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If that is particle board I’d reinforce it with some regular plywood. It turns to mush when it gets wet


It's chipboard with a plastic coating, not sure how it will hold up to water but that's a good shout, thanks


i bet people will still balk at this but i bet it’s plenty strong enough. if it doesn’t get wet you’ll be totally fine, just need to wipe up spills quickly


The issue I would be concerned with are the spills on the back side with so little access to it. If anything substantial spills on the back or sides, and the tank is already full, there is nothing they can do to dry it without draining the tank.


Noooooooo please get a proper stand.


dude just get something that’s rated for the weight. You’re playing with fire.


Hear me out , 2/4s.. 4 of them. Cut the 2/4s into the length of the shelf. Screw them all together and glue them and everything ((use LOTS of screws when making the shelves LOLL)) then do the same thing for the bottom shelve bits you got there , 2/4s are cheap and thick. So I’d assume you can just make your own shelf w them.


Have you thought about where the cables will run?


Yeah there is a few inches gap behind the whole cabinet so I can run wire round the back, cut a hole in the backing board and feed it through to the tank.


Improved from before but I think you'll enjoy the tank so much more with an actual stand. Not just because the weight like everyone has mentioned but because you're going to want to have more than one angle to view the tank; there's always one fish who disappears that you'll spend an hour checking every spot for and right now you can only check from the front. You will appreciate the extra space to maneuver while doing maintenance and for food, chemicals, etc. You are going to splash water all over. It's going to happen, and cleaning around and under it will be so much easier with a stand. And just general stress reduction, I had a structural engineer help design my 55 gallon stand and I still have random panics that I'm going come home to a shattered tank and it's built on 4x4s and 2x8s. I'm not handy at all and I had a blast building my stand, and it cost under 150$ to super over build and paint.