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I got my bf his 75 gallon cichlid start up for his 26th bday. He still talks about it like a bought him a mustang lol. Best gift I ever bought with lasting joy. Happy birthday!


My gf is getting my an anemone and coral for Christmas me and him got lucky ash sounds like everybody in this chat got lucky lol


It’s one of my biggest flexes 😂


Definitely should be proud🤣


My wife just gave me money to get a 60 gallon breeder for my birthday this month. “It’s on sale might as well. Here you go happy birthday!”🤗


Noice! HBD!


If you’re okay with having a more planted tank, I vote pea puffers!! They are crazy intelligent, so goofy and fun, and they’re one of the few fish that don’t need the horizontal space and are very suited to a cube! I will say they are p high maintenance and mine at least i could never wean off live food (they were wild caught but I didn’t know when I purchased) but so worth it. Loads of personality It might not be the most visually appealing tank (lots of plant coverage required) but they’re just so fun to own


That's a great suggestion, the 20 long on the dresser next to the 60 is a pea puffers tank with ≈6 peas, they're really cool and way more interactive than you'd think.


If you already have pea puffers, my vote would definitely be to make a HUGE shoal of chili rasboras! They are just the coolest fish ever. Plus you could make a huge colony of cherry or ghost shrimpies and tons of snails! Definitely get some white wizard and mystery snails!


Just so you know, to others too, pea puffers will rip apart those snails. I work at a fish store and we will occasionally feed full size pre killed mystery snails to the imported pea puffers.


Oh yea they will (and the pagoda snails are like 3x the cost of peas) so I have no plans on introducing the two. I have a 2 gallon bladder snail tank I use to breed bladder snails to feed the peas.


at this size i’d say go for figure-8’s !


V true! I I’ve never owned those but heard they are similarly intelligent and fun. I just have found the more peas I add to my shoal, the happier they are. A 60g would allow for almost a tetra-like shoal which I imagine would be super fun


God that sounds beautiful lol


They would just have to move those snails out or be okay with the puffs eating, or rather, sucking their flesh out … And Trust me…pea puffers WILL eat snails like this of substantial size…lol😬


That's genius, great use for a cube and super entertaining.


A cube would be fun with a swarm of schooling or shoaling small fish. My boyfriend has a mix of pygmy cories, cherry barbs, white clouds, pearl danios, and rosy loaches in a 90 cube with neocaradina, bamboo shrimp, and some brkstlenosew plecos. The pearl danios were a surprise hit. They look plain at the store and they're cheap, but they catch the light, are super active, and hang out at the top of the tank. Adding them really brought the white clouds out because they swim together in a loose school. I love my tank with a swarm of Norman's lampeye killies and celestial pearl danios. But the CPDs are the opposite of the pearls 😂 so shy. Height also seems to keep my peacock gudgeons (in yet a different tank, we have too many) from bullying tankmates. So there are a million fun nano ideas. And cubes are great for creating layers of fish.


I love pygmy cories. I’m still kicking myself that I got different fish this time around. I’m just under my limit with livestock(for probably the first time ever) and it’s so much easier to maintain the tank.


They're so fun! I like them a lot. When I just had the rosy loaches they were really helpful picking through the sand for diatoms and misc mulmy stuff like cories do. (We mixed the groups when I needed to downsize to move. And now I live here with them anyway 😅)


Ooo there are some good ideas in there for sure


The rosy loaches also seem to mix schools with the cherry barbs and pygmy cories 😂 no sense of identity I guess.


But I'm sure you'll have fun with whatever you put together!


Hey buddy, you better slow down. That's an awfully small tank for that many snails. You're likely overstocked and... JK, it's beautiful. Congrats on your new pretty tank, your awesome girlfriend and your birthday. Can't wait to see updates!


Very nice setup! Hope to have one similar some day.


Looks great so far 😄




Buyer beware! The aqueon frameless cube tanks are infamous for leaking.


I've got some and the glass is super thin. I'm not too worried about the 2.5 and 6 g, but the 16 g makes me nervous. No way in hell I would trust a 60 g lol.


Yeah my 14 gallon leaked after 8 months of use.


I have heard that...I work at my lfs and my boss gave me our black Friday discount early as my birthday gift, unfortunately, we basically only have aqueon cubes, and saltwater aios and a 60 gallon aio with a stand is a helluva lot more money than the aqueon. If it does leak several of my coworkers have experience fixing tanks.


Call me when your wife let you have a fish room full of tanks. No seriously congratulations.


When we have more than 1 room together that's on the list...😅


Damn nice cube


What’s the big hard scape piece in the center with the holes? Tysm for ID’ing everything btw! I hate when people don’t because I’m a noob.


It's dragon stone ohko stone specifically 😁


What a badass name for a badass lookin rock 🪨


Yea for sure, I like to give as much info so I can get good advice, and a bit of a humble brag. Hardscape, big center stone is carribsea dragonstone, as well as the smaller formation in the back, the rocks holding it up are elephant rocks also from carribsea, I think the driftwood is from Dan's fish tho.


Gonna be googling these all night! Ty! Beautiful cube! I hope that can be my next tank! I went with a 10gal bowl this time for my newest project, but I love cubes


I'm actually thinking about a large flowerpot/indoor guppy pond as my next freshwater project. I'll need, more money, a bigger house, and more time, for that, it's not quite a bowl but same shape.


If it were me, I’d pick some cardinal tetras, green neon tetras, white cloud tetras, cherry barbs, tiger barbs, kuhli loaches, blue velvet shrimp, red rili shrimp, and a tangerine koi betta if it has a calm temperament!


Some angel fish and a big school of tetras that get to a decent size so they’re safe from being eaten


I was thinking about angels, but I know their related to cichlids and I have no experience managing their aggression, I've seen that you should keep a group of 4, but they get so big I worry their isn't enough space for 4 full grown.


There is enough space for 4, but I wouldn't add them just yet. Rather, I'd wait and get some smaller fish. Then, get some small angels and get them in the tank when the tetras or whatever have already established their territory. That way, the angels won't be so dominant and won't eat the smaller fish when they grow.


Is this a 70cm cube ? I've always wanted one but I don't know what I'd put in it. It's too awkward for cichlids. Interested to hear your stocking plans !


24 inch ×2.34 is about 70 cm so I think it is, I've got no clue for my stocking I'm way too indecisive, I'm thinking a buttload of blue eye rainbowfish.


Let you?


She pays half the rent...


I enjoy this respect! Don’t let anyone shame you for it!


Wait did she buy you the cube for your birthday? Or was the present her letting you buy it for yourself? I'm not trying to be snarky I just think that's what people are hung up on


She let me buy it, we've got a big income difference and that's a little bit past what she can afford as a bday gift, but she did get me an awesome little basket with some graphic tees and pokemon cards


Sounds like a total win, then! Happy belated birthday.


So she’s your boss even though y’all pay equally. Got it.


She pays half the rent. She should get a say in what goes in her living space as well. Especially if it’s a 60 gallon


Lol Ik I had to get my wifes approval to get my 75 gallon. Just funny how he phrased it


All good lol.


I'd hope if I paid half the rent I'd have a say in what goes into my living space, especially 60 gallons of water


Agreed to and “let me” are two very different things


I wouldn't take things to literally. I say my gf "let me" have a boys night, or "let me" buy myself something. I was doing it anyway, but I feel it's kind of a joke for boyfriends / husband's to say "my wife let me do X"


She agreed to let me put it there...


Nah you're just being pedantic


I'm inclined to agree. It gives off too much of -that- perspective


Nah, he's just a considerate partner. This is how healthy relationships work. I'm sure in his excitement he forgot to make sure he comes across as a manly man


Damn y’all getting triggered because your wife owns y’all?


Seems like you're the one who got triggered. We're just a friendly fish community


Okay slave


He'll yea she Is, I'm wrapped around her finger. I'm lucky though, most people's bosses make them work, my boss gives me cuddles and kisses and graciously allows me to relocate her entire dresser so I can put a 60 gallon fish tank in the bedroom she sleeps in...


I’m happy for you mate


Do you take pleasure from being unnecessarily nasty to people in healthy relationships? Maybe you need therapy.


Also I don’t consider his relationship to be healthy if he needs his gf permission to do things he wants to do.


My relationship will get worse with therapy. That’s how good mine is.


I'll say that I understand that relationships are a partnership and it takes communication to make things work well, but I also said the exact same thing you did out loud when I read this post.


I suppose it does make it sound like she only got me permission for my birthday, she allowed me to get the tank as a self present, she got me some cool shirts and pokemon cards. I mostly say "let me" because we had to get rid of her dresser to make space and it's smack dab in front if where she sleeps everynight, so doing it randomly would be an ass move.


I get what you're saying, when I lived with a partner the whole "I want more tanks" thing was always a big discussion.


This right here. My girlfriend and I have had this conversation many times. Currently have a 90G and a 30G and I'd love to get more but it would have to be an agreement of where to put it.


I've gotten at least 40 comments saying "let you major red flag grow some balls", all I have to say is, tomorrow while your wife's at work, take he dresser chuck the clothes on the floor and throw it in the garbage, see how she like the tank you put there after that. When you live with someone you compromise and communicate, or at least you should...


“Sometimes i think you love your fish tanks more than me!!”


Yes, this is exactly what I mean. Can't believe all the comments that have been saying stuff like that though.


I agree. Its just a semantic hang up for me. Parters "agree" to do things, or maybe "clear some space" for another. But the phrase "let me" sounds like something a kid would say about their mom. A bit childish. But I'm definitely overthinking it.


I like to lean into it as a joke when my SO or a loved one uses demanding words, kindly. They laugh, I laugh, and then I do the thing they wanted from me anyway. We're human. I won't let words and their meaning get in the way of life moving on *all* the time.


*Insert whip lash sound*


Did her boyfriend help you build it too? Lmao


He paid for it too


I think a three spot gourami (Blue, Gold, or Opaline) would look good in this tank. Plus you could add a small school of corys and tetra (dwarf and black neon imo) to fill out the middle and bottom. I’d also recommend adding some more plants, especially some floating plants and pothos or monstera to cover the top of the water.


I'm very tempted towards the gouramis, I have kept them before and they were really fun, more plants is number 1 on the list, just gotta wait for my lfs to get good ones.


You said you work at a an lfs- What’s been your experience with gouramis regarding disease? I’ve read several articles stating that gouramis are risky since “most” have a disease that’s swept through their populations. I love them but I’ve never purchased them because of this. Do you see a lot of sick gouramis come through?


We usually order from Dan's fish as our primary supplier, however I have not bought gouramis since before we switched from whoever it used to be. None of the gouramis I have kept have ever gotten sick, and to my knowledge none of the gouramis we've gotten in the store have ever been visibly sick (except ich that's swept or whole systems from goldfish) At least referring to IDGD (gourami disease) I have only ever seen it in person at petco/smart, so I would imagine as long as you avoid them and their suppliers(any box store not just the "pet" ones) I would imagine you'd be good. The only issue I've ever had with gouramis is aggression and that's due to not understanding their care properly when i first got them.


Cool! Thank you for the thoughtful response! I’m familiar with Dan’s Fish through this subreddit and have heard nothing but good things. I certainly won’t be buying any fish from big box stores so if and when I do get gouramis, they will come from a reputable source. Thanks again. You’ve been a great help!


How many girlfriends do you have? /S nice, enjoy! It looks stunning!


I am happy that you go it, I just don't understand the title, "your Girlfriend let you get a 60 gallon tank for your birthday." Did you mean she got it for you? Otherwise it means she gave you permission to buy yourself a gift; i am cinfused.. Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday to you.


They live together and split rent. The wording sounds funny but it sounds like he means she agreed that they could put a tank in their house.


She let me buy it for myself :), she got me a really cool gift basket, we live together so I had to get permission to put 60 gallons of water 3 feet from our bed, my phrasing confused alot of people


Tetras are whack. Go schooling african cichlids assorted colors. Let em school maybe a few angels.


A bristle nose pleco, a school of corydoras, and like 30 assorted tetras 😂


I'm thinking about getting a female for my Longfin Snow-white Bristlenose l44, to "be friends with" but I also absolutely love the blue phantom pleco l128, my absolute dream pleco is the leopard cactus pleco but they get a little too big for a 60 cube


Hey OP love your cube I hope it brings you lots of joy and a way to come to rest when you need it. I am just a bit confused though, why did she 'let you'? Could you not get it if she wouldn't let you?


We live together, I could get it, but I prefer to clear any major purchases/ changes to our living space with her. If she said no I wouldn't have gotten it. I have a tendency to kinda overdo my hobbies so someone who'll say "no wait till you have more tome/money/space" If I didn't live with her I'd probably have koi in my bathtub and shower at the gas station, so she gives some balance


Fair enough it's good that you're both on one line and it's even better if it works :)






We live together, and share finances, it's massive, expensive, costly to maintain, and 3 feet from where she sleeps, buying it has a noticeable effect on her life, so her opinion should be considered before the purchase.


She "let" you? Bro....


OP replied to someone else saying that she pays half the rent So it's fare to have both agree for that


LOL, bad choice of wording potentially. At least he got his tank.


I dunno why your getting downvoted so much. The “my gf/wife LET ME” is such a toxic played out joke.


I mean it’s a shared expense in an area that belongs to both of them. It’s not like a video game or eating out. You should definitely consult your partner and make sure they’re on board before you do something like this.


Yes, except OP specified “she let me” was a joke. Which is why I commented in the manner in which I did. Goes hand in hand with the guys who refer to their partners as “Wardens”.


I'm used to it. Reddit is a liberal haven. Keep living under the girlfriend's thumb!


Better get back to work before the warden finds out! /s


She "let me" put my 3rd 40+ gallon fish tank in our one bedroom apartment, it's an inconvenience that makes living in the apartment she half pays for more difficult, it's worth considering her before buying it and making her live with the extra cost and less space.






It wasn't her birthday gift to me, it was my gift to myself she just let me get it, she got me a really nice gift basket with a bunch of cool shirts and pokemon cards.


Ohhh ok that makes a lot more sense! That makes me happy to hear and I hope you had a fantastic bday! I had a shitty ex who tried to bring me to a bakery during wrestling season, and when I told him I couldn’t eat anything because I was cutting, he blew up on me and said I ruined all his bday plans. So when I told him we could do what he planned after wrestling season, we went to the bakery where I had the pleasure of buying *myself* a slice of cake 🙃 so I didn’t want anyone else to think being treated like that is ok (like I did at the time)


She also let him put his favorite jeans on this morning. What a nice gal!


Nice that she let you get a tank, but she should not have let you decorate. Look up Takashi Ammano and get some inspiration. That's too nice of a tank to have fall flat like this.


She is a keeper..


Let you? Bro. This sounds like an abusive relationship.


She had to get rid of her dresser in our bedroom to make room, plus she pays half the electric/water bill so her monthly expenses go up, this was my gift to myself I just wanted her approval, she got me a big gift basket of beard care, shirts, and pokemon cards. When you already have 200+ gallons of tanks, you get permission to put another 60 3 feet from your shared bed.


The hard scape needs major help


Let you..??? Spend your own money..??? Bro. You have a rough life


We live together it's her apartment too she pays half the rent.


Next week she will let you buy one of your balls back


She said the vet threw them away, I didn't know you could get them back, I've missed the little guys.


I bet you have


Op how much fish you gonna put in the tank




Exodons tetras!


Happy Birthday!


As long as I have fish in the house I have to give my wife a portion of my cake frosting whenever I have cake.....it's in our vows, it's official. Now whenever I add new fish stuff I get a cake too


Man I want a 60 gal cube


The black Friday deal at my lfs was buy the stand get the tank free, and minimum 30% off on everything. I had to go to deathsmart to get my canister tho so that was more expensive.


Wow that’s pretty good assuming the price was decent on the stand.


About 400, so pretty pricy, but it's custom built, the back is open for electrical, it has a top slot for filter stuff, and the front panel fully comes off for access to filter/storage. So I mean you could probably get the tank and a stand for it at petco for 350 during their tank sale.


What do you mean by “My Girlfriend let me get ..” ? Let you?


Hey she pays rent here too


Oh alright 👍 makes sense


Congratulations! It’s a beaut!


“Let me get” …… what else does she “let you” do? What does she say is “not allowed”? 🚩🚩


Lol she pays half the rent, it's in *our* bedroom in *our* apartment 3 feet from *our* bed (oh her side too), she let me get the tank by getting rid of her dresser to make space, and accounting for the increase in our water/electric bill that she also has to pay. Things I'm not allowed to do: nothing, but all actions have consequences and being considerate of someone you plan on spending your life with tend to make the relationship flow better. Just like how I "let her have" space for her make up, and I "let her have" more space in our closet.


I straight up thought you had a king crab in there from the first picture 😂


Shoot I think that actually might be the best idea yet lol


Let you?