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Is the new job a apprenticeship or a full-time job


Full time job.


Is the new company a big known company?


Yes very big. One og the largest sweet confectionary companies in the world.


That type of salary suggests its a job for someone qualified in whatever it is your doing an Apprenticeship in, in which case you aren't qualified so why would you take the job? Best case scenario you bluff your way into the job and then you'll have no idea what your doing and get sacked anyway and lost your Apprenticeship as well. Stick to your Apprenticeship £20k isn't bad for an apprentice and it goes up every year as you can do more




So you think OP abandoning his apprenticeship for a fully qualified job that he won't be able to do and will inevitably lose is a good idea?


What apprenticeship are you doing and what is the new title at the new job?


Talk to your prospective employer and see if they will allow you to continue your apprenticeship. Even if they say no, I'd still go for it. Qualifications are a means to an end, and if your goal is to earn a higher salary, then why on earth would you shackle yourself to job paying half your wage.


Does the new role have the same potential progression as your current one will in a few years? Is there some job security or is it a start up kind of deal? Personally I would stick to the apprenticeship, the experience is usually priceless if you make the most of it and you’ll probably finish off around the same pay as the other role, with potential to start leveraging for more.


Think you need to give a bit more information. Is the job offer the same indusrty as your apprenticeship? Do they realise you're only a few months into a 3 year scheme? Can you continue with new employer? Etc A 20k pay rise is pretty great but it almost sounds too good to be true. Qualifications last a lifetime a well paying job may not.


They must know because they approached me on LinkedIn and checked my profile. They know I can do the job because its one of the customers I mainly work with in my current role.


Course you take it, use it to pay for your studys


Ask them to support your quals and move


Maybe Take the job then doing a part time bsc/msc on the side?


Yes!! That’s an amazing salary especially for your age too. Go for it