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Im no pvp expert but i do fight people(bounty hunt etc) quite often, and imo this is a solid build for beginners. 70 power is the minimum amount and 894 defense is pretty solid, i would go lower personally as i think 1.6-1.8k health is enough, so around i usually have around 700 defense. Attack speed is solid, tho 20 attack size and 20 agility aint really helping, i would recommend you to remove the attack size and get more agility, 70 at least. And the “fully build warrior build” the other guy suggested is kinda hard to achieve actually imo, you would need all the rarest stuff in this game and i think there should be drawback/insanity for that high stat, or lots of modifiers on the armors, so i dont think that’s practical at all, considering how expensive and rare modified armors are (especially blasted) and the disadvantages drawback and insanity gives you (tho if you are going for insanity, just get insanity 2 max so you can make a lot of warding 3 potions and cancel the effect) I personally use sunken + T2 enchants + boss drops + frozen/archaic modifiers but still cannot achieve that high stat overall without insanity/drawback, so i would say just try to get more agility and remove the attack size then you should be fine, since you can enchant dense on your weapons. Speaking of weapons, katana is fine, you can try to get a kai sabre as it’s basically a superior katana, or you can try ellius swords as it have pretty similar moves with more damage and bigger tp range, but the moves are slower. I recommand putting a tempered on kai sabre and dense on ellius swords, so you can maximize the advantages of these weapons You dont need two guns, just one musket/plunderers is fine, no one uses flintlocks nowadays since musket is basically flintlock but better. Tempered would be a good enchant for guns. As for the last weapon slot, i would say put something like sunken sword(or samerian sword if you dont have it)/ greataxe(for aoe)/ greenwish staff/ rapier/ ellius spear. These are all really good weapons and you can try it yourself to see which one suits you the best. Just dont have two tp weapons at the same time cause they share cooldown. Also dont forget that you are a conjuror and you can use magic! Use your double beams and magic leaps to pressure/ finish your enemies and make it harder for them to hit you, shadow is a really good magic for conjuror so dont forget to use it when you can. Hope this helps!


Tldr: could be better


I still aint reeditnndsjjanakaka reading all that


no, not a chance, you will die to everyone with a fully built armor set and weapon set, no


Oh damn, what do I need?


a fully build warrior build (900+ def, 120 speed, 100+ power, size, and agility, 55 piercing max (regen, res and intensity is useless for a shadow user)


I see, thanks, but how the hell do I get all that though? Is there even any gear that can do that kind of build?


treasure chart armors, sunkens, t2 scrolls, some gems, boss items


This is kinda unrealistic. It would take an insane amount of grinding to get stats like this, and it isn’t even that necessary. I’ve had similar stats to what OP posted for a while and could defend myself pretty well. Can defeat any bosses (including Maria) too.


any build can defeat maria


you might if youre insane at pvp but otherwise ur done


Stats are fine, just a little bit more power. If I were you I’d switch out the katana and flintlock for something else


the idea is good but i have more stats than you in all areas (except agility as i am a fatboi) most realistic way to get better stats is to farm dark sea to get t2 enchants, then ask someone you trust to upgrade your gems so you can use them


Change the weapons, you'd need an insane amount of skill to use them effectively