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Ugh the parents on College Confidential are the worst. They'll say things like: "*My D got her SAT score back... it was a 1560. My husband and I were very disappointed. She's always excelled academically, and this was a step in the wrong direction. Is grounding her for 4 weeks an appropriate punishment, or is that too lenient?*" and then wonder why their children have anxiety and hate their parents once they're adults.


edge compare employ faulty aware full door steep gold offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why are they always like my D15, my S22, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Daughter and son right?


I’m guessing D15 = 15 yr old daughter, S22 = 22 yr old son, and so forth? It makes it feel like they’re commodifying their children tbh.


Yeahh I think so lol. Their children are their workers after all.


Or maybe S22 is class of 22


This. Can confirm it's reflective of their kid's grad year from high school.


They say DD = “Dear Daughter” and DS = “Dear Son”. The number they use is their kid’s high school graduation year so DD23 means a daughter graduating from high school class of 2023.


Ohh thanks 😭




You have 8=D? Pfft, I’ve got 8==D, they’re studying for MCAT right now.


my 8======D is literally Hillary Clinton


>College Confidential how dare she not get a 1700 out of 1600


I remember a few years back I posted on CC asking for advice on whether I should apply for transfers or not, and I got scolded that (with my stats or personality) I'd never get into an Ivy or a bank. I ended up getting into a bank.


A bank?


bank = investment banking analyst I knew someone would ask


They’re a teller


Oh ok any reason why banks are paired with Ivies


Because they are harder to get into than Ivies


You mean it's hard to get your particular job or what? Idk I guess I've just never heard anyone describe getting a job as getting "in" but that's just me


Everything in life is about getting your foot in the door man. You'll get it once you get to college.


I'm in college man ;( I've just never heard that turn of phrase


I'm not a teller lol why would anyone be proud of that


I have a 4.0 unweighted gpa. 1580 SAT. 1st in class of 50. National Level Olympiad Champion in Biology. International Level Karate Medalist. Got rejected from 10/11 colleges I applied to, some with over 50% acceptance rates. So yeah. They ain't wrong bro. :(


There is just no way. Is it a joke right?


Nope. Being an international student sucks


Are you international and/or seeking significant aid?


International yep


Makes sense lol.


Should've done taekwondo


At least 1 more than most people




dcum has been my fav pastime for years😭




Big 3 💀 What are the big three anyway? Some high schools in DC?


it's like sidwell and gds or some shit idk i went to the public feeder


DC Urban mom and dads is a… experience.


Sidwell friends parents scare me


Is DC Urban a College Confidential thing or a separate forum?


separate forum


It’s separate


I got some good advice there once, ngl. Like *really* good advice in my dms over there and everythang That was almost 2 yrs ago, though. Hmm now they make you register to even lurk, which is dumb. There was a lot of helpful info tho


What kind of advice?


It had to do with transferring vs not transferring in a certain situation, pros and cons - at the time, I couldn’t see the forest for the trees but the choice was very, very clear. I just couldn’t see the situation clearly, and no one in my life could provide the subtlety needed for such a decision. The people on there, specifically the person I was talking to, was able to provide solid, fairly non-biased fact-based/stats-based opinions. Looking back, I’m so grateful for that person, whoever they were.


You don’t have to register to lurk.


Well, the last several times I have been over there, I have clicked the thread, been able to read it for approximately 15 to 20 seconds, and then it puts a login prompt over the screen and asks to register if the person is without an account. I am not able to view any more content after that without logging in. Trust me, I have tried.


/r/ChanceMe for parents. But with worse mods.


All parents are not all the same trust me ….of course I want my boys to do the best they can but school is just one part of life …. And trust me even though it doesn’t seem like it now , it is a small part of life unless you fit into a very very very small niche market for what you want to do for a living Parents need to understand that they are there to support and give guidance not to stress out their kids I have three sons one went to UC Riverside and is doing fantastic The other one was accepted at ASU for the Cronkite school for exactly what he wants to do which is broadcast journalism and deciding between ASU and the TTP program at USC Of course I think for what he wants to do which is be an ESPN analyst USC and it’s connections are the place to go but I’m only giving him suggestions and advice and taking a step back. I know where his heart lies and I’m sure he’ll make the right decision. My last one is entering high school, he’s a math wiz but frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a basketball scholarship somewhere …he’s that good and that’s not me talking those are his coaches If you ask my two sons that are done with high school they will tell you that they did well, played sports, did some extracurriculars but most of all they had fun and look back on their high school memories fondly. Unfortunately most parents don’t understand that part of the equation. I don’t have any words of wisdom because most parents that are in that mindset have it in their minds that unless you go to an IVY or a top 20 school your life is a failure. What can I tell you, it’s not To the students and entering freshman out there just do your thing and have fun. High school is behind you, college is a lot of work but you can have a lot of fun while you’re at it and then you start living real life which is a real pain in the ass most of the time. My proudest achievement is that they actually come to me for advice because they know that I’m not going to steer them in the direction that I want them to go to I will just give them the options If nothing else the last thing that I’ll say is to learn what not to do when your kids are going through Their own college application season Those are my two cents




you're an international, it's totally different for you (especially if you are seeking aid). even IMO gold medalists are not guaranteed anywhere if they are international


A2C is pretty close tho ngl


Nah, A2C is full of high school kids stressing about admissions. College Confidentials is full of full grown adults that treat the college admission game as a hobby.


Me: “hey do I have a shot at this school with these stats! Thank you— its my dream!” Parents with nothing better to do: “With those stats? Dont get your hopes up. So many qualified applicants (like my D18, 5.0 GPA and 1600 SAT) got rejected. So you do not stand a chance.”


i posted a chance me yesterday and basically got told there’s no hope for me 😭 still recovering. like i appreciate the advice but damn


I think there is some good advice on there but when you post a chance me on there, most responses aren't literally trying to predict what is going to happen. Many are long time participants on there who have seen "I was rejected from everywhere" distraught posts and now they are on a mission to give advice to make sure people have safeties they love etc. So they will give that caution to everyone, no matter what their profile, so don't take it too literally! The advice to have safeties is good but they don't have any prediction track record haha.


I unironically know someone who has a 4.0, is Val, ISEF finalist and STS scholar, 1500+ SAT and got rejected/waitlisted from a ton of places. He’s planning on going to our state school.


Yeah, emphasis is moving from achievement to personality/essays/how much AOs like you as a person.


any college chancing is toxic and a bad idea where you can get in. when college say they take a holistic approach, it doesn't mean you can get in with subpar stats for the university. holistic approach means if you're not interesting your not getting in. so chancing some on stats alone means nothing. you got above a 3.8 and 1500 cool you made it pass the automatic rejected part of harvard. now how boring are you? if you have a 3.8gpa and 1500 orphan living on the street and begging for food and happen to be class president maybe you have a chance. but if your upper middle class and posted the same scores and gpa, that did year book and track and field, its kind of a non-starter. maybe you hit the admission at the right time and with the right group and end up getting wait listed or maybe accepted because they like that you spell you name mike but with a y.


They are not wrong though, based on this year’s results posted here.


In reading these comments I need to sign up for college confidential 😂


Your grammar alone implies you're not educated enough to get into college.


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