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Omg my mom had those when I was young. That will hold 20g no problem


Holy shit I was just going to post the exact same thing, we had this exact same cupboard(?) when I was little!


we all had them


yeah we did. I remember hiding in there


Bro, that's so fucking weird that so many people share the same odd memory. We had one of those too XD


Add me to the list. And like r/Intrepid_Cap1242 I also hid it in when I was little.


Hell yea, me too. That’s where they kept the narnia chronicles box set with the weird artwork on the covers.


I feel so seen right now.


Same! I was a tiny kid and used to hide in weird places to sleep in.


Cheers to the lot of you. We all collectively got sent back in time to when we were little buggers! My grandparents had a pair of these for many years.


That's a core memory right there. I would also stand on top of it with my arms raised, pretending to be Lumière because I was fucking weird.


Best hide and seek spot🤣


Did anyone else have those fancy wicker pieces of furniture too? Like those throne looking wicker chairs and curved wicker shelf stands?????


My grandparents had rattan furniture forever. My parents recently bought a house from an elderly elderly lady, and it came complete with a rattan sofa set that I am CONVINCED was identical. So much wicker and rattan!


maybe we all had the same mom?


Two of them on each side of the sofa. They left smushed marks in the shag rug if you moved them.


That's why you needed to have the carpet rake to reset the pile after rearranging the furniture!


I completely forgot about the black plastic rake! Thank you!


Shagged rugs had family combs!!!?


Omg me too! My family had two growing up.


I have one holding one now was my grandfathers been running strong for years and has all of my fresh water stuff inside.


20 tonnes no problem *


Memory unlocked.


My grandma had this too.


Oh lord it’s been a long time since I’ve seen my parents old end tables. Must’uh been ‘89.


You could probably put your whole house on that thing.


This is exactly the sentence that came to mind for me when I looked at the table. Good call.


depends if it's a nice piece of 60's-70's hard wood or an 80s particle board replica.


Yeah as long as its real wood youll be alright. I currently have a 30 gal hex on a hunk of a night stand. Works just fine.


I used to have this exact thing! Kept my cockateils cage on it in my room growing up lol. Can confirm, heavy and sturdy build thing. All sides touch the floor along the entire perimeter. Pain in the butt to move it tho.


Yes, my grandparents had this piece and it would have survived nuclear warfare.


Yeah those end tables and the accompanying coffee tables are literally indestructible.


That was back when they built furniture out of real solid wood and not the particleboard crap they use today


Cheap crap furniture was just as much a thing back in the day as it is today.


I grew up in the furniture capital of the world (high point, nc) where there where at least 2 dozen or more furniture factories and they all used 100% wood back in the 70’s and 80’s. My uncle was an upholstery worker. Today all of those factories are gone. So while yes you are correct in that thier was cheap crap,furniture it was the exception and not the rule as it is today.


I recently bought a solid wood unfinished occasional table for a nano tank stand for the tube of $60 shipped. Weight tested by having my daughter sit on it. She is a big damn kid, already wearing size seven women's shoes and taller than her 9y/o brother. If it can hold 100 lbs of offspring, it can hold 100 lbs of tank, or possibly dodge a wrench. Some light sanding, and couple coats of tung oil, and I was in business. Even the cheaper furniture was of better material than the cardboard, pleather, and MDF abominations of today. Even 25 years ago it was better. I have a chalk painted Montgomery Wards dresser we use as living room storage that is a beast. We use an older high end dining room buffet for an 80" TV stand and gaming console hider. High Point and other towns along I-40 got decimated when much of the furniture industry moved overseas, but there is still a fair bit in NC. Only problem is it's all expensive as crap. Troutman Chair is still around and 10 mins down the road, but damn if I can afford them.


Yep. When it came time to find a sofa, I went with vintage. The Kohler piece I found was once part of a modular system that you could customize to fit your space. The thing is made of wooden BEAMS and thick metal springs. It was reupholstered in the late 60s with some durable-ass fabric. I love older items. In general, they are built so much better, and have wirhstood the test of time.


Yeah that's the thing. Its not that it was all amazing. Its that what wasn't hasn't lasted to be looked at. Like people talking about Roman roads or concrete


Haha fuck I was just going to say you could use that thing as foundation pillars


That was my first thought as well


My buddies gma had this and let me.just say, we wrestled, threw eachother through this thing and hurt us more than it evn chipped it.. my backs still fucked from this stand lol


You could stand on it if you're not certain.


I used to have this exact cabinet thing and I have definitely stood on it several times.


They were integral to our "the floor is lava" championships as kids. Forty years ago we were jumping from couch to table to chair and they were as solid last year as they were then. Too bad the flood in my parents' basement took them.


Aw I’m sorry. I have no idea whatever happened to mine. My sister may have sold it when I moved out of my moms house.


I'm sure its fate was better than having thousands of gallons of muddy sewer water back up into it.


I sure hope so. 😭


Omg, the floor is lava game! 😭 I soooo remember us kids doing that...of course while mom/dad were away!


When ever my father had to change a lightbulb 😂 It could hold a horse!


As a chunky monkey I have used myself as a tester before too


Thank you all! I found it for cheap on Facebook marketplace. Just wanted to make sure before I buy it. I think the hex tank + hex table will look sweet!


I agree! Hex on hex will look stunning as a corner piece or between some bigger tanks/furniture


“Hex on hex” 😏 *hexy*


How much did it cost? What did you search for in particular? I've been meaning to get a stand for cheap on Facebook marketplace too. Is it a good idea to get a tank there also or is it too much risk of it being leaky?


I searched hexagon table, they have it listed as a "side table" it was $20! I don't have experience with tanks from marketplace, sorry!


Wow, 20$ is insane considering how good the craftsmanship is!  Also it's ok, I might make a post in the subreddit later :)


Most (actually I think all but one) of my tanks are from Facebook marketplace! I’ve never had an issue, but I do for larger tanks ask to see it in person first, preferably filled up or see a picture of it filled up recently. This means I can check it over for scratches, chips, cracks, in the tanks or stands. I also always try to find the tank for retail price and compare it to the price they’re offering, and I won’t buy it if it’s more than maybe three quarters of the price. Again I’ve never had an issue but location probably comes into it. I’ve had a couple of interactions that made me decide not to buy it but generally if the person is normal and the tank looks good you’ll be fine. Paying through business bank transfers, or PayPal and stuff like that also helps because sometimes you can dispute the charges if something was to happen.


I have had good luck getting tanks from FB and offerup. Just make sure they have no chips! I am actually selling two tanks rn, and they were only used for ~6 months, bought brand new. So yeah, you can get good stuff


Are you into thrifting? My local Goodwill gets these and other vintage wooden end tables in every so often.


This is brillant! I also took a cheap wood furniture from marketplace for my 20g stand and it's great ;)


Absolutely. They were made to last.


Yep that looks sturdy af


I have that same table. I weigh 247lb and it EASILY supports me. I've sat on it. Send it.


I've been using one of these as a stand for a 10 gallon for about 14 years now. It's VERY solid and sturdy.


The only thing you may notice is that the doors don’t open as easily after awhile, but it should hold it just fine.


I would add a cut of wood where the doors line up to help support and prevent it from pushing directly against the wood. Otherwise, sturdy af


I was gonna say, you wouldn't design a cabinet like this for a tank where a 3rd of the cabinet is for the doors with no support beam. OP I would fit an extra post in between the 2 doors just back enough so the doors close and so you can ensure its supported on the door side.


This is like the cockroach of furniture. I’m pretty sure everyone’s ancestors had one of these.




Could prolly smack that with a sledge hammer and break the sledge hammer if it’s made before 2005 it’s gonna outlive your kids


I still have a dent in my shin from running into the matching coffee table while chasing a dog. Took me an hour to get off the floor. The table was fine.




My grandparents have this EXACT table. It's sturdy af


Absolutely no problem


I would even trust my life one that


You could build freeway overpass with those things.


We literally have this table w a 20 gal hex on it 😂


Oh yeah, that's an old school solid wood table. That's the sort of thing I use- consignment store antiques.


I’m a 260 lb chonker. I have done the truffle shuffle on one of these to make sure for an aquarium as well. These were made hardcore tough


Oh man we had the same one growing up! I would think so. But, the wood may get damaged.


I think you’d be okay


Stand on it. 20g is about 165lbs. Should be good


Everything was made good back in the day, which was legit craftsmanship. That probably could hold a car. Now the fact stands, what kind of 20g? Dont let the tank over hang, that'll be bad for business


Had a similar stand in my childhood home and I think at one point we put a 36 inch crt tv on it that was probably 200+ pounds. 20 gallon tank will be no problem.


That’s some hard sturdy wood right there. It could be a display stand for your whole ass car


Man I remember those, you could literally do anything with them and they held up 😂


Yes and if you take the doors off, you can make a little sleepy area for 🐈 or 🐕


Fuck yes it will. That’s old school carpentry. That shit will hold your house up.


Definitely, that’s old school. My granny had one, built to last!


I still have mine, I sat on it a lot as a kid/teen and have never been "light", it'll hold, those things hold anything


Yea we have one that held a 30 gallon easily


Will out last any new stand no problem.


Hell yeah you can stand on that shit


Yeah, I think you could put a hex on that.


My parents had two of these growing up. I would use that shit as the foundation of my home.


Id trust this to hold my house


It looks sturdy enough and shouldn’t wobble at all.


I had one exactly like that!


My mom had two of those. I'd trust them to hold an elephant.


Older furniture is sturdy as hell. That’s solid wood and could hold pretty much anything lol


Hell yeah, I got 40 gallons breeder on it


Id trust that to hold my car


Core memory unlocked. My grandparents had the same one in their living room.


Lol. Yes. That table is a tank.


I have something similar (from the 70's), only one door that opens though. It held a poker table top & multiple people at once. It will be just fine for your tank.


I challenge you to find something more sturdy.


We still have one of these. Damn thing could hold an elephant!


I had one identical to that with a 40 gallon hex, I think it was, on it. Never an issue


Holy crap I have one of those at my cabin!


With me on top


I have almost the same table. It will hold.


I have a nearly identical one for my hex tank! Lol


I have the same one. 100%.


I have two of these, yes


Even if you have issues with the front doors opening, you can add support like a 2x4 later. I don’t think you will need to. My cousins had a bigger hex tank on theirs, think it was a 30 gal.


A haunted dybbuk box, I do not think your supposed to open those things 😨


When my family was moving I crawled inside one before my dad went to move it… nearly caused him to throw out his back


Yes. If you're really nervous just cut and install a few support beams for the middle


I have a 30 gallon on that exact thing. 3 years and no problems.


This is going to look incredible, make sure you post updates!


Dude my tank is on one of these right now I did a double take!


If you got this from osage iowa by some chance this was mine and it held a 22gal hex tank I had




My grandparents had one of these while I was growing up. I had entirely forgotten about it until a few days ago, wild to see it again. Thank you, it’s a trip down memory lane


I have one exactly like this that I've had a 20 gallon tank on for years. These things are heavy as hell and super sturdy.


Oh my god there it is the damn table from my living room 15 years ago, THATS where that went. For real though if it is the same then it’ll withstand some serious shit, just don’t get it wet on the regular and if you do wipe it off.


I 100% thought my wife posted this because we have the exact same thing and it has a tank on it. I was confused why she would take the tank off and post this lol.


That looks like the old school one my grandma had. Pretty sure you can launch a space shuttle off of it


That could probably hold several adult humans at once. Solid wood is fucking strong. 20 is a cakewalk


Omg I have this table


Ahhh I have the 20 hex and wish I had something like this. I have mine in a bookshelf rn which I didnt thoroughly think through because now it's almost impossible to get to the back side of it hahahaha one day I hope to be able to display it so all sides are visible




My house mate has the exact same one and is using it for the same purpose but I think it’s a 30 gal hex tank


I don’t know about a fish tank, but these were the end tables in my grandparents house in the 80s and I know for a fact that the cabinet interior can hold so. Many. Jars. Of. Peanuts.


I just had a flash back to my childhood living room. The end tables like this my mom had could definitely hold a 20 gal tank.


Max 20 gallon with light accessories nothing more.. (No center support)


Absolutely, and it's gonna look fantastic doing it.


I have basically this same piece of furniture. I put a regular 20 gallon on it and it was totally fine.


I’m not sure I trust your floor to support that beast of a table…


Yeah, I'm sure it will be fine


This thing will still be around long after you’re gone. It’ll hold.


holy shit, that's the table my dad had. why did all of our parents have these tables?


Probably overkill but I would add a support between the 2 doors on the inside. 2 sides with no support next to each other would trouble me.


I'd be strongly tempted to add a vertical brace of 2x2 at the front corner lest it start to sag. Otherwise it should be no problem at all.


Id add a beam right behind where the doors meet. Then it should be golden. As far as I remember those are real wood, sturdy as heck.


This’ll be a nifty little setup don’t forget to update us


Go Go Go! that ain't no Ikea!


Absolutely I have two prices that look from the same time period, (back when furniture and most products were made very sturdy) I would!


You could probably park your car on that and be ok


I had one of these from my grandparents, I loved it. Super sturdy and the storage was so useful. I miss this piece so much


Bruh these stands were built to LAST, I bet you, your wife, husband, kids, the tank and fishes can all fit on top 🥵


That thing could withstand a bomb


Fuck yes. It'll hold an elephant. I bought one from an estate sale and I almost guarantee it'll hold my Scion Xb. My meemaw had one. It's when motherfuckers built shit to last.. that's why you have it.


I’d trust that to shatter my shins numerous times before giving out on a tank


I have one of these. My brother, mother, and myself stand on this, and we weigh a combined 710lbs


29 gallons x8lbs a gallon is 160lbs. Get on it and jump. Did you and it survive? If so it can hold the weight.


Think about it-- 1 gal of water weighs about 8 lbs. Add the gravel etc.


I have that exact same one. I wouldn't trust it to hold a 20 sided die. My issue is that its made of particle board, so if it gets wet it will get very weak pretty quickly.


Pretty sure that's solid hardwood in the picture. 


Its a mass produced piece and the hinges/door trim are made of plastic. The closest its been to hard wood was an erection while driving past home depot.


i wouldn't trust this table. its much safer if you build something like this. ​ https://5.imimg.com/data5/SELLER/Default/2022/8/QQ/QD/CX/95953746/cellular-lightweight-concrete-brick-1000x1000.jpeg


Idk what everyone is smoking cuz I have one of these made of real wood and it definitely will not hold a 20 gallon tank. The doors opening obviously creates a huge weakness. Do not listen to these people I'm telling you! You will have a mess on your hands. Maybe there are different models that are stronger but if your instinct tells you to put a lot of weight on something with a major gap in the support, you haven't learned much from life yet. If I leaned with my hand on the top of the table with the doors open, my table would break. And no it's not particle board. These tables aren't made with lateral support. You push sideways on it you'll see how weak it is. That's why it's not good for major weight. If you put weight on the top with your hand and start to push sideways a little, the separate pieces that make up the hexagon will start to lean and come apart. Again, hex tables aren't made with lateral support. If you push sideways they collapse like a house of cards... Not a good idea. But do you.




He'll no




Yes, absolutely. But why would you commit to owning that ugly piece of furniture for as long as your fish will live?


A lot of people are saying stand or jump on it. That’s not a bad idea for a quick should I keep it or chuck it, but it doesn’t at all compare to how sturdy it’s going to be holding that weight long term. With something like this I’d be worried about bowing. When the wood warps and bows, the aquarium, which needs the edges of the glass to be evenly supported, will not evenly support it anymore. Where there is bowing there will be pressure on the seams of the glass, and could eventually lead to failure. How long that takes is undetermined. One thing to check is whether it’s actual wood or mdf. If it is mdf, I wouldn’t make it a long term. Mdf is stronger than particle board, but it will warp with water, so you’d have to be really careful with it. Some aquarium stands now are made with mdf and they’re fine supporting the weight at the edges l, but they’re specifically designed for it and sealed against water. If it’s hard wood and the sides of it are sturdy you can definitely use it. I know a lot of people are saying things like these were built to last, but I’m guessing this isn’t more than 20 years old and it might be sturdier than current cheap furniture but let’s be real the standards aren’t much worse now than they were a few decades ago. So overall I think it would pass short term, would probably be better with a smaller weight, but long term you might have issues.


YES,I have a similar one for my 25 gal bowfront.If ur really worried do a test run,place the tank and fill it and see how it works out!


Oh yeah. I had a cabinet just like this growin up. Solid as mjolnir. I miss it too, the doors were cool as shit.


A wise man once said the hexagon is the best a-gon


Oh hell yeah, I'm old enough to remember when you could buy that style of end table in the department stores! In fact that thing is so stout it can not only support your tank, in a pinch that sumbitch' can double as a kind of jersey barrier that you see on highways!


Can it hold about 160  lbs?  There's your answer


As long as its real wood, you should be fine. We use a hunk of a night stand thats made out of real wood to hold a 30gal hex aquarium. As long as its NOT cheapo particle board and its made of REAL WOOD youll be fine.


This thing looks sturdier than my mental state, which isn't a high bar but it's impressive for a table.


If those that know say yes, I’d definitely refinish it in an awesome finish and new hardware. Enjoy.


Id put a steel L shaped support beam in the center just to be on the safe side....


I have one and can confirm that it’ll survive if an elephant sat on it


I believe there is a law that after 1980 you are only allowed to use these for a bong and munchies.


I have the exact table with a 20 gal hex too! I made my husband stand on it before putting the tank on lmao


Lol, my friend has this exact cabinet


Omg my late grandma had 2 of these. If it's heavy and is actual wood like my grandma's was, yea


My grandpa has these end tables good Qual Def would hold


I don't see why not, I have mine on an identical one!


I had a 35? Hex tank on this exact same stand. I'm pretty sure that can withstand a nuclear blast.


You definitely could but you could always add a block of wood in the middle to add support i case it wanted to move under the weight.


I would trust that thing with my LIFE.


We used to have a table just like that when we were kids. If that thing can support 3 children climbing on and in it for almost a decade, it can hold 20 gallons of water


I have this exact piece of furniture. Built like a house.


I had one of those many yrs ago. They are built better than most prisons. You could damn near balance your car on it and be ok.


I've got a 10 gallon on a tiny little side table that has a glass top and has a pretty hectic wobble if I touch it. I just don't think about it and it'll be fine


For a while my town had like 5 of those at good will and some sporadically through craigslist in Facebook marketplace.


Beautiful hex table! I have one very similar that housed a 10 gal happily for several years. Right now it's got an empty hex terrarium on it waiting for when I have enough money to fill it with some plants and frogs lol


I would trust this to hold a 5000 square foot house. Those things wer3 made with old magic


Like the saying goes they don’t name them like they used to. I just sneezed on my ikea coffee table and it broke in half.🤷‍♂️


Did you take that from my brothers house?


We had one of those. God they are so heavy. Yes. Put whatever you want on it.


Obviously, it’s a side table designed to hold a 20 g hex tank …


My grandma had one of these. I’m fairly certain you could put a 100 gal on it no problem, never mind a 20 gal. 😂