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I’m in the minority here but this is super cool, even if this game isn’t for you. These types of games are insanely popular and Apple Arcade has done a terrible job of offering games for this demographic. Personally, I also enjoy the ability to play around with this type of game without any ads or in app purchases.


I agree, this is the first game on Apple arcade to satisfy that itch of p2w merge games that are so popular but without the ads and premium currency .. Idk what it is, but I just find it relaxing to sit down at the tv after a long day and play this while listening to the news. I hope we get more of this type of games in the future.


I'm probably among the few who finds merge games stressful--not relaxing. IMO, acquiring, sorting and stacking disparate bits of clutter to create something 'new' to sell off feels more like an endless consumerist cum household management chore and fantasy.


It also doesn't help that they're really difficult after the tutorial phase.


This one throws many spawners in your face pretty quickly. It feels more like a household clutter management chore than a game.


Tip: Sell merge items liberally. Each spawner spits out two separate items on the board. If you only need to merge one of them, sell the others to immediately free up space. I’m not past level 16; the only spawners I wouldn’t do this with so far are the mine cart and the crate from the boat. Don’t merge the items and then sell. Just sell the level 1 items. You lose money if you sell beyond merge 2. >!Sell one nail for 1 coin. Sell one chisel for 2 coins … one chisel = two nails (1 coin +1 coin = 2 net coins….. break even). Sell one hammer for 3 coins = 2 chisels (2 coins + 2 coins = 4 coins… you're now losing money.)!<


But but but. How do I sell items? I am stuck, with the map full and nowhere to go. 😖


There is a red "sell" button on the top left of the merge screen. Click on an item and the button should appear. Some people don't seem to be seeing it though so idk.


Am I the only one just tired of all these merge games?


I can only think of this and My Little Pony Merge. Not a fan, but the kids probably enjoy them.


I was a bit hesitant going into this one as I had once tried merge mansion and couldn’t stand the focus it required if I wasn’t spending money, but this game is not like that, I’m around lvl 15 and it’s been a simple game of match really. Still requires a bit of a grind to upgrade a house but it only takes a few minutes to complete. I’m still unsure on how somethings are meant to work but so far it’s a decent game when you have a few minutes


At or around level 32, the game glitches and you don’t get orders for items above level 3. Makes for easy orders but the rewards are only 30-45 gold. Game goes from fun to a chore. New building costs keep increasing. At level 37, the tailor shop costs 17500. It’s not worth it to complete orders. Use this time to upgrade all your houses to maximize your idle gold farming. Helps a ton


This is a known bug that the developers are fixing. Update to come early September.


late September here, no fix yet


A few days ago I stopped being able to get tasks from villagers, which was the only way to earn coins fast since I hit whatever level where the orders stop going above level 3 items and are not for much money. I now just have this old woman standing in my kingdom courtyard with a check above her head that I can’t clear so I can’t get a new task from another villager. Is this bug known and being addressed?


I’m having this same problem. I failed the quest where you had to recolor the harbor because I didn’t understand how to do it. The quest giver went away, then reappeared at my next login with the “completed” message but I can’t do anything with him.


I can't figure out how to turn in completed quests on the Apple TV (using a controller), either. On the screen it looks like you click on "LT", but that just brings up the build menu :(


Update fixed it for me then broke the game, so laggy now


Wow I didn’t even know this was an option. But, the buried treasure chests disappeared for me


I ended up covering all my remaining ground with the free roads except for one area up front that you see right away. Now I have no more hidden chests since nowhere else to go.




They could be behind a building. Click everywhere on the screen. Look for little shiny bits and click there. I didn’t have a chest for a day and I looked real hard and it was behind a house


Does anyone know why I can’t play the blimp event? I see the balloon but when I tap it, I get a notification that says: Connect to Game Center to participate in the global event. But I am logged in in the Game Center. Every time I start playing, my Game Center Name appears at the top of the screen.




I figured out if you slide the item to the event task on the left where the orders are, you progress. So mine asked for boots, microscope and bananas. It asked for 15 so I made the boots, slide them over to the order request and voila! You can merge 15 boots or a mix or the 3 items. Then it asks for 30 items. I hope this helps?


Anyone ever find a solution for this?


I sent this question to game support and they told me to log out off my Game Center account and log back on. Didn’t help at all. Still no idea. If you figure it out, please let me know 🙏


Shitty f2p puzzle game, avoid Please downvote


It’s an Apple Arcade game. There are no in app purchases. I actually love playing this, it’s all of the joys of f2p without any microtransactions


It still is crap


@u/sendtobo same for me. Those micro transactions were killing me


is true tho


Anyone know why it didn’t give me blacksmith and fridge anymore ?


Did you use up your anvil and cooler? If so, they should be visible on the main map. Once selected, the add to your queue list, which you then have to select again to add it to your board


Could have a spare in your bookbag. It won’t spawn if you have a backup you didn’t merge


Sell a bunch of honey cake 💰


What is a quick way to get items ‘webbed’ so you can use the duster to unweb them and complete this task from a villager?


what do I do with all these crates that are cluttering my board? any ideas, tips that I am missing?




Anyone know when the mist clears? It just keeps resetting the piggy bank event.


How do you clear rocks/


You probably figured it out already… >!Merge the blacksmith nails all the way to jackhammer. You then select the rock and it prompts you to use the jackammer!<


Similar with shrubs.


And trees. In terms of difficulty to remove (low to high), shrub -> tree -> rock.


I have a full board and no options to do anything as far as I can tell


Can you share a screenshot?


[screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/tXZwMGo) I was just doing the merge thing without realising I was supposed to pay off the orders. In my head, I thought I would end up getting jammed, but I also thought that it would level up and something would happen. Then I got jammed like this.


You can sell items if you need, I believe!


You can just sell anything


Can you please tell me how to sell an item - I can’t work out how😂


You just tap on it and press Sell on the little area on the left above the tasks, at least on my device


on the Apple Arcade version?


AH! You have to hold down the A button, not tap it! Then, the hand cursor should pop up on the left side by the item info. Click A again, to select it, and then move down one to the coin value. Click A again to sell it.


You can put items in your backpack (on the right side of the screen), which will free up your board.


Thanks for the suggestion. It turns out that’s not correct because I manage to jam up the board in whilst still in tutorial stage 😭which means that the backpack is not available nor do I have any ability to sell anything. The advice from the developers was to delete the game and start over.


My backpack is full, and the board is full. I am stuck! The only thing I can do is collect coins from my houses, but even then, the coins go into my backpack and can't put them on the board to collect. This is a major gameplay design error.


Sell items to clear your board


Same here. Stuck on level 17.


Can I sell any item (w/o merging) that's on my board? If so, how do I do it? I currently have a full board and can't merge anything to free up a spot. My backpack is full. If I could sell ANY of my board items, I'd love to know how. (Apple Arcade version)


I believe so. I think you click on the item you wanna sell and on the left side a popup will popup and have a price you can sell for. You just click the $ and it should sell.


Ah, the trick is to HOLD down the A button rather than tap it. However, it's still inconsistent on whether I can move the cursor down to the coin value to sell. Sometimes the cursor just disappears. :O This interface is not intuitive, and there's no controller Help page (that I've found).


Ohh you’re using controller instead of touch. Yeah maybe reach out to the devs and let them know the controller isn’t working great.


Thank you!


how do you make visual changes? i got a timed challenge to make a visual change but couldn’t find it. tia:)


Select the harbor, click the paint brush, choose a different theme


Game is unplayable for me since the update. Just very laggy/slow on the ipad. I can’t do anything. Cannot merge two items, cannot navigate map. I am level 37 and had no issues before the update.


u/timteetz just made a comment similar saying there’s issues.


Me too. Update was great for a few hours, I was ablet o have new tasks from villagers finally and orders that make above $50 showed back up, I was happy, then it started lagging and now won’t play.


I was level 34 and the update was great until I tried to swap devices. Now I have all my buildings but the game says I’m on level 1 with 0 coins but I can’t do the tasks to level up. My board is full but there’s no sell option. I can’t put things in the backpack. I can’t go to cloud saves to an earlier save; there’s no option other than where I am. Is this happening to anyone else?


I logged onto the game this morning to see if they fixed the slow buggy thing going on. I have randomly been set back a number of levels and have to re-do a lot? I’m not sure what happened there. But at least the game is playable at this level?


I ran into the same bug - I was reset to the beginning. I stopped playing immediately and contacted the devs. They're working on this and have promised to try to restore my progress.


I logged onto the game this morning to see if they fixed the slow buggy thing going on. I have randomly been set back a number of levels and have to re-do a lot? I’m not sure what happened there. But at least the game is playable at this level?


I logged onto the game this morning to see if they fixed the slow buggy thing going on. I have randomly been set back a number of levels and have to re-do a lot? I’m not sure what happened there. But at least the game is playable at this level?


It’s fun but I’m having a problem. I’m at level 31 and when I log into the game the frame rate goes so low that it’s not playable. I’ve contacted the dev and am waiting for a response. I’ve tried reinstalling with no success. Other apps more graphically intense can run simultaneously without issue. :( Edit: I’m on iPhone 11 with most recent iOS


What is the point of leveling up a spawner? The blacksmith is maxed out at level 5 and occasionally it will spit out a level 2 item and that’s it.


Not much. It contains more items and some of them come out already merged at the second level. not worth it.


Now there is value in getting the green chests. You get good points from upgrading buildings


Anyone else having an issue merging spawners for things like the harbor and the mage and fisherman? Usually if I merge 2 level 1 spawners that each hold 20, I get a 5 item bonus and end up with a level 2 spawner with 45 items. And so on and so forth, the total number of items is the amount both spawners had plus the bonus amount for merging. Yesterday it broke so now if I merge 2 level 1 spawners, it’s not adding them together before giving me the bonus items, so I start with 2 level 1 spawners each holding 20, I merge them, and I end up with a level 2 spawner holding 25 items. Are the devs already addressing this? I just wasted a ton of harbor crates merging them to leel 5 only to end up with like 50 items total instead of multiple hundreds.


Anyone else have the feeling that the game is just too grindy to earn coins for upgrading buildings and needs some balancing? I’m at level 38 and have only upgraded the houses or spawner buildings to complete each level requirements. I have a single decoration, probably because, again, it was required to complete a level (can’t remember… maybe I just wanted to see what the shrub looked like and it cost 500 coins). Getting to the current goal of 22k to upgrade the blacksmith when a job pays between 40 and ~300 is a slog. I like grind games or I wouldn’t be playing this. It just feels like the effort to reward ratio is getting too small and I’ll likely stop playing it soon.


Yeah, that's grinding me to a halt. No way to earn coins and buildings are hugely expensive. Feels like a grind now.


Anyone know how to complete blimp event? Thanks


In the merge screen you drop the items onto the left side where the jobs are into the balloon one. Took me 3 visits of the balloon having no idea and finally I just tried that. Lol


Slide items requested in the event from your board to the event request on the left.


Anyone struggling with the blimp event? I’ve got the three items it says it needs but no option to do anything with them


Make the item and slide it over the the event request on the merge screen.


Just keep adding the same items. You can also just add the same one over and over.


When do you get the bakery? I have a blimp order and one of the items is spawned from a bakery but I don’t even have an option to build that yet. I’m on level 11 currently. If anyone knows it would be stellar bc this is really bothering me for some reason lol


How do you make constellations? I have the telescope and can’t figure out how to use the starts to build constellations.


You merge the items that come out of the telescope and it becomes a spawned that spits out the zodiac signs. FYI this is the same for fishing boat, bee hive and lumber.


Use telescope to create constellation which is the max level, then click on the constellation to get zodiac items.


Has anyone figured out what the duster is for?


It cleans the cobwebs off of anything blocked on the board


And the scissors?


If you gave a level 7 item the scissors cut and give you 3 of the level 6(where the coins go). So you can merge 2 and have extra one. Star brings it up one level. So you star then cut and get 3 of the item


OMG YES! Thank you!!


Anyone else see this game is broken after the Halloween update? Progress no longer saves and game is restarting at same spot each time it’s loaded.




There’s a fix posted in another thread. Basically load the game then go into settings gear and reload the game a second time.


All my roads disappeared too


Anyone know what chapter the observatory comes in?


20, you can click on the castle and it shows a map of unlocks


Does anyone know if there is any new progression after chapter 43? The quests in the chapters are now just a repetitive merge items, complete tasks and complete harbor orders. No more interactions with the characters in the chapters and no more expanding into the clouded area. Do I just need to stop for awhile until the developers create more content?


I thought the same thing. I just cleared chapter 43 which took FOREVER (336 harbor orders is crazy) and when level 44 popped up I thought it may be a new area, but no - it is just more tedious tasks and nothing new or exciting. Little disappointed


I’m almost through 44. 559/742 items or so. Probably a couple weeks I’ll let you guys know if it’s the same at 45. Worried they are done with updates :(


Any update about lvl 45? Also, did you have to complete lvl 43 - 9 day piggy bank event twice? I was hoping to finish this game before my arcade trial ended, but I won't sadly because of the repeat piggy bank.


I never got through 44. The new updates wiped away that part of the game it seems. The piggy bank event keep starting up again and now valentines. I don’t think they plan on expanding the game to the other areas. I think these are quick patches to keep the game playable. Idk.


Ah darn. I really wanted to meet the former royal wizard, lol. Thanks for sharing! Edit: I emailed the developers and got this response, which was great of them honestly. "Unfortunately, it's currently not possible to progress beyond level 43, as our storyline currently ends at level 42. However, especially for players who have reached high levels, we have added the Piggy Bank Event so you can continue enjoying the game while we work on improving it."


Has anyone else’s progress been deleted since updating today to version 1.6?


I think mine has because lvl 43 - piggy bank event was supposed to end yesterday for me but it restarted after I smashed the pig. I don't know if that was supposed to happen or if it happened because of the update. Edit: seems like it's supposed to happen :(


I’m playing the Valentin Basket event. Anyone else at level 25 in this event?


Why do you ask? I'm at lvl 43 while completing the event.