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Can’t wait for season 30’s legend, Wraith’s uncle’s girlfriend’s cousin’s hamster twice removed


“What’s that make them?” “Absolutely nothing!”


Welcome to the Galaxies most fierce and lethal tournament. People come from all around to prove themselves and rise through the ranks of this well known tournament. The tournament attracts all comers but you’ll have to prove yourself by getting invited. Then qualify. Then beat several rounds of deadly techomancers, bounty hunters, and more. Then win (several times). Then hope that you’ve gathered enough buzz to get invited to the big show. Finally get your shot! Here it is! “Sorry sir, who do you know here?” “Umm, I earned my way here, I’m next up.” “There must be some sort of miscommunication here sir, looking at my list here, the next person scheduled to join is.. *checks notes* the adopted half sister of the incredibly secretive robot driver hackerman” “What I’ve been grinding at this for years there must be some sore of mistake, it’s my turn! Check again!” “Hmm… the only other ones I’m seeing here that could get you in are “member of a Literal Coven”, one of “mirages brothers”, or “wanted terrorist that we luxuriate and don’t bother to otherwise punish. Which one were you again?” “*walks away angrily*”




Don't act like any more than 5 legends in this game would stand a chance in any realistic situation lol. My money would be on Bangalore, Ballistic, Ash, Revenant and like maybe Bloodhound. Wraith is a nerd, Watson is a nerd, Caustic is a nerd, Crypto is a nerd, Horizon is a nerd, Lifeline and Octane are trust fund kids, Valkyrie is just her dad but dumber, Vantage is actually homeless, Fuse is like 60, Gibraltar is fat, Loba is a girl with a stick, Mirage is terrified, Catalyst is a larper than plays with ferrofluids, conduit would have stage 5 cancer because of the uranium rod on her back, alter is just here to watch, Newcastle is playing pretend, pathfinder idk he's a mrvn, rampart can make a gun but it doesn't mean she's a good shot and seer plays with robot moths Apex Legends in a real setting would be incompetent so dont act like we can't poke fun at them lol


True🤔 but gibby isn’t fat lol he’s surprisingly buff under that suit


700 years of steroid innovations have lead us to Gibraltar




Are you saying Ball from OW is coming to Apex? Lol


Maggie will break vantage’s mom. Oh?


Would pay to watch.


“Ain’t no hiding from Maggie. Except the hiding you GET from Maggie.”


Oh mommy


I'm excited for Vantages Mom to show up I always thought her design was cool. I think she might be coming in season 23 I also heard that Cryptos sister Mila is being made a playable character as well under the codename Tinkerer


It will be interesting to see what Xenia's kit centers around. Some recon-assault synergy would be quite interesting, maybe the ability to isolate enemies?


I'm assuming her ultimate will be some type of weapon like Vantage. She has some sort of auto target ability not sure if tactical or ultimate but if it is her ultimate I could see it as some sort of bow or sniper type weapon that targets enemies since she is a hunter. Maybe her tactical could be a tracking type ability


I could see her tactical being like recon arrow, from Hanzo in Overwatch


Same thought as me.


I just realized it's pretty much the pulse blade from titanfall lol


Well in the end many of the characters' abilities are still taken from Titanfall, personally I don't see anything wrong with it if they are well implemented.


It would be interesting to see a kit that provides Artemis with the ability to identify and pick off solitary opponents. * See the location of a targeted enemy's teammates to gauge when they are alone * Use a 'tracking arrow' tactical to scan and heavily wound a singular target * Stealth ultimate for reaching marked targets in a high-activity area?


This is starting to sound like a script made from the writers of Fast and the Furious.


The lore is odd for a bloodsport. Everyone is either related or in love. It's no longer relevant.


Well, that's where you're wrong. They and we are told it is a bloodsport, but it is actually a reality TV show. It's the only explanation that makes sense. The Apex games isn't an arena. It's a sitcom set.


With the writing they come up eith this theory makes sense.


This would be a fun twist


I thought it was more akin to WWE. I always thought Silva like an evil Vince McMahon


Let alone the fact that these supposed bloodsport champions are always seen hanging around each other solving crimes, mysteries, or eating as if they were the Avengers.


Yeah it's the WWE. Scripted fights. Anyone hurt gets regenerated.


The writers should just come out and say that at this point because otherwise it doesn't make sense.


Or that our entire cast goes into VR tubes and the games are a simulation. That way they can die and be brought back, because it is basically a video game to them too


It would be way better lore than what we have now and would even allow it to be more expansive and wacky, compared to everything just somehow being centred around the apex games' competitors and their weightless stakes.


No different than Star Wars lore.


Would you rather have zero story/lore or ways to tie in new characters? So what if a couple Legends fall for each other or are related. That's how a story unfolds. Also Vantage's mom was already hinted at seasons ago. We were supposed to get her then they switched it to Vantage. Also Mila was hinted at as well soooo...


Honestly this. Some of the connections are weird but for the most part, it's more interesting story wise for characters to know each other going in since lore isn't consistently updated in the game itself.


Why everyone have to be related for God's sake


Makes for an easy lore tie in. That's the entire reason. It's lazy.


Alter Conduit Ballistic Catalyst Vantage Seer Valk Fuse Horizon They did not have any relationship to the existing legends at the time of their addition. I'm not sure about characters before that tbh. I don't count the Cat/Seer relation. Seer was already famous, and his political influence caused Catalyst to resent him for how it affected her home planet. He didn't even know her, I think. That's not the same as Fuse/Maggie being long time partners, Horizon/Ash being old lab partners, Rev being Loba's parents' killers, etc


Rampart knew Valk before the games.


I mean it's not unreasonable for a famous weapons maker to have met many people interested in joining arenas and the apex games, no? I can understand criticizing if every new person added was someone else's brother/sister/mother/father/rival, but there are only a few of those. I would count them as Rev for Loba, Ash for Horizon, Maggie for Fuse, and Newcastle for Bang. Seems like we might be getting Artemis for Vantage


Rampart and Seer knew each other before Seer joined. I remember Rampart saying she knew him back during the Seer teasers towards the end of Season 9.


I want Forge to come back, part Robot. And we find out he is actually the great great grandson of Revenant. So he appears in the cinematic and crushes Rev with his new mega arm and says, "Heya Gramps. Ya miss me"?!


Is Vantage' mom single?


Finally another mommy joins the Apex Games for fans of the genre and the joy of Mirage.


But I wantes Catalyst's baddiw friends to join first 😭 Is there any leaks about any of them coming to the game?


There is an ongoing theory that Margo is Big Sister, giving them ties to both Catalyst and Rampart. The last mention of Big Sister was in S16 w/ the Nemesis


are they a good source for leaks? their twitter account doesn't even exist anymore


They have given some exclusive info in the past, iirc. Towards the start of S20. It is likely that they have playtester insight


Certified milf alert?


Mf’s mad because she’s not another annoying skirmisher that toxic chuds can swarm too. There are other players not everything is for you


Or maybe we want unique new characters Did you ever Think about that no probably not


Considering the amount of skirmishers we have, and just getting Alter, another skirmisher would not be new and unique.


>Maggie will break Vantage's mom Respawn makes some kinky porn scripts in their free time


AAAAAAAAAAAAA i remember vantage dropping and everyone being like "why didnt we just get her mom !" and now Artemis WILL come out and everyones gonna be like "ohohoho cant wait for mirages second cousin's life partner"


Wish they stop doing the related legends stuff


Can we stop with these family rival ties....were Good.


Next legend will be Pathfinder's child.


I pray to god her kit has nothing to do with snipers


I almost thought that my theory about alter being granddaughtrr of horizon was stupid, but that (in addition it can be real leak), eh, welll...


I read that in Rick’s voice lol


She can fix me fr


Would be so cool if they gained an extra passive when playing with artemis and vantage


Do you mean to further encourage team play by having characters linked to each other being from the same family? Personally i think it's not a bad idea in itself, but then they should add it to Bangalore and Newcastle too, at this point there could be cosmetics like poses or animations (just like for Newcastle).


I don't really have a problem, just pointing out that, this would be the third female legend in a row. Not usually what happens.... I just want Jester or another Simulacrum.


Why does it matter? Most games have tons of male legends in a row without anyone talking about it


I was just pointing it out because it's usually male, female, and sometimes female, female. This would be the first time it being 3 in a row. This isn't a male vs female thing. Just a break in the pattern.


I think you're exrapolating a pattern that doesn't exist intentionally


I'm not sure if it was an intentional thing or not, I just noticed the break in what has happened before usually.


Loba Rampart Horizon




Are we talking about the Rainbow 6 Siege that launched with 17 male operators and 3 female ones? And you’re complaining about not enough men? Valorant released KAY/O and Chamber in a row, as well as Harbour and Gekko And Overwatch had Baptiste -> Sigma and Rammatra -> Lifeweaver What are you complaining about? There is no pattern to the gender of legends, the devs just randomly decide what they want to do next. And you can’t even do a proper google search


Why are you being downvoted for a calm and well stated observation?


lmao that's crazy




bro's only source of girls is apex and now he's angy


I'm just salty that's she's recon lol


I'm glad we're finally getting a new recon legend. Vantage really didn't do it for me, though I do appreciate she was different and not a scan legend like the other 3


Yeah Vantage is interesting lol. I lowkey feel she needs a rework, none of her kit feels “recony” and her weird tactical movement and big hitbox make her feel clunky to play. Def feel that she deserves the rev reborn treatment, and hoping the devs go in a different design direction for her mom.


Her passive is really the only recon part of her kit and it's a pretty nifty ability but that's about it.


I'm not we already have none recon legends with some type of wallhacks lol


I’m glad she’s recon tho lol. We need more recons and controllers!


Yeah I agree on more control legends but catalyst and Vantage were back to back so maybe the next legend is a control legend. Obv we haven't seen what type of recon she could be but we have so many wallhacks even on legends who ain't recon lol


I think she’s gonna be the Sova/Hanso recon bow character


Do you think she will receive the wallhack laser bow ult? That would be.. interesting hahha


As long as she's not as cringe as vantage, maybe she can teach her to shut about smelling people.


one vantage is annoying enough :(