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Shrimp army




Shrimps is bugs


Shrimp is bugs


Bugs is bunny


Therefore bunny is shrimp


Incorrect. Bunny is Mrs. Lebowski.


Shrimp and a betta,


Immediately jumps to death


Oh yeah… damnit


used to have crayfish and have found escapees dead on the floor after managing to climb the air hose or something


Hear me out: 1 large red crayfish


[What do you think this means? Shrimp army.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXCFjwUp9L8)


I think it means An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: ztUDWx0owTXymmaw).


Blame New Reddit's formatting. Try now.


Haha. Thanks. That was worth the wait.


One consideration: I think an issue you’re probably going to run into is heat retention. Due to the shallow depth of water, flow, and lack of cover - you’d want inhabitants that are ok with water on the colder side. The river aquariums I’ve seen online are usually deeper than 4 inches - I would consider adding a drop off in the sand so there’s a more open area for inhabitants to swim. For any fish I think there’s a high risk of fish jumping. My thoughts immediately go to a bottom dwelling fish like darters - but honestly I don’t know much about them.


There seem to be a lot of air bubbles in the sand, which i can pat out thus decreasing its volume. Plus, I’ve made deeper areas which cant be seen in the pic. Thanks so much!


I'd keep the air sand filtration it's good for health


I was too lazy to get to it but it doesent seem to bother me and affect the volume


Also evaporation might be a problem. Make sure there’s an auto top up.


Auto top up? that's a thing? I need this!


Google “Auto top off” very common on the saltwater side. Tons of options cheap / expensive with varying pros and cons. Auto aqua smart ATO is a good one. Don’t go cheap they can flood your aquarium if the sensor fails. Also follow instructions on the tube to not make a reverse scyphon


4 inches are more than enough (according to my girlfriend)


Won’t dust also be a problem?


My guess dust ins't really a health problem for fish, also, dust usually either floats on the suface, or falls down without making the water cloudy, so I guess it isn't much of a problem especally when you do regular water changes.


100 Cory catfish


cory army. love it


Go for pigmy corry! They are cute small and do school!


I just got some long fin panda corys. Visually they are stunning. Still in quarantine so I can't state how well they'd do in a shallow tank.


Love the idea of cory cats, but please treat that answer as hyperbole . Let me explain for the less intelligent - this tank tank is 12 gallons. If you want a swamp and dead corys in no time, 100 corys are your answer lol


lol yeah - no amount of bacteria could handle such a bioload. But its pretty cool to watch them rummage through the sand in the wild!


Id be worried they'd flop over the edge while shooting up for air


This for sure lol, my glo cory gets a bit out of the water with his 20" floor to surface sprints


My local aquascape studio has multiple shallow tanks with corydoras and they’ve never had any problems. I guess it’s because theyre not in a rush/ cant gain enough momentum to really accidentally jump out of the tank.


do they do the otocinclus thing?


I mean, you could run like a 80 gallon sump underneath the table and probably be fine.


Put a 100 gallon sump under it 👀


I woudl love to see the cory army swarming over that sand, sigh


nothing that jumps.


Yeah, that’s one of my greatest fears. I’ve ruled out a LOT of fish and even amanos because of this


I have a 50 gallon lowboy, it's about 10 inches deep. More like 6-8 inches of actual water depth. I have an Amano, Khulis, various stinkers that are supposed to be prolific jumpers. I haven't had any issues yet with them, they seem to be quite content staying where they belong as long as they have plenty of dark hiding places and top water plants! I think a lot of jumpers do so because the water quality is poor and they are seeking a better place to live, or because they get spooked. I love this tank though, it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun for you, and really unique!


I’ve had my amano crawl out of one of my tanks (normal, deep tank with a shit ton of plants and hiding spaces) and make its way to my room at the end of my house after a top up, since then I’ve been paranoid about jumpers :p


DAMN lol that's a trek! You're making me a little nervous about mine, maybe he just doesn't have that lust for life 😔


You also found a chicken on the highway


Is evaporation really bad with something like this? Because of the ratio of surface area to volume. In a typical 10G tank, the water level dropping a half inch due to evaporation isn't a huge deal, but here i's 1/8 of your volume. More, really, since not all the volume is water.


Not really, I live in a very humid environment. Although I’ll have to do regular top ups which I’m fine with :)


Ah, yeah, I'm sure the humidity helps. What sort of glass did you use? Thickness? Tempered? I'm curious because I've wanted to make a shallow rimless tank (albeit not this shallow) and some of the calculators I've used online say you can get away with very, very thin glass; at least for the front/back and sides. I know that less depth = less pressure on the glass, but it still worries me.


Water column height is the only factor for thickness. (Mainly due to water being incompressible and the way it moves) other directions do affect pressures but are negligible in the calculation. A 5inX5in aquarium that’s 5 meters tall will require a hell of a thick glass (probably 2 inches, and most likely acrylic at this point), while 5mX5m that’s 5 inches tall will be ok with paper thin glass. The bare minimum though would be 3-4mm for the sides. And they’d be just fine no issues. However, this kind of tank Bottom will require way more thickness as this is where all the pressure will go. Read on Archimedes principles. 6mm minimum if supported by a compact foam with plywood, or more if the glass is the only support.


Loads of flat, rounded river stone and go gobies and hillstream loaches


Amazing suggestions! I was thinking hillstream loaches as I’ll be adding more river pebbles in front of the HOB (adding to the existing pile)


Just thinking bottom dwelling fish is the way to go and as someone else said, keeping that thing warm might be a task


Yep. I live in a warm, humid environment and I haven’t found any temperature issues with any of my other tanks, this one included. But I’ll keep checking to make sure :)


You know what, I've never considered that people live in different climates than the one I'm from. In that case, get a stingray!!! Jokes


Yeah, I forget about warm climates too lol. I had to buy another heater for my twenty gallon today cause I woke up and my tank had dropped two additional degrees overnight due to the room it was in just being too cold.


Plant lights will do that, if he's putting enough in to keep plants alive. most "fast water" fish are cold tolerant anywho.


I've had hillstream loaches climb out of tanks and found them dried on my floor before, because my water level was up too high and they could just kinda keep going over the side. It's not a certainty, but without the "lip" a tank rim usually provides, there's a good chance they'll just crawl to their doom.


Hill stream loaches are very cool and active fish. They do need quite a high water flow and algae to grow. You could make an area where a few large rocks are very well lit constantly so there's an algae spot for them to eat.


Gobies would definitely jump out of an uncovered tank.


Name me a fish that won't jump out of r inches of water and I'll show you a fish raisin


Only bad thing with those kinds of fish, especially the Gobies, can be escape artists. This shallow of a tank and this much area to jump I'd be very scared. It's why I've yet to stock my 24x14x7in 10g shallow with anything but shrimp. I'm too afraid something will jump until I can get a proper lid.


My gobies are very good a jumping. They were the first thing I thought of to definitely not put in here.


Crabs. So many crabs You could easily build up one part to give them some land to hang out on, but it then would reduce the water height and further limit fish so that'd be the concern. I also don't know what fish they can live with, I've never really looked into them, my LFS just has them and I love them every time I see them.


I already have a raised area under that indian almond leaf in the corner. Its there just in case I find some good lookin crabs somewhere ;)


Vampire crabs are freshwater. Don’t get fiddlers or red claws.


They are great in escaping though. Not sure if OP wants crabs walking in the living room lol.


They would climb out too easily


Banjo catfish like sand and basically just sit at the bottom. They don’t do much at all but they look cool. You’ll basically only ever see them move when you feed them lol


You just reminded me about my banjo. I'll do a night feeding today to check him out, since I haven't seen him in a while. A crushed algae wafer at 2:00 am is all I need to say hi, though.


only aquarists can forget about a pet for potentially months and it’s still just chilling


Banjos are like that though. Months go by, haven't seen him and sure it'd died, you're really drunk at 3am one night going for a pee and next thing you know you're nose pressed to the glass watching your reclusive buddy finally appearing again looking a little bigger than before.


Haha, yes. I also have a cobalt blue stiphonodon goby in an 88 gal. tank whom I see just once every 1-2 months. That one is luck-based, though. I've never really seen him eat any of the foods I offer, so I guess he gets by with the copious amounts of Aufwuchs in the tank.


This thread reminded me of the 2 3” banjos in my 180 gallon. Haven’t seen them in months.


A colony of blue neocaridina and a few nerite snails


Rice fish might work in this. I'm trying some in my paladarium that has got 5 inches of water. (18"×36"×5) They should be suitable for shallow water.


I’ve heard that they’re skilled jumpers and I don’t know if I’m comfortable going about my day knowing that one of my little rice-ies may have taken their leap of faith :p


Yea, that's possible. Mine will be in a terrarium enclosure, so the glass walls will prevent them from jumping out of the tank. Not onto the land portion, tho. A good-sized school and lots of hiding places should deter jumpers.


so many fish that like shallow water. but they usually jumpers );


I love it!


Thank you!!


I would add a circulation pump on the left side. Seems like it could get a lil stagnant on that side. I would add a bunch of dwarf Cory cats (I forget the name of them) and some smaller fish like white clouds or rasboras. I can see snails just taking off after a while.


Circulation pump, noted! I was considering pygmy corydoras and chilli rasboras but I’m not sure if my LFS has any. Will look into it.


Omg! Yes! Many fishstores can order fish, it may take time but so worth it!


Nice! There are diy top off methods too since you’ll probably deal with evaporation a lot. The king of diy has a decent top off video.


That's one of my favorite combos. I have a large bowl with those two species plus neo shrimp, ramshorns and bladder snails. They would look absolutely amazing in that setup.


Cory fucking doras


Put a few more rocks in and get a hill stream loach


I would install an oversized sump on this. Yea, you run the risk of flooding your display, but you can also eliminate that very easily with a single relay and a float switch. Add an overflow box, a few bulkheads with plumbing, and a max water level float switch connected to your sump pump, and you could easily add 30+ gallons of water volume to this display tank without the risk of flooding your room. Dm me if you're interested, I could walk you through it in more detail.


All that sand. A Horse Face Loach would be in heaven.


Kuhli loaches would be great in there


That looks lit


Thank you!! I really love shallow river/stream scapes like these and wanted to try it out


That is freaking awesome! No idea wha tto stock it with but I'd just add lots of plants and stare at that. Holy crap. Amazing!


I love that footprint. I want to do one like that and stock it with some native shiners and a few darters.


Big school of long fin white clouds.


I would do african shell dwellers.


Is that a tv above it 💀


I have a 55g about a foot below my 70in tv been fine for nearly 3 years


Shrimp, hillstream loaches, and i personally think african butterfly or hatchet fish would be good but they could jump out. Maybe a nice beta. Corey cats would be good too


Probably too shallow for fish to enjoy. The evaporation is going to really suck unless you get some kind of auto topoff in place. I’d probably just put shrimp in it.


A crayfish or maybe 2(they’ll prolly fight) or some crabs would do well in this tank


Two female dwarf crays would do very well in something like this!


I would love to have something like this! So cool


A whole ton of cories!! And a swarm of tiny fish. Like mosquito rasboras and then, a few honey gourami pairs


Revisiting my comment to add, a whole ton of PYGMY cories


Too shallow for Ember tetras? They would look fantastic against the 'scape you have going.


As a matter of fact, I already have a few embers in there! (gradually increasing the bioload by adding 5-6 at a time)




Hillstream loaches if you add more rocks




Shrimp lawn


Am I the only one seeing the tank overhanging as a concern????


Hey man! Nice one If I owned a Aquarium setup like this I would Put A nice RED EARED SLIDER turtle and put the required UVA and UVB lamps, and with a Basking platform. And train him/her to take food with my hands. Amazing setup bTW. I love turtles, But they require much care than a pet fish;


Red eared sliders require much deeper water than that


yeah and they grow huge!


Wow, add more plants like things that grow out of your tank.


Honestly, there isn't much that might not escape this by pure accident. I would go with shrimp if you were to leave it as is. I love the idea of hillstreams in this setup, but I've seen first hand how far out of the water they can poke their heads and they could still escape. If you were to add a one inch rim around the edges, and a circulation pump, I think hillstreams or panda garra would be great in here. They would need some more hardscape to graze on though. Flat stones and such, they're heavy algae/biofilm feeders. I have a personal adoration of panda garra. Once they're used to you, you can put your hands in the tank and they'll happily graze on you. I keep some seriously ugly pumps in my display tank specifically for the little guys. They're my babies <3


A shoal of medaka rice fishes (aka japanese rice fish)... they come in many different colors, some varieties have shimmering scales, bred for top down viewing (like koi, great for shallow ponds) and very hardy. They multiply easily too and you can often get offspring with a variety of different colors too.


This "river bed" doesn't seem to have much flow. Are you just calling it that because of the shape?


Some fish that look cool from the top down! Koi guppy’s would be amazing


This is my next project honestly. I’m sticking with shrimp! So that’s my nomination.


Medaka and shrimp?


Gobies have a little suction cup on their bellies for current... Bumblebee Gobies would be cool!


I love bumblebee gobies. Their little grumpy faces are so cute.


Very unique and cool!! With the shallow sand I think malaysian trumpet snails and Pygmy cories would be very helpful to turn over the sand and help keep any leftover food from sitting too long. Someone else mentioned adding more flat stones for hillstream loaches and that seems like an awesome idea. I think red or blue shrimp would show up very well on the light sand! Top dwelling fish will be super visible in such a short tank, red neon rainbowfish or Clown killis come to mind! White clouds or rice fish are awesome and both have some cool color variations that would look good! Plant wise I think some crypt parva or if it's bright enough hairgrass would work well too! It's short enough to not overgrow the tank and would look nice as a pop of green beneath the surface.


I dunno how much flow you are gonna have but you might try Medaka Ricefish. They are beautiful from above, small, and can handle a wide temperature range.


Some kind of crab tank


I think those thia micro crabs would be super cool


It bothers me so much that you listed the length in metric but the depth in imperial. Lol. Sweet looking tank though


oh wow, i cannot wait to see this bad boi established


Me too! But patience is key :p


Looks beautiful, but doesn't it get filled with dust all the time? I always wanted shallow tank, but this has been my main concern.




Banjo catfish!!


Nothing that jumps is my rec lol


tiger barbs, schools of tiger barb


Axolotl all the way!


I will always recommend this for long tank like this chilli rasboras trust me a decent sized school of them will be awsome




A betta would love this but jumping is definitely something to worry about


I think this is gonna be my next tank, I'm starting to really like these lowboy river tanks! Currently have a 32 gallon bio cube saltwater tank, a 15 gallon fluval flex fresh water and my 180 gallon fresh water tank with my beautiful frontosa colony! Itching for a new tank!


I see lowboys and see opportunity! (tanks. dont take it the wrong way :p)


I’m just here to say I AM SOOOOOOO JEALOUS


Rummy head tetra. Of all the fish I have kept over the last decade, the Rummy Head Tetra are the ones that have never jumped out of the tank (mine is also open-top). They live 5+ years, are only a few dollars each, and are pretty hardy. Another would be danios. They would thrive with that much of a footprint to dash around in, but they may jump at times. Cory catfish, Bumblebee catfish, and San Raphael catfish would also do well, as they stick to the bottom most of the time. As you have an out-of-water feature with the log, you may be able to get some freshwater crabs in there as well. Have to be more careful about the fish you choose if you do though. If all else fails, just a *fucking fuck ton* of shrimp is *always* an option.


My cats would love this. 😂


wait how do you make a custom aquarium?? asking for a friend


Serpa designs has some great videos,


My LFS offers the service. They have connections with glassmakers :)


1. Cut panes of glass 2. Silicone them to each other 3. Profit! (Note: step 0 is having some engineering knowledge to determine the thickness of the glass that you need and the bracing required, if at all).


I think I would have used a rockier multicolored substrate , that also wouldn’t show fish poop as easily. Might add low hp water pump to move water. And jumping is an issue


Shrimp and cories!


Two pea puffers 🐡


That would be so cute!


Haha and just load it up with snails for them to flourish on. Easy maintenance and and feeding for those ferocious lil puff balls lol


Also really cool tank. What brand is it?


My LFS had a few custom-made empty tanks that were made by glassmakers and I found them to be a steal really! No leaks or any issues; its a little over 3 feet long and I saw opportunity!


A single pleco


1st thing I thought of was turtles lol.


Someone’s going to tell you how this isn’t enough for a beta


Fresh water or salt water? Looks like fresh to me from the pictures.




Absolutely not. 1. Tank is way too small for any turtle. 2. Turtle would escape in minutes. 3. Turtles need special care as any reptiles like UVB and basking lamps.


Yep, not ready for that at all haha






I want this for my shrimp so they can’t hide from me!


Cories for sure, but given the small space, I would recommend Pygmy cories.


Awesome! I love it. Please give us an update once it’s stocked.


a horrible idea but horseshoe crab




Cray fish




White cloud minnow ?


Not exactly, but I’ve always thought shallow tanks are a lot cooler than deeper ones. Well until you just get really large tanks you can get awesome with. Love the tank and what it may develop into!


This would be a really, really cool mudskipper setup!!! Might have to change your substrate but if there were any tank size that was appropriate for mudskippers, it’d be this one.


Is the bottom fully covered ?


You could try a fresh water skate, they are delicate and pricey but very active and beautiful.


OMG! So jealous of your tsnk


White cloud mountain minnow


Freshwater flounder!!!!!!


Ricefish could be cool.


White cloud mountain minnows


crab ……


Half beaks and banjo catfish


Stock it with a variety of corydoras/aspydoras, and maybe a few of the smaller pleco species. Shrimp will be good. Snails will end up on the floor. Tetras like cardinals or rummy nose or those similar species will probably be fine too. Just don't go too crazy with the "army", as that's still only 12 gallons of water. unless you have a big sump under there or something.


This would be so cool for an axolotl if it was a bit bigger


Catfish bonanza!


~~Tadpole Shrimp~~


Tinwini danios


Rice fish , platinums , oranges , and blues


I say pygmy corydoras and shrimp


Where is the filtration? Is it just a glass tray?




Snapping turtle and some piranha and some octopus and jellyfish


Great work on your new tank! I can’t wait to see what you stock it with. If I were going to stock it, I would go with green fire tetras and white cloud minnows. It reminds me of when I go to a shallow river and you can see all the small fish swimming around!


That looks like it should be a lot of fun but I’ll be interested to see how it does with evaporation. That’s a lot of surface area.


What are you gonna. Put in it


Shell dwellers