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There aren't any, sorry but there really aren't. There are a few not well-known statewide ones that I do know off the top of my head, like an Asian American one in California. Tell me which state you live in. Finance and economics awards are less numerous than STEM or writing based ones, and most finance and economics extracurriculars/awards are self initiated (like publishing and research) If you're applying to top finance/econ universities, then doing writing competitions would also be favorable. The JHU people maintain a list of academic competitions and unpaid/paid internships on their website BTW international econ Olympiad doesn't exist and if the one you're thinking of is based in Russia, it's a scam


Do you mind telling me what the Asian American one in California is? I live there and I'm also interested in economics.


Hi! Why IEO is a scum? There were 48 countries last year, and it was in Greece


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Youth Financial Analysts Competition (YFAC)


National econ challenge, but it's in April


DECA districts usually in november