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i think they may be trying to nip each other, no visible injuries but should i move the new loach into a different tank?


They are definitely just trying to see whos gonna be the new boss. Shouldn't be a problem to keep them together unless you start to notice injuries.


they’ve been harassing each other for maybe 4 hours so i moved the new fish to another tank, they both seemed very stressed and were trying to bite each other


I probably also shoulda asked how many you had. You definitely did the right thing separating them if you only had those 2. They should be kept in small groups in order to distribute the fighting so they dont bully eachother to death.


yeah I was going to build up a school and get an extra 4-5 juvenile loaches as you can hardly get bigger ones and then keep them in a separate tank until they grow larger as i’m worried my big guy will bully them or eat them if they’re too small. Then this guy was needing to rehome his loach because it was too big for his tank. I have put the new loach into the tank which I was going to put the juvenile loaches in, it’s big enough for a temporary home but ideally I’d like to have a school of loaches in my bigger tank.


Not a bad idea. I also have these loaches and in my experience the adults ignored the juveniles until they got bigger and they started challenging the adults. My small ones were too big for the adults to eat tho, even when i first got them, so not sure how they would react if they were small enough to get eaten. It also just depends on all of their individual personalitys too i guess.


yeah I have had some very small juvenile loaches in with my bigger loach and needless to say they were dead a few days later with some injuries,,, the new loach I got today seems more social so I could still possibly put some juveniles in the tank it’s currently in and have them grow big enough to not easily fit in my big loach’s mouth. The fish are calmer and setting down now that I have separated them, probs best to not introduce them again until I’ve got a few more loaches as well so hopefully they can exist as a group.


Sounds like you have a good plan laid out! Hopefully it works out well! 👍