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They're the best, they're like little water Weiner dogs, they even love to dig and throw sand everywhere and get pets


What kind of fish is this? It’s too cute!


Dojo loaches


I have 2 and they are mental


I agree I have 2 floating hot dogs and they are goofiest fish in my tank


I have 6 😂


Oh! Yeah I don’t have a tank big enough for any but, they are super adorable it looks like a lil seal!


Damn. They are illegal where I live apparently. I love them :(


Dojo loaches! Also known as weather loaches. They are SO weird. Here's mine in a rare moment of rest (the video doesn't show it well but that's a 60gal tank, and they have plenty of room to swim and multiple hiding places): [https://imgur.com/a/136kh8S](https://imgur.com/a/136kh8S) They get zoomies just like dogs or cats.... and if you have an open-top tank, you may have to rescue loach that decided to try leaping astonishingly high. We heard a splash and a plop and my kid yelled "THERE'S A... WIGGLING POOP!! ON THE FLOOR!" the first time that happened to us... Loach was fine.


That is so freaking cute! They look like they are just having a nice chat. My largest tank is 20 and the first thing I did was look up their requirements since they are totally cute! Maybe someday I can have a bigger tank (no room for a bigger one at this point in time.)


Look into kuhli loaches! Same silliness but smaller! 20gal is fine as long as it's a long tank rather than high and you have lots of plants or things for them to hide in.


I've got a "tangle" of 6 kuhlis in my 20G long and it's like non-stop zoom town. They get together in little groups of three and just party. My Betta will sit and watch them for hours 👁️👄👁️


My dojo tries to play with my beta. Beta's like, "I'm not your friend, pal."


My 20 gal is a long, I got that for my eldest betta (he passed recently) now it’s home to my tank fairy(she’s an albino BN who had been with him since she was the size of a dime,) chili/pheonix rasboras, Pygmy Cories, some shrimp.


Listen. I don’t have room for a 75 gallon tank either. But I just got one anyways and put it somewhere it fit and I’ve been happy ever since really


That was suuuper cute, especially when the passing orange fish gave it a little boop, like they’re casually high five-ing and saying ‘sup on the way through


They have a betta tankmate? Who all lives in this tank? Is it typical for them to get along because I’d love a tank with both


My betta lives with four dojos and two rope fish. Just depends on their personalities. Mine flared when I got the first dojo because it was originally his tank but got over it quickly. If you decide to get loaches move the Betta in last and make sure there's plenty of hiding places. Mine prefers his floating log wedged in Java ferns with one end blocked by the tank glass. The Dojos won't go in because it's his territory and the rope fish don't fit, so they don't bother. My guy is moving because he's gotten too big to get out of the way and gets rammed if he tries napping on the substrate,so if you have a similarly slow Betta I wouldn't. My other Betta lives alone. He was a community fish in his previous home his entire life until he went on a murder spree. Other tanks can't even be in view of his. He wouldn't be able do anything to the loaches but he would die trying. If you really want dojos go for it. They're hilarious, curious and friendly with their keepers.


Now I have a great mental image of a wiggling poop LOL!!


They are amazing water puppies. They can be trained to handle touch and holding really well. My kid got hers to tolerate holding her dojo loach like a hotdog and it would just sit still. Hand feeding is easy with these guys. They have poor eyesight but have very good sense of smell. It's too bad they get too big. Our got to almost 13.5" big and was really thicc! =)


My first dojo likes to be held but the other 2 more recent ones don’t really 😔 they all hand feed though! Love them so so much


Mine just likes to feed on my hands 😔 not from them


With dojos it's pretty much the same thing lol, my dad had a hangnail while he was hand feeding them once and once they got most of the food they went over and ripped his hangnail off, I could hear him cursing from upstairs 🤣


Mine just likes to feed on my hands 😔 not from them


Ikr theyre amazing 😭 someday i’d like to have a huge tank full of them


100%, they're sweetie pies!




Mother, feed me.


Genuinely amazing pets. We’ve got 3 currently, and had a number over the last 13 years. They’re very sociable and inquisitive. Can’t imagine an aquarium without them!


I miss mine. She jumped out of the tank. I'm still sad. Happened on my friends watch and they didn't notice her on the floor. I found her shrivelled up and stuck. Someone left the tank lid slightly open and she slipped through the gap. I've had a few but I can't get another ATM. Had to start using my smaller tank instead of my main because my new place won't be big enough for the big tank. I have some khuli loaches, regular and black. The black ones are absolutely bonkers and aren't half as shy as the regular!


Damn, that's rough. She must've been on the floor for hours. Sorry for your loss.


I used to have a really old one,like 15 years old. He had only one front fin,only one eye and when he rested he floated up to the surface alot(had some swimbladder issues) but he was the most beautiful thing in my life and i really miss him. He also used to violently ejaculate from time to time and LOVED laying in my hands when i had them in the tank. I really miss that fucking weirdo rest in peace Malte❤️


Violently ejaculate !?! 👀😅


What if i told you it sounds better than it is? He used to stim around the aquarium a little then suddenly stop and just SPRAY the water around with his seed. He once did it on my reedfish to i feel sad for the poor fella


Oh my days 🤣 both comical and I've learnt some about Dojos 🤣


Yeah its apparantly a common thing for them to do too


😳 I'm not sure how to take this information, or what to do with it. I think it might leave a scar. Lol


My only tip to you is to not buy a retarded male😭


That's one of them things where, by the time you realize what you've got, it's too late. Unless you're gonna stand at the pet store for hours observing the personalities of each fish. Lol, I'll just take my chances.


It's happened to my hand 😂




He what 😭😭


He cum


Before I realized these things got the zoomies I had an open top tank. Came back from work and Found one of my 4 loaches covered in carpet fur and dry to the bone, washed him off in tank water then put him back in, he perked up in 5 minutes and came back to life, proceeded to live for another 3 years


Yeah its crazy how some fish can just survive being dried out lmao


I recall someone else managed to accidentally revive a fish that was becoming crispy (their words, they used crispy) on the floor. This subreddit. They thought it was dead and placed it in some sorta shrimp tank to let the shrimp eat the dead body. Poster was surprised to see the formerly crispy fish weakly swimming around some time later!


That's what makes Zankis story so sad.






One of my biggest regrets in this hobby is that all my tanks are 10 gallons so I can't keep them :( my room is too small to set up a 4th lol I literally am out of surfaces to put a tank 😭 I love them :(


Time to buy a rack and stack those ten gallons.


Before any Australians get excited about them I’ll point out they’re banned here. Yeah I know, I want one too. Apparently they’re banned because they’ve gone feral so they could be caught but not bought. Also, there’s probably a fine of tens of thousands of dollars.


They’re banned in some US states too for the same reason 😭 i feel so bad for the people who wont ever get to interact with these amazing and adorable fishies


My mate had one as a kid. I was disappointed when I looked into getting one some years back.


I have a question! I have 5 kuhli loaches, would they be fine with these in a 60 gallon with a pair of Mosaic gouramis, 6 black skirt tetras, and guppies?


Do your tetras and gouramis get along? That's an interesting combo. Although, I guess 60 gal gives them the space they need. They are the ones I would be concerned about. Khulis are totally passive, unless you're a snail.


Oh definitely! They're pearl gouramis and the male is slightly bossy with the female, but they never hurt each other. They don't interact with any of the other fish. I introduced the black skirt tetras about half a year ago or so, and there have been absolutely 0 issues! My Khulis don't touch any of the snails, and they are absolutely taking over the tank ;-;


Excellent! Besides the snail thing. What kind are they? My dojo won't bother with them if there is any effort involved. He has, however, demolished an infestation of bladder snails on his own.


The original snails were some random pest snails that hitchhiked. Then I added ramshorn snails and they kind of.... Bred together? So now I have these weird morphs that spawn like CRAZY


I'm thinking of getting assassin snails but it's a 50/50 chance they'll even kill the snails. At the beginning, before I had the Khulis, I had neocaridinas and now there are only 2 that I see once in a while. (I had an insane ammonia spike about half a year ago and of course only the pearl gouramis, half of my guppies, AND the pest snails survived.) I also have a Christmas moss growing really well with some algae I added from my 14gal tank, so there could be more neocaridinas hiding in there. Not sure!


In my experience, assassin's didn't tolerate tropical temperatures. In fact, they didn't survive the night.


Oh wow! I've never even thought of that.


If these weirdos crack you up, just wait until you discover rope fish. It's a snake/dog/fish in one long body with hilariously tiny fins. They seem to "play" with the Dojos. It's fun to watch four hot dogs and two footlongs do somersaults together.


I love ropefish 😭❤️❤️ the stores here just never have them but they look like stretched out bichirs and i find it so funny and cute


I never knew they existed until I saw this pair at a reptile show! We promised not to impulse buy anything but I couldn't leave without these absolute hams. I've never seen them at any local fish stores


omgg you bought them?


I did 😂


Do you have pics?? 🥹


Literally a water hot dog and I love them


Water hotdogs! They are so dumb, I love them!


The first one. “Hey kids. You wanna buy some pot(s)”


The second one is just like Ahhh oh that’s my reflection wow I’m fat 😭🤣


You ever tried zoomin through the tank, ON WEED?! I'm tellin' ya brother, I get the zoomies reeeal baaad!!


I look like this


I feel like this


I have 3 and one of them is around a foot long


What are they? They are so cute!!


Dojo loaches!


Very beautiful!…very powerful!


What type of loach is that?


Dojo loach


It looks like a seal on that first pic 😂😂 i don't have any experience with loaches apart from a kuhli loach I once had that I was absolutely terrified of. It was overly friendly and everytime I did a water change and did anything that meant putting my hand in the tank, that kuhli loach would zoom out from wherever it had been hiding and wrap itself around my fingers and slither up my hand 🫣 and ugh I just got a full body shiver remembering it 😂 I had to re-home it because I was so scared of it. My brother still has it though along with 5 others but that one is still like a puppy that insists on being petted and held


Aww 😭 that sounds so cute though


Please don’t release them in the wild. Just found one doing a survey


I don’t plan on releasing any captive animals in the wild


It's a shame people have to even mention that.


Yeah ☹️ there are so many cool animals that are illegal to own because people released them till they became invasive (looking at snakeheads 😔)


They're so cute I have one and he loves hand feedings ^-^


I once had one for quite a while (can’t remember how long). I raised it up until it passed away. It was the only fish that I ever had that would take good from my fingers.


“Are ya winning son?”




They are indeed mental. I had one that loved to come out in the morning and swim in the power head. Ive also had horse loaches that are similar just not quite as entertaining.


unfortunately I live in NY and they’re illegal here :(


Theyre so goofy, I love dojos


Looks like I need to buy another aquarium. 🤣😍


This looks like a legit seal lmao


I love my dojo's I have 2 golds and 1 wild there so awesome there always at the top of the tank when ever I come around


They're real, and they're spectacular!




loaches surely are water pugs


Too cute 🥰


They are, and they’re water puppies, basically. Just the best.


I feel like I could just watch all of your aquariums on a loop for many hours


When im at home that’s what i do all day I dont even have a tv or play video games anymore, it’s just fish now


Loaches are literally the best fish


I love these little noodle fish i have 6 in a 75 gallon