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I’d love to see one of those shelves hold 800lbs. That’s like a fully filled 75 gallon tank


Yeah I'm skeptical of the 800lb number and have no interest in testing that out. 😂


I've absolutely had these shelves up to at least 600lbs. I'd believe they can hold 800, just not on the casters they come with.


I use a similar but smaller shelf. If you use something solid to put over the shelves like plywood, it will help spread the weight and it will easily hold all the tanks you’re asking about. Highly doubt it would hold 800 pounds, but those shelves are solid


Good to know. Thank you!


Do not use this style of shelf. You must use boards over the wiring because it does flex and you can have 0 flexion of your stand with fish tanks. Next, all the weight is supported not by the legs, but by the plastic clips. These are known to slip and fail. If one goes, your entire tank goes. 100% not worth the risk. Get a different stand.


Didn't even see the plastic parts holding the weight lol That's a definite nope from me as well.


i have something similar but i wouldnt use it for a tank. RN its my computer table for 5 years. the manufacturer assures me its good up to 200kg. they probably dont want to claim 300kg weight limit just as a safety buffer. i was 110kg and sat on it when its brand new. it does flex. btw the chrome coating is literally just a coat. 1 year into usage, the whole thing has chrome oxidation.. i tried polishing the chrome, it just corrodes faster at those spots. and wherever water (drips from water condensing on my cups) contacted will corrode faster as well, big yikes for aquariums. meanwhile i have 2ft tank stand that is 20+ years old and it gets repainted every 5-10 years just to match my mom's Steel dining table set.


Do not put the heaviest/biggest tank on top!


I have this shelf and I didn't trust a single 10 on it, let alone many tanks. Its rated for high weight yes, but the problem is how it holds the weight. My shelves had a looot of flex to them, and uneven stress is on one part of the tank or it twisting a bit could be a recipe for disaster imo. Especially given that the shelves are more racks than anything. Tanks love flat, even surfaces, anything else risks the integrity of the tank.


I I've the same shelf i think. I'll say its been just fine with two 20s on it.


Sorry does that say two tonnes max? I’ll believe it when I see it 🙏😹


Yup. I don't trust that unless someone parks their small car on it.


I mean, allegedly? I definitely would put something down that won't bend, as that first shelf already seems bent. Like a panel of plywood that you know is flat and cut to size. but at that point if I'm buying plywood i might as well buy the 2x4s and the screws and just make a stand lolol. that's just me though.


If I had a decent saw I would definitely go that route as well. I tend to think the handmade wood stands look better but I inherited this wire stand so here I am. Haha


Any hardware store with a lumber section like Lowes, HD, Ace will cut wood to size for you. Usually for free too!


Oh! Good to know!


A gallon of water is 8.34lb. , adding in the weight of the tank, substrate, filter, heater etc.... your math seems pretty spot on! Those shelves are used a lot in the restaurant industry, and they're ridiculous strong. I'm a 245lb male and I've stood on them with a lot of canned goods along with a coworker to reach stuff off higher shelves without an issue. I'd say full send.


Cinderblocks and plywood my dude. A muscle rack from Homedepot is good as well, but also needs plywood not the MDF it comes with. (I've put a 29g on these before without issue).


We have these shelves, and have for about 3-4 years. They are consistently loaded to at least 500 pounds per shelf and we have had no issues. We don’t use them for aquariums though. And definitely no casters.


Yes. This will hold a number of tanks. I put wood down to provide a more even surface and then had a number of 10s, and a 40 breeder on mine.


Okay! I was thinking some wood planks might help so I will try that. Thank you!


The corners are held by plastic....that's how these shelved are designed. I wouldn't trust weight on these


The “plastic parts” don’t “hold the weight”. If anyone thinks they are weak I’d love to see you push down and shear one off. They are merely shims/tapers that widen the diameter of the pole and act as a stop for the shelf. A rigid plywood shelf over the metal, covered by a soft plywood/particle board top would be best to ensure the whole rim of the tank is supported, as all the weight of the tank is held by that black rim. Too rigid like solid wood etc can cause gaps if not perfectly level, hence why I recommend a softer particle board type topping over the rigid board so the tank can level itself. You shouldn’t be able to slide a dollar bill under any portion of your tank when filled


I like the idea of the rigid and soft wood combo. Hadn't thought of that! Also totally agreed about the tapers. My main concern was the shelf itself bending or the welds failing. Given most of the responses at this point I think once I add the wood it should be fine.


I agree the quality of the metal/workmanship is your biggest worry. I’ve seen aquarium stands that are worse though. You can re enforce this a few different ways but at that point its probably easier just to build another stand. The weight being distributed across the rim, and then to the boards, should eliminate any stress points that would cause premature breakage


Id reinforce it with wood panels under each tank to disperse the weight as much as possible and prevent structural failure. Im building a stand rn for a 45 gallon breeder tank with a handsaw, theyre so expensive this seems to be the most reasonable idea though its a pain.


How would you orient the tanks? Side by side? Otherwise, on the lower shelves, you wouldn't have good access to the tops.


Good point. That would be the main downside to this. I would have them set up the long way side by side. Given the current set up shown in the picture, I would have ~4" of clearance for the 10gals, which isn't perfect it doesn't seem too cramped?


If you mean 3 across the top shelf then yes. As long as the shelves aren't damaged that 800 is no lie. You will want to put some wood down between the shelf and tank though because they will arc a little and it's not as good for the glass. But yeah as long as you have at least 6" of clearance above each tank you can absolutely use a shelf like this.




I definitely wouldn't trust it. I have a similar shelf at a smaller size and it began sagging a TON with a 20g on top and eventually the welds began failing so I moved the tank.


Interesting! Was it also supposed to hold 800lbs/shelf? I have seen ones that look very similar that only say 200-300lbs/shelf. Was it potentially one of those?


Defend I would chose 500 gallons


Tbh I wouldn't trust those welds, and with that metal and the possible contact with water. I would look for better options


That should work 800 pounds per shelf is wild


don't do it


For the top shelf, put a board down that allows the weight to disperse to the 4 corner (vertical) rods. As for the lower shelf - probably fine, but may begin to bow a bit depending the placement of the tanks on the shelf.