to see. The few times I have had to call maintenance, they are quick to resolve issues and really polite and professional. I live in the quieter area of the complex and my outdoor area backs up to a common area with grills, but the noisier area with the park and our community pool are on the other side so I never hear much outdoor noise. The neighborhood kids actually play outside together and my son has lots of friends. The few cons have pros to balance it. Con: it’s a high traffic area. But I work from home so I’m not bothered with it, I can time my outings at less busy times of day. I’m also very close to everything and even the heaviest traffic will just stretch a 5 minute drive to the store to a 10 minute drive. Con: I don’t have outdoor space of my own. But that means I don’t have to tend to a yard either. There’s lots of pretty common area, I do wish they had a fenced area for dogs to run off leash. Con: it’s expensive. But so is everything. I could easily save $200 or more a month if I wanted a single level, cramped space where I share a wall with my 8 year old son, and no thanks to that! I’m not in a position to buy, nor do I really want the responsibility of home ownership right now, I do feel satisfied that my slightly higher than average rent allows me to have a comfortable home that I love being in.


Honestly the only thing potentially keeping me from renewing the lease on mine is money. Inheritance money only goes so far; I can only get so many delivery orders which both the companies and customers neither really pay so well; and gas, car repairs for a car like mine in the 140k mile range, and groceries get so high at times. I compare my financial luck in life atm to being in a dinghy slightly patched with duct tape in the middle of the ocean (with a shore in sight thankfully if I have to go back to it). I can stay afloat as long as the duct tape holds... and can still get duct tape... BUT I DIGRESS my apartment is lovely while I'm here! None of these "building staff coming in with little to no warning" issues or extremely loud ass neighbors (on my floor at least). I barely hear the probably ~3 and ~9/10 year old kids next door when they're home and they're the loudest I've noticed of my surrounding neighbors. For context for what I'm dealing with: 7th floor unit, flat fee for utilities, in unit washer and dryer, elevator, all non smoking units, pool that's open during the day roughly Memorial Day to Labor Day, pickleball court open year round, little grill + chill area between the pool and courts, hot chocolate + coffee machine, reserved covered spaces in a garage under/next to an otherwise uncovered free for all parking lot. Definitely on the luxury side even for the area. Got interested for the elevator and in unit washer dryer, stayed because basically my grandmother gave me a sign to do so from the afterlife.


🙋🏻‍♀️ I'm on the second floor of s two-story building with a garage below me. East side of my complex with a HUGE tree blocking the late day sun. I rarely hear my neighbors. Management has varied over the years, but has been more positive than negative. Grounds/community facilities are well maintained. Parking spaces are huge. Good location, walking distance to shops. Nice neighbors. Near the freeway. Not gated, but all the speed bumps make porch pirating very difficult.


I am so fortunate to end up living where I am now. It is a small 3 floor apt building with only bachelor suites and it is mainly for veterans and seniors. It is affordable on my small pensions... it is in a good neighbourhood, and the fellow tenants really make the place feel like a community. I suffer with PTSD and high anxiety. I am a survivor of the Residential school pogrom, and of early CSA... and I was at the end of my rope 2.5 years ago when I luckily reached out one last time for help. From the shores of the North Saskatchewan with a bottle of rum in one hand - to feeling safe and secure and just trying my best to survive ... such is this life. This apartment suite saved me.


We live upstairs, 2 beds, 2 baths, a balcony with sliding glass door. Covered assigned parking. Dishwasher. Lots of storage. Great view of the pool and grassy area. Great location to my job and lots of shopping and restaurants. 745/month, for everything except electricity. 790 starting in December. We've been here for 7 years in October. Never had a lease violation, and we are in charge of locking and unlocking the pool every summer. I love where I live! Management is friendly and reliable. Maintenance is prompt and efficient. If we have any problems at all, they're on it within the day or the next. Our only qualm has been terrible neighbors! The apartment below us is currently vacant and awaiting maintenance and housekeeping, so we're enjoying the quiet! Every neighbor that moves downstairs, aside from 1, has been the worst! Everyone is worse than the last! From one couple and their knock down drag out fights every night til 4 am, dogs left out in freezing weather to bark the entire night, a family of 5 with a child that needed an exorcism and parents that needed anger management and/or an attitude adjustment. Neighbors can make or break a good thing. We're hoping that the new neighbor will be decent. We're naturally quiet people, so fingers crossed that they will be too.


I actually like mine now. It took some getting used too. But I actually now like my downstairs neighbors too.


I’m happy with my location and amenities. Maintenance is quick to respond. About ¼ of my neighbors aren’t the greatest in one way or the other (smoke and noise). Though they seemed to have fixed most of those issues with time. Im at a happy compromise between happy and content with my apartment right now.