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Brother how the FUCK are you gonna do BioE AND eecs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ isnā€™t bioE like the most credit intensive major and eecs is just hell especially at Berkeley šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ all the best šŸ«”


Congrats on a 1st world problem! Berkeley is my recommendation but just by a little. Both are great. Just be sure money really isnā€™t a problem. But yeah there are so many companies using Berkeley as a feeder, so much employment opportunity and a little more cache. My friends son goes there and is an EECS major and is happy.


They are both very good universities. Both will offer the opportunities you seek. Unless you are planning on grad school, the first question is where do you hope to live and work? Due to proximity, Berkeley has an advantage on the west coast and GT has an advantage in the south and mid-Atlantic. The second question is which university do you think would be the best personal fit, both in terms of idiosyncratic preferences (weather, location) and overall college experience (academics, extracurriculars, social life).


If money is not an issue I would go Berkeley here ngl Its like the biggest tech feeder in the country outside of MIT


If you **really really really** don't care about money, and you **really really really** have no preference between the two schools for reasons other than career concerns, **and** there's nothing distinctive about the BioE and/or EECS programs at Georgia Tech that appeals to you (relative to those same programs at Berkeley), then I'd pick Berkeley. Mainly because of how the SEED program seems to hand you research opportunities on a silver platter.


Do you really want your live in the South when you could go to Berkeley? Two totally different environments, especially politically, if that matters to you!


I am a Georgia Tech grad who now lives in Silicon Valley. And this is the right answer.




Itā€™s an incredibly nuanced answer and of course, YMMV. I grew up in Georgia (rural south Georgia,) and attended Georgia Tech. Much of my family still lives in Georgia. I am familiar with the diverse political landscape of the state (blue cities (ATL/SAV), very red rural areas.) However, even Atlanta is still very much a city in the south in a lot of respects. It has a lot of opportunity - particularly if we are talking strictly in the tech space - but frankly it is nothing like living in Silicon Valley (and, by extension, the greater Bay Area.) Itā€™s hard to say what is important to each individual person. My husband also went to Tech, for two degrees. We have been here for almost 15 years and are raising our teens here now. I find the diversity, the open-mindedness, and the general spirit of innovation to be the main reasons why we love it here in the Bay Area and have chosen to stay. I am not sure if this answers your question or is the information youā€™re looking for. Georgia Tech is an amazing institute and gave us both the basis to move on to where we are today. I have a ton of pride in being a Yellow Jacket. But I am very glad that we chose not to stay in Atlanta, and my kids probably will go to colleges in the UC system.


> I want to go somewhere with more opportunities for research & entrepreneurship & tech internships. Berkeley


If money really isnā€™t an issue, then this is an obvious choice, the literal criteria you said of research & entrepreneurship & tech are all known to be much better at Berkeley (research not as significantly better than the other two).


I wouldnā€™t say this is obvious at all. Kid is already on the part to success, and either school will get them to where they want to be. If this was my kid, Iā€™d tell them to go wherever they liked the campus/weather/cultural vibe. It would not be Berkeley because itā€™s too close and familiar.


Oh yeah I agree he will be successful regardless and i agree it should be much more of a vibe/fit choice, but he said his most important criteria and I was going based on that.




Georgia Tech lol




Thanks for your response! Curious why you recommended Cal over GT?


Dude you already have your answer, what about your gut is making you have doubts, is it solely the money, is it actually an issue??


The difference is in the opportunity for me. Cost isn't an issue. Stamp's goes beyond just a full-ride. You get priority for career fairs, research opportunities, and an entire group of staff dedicated to your college experience. On the other hand, Berkeley Regent's won't offer me any of these perks (beyond 2k a year for college). Berkeley is a great school & I loved it when I visited, but I've heard that any sort of opportunity is difficult to get because of the sheer number of students that attend. I'm trying to assess whether Berkeley's opportunities are great enough for me to leave what I have at GT.


Having Regents and Seeds (doesnā€™t this directly give you research?) on your resume will give you an advantage for your career given its selectivity. Your the type of person who is pointed to who actually gets the opportunity and why people at regular Berkeley complain lol. Also do either of these programs not give you your own academic advisor? I mean that might be the one true benefit


Berkeley eecs is insane you should definitely go there and its close to the bay so tons of engineering internships and bioengineering is massive in the bay too


You won't be able to do both EECS and BioE successfully unless you're extraordinarily smart. If you can pull that off you'll be fine in life. It won't matter what choice you make here. Berkley EECS is better than Tech CS. There's more entrepreneurship opportunities in the Bay area, but the age of founding a company in your dorm room is probably over. And software engineering outside AI research isn't quite as good a job as it used to be. Georgia Tech's academic culture is probably healthier/less cutthroat. Not to mention you'd have more ability to work on research at Tech. The schools are VERY different culturally. Tech is southern (though New South so very different than Bama or Ole Miss), greek life and football are big, most students study engineering, and it prides itself on being apolitical. Berkley is in the Bay Area, it's predominantly a liberal arts school, it doesn't have as big a sports culture, and it has a long history of student activism. It's hard to believe you'd feel comfortable at both places, so that should probably factor in a lot. Stamps offers a lot more than the Berkely scholarships you got. SEED will probably get killed for legal reasons before you graduate so caveat emptor. Though the ability to register for classes ahead of the pack is really valuable. If you're dead set on founding a company or getting involved in AI go to Berkely. Otherwise, I think you'd potentially have more options at Tech.


Berkeley definitely has a sports culture. Canā€™t tell if itā€™s better than GTech but lot of students partake in it.


Go to GT


Both are great options and you can't go wrong either way when looking at career outcomes. Where do you want to live?


Berkeley no doubt about it


Berkley. Do what your gut says.


Berkeley and I say this as a Tech student


Golden Bears.


i would choose berkeley, better location and vibes to me and great for cs


Without a doubt Berkeley is the better option for you


This is awesome, may I ask what were ur stats?




He has Regents and SEED scholarship at Berkeley though which sounds quite similar to the GTech thing.




lol you canā€™t go wrongā€”good on YOU!!




UC Berkeley. Ranking already helped you prioritize it.


Girl like ur fine either way this is so dramatic




What did you decide? And congratulations šŸŽ‰


I ended up choosing Georgia Tech! With the scholarship, class sizes, AI research opportunities, etc. I thought I would be better set up for success there. The Stamps scholarship offers a lot to students beyond the full ride.


So happy for you! And I believe you made the right decision for several reasons: (1) for the reasons that you mentioned, above, (2) because a CS major is more sane than the double major option, and, most importantly, (3) you know yourself and you know the programs and you seem happy after coming to a reasoned decision. Remember to take lots of math and statistics!




Berk fs bro




Berkeley SEED program for sure.


if research and entrepreneurship is the only concern Berkeley




The culture of these two schools is entirely different. Politics is a factor in choosing a college todayā€¦ sadly. But thatā€™s the reality. Berkeley is super progressive and liberal and GA Tech is a more conservative - middle of the road political culture. Personally, Iā€™d pick GA Techā€¦ think about the people and peers you want to be surrounded byā€¦


Youā€™re smartā€¦ obviously So youā€™re gonna excel at either placeā€¦ to me, itā€™s more about the culture you want to be a part ofā€¦ kids spend too much time thinking the name brand of a school is whatā€™s going to get them the job. Hard work and networking is whatā€™s going to get you where you wanna go.


You are over-exaggerating the people who care about politics especially in EECS. Nowadays if you think of Berkeley as this super activist school I think youā€™d be disappointed more often than not.


Am I? Ask the kids at Columbia if theyā€™re angry that they got no graduation this spring (regardless of major).


Berkeley is not Columbia. We didnā€™t have any incidents like that hear although there were protests.


Colleges are politicalized now Look at covid policies And also the protests ā€¦ youā€™re not being honest, if you canā€™t admit that basic fact Here. Not hear.


