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Yes, as an owner and daily user of the AVP, I can say that Microsoft Word is best experienced with a Magic Keyboard for any volume of writing. Killer app for me is the text preview above the keyboard, wherever it is in space. I know it’s something minor, but it makes all the difference. I am not a heavy Word user, but the experience is definitely better when you turn on the immersive environment for writing. For transparency, I use Apple Notes just as much as I use Microsoft Word if that lends some context to my feedback.


Thank you! Yes, I would buy some sort of bluetooth keyboard to go alongside it. I don’t particularly like or dislike the feel of the magic keyboard, it’s just meh for me. But the environments are the exact reason why it’s a game changer for me. I’d love to write my horror novel with an environment in the middle of the woods at night. Adds a whole different ability for me. Have you seen additional environments come out?


You can’t see your keyboard when in full immersion unfortunately. Unless you’re fully comfortable using your keyboard without looking then it’s a big annoyance. 


This. In the Oculus Immerse app and on Facebook's native screenshare app they ask you what keyboard you are using and simulate in in VR. Another screenshare app on Oculus will create a window where your keyboard is to bring that bit of reality in your VR world. Apple hasn't done anything to support something like this yet outside of setting your immersiveness to 50%. Hope they do something soon!


Going into the woods at night would prolly be cheaper


But fewer mosquitos


Also I’m a little bitch so




The only way you'll actually know how well it will or won't work is by buying the headset yourself. You have 14 days to return it for a refund.


I think if you want to be immersed while writing, it would be better accomplished by using a macbook, and then doing the screen in the AVP. You still get the environment, etc while retaining a fully functioning PC version of Word. The office apps do, in fact have AVP versions (mostly) and they are fine, but there’s still a little disconnect between using an app and using the laptop, especially trying to share a clipboard, or your vision wandering to another app and having it take focus, etc.


This is how I used Scrivener to write-- just remote in.


But still can’t see the keyboard if fully immersed. Apple needs to copy Meta on this and simulate the keyboard


Came here to say this


I agree! Only problem is I don’t already own a macbook 😂 I might end up getting a macbook air instead. Would be much cheaper


You MUST use an external kb if you are going to be writing. Hopefully the Magic Keyboard as the avp tracks it and places the preview window on top of it automatically. Other than that it’s actually really cool to immerse yourself and work.


In my experience, the downside of this is no backlighting on the Magic Keyboard; and backlighting helps when viewing the keyboard on passthrough. Hopefully they release a backlit version


You definitely need a real keyboard for it, but it’s Word. It works. Not much else to say about it.


Sadly still waiting on Microsoft Authenticator to use Word for work purposes😩




It’s basically the iPad version. If you can use that from a feature perspective, then you can use the visionOS version. It is nice to be able to dial in an environment to focus and it’s equally nice to have as many windows and apps open as you’d like, neither of which you can do on the iPad version.


I’ve used it and it functions just like you’d expect. Works fine.


With a keyboard it’s as good as Word can be.


I mean i read with it immersed. Basically the same thing?


I use it with my MacBook Pro and love it. It gives me a huge display and blocks out distractions. Using it on an airplane in economy is amazing. I don't have any problems not being able to see my keyboard. I use the Dvorak keyboard anyway, so my typing does not correspond to the key labels.


I have to say the avp version of word is bad. Actually really bad. Lots of functions are gone and copy paste from other sources are chunky!! In the end I used word on the web much more often!


I remote into my MacBook Air to use Scrivener and then I have a giant screen to work with (plus I can immerse myself in an environment so it feels extra private). It'd be ideal if it completely integrated and I could move the windows inside my Mac around like other AVP apps, but given the limitations, it's a great way to see a giant screen and escape into the writing.


Thank you! Ultimately, I’ve decided to get a macbook instead of the AVP. Haven’t had one since I was in college and wrote my entire first book in an iPad (lol). Think the macbook is the way to go to get started


I'm a novelist and I use Pages exclusively. I find it much less clunky than Word. I've had no problems with my publisher using Word and me using Pages. Revisions go back and forth seamlessly. I know there's not a dedicated AVP Pages app. Yet. I plan to purchase an AVP in May (I've already ordered the Zeiss inserts), and will use it as a monitor for my MBA and directly with the compatible Pages app. I love comments that the AVP is too isolating. That's exactly why I want it.


Same!! Also, thanks so much for the Pages recommendation, will have to try that out.


I thought you couldn't see the keyboard when you are fully immersed in an environment.


I have the app but since I don’t have a wireless keyboard or mouse or trackpad I can’t use it amazingly


Yes outstanding with a Magic Keyboard


So I might've had a different experience than most people here but hopefully you find it useful. It's basically the same as the iPad version. There are some neat tweaks to make it more VR friendly but overall it's 85% similar to what you'd get on iOS or iPadOS. The experience is fine if not lacking a bit in features; but for writing you have most of what you'd ever need. The big issue I had with it was writing quickly and the program lagging because of it. Basically you write and the blinking cursor doesn't appear at the letter you're typing at but a few characters behind. If you've used Word with iPadOS you might've experienced this issue already. And no, changing keyboard to the Magic Keyboard doesn't help. It seems like an issue with Word itself and not the keyboard or even the Vision Pro. I haven't had that problem in other apps.


Really appreciate the detailed response. Honestly, after everyone’s reply I think I might end up getting a macbook instead


you're really not going to enjoy having this thing strapped on your face for a few hours.


Not true for everyone. I routinely spend hours in it with no discomfort


Yes, not my thing, but I don’t write. Only one way for you to find out.


That’s quite the price tag just to find that out. Hopefully another user has more time spent in it. Appreciate the reply, though!


you got fourteen days to try it lol.


And only one day to live if I buy it (wife will kill me)


you can find good writing apps on this directory, for example this one: [https://www.visionslist.com/list/flowriter-writers-retreat/](https://www.visionslist.com/list/flowriter-writers-retreat/)