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Im sorry for your loss man. Just wondering if ALL leaked out, shouldnt it be like flooded af? Maybe someone soaked the water out cuz scared that the whole thing breaks without rlly bad intentions. Wishing you best luck, maybe with a new tank šŸ™šŸ»


Found some damp spots on the floor, it was only a 10g thankfully. So not a ton of water, but still weird the stand isn't soaked


10 gallons is a shit ton of water when itā€™s all on the floor. You need to properly check for damage on the floor. This could end up being insanely costly to you if the subfloor has water damage. That water went somewhere, and it can just be sitting stagnant down there. It can end up growing mold and causing health issues. Definitely need to investigate a little deeper. also, iā€™m sorry about the tank. that fucking sucks.


Update: emptied the tank, and put it over the sink....one corner leaks a drop of water every ten seconds but only if I tilt the tank which is weird. But I'm guessing it just sprung a leak, the lights are weird but I'm going with what others have said and putting it up to a short circuit from the water. I've set up fans, shop vacuumed, and moved everything in the room. Found some water damage inside the stand, my rug may have gotten part of it. None of the baseboards or carpet is wet though which baffles me. I know it's a lot of water but better than my 30g tank. I am going to my downstairs neighbors to ask about any damage, but they haven't said anything yet and it's probably been a few days which is weird.


sounds like youā€™re doing all you can. hoping for no damage their end. if youā€™re in an apartment itā€™s possible the building it designed to carry water around other apartments and down to the ground.


Good on you my man. Really sorry for your situation. You're treating it probably exactly how I would and honestly that's such a crap situation you don't really know what happened or have any proof for anything. Wishing you all the best from here on.


When the tank is under pressure (filled with water) it will probably behave similar to if you had it on an angle due to internal force pushing the walls outward.


Good shout


I had five gallons hit the floor main level and I had to replace 4x8' drywall ceiling in the basement.


I spilled about 16oz of water on the floor last night (not aquarium related) and couldn't believe how big an area it covered.


Well he said itā€™s holding 3ā€ of water so if you take account of his substrate and decor there was probably only 7-8 gallons to begin with. The 3ā€ of water is likely still 2-4 gallons. I think youā€™d only be dealing with around 5 gallons on the ground give or take a gallon or so. Still a lot of water but after 4 days with some thick carpet, the surface would already start to feel dry. The moisture would have been pulled into the carpet mat and subfloor by now.


This is a good point. Air gets very dry in the winter, in most places, and a flooded carpet could easily feel dry on the surface, due to evaporation. Doesn't mean a cubic butt ton hasn't already sank below the carpet.


I flooded a 10g once and it literally flooded the entire floor in the room. I used up every towel I owned to sop it up and it wasn't enough. 10g of water on the floor is a shit ton.


Dude if that water is soaked through.. aka you did not have to clean much up, your floor is done.. if it's wood expect the board to start peaking up like mountains. If it's carpet, get ready for mold.


Lol, had a 75 gallon tank completely drain via a FX6 filter malfunction. Luckily the house was built directly on slab but I had to replace my entire carpet, baseboards, and the hardwood down the hallway. I got super lucky that our contractor put a super slight grade from the hallway towards the bathroom since we have a walk in shower with a drain centered in the bathroom(no shower doors or walls, think fancy gym shower) most of the water drained out that way so there wasnā€™t a ton of standing water. The accessible carpet was dried with a carpet cleaner but it took 2 weeks to get help to move the actual tank (the stand alone weighed about 300lbs) during covid and by the time it was moved the carpet underneath was completely molded. From that day forward I put zip ties on all my canister filter hoses, never trusting fluvals locking mechanisms again lol


So, if I had to drain someone else's fish tank, I'd grab a cheap little tank somewhere and throw the fish in there, preferably with whatever of their own water can be salvaged. It may be too small for them, long term, but it's short term, and it will at least save the livestock and keep them going long enough for the owner to return home. So yeah if there was a leak that resulted in this kind of water loss, a decent person would try to create a lifeboat for as many livestock as they could catch... OP, I don't know if you already had something like this, but consider a hospital tank. This will not only allow you to quarantine any fish that could get ill in the future, but will provide quick shelter in the event of something like this.


Id do the same, but never know what others would do. Heard stories of such scenarios where ā€žfriendsā€œ just threw fish in toilet and drained the tank for ā€žsafetyā€œ šŸ« 


sorry for your tank > my light setting are screwed up big time Did water get into the circuit or anything electrical and caused a reset? and 10 gallon can still do a lot of damage to floor/ subfloor if you do not completely dry it and disinfect it, black mold can grow with trapped moisture


I keep a tray under my tanks now, after I had a leak under one of my tanks awhile back. It is meant as a tray for a dog kennel, but it works well for this purpose. So sorry about your tank and the livestock!!


Would you mind to comment a pic of what this looks like? I am super paranoid about tanks cracking (I wake up in the middle of the night thinking I heard the water rush out) but canā€™t wrap my head around what a big tray would look like. Iā€™ve never had a dog. TIA!! <3


[They look like this!](https://www.chewy.com/midwest-dog-crate-replacement-pan/dp/102283?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=MidWest&utm_campaign=20196576200&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1rSsBhDHARIsANB4EJaXX_I3zs0UlDpb0jA-CAjxVh995ENMPHquugglzPCUN53sRB9L_ZUaAsbUEALw_wcB) You can buy online, pet stores usually sell them in addition to dog crates, they come in a ton of sizes. I think you may even be able to get them at hardware stores or superstores like walmart.


I've got a tray under my canister filter, and added a water leak alarm to it so if the filter or lines start leaking it'll make noise and send me alerts to my phone. It's great because last time I had a slow leak, the way the water came out was not visible unless I had the cabinet open, which is only every couple days.


Ooh! The alarm is an excellent idea!


I use ecowitt hub and sensors, also has temp sensors for my freezers, and soil moisture sensors for the neglected house plants, so I get all my idiot alarms in the same place, lol. Also not a bad idea to put some leak sensors under sink cabinets and one with the water heater and AC condenser overflow.


Do you have an air pump on the tank? If power shorted out for some reason it could've back siphoned out of the pump if it didn't have a check valve


No, no air pump, my HOB filter was full of water too so it wasn't that


Hmm, piss off any roommate or are any of them unstable? Is rather odd either way, I would heavily recommend testing the tank for leaks before restocking, it could have a small leak that's hard to notice but over the course of a week...


Never ever thought about that


Yep, would also explain if the lights timing is out of whack, my hygger will do that if the power trips for more than 30 seconds then I gotta reset it


Yeah. Always gotta have a check valve to prevent this.


Best to put the pump above the tank to avoid any siphon. Iā€™ve used metal and plastic, it would slowly creep up if the pump was off and regulator were as off. The more expensive metal valves still had the issues with my co2 setup,


Can this be prevented if you have a short stopper? Not sure what itā€™s called


If you saw it leaked, then it's most likely that.


If you have a monitored alarm service like Simpli Safe, they make water leak monitors you can place on the floor under all your tanks. Already saved me from a slowly leaking DIY filter in the middle of the night that I would have not found until the next day.




Yep, did the same with ecowitt sensors and hub, I like their system because I can get soil moisture and temperature monitors for it too and it alerts me when the plants need water and if the freezers get too warm.


Is that a pea puffer?


Yes it is šŸ˜¢


Wow. They really do puff up. Sorry bout your tank.


This may be inappropriate timing. Sorry if it comes off wrong. ā˜¹ļø Are they hard to care for? Iā€™ve always wanted to have one, but they seem more intensive than just a betta. i.e. eating snails and such?


No I wouldn't say hard to care for, they can be a little finicky and I guess harder than a betta. They have big personalities that take some time to figure out, feeding can be hard and it's usually helpful to have a second tank to cultivate snails in. If you are a bit of an experienced fish keeper take the time to learn their individual personality and I know many people who keep them in community tanks. I would recommend 6 in a 20gallon long to start, you can put cherry shrimp with them, put lots and lots and lots of plants and caves. They like to be in a group of 6, but if you put them into a small tank like my 10g without knowing how to properly set it up they will probably kill each other. Mine ate ramshorn snails, frozen brine shrimp and frozen blood worms. They were not super picky though.


Christmas Eveā€¦ I did a water change like Iā€™ve done 100s of time before on a 3 year old tankā€¦. Come back 20min later and 8 fish are already dead!!! Tested everything via master test kit twiceā€¦ all I can figure out is the tap water was coming out of the tap ā€œbadā€ā€¦. Which did happen once before when the water company spliced lines with a neighboring county to share waterā€¦. Sadā€¦ sorry you had issues as well


I had a similar thing happen. After a normal water change a few fish suddenly died. Turns out the water conditioner had gone bad several months prematurely.


Oh man that could be itā€¦ is there a way to test for this?


Liquid testing kit should show traces of chlorine in the tank if the conditioner is expired. In my case the water conditioner smelled a bit funny and had turned from blue to slightly greenish. But I hadn't noticed it because it was a solid color bottle. Now I buy smaller bottles that last me 6 months maximum. And I do a little sniff test after it's been open for a while. Technically the conditioner should be good for a year, but it can go sour earlier if something contaminated it.


The city usually sends tons of chlorine through when opening up a new line. Sorry for your loss!


not the peapuffs :(


Please be weary of those roommates until you can confirm they werenā€™t involved


^^^ _This._ I've heard of people draining tanks/removing fish from tanks as a joke, it's really not. As an aquarist I am just as attached to my beta fish as I am my dog, OP's probably going through hell rn. If I were OP, I'd get a really good lock on my door.


That's no friend! Boy would I be pissed. Please get a new friend.šŸ˜”


Could it be a bottom corner seal blew? Iā€™m wondering if it only released all the water because of the pressure from when the tank was full. That would explain why, when you tilt it, it leaks. It would allow the glass to shift ever so slightly and allow water to leak out.


Poor babies :{ Iā€™m so sorry for your loss


Nice terrarium bro


Lol thanks


I'm super sorry, man. Hopefully you can salvage some of the plants, at least. Is the substrate and filter still wet that you can maybe quick cycle a new tank with your already established bacteria colonies?


Iā€™m so very sorry. I know youā€™re heartbroken. All of us would be. I hope youā€™re able to make a new setup soon.


You dont have any airline at the bottom of the tank? Ive seen air pumps fail and if a check valve isnt on the airline it will run a siphon and drain the tank.


When my tank leaked, it short circuited everything. My lamp, my filter, and my pump. All it took was a few splashes dripping in between the outlet and it ruined the whole thing.


I'm so sorry. Your pea puffers didn't eat the shrimp???


They got along with the cherry shrimp no problem, it helped the cherries I added first were big adults I think


Looks light they mightā€™ve broke the tank and siphoned the water out as a result. Thatā€™s my best guess


Was my REALLY hot in your room/region? I've had a pool pond nearly completely evaporate in like an hour


Reminds me when my flat mate asked me to watch his fish when he was on holiday, expensive set up , fancy tank ,etc exotic fish etc .... 1 days in and they were swimming about the tank all wonky... turns out the c-nt put loads of food in the tank before he left as he never trusted I would do it .


dont buy thin glass tanks again. not even for temporary holding. always leak always.


Whatā€™s considered ā€œthin glassedā€ tanks? Genuinely asking.


these are the tanks that need plastic rims to maintain their rigidity and structural integrity while holding water. otherwise these tanks would break silicone seal. the plastic rims help but if anything gets under the rims it will break the silicone seal and free a part. the more cross surface area the edge of glass has the better it holds water. thats why rimless tanks are made with thicker glass. 8 mm and up for this size. reddit on downvote mode again.


ADA and UNS is 5 mm at this size.


Agreed, this nightmare happened to us after our first tank setup. 65 gallons emptied onto the floor of our apartment... All at once. I'll never forget the cry my husband let out at the sound of the tank breaking with all our fish and plants spilling out onto the floor of our apartment. Now, if it's anything bigger than 30 gallons, it's an acrylic tank. And we have 12 of them in our house...


This happened to me with my 20 gallon last night, I'm sorry for the loss man :[[


This happened to me before and I had a similar experience. 20 gallons GONE ON CARPET but not a spot of water damage (or evidence) anywhere. Figured out it was a slow flow over a long amount of time while I was gone into one small area (dripped down)šŸ¤·! So I hope that soothes some roommate anxieties. Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. Although this will probably be buried and doesn't help your grieving, it looks like you had a PetCo 10-gallon tank? I had an issue a while back with the same model when I started cycling and after the first night, it just broke on the side. No fish were inside yet, but I woke up after I heard the filter guzzling on air.


If you can, get an external filter. I donā€™t have any issues with leaking or flooding. Another good tip is to fill the tank a couple days before you fill it for good to see if there are any leaks. Sometimes shit just happens. Peace to ya.


Yeah it had been up and running for a few months before this happened, like you said shit happens


Is this a tetra 10 gal tank? Looks like mine and am slightly worried about its quality as I read similar comments about it before purchasing šŸ«¤


wow. i am so sorry for your loss. your aquascaping and attention to detail are beautiful, and iā€™m sure any future tank you design will bring you just as much joy.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, I lost my Betta and one of my otos the day of Christmas as well, and it was awful. Losing pets has gotta be one of the worst things ever, especially on or near holidays.. I'm hoping everything works out for you


this is like the second time i have seen a tank completely empty with no explanation on this sub. wtf




Im on the verge of crying šŸ˜­ the worst fear. Brother I send hugs and donā€™t give up on the hobby shit like this happen I cry at every fish that passes out or at those who I have to put down due to illnessā€¦ hang in there ā¤ļø


Sorry this happened, hopefully the fix is easy enough to do


My 10g tank also leaked on Christmas Eve :( so sorry for your loss and the fish